Welcome to the 🗼Paris مهاجرت فرانسه Telegram channel, managed by the username @"irtofr". This channel is dedicated to sharing the experiences of Iranians living in Paris, France. From the taste of French music to photos, videos, and tweets, you will get a glimpse into the daily lives of Iranians in Paris. Whether you are interested in learning about the key aspects of migration or seeking advice on acceptance from France, this channel has got you covered. For personalized consultation, you can contact @Apply_fr. Additionally, if you want to immerse yourself in the culture of France through music and subtitles in Persian and French, make sure to check out the Instagram page linked below: https://instagram.com/_u/frenchmusics. Stay updated on the latest immigration news and updates by following the Apply page on Instagram: https://instagram.com/_u/apply.fr. Join us on this exciting journey of exploration and discovery in the beautiful city of Paris!