Jahonabegim’s World @jahonas_world Channel on Telegram

Jahonabegim’s World


University of Missouri '26🇺🇸
Inspiration and study vibes only🪄
Personal blog
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Jahonabegim’s World (English)

Welcome to Jahonabegim’s World, a Telegram channel dedicated to sharing the experiences and insights of a student at the University of Missouri ‘26. Through this channel, you will find a mix of inspiration and study vibes to keep you motivated and focused on your own academic journey. Whether you are a current student, aspiring student, or simply curious about university life, this channel offers a glimpse into the day-to-day experiences at one of America's prestigious institutions.

Follow along as Jahonabegim shares her personal blog posts, reflections, and tips for navigating university life. From time management strategies to study hacks, she offers valuable advice to help you succeed in your academic pursuits.

Join this community of learners and achievers to connect with like-minded individuals who are dedicated to personal growth and academic excellence. Engage with the content, ask questions, and share your own experiences to contribute to a supportive and inspiring online environment.

For those interested in advertising opportunities, reach out to @jahonasworldads to promote your products or services to a targeted audience of students and education enthusiasts. Don't miss out on this chance to connect with a community that values learning, growth, and positivity. Join Jahonabegim’s World today and embark on a journey of self-improvement and academic success!

Jahonabegim’s World

25 Nov, 01:45

Plans of Mizzou family made it out of the chat!🏖️✈️

Jahonabegim’s World

20 Nov, 15:53

Agar freshman yilimga shu mindset bilan qayta olsam, kòproq muvaffaqiyatga erishgan bòlardim.

Omma oldida fikr bildirish, xato qilishdan qòrqish bularning barchasi boshqalarga aqlliroq kórinish, yomon taasurot qoldirmaslik uchun harakatdir. Nimaga hali òzimizda yòq bòlgan reputationni himoya qilishga harakat qilamiz? Universitet bu obroyimizni yaratadigan joy, uni himoya qiladigan emas.

Jahonabegim’s World

20 Nov, 05:46

❗️"Amerikada talaba hayoti!" - Jahonabegim Madrahimova bilan

🎙Moderator -
Shodiyor | Grants_Hunter
🖥 Manzil:
🗓Bugun, 20 - noyabr, soat 19: 00

@grants_hunter - join us!

Jahonabegim’s World

20 Nov, 01:04

What an affirmation🫶🏼

Remember you’re more than a % or letter grade!

Jahonabegim’s World

18 Nov, 18:18

❗️Diqqat, Diqqat ❗️
20 - noyabr (chorshanba), 19:00ni band qilib qo'ying!

Biz suhbatlar tashkil etishda davom etamiz! Navbatdagi spikerimiz - Jahonabegim Madrahimova

🗣 Jahonabegim Madrahimova:
- AQSH, University of Missouri- Columbia, Siyosatshunoslik yònalishi talabasi
- "El-Yurt Umidi" davlat granti sohibasi
- "International Merit Scholarship"
- " Dean’s Honor List Awards" 2022/23/24
- "Best Diplomats" Dubai simulation conference delegate
-"HPAIR" Harvard Project for Asian and International Relations program delegate
-"Certified Human Rights Consultant" US Institute of Diplomacy and Human Rights, Washington DC

❗️Suhbat mavzusi: Amerikada talaba hayoti

🎙Moderator -
Shodiyor | Grants Hunter
🖥 Suhbat manzili:
Vaqti: 19:00, 20 - noyabr, chorshanba

Follow on: Telegram | Youtube | Mentorlik xizmatlari | Ads_Service

Jahonabegim’s World

18 Nov, 07:27


Jahonabegim’s World

18 Nov, 07:22

Bayroq - bu suverenitet.
Bayroq - bu mustaqillik.
Bayroq - bu mamlakatning dunyo arenasidagi tamsili.

Hammasidan ham muhimi, Bayroq bu jamlanishdir.

Istagim bugun bu mamlakatdagi har bir vatandosh muqaddas bayrog'imiz ortida bir maqsadda birlashsa.

Yo'llarda, uylarda, binolarda hilpirab tursa va har gal unga qaragan vatandosh ayni maqsadlarni ko’nglidan o’tkazsa.

Bayram muborak, vatandosh.
Suverenitet boqiy, Vatan esa omon bo'lsin!

Jahonabegim’s World

18 Nov, 06:58

Today is the day of my French speaking exam, and the last class together. I have mixed emotions about it. On one hand, I’m happy to be finishing this class, but on the other hand, I feel sad to say goodbye to my favorite subject. I’ve been taking this course for three semesters, and throughout this journey, all of my classmates have been the same. We’ve grown so close that we truly feel like a family. Our professor said that this is his best class yet, and he knows it will be difficult for him to part with us.

Même si je passe à autre chose, la langue et la culture françaises resteront toujours dans mon cœur. À bientôt, le français—j'ai hâte de te retrouver!♥️🇫🇷

Jahonabegim’s World

14 Nov, 05:25

Boston is my forever favorite city. I have been there only for three days, but it already felt like home. I remember crying at the airport not wanting to leave. That’s a special city. You go there, and you leave piece of your heart. And that piece of heart will definitely call you back someday, believe me♥️

Wanted to share some throwback memories. May you also get the chance to visit Boston!

Jahonabegim’s World

13 Nov, 22:37

8 YouTube-каналов на английском для любителей истории: учим язык и занимаемся любимым хобби ⚡️

📍 Timeline — World History Documentaries
Канал посвященный увлекательным историческим событиям, личностям и культурам со всего мира. Здесь можно найти захватывающие документальные фильмы, которые рассказывают историю, охватывая от древних цивилизаций до современных событий.

📍 Absolute History
Канал погружает зрителей в различные исторические периоды, раскрывая неизвестные факты и уникальные истории прошлого.

📍 See U in History
Увлекательный канал, в котором собраны короткие видео с анимациями, рассказывающие о мифологических существах и персонажах разных культур.

📍 The History Guy
На канале доступны короткие и информативные видео, которые погружают в интересные, но редко обсуждаемые моменты прошлого.

📍 SandRhoman History
Автор снимает подробные и увлекательные видео о древних цивилизациях, римской истории и ключевых исторических событиях. Канал фокусируется на анализе важных аспектов истории с акцентом на Римскую империю и ее наследие.

📍 toldinstone
Канал о истории и археологии, который рассказывает о древних цивилизациях и интересных исторических находках.

📍 House of History
На канале собраны захватывающие документальные фильмы о ключевых событиях и личностях мировой истории.

📍 Curious Droid
Канал о науке и технологиях, который сочетает современные темы с историческим контекстом. Здесь можно найти видео, охватывающие широкий спектр вопросов, от истории науки и технологий до их влияния на наш мир сегодня.

А по этой ссылке вы найдете бесплатные ресурсы, чтобы увеличить словарный запас на английском языке.


Больше на @we_project

Jahonabegim’s World

12 Nov, 07:18

Sometimes we forget how lucky we are to be able to study.

Reminder: Everything is a privilege.
•Being able to afford a university is a privilege.
•Going to lectures is a privilege.
•Having professors is a privilege.
•Taking notes by your hand is a privilege.
•Having notebooks is a privilege.

Jahonabegim’s World

11 Nov, 07:06

I want to live in the world where parents will never be the burden to their children’s dreams. A world where love is measured not by sacrifice, but by the support and freedom.

I want to live in a world where every child feels empowered. A world where conversations revolve around possibilities rather than limitations.

I want to live in a world where parents celebrate their children's individuality. A world where failures are seen as stepping stones rather than disappointments.

I want to live in a world where the cycle of expectation is broken. A world where every child knows they are enough just as they are.


Jahonabegim’s World

09 Nov, 03:27

love my space.

Jahonabegim’s World

08 Nov, 19:55

Markaziy Osiyo geosiyosatida suvdan foydalanishdagi muammolar

Suv stress"i 2040-yilga borib Markaziy Osiyoda eng yuqori koʻrsatkichni tashkil etadimi?

"Orol dengizi"ning "Orol choʻli"ga aylanishida kimlar aybdor?!

Transchegaraviy daryolardan foydalanish qanday shartlarni talab etadi?

"Tolibon" harakati tomonidan amalga oshirilayotgan "Qoʻshtepa" loyihasi ishga tushsa Oʻzbekiston suvsiz qoladimi?

Suvdan foydalanishdagi kelishmovchiliklar qardosh xalqlar oʻrtasida qonli nizolarni keltirib chiqarganmi?

Mazkur maqolada siz shu va shu kabi savollarga javob olishinggiz mumkin.

👉 Maqola bilan batafsil tanishing

Jahonabegim’s World

08 Nov, 16:55

🌐 Experience a Semester in the U.S. with the Prestigious Global UGRAD Program

Are you a college student eager to explore new cultures, expand your education, and make a global impact?

The Global UGRAD Program offers you the chance to study in the United States for a semester—ALL expenses covered!

Program Benefits:
- Full Academic Scholarship: Covers tuition, fees, and academic materials.
- Cultural Exchange: Experience U.S. traditions and culture, with opportunities to engage in community service and learn outside the classroom.
- Professional Development: Participate in workshops and develop leadership, communication, and critical skills for your future.
- Living Essentials Provided: Health insurance, accommodation, and a monthly stipend to support daily living expenses.

Application Period for 2025-2026: November 1 – December 15, 2024

Find out more about the program through the roadmap on our website.

@unicrafters | unicraft.uz

Jahonabegim’s World

07 Nov, 22:11

Felt like a therapy for me. I wish I had someone to tell me this before going abroad.

You need a real sister advice? Go and watch this episode.

Jahonabegim’s World

07 Nov, 22:10


Jahonabegim’s World

06 Nov, 23:42

My personal stance on Starbucks boycott situation.

What I want to say is that many people don’t fact check information from TikTok or Instagram reels, or don’t realize they’re avoiding a brand that’s not connected to the Israel-Palestine conflict. Even Uzbekistan's political stance was neutral at the beginning of the war. Only recently President changed the position of the country to directly support Palestine. Then what should we expect from Starbucks? Starbucks isn't a politically affliated company, and their workers have no right to use Starbucks's name on expressing a stance on this biggest political conflict without consent to do so. Starbucks has never explicitly shown support for either side of the conflict, and the corporation has never funded or shared profits with Israel, according to Starbucks Stories & News, the company’s official website. These facts disrupt the very basis of many arguments advocating for boycotts.

As social media is overhyping the boycott of Starbucks during this period, no one is willing to do the proper research before taking a stance on a topic regarding this complex conflict.

I want to clarify that my stance is not to deny the importance of supporting Palestine. I strongly oppose the actions that Israel is taking in Palestine, which I view as deeply unjust and inhumane. However, when examining the case of the Starbucks boycott, I aim to approach it with objective analysis, focusing on facts rather than emotions.

Jahonabegim’s World

06 Nov, 23:40

Does Starbucks Politically support Israel?
In 2023, Starbucks condemned and sued Starbucks Workers United over a tweet posted on October 7 with the text “Solidarity with Palestine!” alongside an image of a bulldozer breaking through the Gaza fence. Starbucks accused the union of showing “support for violence perpetrated by Hamas” and claimed that the lawsuit was necessary to protect itself against the unauthorized use of its name and logo. In response, the union accused Starbucks of “seeking to exploit the ongoing tragedy in Gaza and Israel to bolster an anti-union campaign … by falsely attacking the union’s reputation with workers and the public.” But Starbucks claims to be neutral and insists that it has “no political agenda .”

Does it financially support Israel? Starbucks does not fund or provide direct financial support to Israel, and it hasn’t had any stores located in Israel since 2003. In late 2023, Starbucks was compelled to issue a statement insisting that “despite false statements spread through social media, Starbucks has never contributed to any government or military operation in any way.” Instead along with global licensee partners, it has provided over $3 million to World Central Kitchen to provide more than 1 million meals to families in Gaza. 

But there might be some potential indirect contribution by former CEO and some current stakeholders of Starbucks.
1. The Vanguard Group holds approximately 90.5 million shares of Starbucks (7.7%),and is also a top shareholder in Elbit Systems, Israel’s largest weapons company.
2. BlackRock holds approx. 84.3 million shares of Starbucks (7.2%), and is also a top shareholder in Lockheed Martin, which produces fighter jets for the Israeli military and boasts of being “proud of the significant role it has fulfilled in the security of the State of Israel.”

However, these linkages are not because of the actions of Starbucks or its current leadership, but instead reflect the actions of its major investors and we don't have any reliable info if they support it with the money coming from Starbucks.

Jahonabegim’s World

06 Nov, 22:17

Little out of topic, but do you think that boycotting Starbucks is actually right? If someone did research on this your opinion is highly appreciated.

Jahonabegim’s World

06 Nov, 21:13

As of November 6, 2024, former President Donald Trump has been declared the winner of the U.S. presidential election, defeating Vice President Kamala Harris. This victory is a significant political comeback for Trump.

In the congressional races, Republicans have regained control of the Senate, securing key seats in states such as West Virginia and Ohio. The House of Representatives remains uncertain, as final results are pending and vote counting continues.

If both the Senate and the House of Representatives have a Republican majority while a Republican president is in office, there'll be some potential problems awaiting the US in the long run.

•Republicans will be able to pass laws so easily with conservative composition of both chambers as they don't have a strong opposition from democrats.

• President assigns and Senate approves federal and supreme court justices. Meaning we might have more appointment of conservative judges who’ll favor secret desires of Trump.

•As for foreign policy shifts it may include reducing foreign aid, taking a harder stance on China, and pursuing tougher immigration policies. Trump promised the largest deportation of immigrants in American history.

Jahonabegim’s World

06 Nov, 05:03

If this prediction of Simpsons turns out right, I’m gonna rewatch this series, I promise 🙌🏻

Jahonabegim’s World

06 Nov, 04:51

We’re witnessing historical moments!

Who do you think will win this year’s election?

Jahonabegim’s World

05 Nov, 23:10


Jahonabegim’s World

05 Nov, 19:46

How to Apply Law 7 (ethically, of course!):

• Surround yourself with talented people. Build a team of skilled individuals who can contribute their expertise to your projects.
• Assign tasks that match people's strengths and interests. Provide clear instructions and support, but also allow for autonomy.
• While you take the credit for the overall success, be sure to acknowledge the contributions of those who helped you along the way. This fosters goodwill and encourages continued collaboration.
•Identify your own strengths and focus on the tasks that only you can do.

Don't reinvent the wheel. Learn from the mistakes and successes of those who came before you.

P.s still reading "48 laws of Power" by Robert Greene. Started applying them in my life. Every law is the complete opposite of my true personality. But I understood that my naive and soft character won’t get me anything in this life.

Jahonabegim’s World

05 Nov, 01:43

Fall is perfectly falling at Mizzou.
I’m welcoming my 3rd fall here. We have the most beautiful fall, I bet you.

Jahonabegim’s World

05 Nov, 01:41

You have your snacks. Hot chocolate. Favorite series that you’re obsessed with. Your room is perfectly clean. You don’t have any assignment till Friday. It’s raining outside.

This is the life I’ve been waiting for so long♥️

Jahonabegim’s World

28 Oct, 06:33

Birthday recap with Mizzou family

2024- version.
Memories from 27.10.

Jahonabegim’s World

27 Oct, 07:27

Season 20, Episode 1.

Teenage years just expired.

Jahonabegim’s World

21 Oct, 18:59

Garvard Universitetidan Aspire Leaders bepul dasturi | 2025

- bakalavriat talabalari yoki yaqinda bitirganlar (3 yildan ortiq bo'lmagan)
- 18 yoshdan 29 yoshgacha
- past daromadli talabalar

Dastur doirasida talabalar:
- To'liq moliyalashtirilgan GarvardX kurslari va etakchilikni rivojlantirish vositalariga kirish huquqiga ega bo'ling
- Garvard va boshqa jahon miqyosidagi universitetlar o'qituvchilari bilan seminarlarda onlayn ishtirok eting
- Global tengdoshlar hamjamiyati bilan virtual sinfda fikr almashish

Deadline: 4 - dekabr

@grants_hunter - join us!

Jahonabegim’s World

21 Oct, 18:32

Background of justices:

Although justices may come from modest beginnings, most achieve high financial status.Many justices are multimillionaires, with some significantly increasing their wealth through book royalties during their serve.

The current Supreme Court (2022–2023) is the most racially and economically diverse in history. However, justices remain an elite group, with most attending Ivy League universities and prestigious law schools (mainly Harvard,Yale and Oxford).

6 out of 9 justices earned their degrees in Harvard Law School.

So, you know what I mean?

Jahonabegim’s World

21 Oct, 18:15

Interesting facts:

1. 104 out pf 114 justices who’ve served on the Supreme Court have died in office.
2. Only one justice was impeached in history of the US

Mazza, tòg’rimi?

Jahonabegim’s World

21 Oct, 18:07

Supreme Court Exam Question :
How accountable are Supreme Court Justices once they are confirmed to the bench? Explain your answer.

Answer: Justices serve for life, unless they resign or are impeached. This means they are not subject to regular elections or performance reviews like other government officials. Also, its stated that there are no formal ethical rules imposed on Supreme Court justices. They voluntarily follow certain guidelines, but there is no mechanism to enforce these guidelines or hold justices accountable for ethical violations. So, I think that they are less accountable.

Jahonabegim’s World

21 Oct, 17:45

Justices are appointed by Presidents and confirmed by Senate.

Justices here aren’t selected solely based on their qualifications, experience and legal expertise.

Meaning Supreme Court is NOT a meritocracy which is appointing justices based on political affiliation, personal connections and other non-merit factors. Presidents often prioritize those who share their political ideations through their appointments to the Court.

In Uzbek we call this tanish bilish. Here in America it’s nepotism ( opposite of meritocracy )

Jahonabegim’s World

21 Oct, 17:35

Supreme Court Exam question:
What is one criterion that is very important to all presidents when making Supreme Court nominations, starting with George Washington? What does this criterion mean?  Give an example to illustrate.

Answer: Presidents seek to nominate individuals whose views on key legal and political issues align with their own. The goal is to appoint justices who will interpret the Constitution and federal laws in a way that supports the president's policy agenda. President Donald Trump made it clear that he wanted to appoint justices who would overturn Roe v. Wade, the landmark decision legalizing abortion. He successfully nominated Neil Gorsuch, Brett Kavanaugh, and Amy Coney Barrett, all of whom had demonstrably conservative records on abortion and other social issues.

Jahonabegim’s World

19 Oct, 17:03

She found her new hobby📌🗂️
Criminal mind obsession has gone so far.
Can’t wait to buy next series of unsolves case series.