WakeUpéiRe @itwontendtillweriseup Channel on Telegram



We are out and about in Dublin and surrounding Counties all the time. If you would like to get involved please visit https://www.wakeupeire.com/

WakeUpéiRe (English)

Are you looking to make a difference in Dublin and its surrounding Counties? Look no further than WakeUpéiRe! This Telegram channel, under the username @itwontendtillweriseup, is dedicated to raising awareness and taking action on important issues in the community. Whether it's environmental conservation, social justice, or community development, WakeUpéiRe is at the forefront of making positive change. Through this channel, you can stay updated on upcoming events, volunteer opportunities, and ways to get involved. If you're passionate about making a difference and want to be part of a dedicated community of changemakers, then join WakeUpéiRe today! Visit our website at https://www.wakeupeire.com/ to learn more and get started on your journey towards a better future.


28 Dec, 13:19



28 Dec, 08:52

Did You Know?

Digital Currency

The Reserve Bank will have TOTAL control over your money and spending, leaving people vulnerable to government sanctioned abuse.

It is communism to force people to go cashless when they dont want to, going cashless means having to use power to operate your digital devices


Bank for International Settlements head Agustin Carstens about CBDC and control


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27 Dec, 16:56

👆👆👆.. Know who else knows ? Dozens of people who ran for political office recently and done the states biding by shutting their mouth and not putting it on their campaign resources. All the while the people rock up for more genocide juice.. I hope i live long enough to witness the backlash for the paypal patriots.


27 Dec, 16:48

Another single vehicle crash, stockhole lane near Dublin airport, December 24th.

Like the many well-publicised misattributed Covid deaths, many of these accidents are recorded as traffic accidents when in reality they are very likely to be Covid vax related, strokes or heart attacks etc. Hopefully the person survived.

Personally (and I do not exaggerate here) I have seen the aftermath of six or seven single vehicle car accidents since the intentionally harmful vaccines rolled out. Including one huge articulated lorry off the road in a field near Dundalk. I don't work as a driver, these are serious numbers. I had seen one maybe in the twenty years previous.

Two friends/acquaintances of the family were rushed to hospital because of lung blood clots in the run up to Christmas.

The government knows. The media knows. The medical establishment knows. Politicians know something is up. GPs know. Priests know. All churches know. Everyone knows, and most people say absolutely nothing. It's a horror show.


27 Dec, 14:38

Anyone out there with a good knowledge of WordPress and would like to help us with our website please give me an email [email protected].


26 Dec, 13:32

It’s been almost 5 years of a relentless psychological warfare onslaught, and how many of us have woken up on so many different levels? How many of us have come to feel that previous to this we were pure eejits, clueless to the deep, intricate weave of deception in our world, to the fact that the majority of the people in official Ireland, and many in unofficial Ireland, are cheering in the civilisation-crushing NWO? The last 5 years have brought so many of us to face the stark reality that almost everything is rigged to facilitate evil under an elaborate scheme of sugar-coated virtue signalling.

To anyone who has knowingly worked to lead people away from the sane and healthy intelligence that operates within ordinary humans, to anyone who worked to capture and manipulate our earnest fightback thrust, or our basic impulse to do the right thing:
You are personally responsible for your actions and omissions. An intelligent person will get their house in order before it is too late. The Globalists will spit you out when you have done what you were tasked to do, their club is small, they were never going to truly let you in. The ordinary people will eat you alive when they know how you betrayed them. Any which way you play it, there will be a time when you realise that you picked the wrong side, and there will be a reckoning.

From ‘A Christmas Carol’ by Charles Dickens

Scrooge in conversation with the Ghost of Christmas Past:
‘You are fettered," said Scrooge, trembling. "Tell me why?"
"I wear the chain I forged in life," replied the Ghost. "I made it link by link, and yard by yard; I girded it on of my own free will, and of my own free will I wore it.’


25 Dec, 21:51

Did You Know?

Col Fletcher Prouty, Former Airforce Colonel, who served as Chief of Special Operations for the Joint Chief of Staff under President John F Kennedy, explains how oil was falsely classified a "fossil fuel" by scientists. These scientists were paid to make these claims


Irish Independent 👀🗞

The Government’s climate advisers have set a 15-year deadline for ending the use of fossil fuels, saying Ireland must phase out oil and gas.


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25 Dec, 12:33

🤗😇 Have you seen this??
*WakeUpéiRe* sent you a special surprise message
💁 *Open This*


24 Dec, 17:14

In the bowels of your knowing soul there are plain pieces of knowledge that persist no matter what. It’s got nothing to do with you and your charade of many selves, it’s the primordial bedrock of things that are right, things that just are, that cannot be owned, or belong to any one person. Things from which we borrow our breath, our life force, and our basic dignity.

All the bits and pieces of your personal and social life are just a digital moment that flickers and dies. The joke of the here and now is that it is only a game-show, suctioning your energy and attention, luring you to play for the dazzling prize.

Yeah…but your soul is observing, with radical precision, and it does not miss a beat. Sometimes in a useless moment, your soul becomes audible, with lips pursed and an omniscient tut-tut, ‘Who on earth do you think you’re fooling girl?’

The great revolution of our world is occurring with the increase in the number of people who can stay with the edgy uncomfortableness of their own tut-tutting, the place where there is nothing to hold onto — a constant no-comfort zone.

It’s like a stock market crash, where all the precious investments in your persona have gone belly up. You have nothing, you have been reduced. You could be a gawky fumbling chicken, head bopping from side to side, hideous to others and clueless that you are to be someone else’s dinner.

Your facades have crashed, and so now there is a chance that unfettered primordial wisdom can come through you. You might do some tiny spur-of-the-moment action that is nothing more than beautiful compassion flowing freely through humanity. You can be a channel for the things that are right.

This is radical faith. This is when the temporal identities and personas ain’t got nothing to say.
This is the power and beauty of humanity. This is ours.

This is what Globalists fear most.


24 Dec, 09:55

We At Wake Up éiRe Know That The Most Effective Way To Do It, Is To Do It.” 

“Together we’re

Amelia Earhart

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23 Dec, 22:29

A Christmas message to all who love her.

There is an ancient land,
Shattered by the waves,
Blessed by the light,
A land where nature rains,
Above the future and the past,

Happy Christmas and New year to all.

Redboar 🐗


23 Dec, 21:31

Barry here is your long lost brother in the US. Lol


23 Dec, 21:31

Have a Merry Christmas… And This Guys Still Right…


23 Dec, 15:52

Exposing the tools being used to implement the Globalist new world order (NWO) schemes, and documenting the unfolding consequences for the people of the world. There is a lot to see on this website, it may seem overwhelming, but please persist with the difficult information. Use the categories menu and search bar to browse. Take one subject, view some of the content we present, think about it, talk with others, and see if it makes sense. Then examine establishment/media information and see if you discern lies or not. https://www.wakeupeire.com/


23 Dec, 12:10

We would like to thank all the volunteers for their selfless work during 2024. Your willingness to continue to go out into the public space and present your concerns for instant dialogue and debate is a rare and beautiful thing..

We have traveled the country together, and met many wonderful people who have hosted the WakeUpéiRe crew in their town. Together we handed out 100s of 1000s of leaflets and had many heartbreaking conversations with C-19 injection bereaved/Injured.
At times we all want to quit, but like all loving families we help each other with the crushing emotions that come with our work.
We thank everyone who attended an information drop, held a board, handed out a leaflet or worked anonymously in the background on the many projects we undertook.
We wish you all a very merry Christmas ❤️


23 Dec, 05:00

Did You Know?

0.4% - A Quick Look at the Composition of the Earth's Atmosphere and Carbon Dioxide Levels

This short video is to show those people who have been fear-mongered to death about their carbon foot-print, and gives a quick look at the composition of the earth's atmosphere

It asks in the video "how stupid do they think we are?"






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+44 28 90 323552

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22 Dec, 17:26

5G Is essentially the tool that will provide the grid structure for 24hr-7day a week bio-digital control of the human race. We implore you to research this harmful technology and start taking steps to safeguard your loved ones. Some presentations in the link https://www.wakeupeire.com/5g-highlights/


22 Dec, 16:20

CHEMTRAILS – Are You Being Sprayed Like a Bug? https://www.wakeupeire.com/2023/09/10/chemtrails-are-you-being-sprayed-like-a-bug/


05 Dec, 18:21



05 Dec, 13:19

Meet some of our volunteers. They have pounded the Streets for almost 3 years. If you would like to join us, all we ask, is that you have a desire to work directly in the public space. There are no leaders to follow, we just ask for participation. https://wakeupeire.com/wakeupeire-com-volunteer-testimonials/ Share on X https://x.com/WakeUpeiReIE/status/1864660607737254349


05 Dec, 05:49

Save your freedom.



Beyond The Great Reset


The BIG questions that need answering about Smart Cities????

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04 Dec, 07:06



04 Dec, 06:49

The BIG questions that need answering about Smart Cities






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03 Dec, 21:29

For me, the most impressive and by far the most interesting result from the election was that of Cathy Lynch, who ran in Wokesville Central Dun Laoghaire. Cathy had no more than a couple of hundred quid, no posters, a mere 3,000 leaflets, 1,000 of which were left over from her Local Election Campaign. Despite having no campaign, and no resources, she managed 648 No. 1’s, making her one of the best performers for the National Alliance by a wide margin. So, what did Cathy do different with no money and no profile? My own take on Cathy’s performance is this. For her Local Election Campaign back in May, all Cathy had was 5,000 Leaflets and 10 days to hand them out. She managed to get out 4,000 leaflets, hence she had 1,000 left to use for the Generals. The key to Cathy's superb showing, which was way above people who had much more of a profile and a chunky purse to go with it, is what was written on her Campaign Leaflet back in May. Cathy did not produce a bog standard flimsy political leaflet with silly one liners, which is just a replica of what the Demociders have been producing for decades. Cathy wrote six chunky paragraphs, about how she honestly views world events, and she did not dodge the unspeakable topic of C-19 Injections, Excess Deaths or the Pandemic that never was. Overall, Cathy gave an honest account of what she thinks, she didn’t sell herself short by playing PLEASE LIKE ME, WITH HER AUDIANCE. She gave an honest account of herself; she was genuine, and that is what people are craving. There is a notion doing the rounds amongst the current opposition leaders, that middle Ireland is stupid and not capable of reading a well-crafted, well- written leaflet that has a bit of weight to it, i say it could be they who are stupid and maybe incapable of producing the content needed to reach middle Ireland. I know Cathy personally and WakeUpéiRe has benefitted greatly by her volunteer work with us, so yes I am biased, but in my opinion, Cathy Lynch approached all this on a completely different frequency than all other candidates, and with a mere couple of hundred quid and 3,000 leaflets she outperformed almost all of them in the wokest of places. There are several lessons to be learned in this, for me the main one is, all eggs in the immigration issue at the cost of highlighting the on going genocide is simply not good enough and will never be allowed triumph. We either get busy calling out the genocide at whatever the cost, or we get what we deserve, it’s not like we are short on actual real-life evidence. Well done Cathy Lynch, I already knew she has the right kind of stuff.


03 Dec, 18:12

If you go to one demonstration and then go home, that's something, but the people in power can live with that. What they can't live with is sustained pressure that keeps building, organisations that keep doing things, people that keep learning lessons from the last time and doing it better the next time.
Noam Chomsky


03 Dec, 13:31



02 Dec, 12:20

There are two lies, if revealed to the masses correctly, would have the demociders running for cover.

1. There simply was no deadly pandemic in Ireland.

2. The C-19 injection medical rape of the world was intended to kill and harm.

The evidence is everywhere, we even have millions of dead and injured, yet they still encourage the people to take more.

It's apparent that a lot of well meaning, good intentioned people are presenting themselves as a solution, but they are being directed to not talk about these things by a handful of people who are operating on the same frequency as the politicos who allowed this horror to happen. Half truths, bits of truth = same old, same old.

It is also worth nothing that the vast majority of the 'Don't talk about it brigade' didn't take the injection, so for them, it's a completely different ball game. They seem content to play to the paddle pool audience and avoid the ocean at all costs.

Since May 2022, I became acutely aware that the only people who can get justice for the medical rape are the ones who got raped. The travesty was, and still is, that it is up to the unraped to tell them they were raped, and we aren't doing it effectively.

After 4 years of countless podcasts to the same audience, it's time to admit it isn't working, or maybe it is working exactly as planned?

The pipers have had centuries to hone their talents and build this EMPIRE OF LIES. We can't win by playing our tunes on their frequencies in their concert halls.


01 Dec, 22:34

I suppose, now is time for me to go back to my day job. https://soundcloud.com/berthmarkmusic/i-will-make-you-feel?in=berthmarkmusic/sets/original-singles&utm_source=clipboard&utm_medium=text&utm_campaign=social_sharing


01 Dec, 21:18

We are always looking for help with ongoing projects and ideas for new ones. All Gods creatures have a place in the choir https://www.wakeupeire.com/category/get-involved/


01 Dec, 19:45

The Illusion of Democracy: How We Serve the System While the System Serves the Rich https://www.wakeupeire.com/2024/11/30/the-illusion-of-democracy-how-we-serve-the-system-while-the-system-serves-the-rich/


01 Dec, 19:27

It was susssed Hutch was there to scupper Malachy. There was time to stick a leaflet in every door down there telling the people of the plan or paid facebook adds etc. Good old fashioned boots on the ground talking to the people is going to have a make a huge comeback if middle Ireland is to be reached. The Black mirror has us all trapped in the illusion of progress without having to get uncomfortable.


01 Dec, 18:19

'Vaccine injury McGinty' aside, I banged on about candidates talking publicly about vaccine injuries in the run up to this election for a long time. Guaranteed media coverage and profile, and guaranteed votes. If this is a short Dáil as I reckon it will be, hopefully some candidates might do it the next time.


01 Dec, 14:09



01 Dec, 12:31

People still believe that ‘Covid’ was a serious health threat in Ireland, and this allows them to excuse the injection deaths (21,000) as the lesser of two evils — an unfortunate side-effect of combatting the plague.

This whistleblower nurse video provides concise, factual details of C-19 hospital practices (such as nebuliser therapy withheld from patients with lung disease) that conscientiously deconstruct the official Irish ‘Covid’ lie.

If we had got more of these professionals’ or victims’ true accounts to the public, we could have intelligently deconstructed the Irish propaganda machine, saved lives in Ireland, and consolidated a powerful, evidence-based fightback with the unstoppable clarity and integrity that naturally arises from lived experiences of atrocities.

I believe if our fightback groupthink had evolved from the ground up, from
victims and whistleblowers, we would have had different election results yesterday. Revolution is a bottom-up dynamic, not a top-down process.

One video speaker was working on many official investigations with alarmed nurses and carers who told her insider accounts from C-19, unhealthy hospital practices.

Too many of us fighters glitched over the gold on the ground in Ireland, or maybe got lured by the prospect of smoother victory in a different battle, emigration not genocide…



01 Dec, 06:15

The dangers of 5G and Radio Frequency Radiation

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30 Nov, 08:53

Today at 3pm at his home in Dundrum we are gathering to remember our great friend and founding member Philly Dee. We all found each other through our shared repulsion at the medical rape of éiRe. When we decided to stick our heads up Philip, like the rest of us was adamant that the main objective was to stop people taking more of the C-19 Injections. Philip was brilliant when talking to the people, he was caring and kind when delivering his truths. He never backed down when faced with anger and denial. He held his ground when debating with those who perceived themselves above us. He was a true empath who loved his country. In the fullness of time it will be noted that Philip Dowling helped save lives. All Philip's friends are welcome to join us.


30 Nov, 07:44

On the Extreme Dangers of Non-Ionised Radiation (4g, 5G & 6G) - Notice of liability, FOI (2024)




Ref: __EXTREME DANGERS OF RF 4G,5G and 6G - May 2024 (pdf) https://tinyurl.com/3sm5cn3v

Notice of Liability Main Form May 2024 (docx) https://tinyurl.com/365tauuv

Freedom of Information Request -Rollout 5G May 2024 (docx) https://tinyurl.com/2wfz…



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29 Nov, 19:55


Please let’s remember that some Irish medical professionals did speak out, did do the right thing, and did try to bring the truth about what was going on inside hospitals during Samdenic to the public. If we had managed to get the truth to more people we could have saved some from the massive propaganda machine frenzy. It was, and is, about information, true accounts from conscientious medical professionals and victims/bereaved. The individuals’ truths told by themselves. Unadorned integrity in Ireland.


29 Nov, 19:47

Philly Dees months mind is tomorrow at 3pm at his home in Dundrum. All friends of Philip are welcome. Send me a private message if you need the address. ❤️


29 Nov, 18:48

LMFM radio, the Voice of the North East is shamed by the ring of truth. Employees scurry away like frightened children and close window blinds, as if they can shut out the truth of their complicity in C-19-injection harms. Full Report from the day https://www.wakeupeire.com/2024/11/05/full-report-from-wakeupeires-excess-deaths-information-drop-in-drogheda-co-louth/


29 Nov, 12:34

Edel from the polling station in Meath.


29 Nov, 11:12

Best of luck to all who had the courage to challenge at the ballot box. The Demociders will be returned, but the 34th Dáil won't last 18 months, so there will be a more realistic chance soon ❤️


29 Nov, 05:28

Do Your Skies Look Like This?

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28 Nov, 08:56

Internet of Vehicles???

5G Horrors at every turn.The internet of things, people and now vehicles. Generating data, sending it to who? For what purpose? It is never for what they say it is. With the continuous development of 5G, we are entering the era of the Internet of Everything.

Working in tandem with...👇


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27 Nov, 18:03

Big thanks to the lads out and about in Dublin today putting up stickers to raise awareness ❤️ You can get Involved in a big or small way https://www.wakeupeire.com/category/get-involved/


27 Nov, 13:40

A dozen presentations for easy sharing covering Post C-19 Injection Cancer increase. https://wakeupeire.com/category/cancer-increase/


27 Nov, 13:28



27 Nov, 10:43

Over half of the people contacting us about C_19 Injection regret mention Luke O' Neills name.


27 Nov, 07:43

Climate Mind & Population Control = HAARP + CERN + Chemtrails



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26 Nov, 20:57



26 Nov, 20:25

Dubliner Margaret says "I had 8 sons, and had never been in hospital otherwise". She took the vaccine, had a stroke and woke up in hospital. She told every doctor ‘It was the vaccine’. They said, ‘Is that right?’ More C-19 Injection testimonies in the link https://www.wakeupeire.com/category/irish-covid-19-vaccine-injured/


12 Nov, 17:12

Hi folks this Limerick Lives Twitter https://x.com/Live95Limerick , if anyone is on X can you go on to their page and put this link into the comments section on a few of their posts https://x.com/WakeUpeiReIE/status/1856134509248307230


12 Nov, 16:41

🇮🇪 A List Of All Politicians Worth a Vote In all Areas

29th November 2024

I'm Sorry If I've Missed Any Candidates... Please Let Me Know I'll update

☂️ National Alliance
Ireland First
Irish National Party
The Irish People & Independents

Non National Alliance

🇮🇪 Irish Freedom Party
& Other Independents


12 Nov, 15:11


Dr Carrie Madej Shows What She Found In The Vials.

The Nanotechnology she shows you is the CRISPR GENE DRIVE



Apart from the elite who breed among themselves!

They have the perfect slave race lined up for the future generations!!!

That's what's in the pipeline.

This only works in sexualy reproducing species..

Because the offspring are born with the altered genetics that they in turn will pass down to their offspring!
Along with the Self Replicating Nanotechnology that sends and receives data!
Can be operated remotely!
New software can be downloaded!
Behaviour can be altered by altering gene expression!
They can choose what sex baby you will have!

They can control the slaves and the number of slaves!!

This is what the Rothschilds and their zionist friends have in store for us.

Dr. Carrie Madej Reveals Tentacled Self-Aware Organism👈

Gene editing 👈

Graphene in our meds 👈


12 Nov, 13:57

Please share the post to help raise awareness ❤️


12 Nov, 13:23

Missing girl folks. I hope they find her.


12 Nov, 00:47

WakeUpéiReOfficial on X: "WakeUpéiRe volunteers struggle to hold in their emotions, as they deliver their letter to the Irish Media outside Limerick live 95FM . We must never forget the roll all Irish Media played in this modern day eugenics programme. https://t.co/RZuWHO2gEy… #ExcessDeaths #Wakeupeire https://t.co/WyJe9JP7Sz" / X


11 Nov, 19:55



11 Nov, 11:33

WakeUpéiReOfficial (@WakeUpeiReIE) / X
We would appreciate a follow on X


11 Nov, 10:59

In August 2023 WakeUpéiRe held an Information Drop outside Tallaght Hospital to highlight 14,000 Excess Deaths. Roll on 16 months, and we now have over 20,500 Excess Deaths. Where is the outrage? see all the footage from the day https://wakeupeire.com/events/information-drop-tallaght-dublin-24-06-09-2023/


11 Nov, 09:25

Folks if you are from Fingal West why not come over say hi, and let us know, your concerns for your area. We need to work together to get those destroying this nation OUT. Thank you. Mj


11 Nov, 09:25



11 Nov, 00:10

Please share the post to help raise awareness ❤️


10 Nov, 23:45

How could you possibly disagree with this.? https://vm.tiktok.com/ZGdNqrkrA/


10 Nov, 17:02



10 Nov, 14:48

Our Defenders of the public go rogue and become the law instead of upholding the law..they do it why?because the people stay silent..


10 Nov, 14:36



10 Nov, 08:43

James Joyce is praised as one of the greats of English-language literature. He had to leave Ireland. He said of Ireland that she is the sow that eats her own farrow. We were inclined to censor or vilify the home-grown writers that the rest of the world recognised as the greats. That was our style, our post-colonial, dignity-bashing thinkosphere.