iOS Automation Testing @ios_automation_testing Channel on Telegram

iOS Automation Testing


This channel is about ios automation. We have collected for you the most useful materials that will be useful for beginners and experienced SDET.

You can suggest materials for publication to @boris_lysikov

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iOS Automation Testing (English)

Are you interested in iOS automation testing? Look no further! The iOS Automation Testing channel is the perfect place for beginners and experienced SDET alike. Our team has carefully curated the most useful materials and resources to help you improve your skills and stay updated on the latest trends in iOS automation.

Whether you are just starting out or looking to enhance your knowledge, this channel has something for everyone. From tips and tricks to in-depth tutorials, we cover it all. Plus, if you have any materials you'd like to suggest for publication, you can reach out to @boris_lysikov.

Join our community of like-minded individuals who are passionate about iOS automation testing. Be part of the discussion on our companion channel at and connect with others who share your interests. Don't miss out on this valuable resource for all things iOS automation testing. Join us today and take your skills to the next level!

iOS Automation Testing

13 Jan, 09:00

#ENG #Article #Introducing
Getting started with UI Testing for SwiftUI

iOS Automation Testing

17 Dec, 09:00

#ENG #Article
Simplifying XCUITests with the Singleton Pattern: Introducing TestContext

iOS Automation Testing

25 Nov, 09:00

#ENG #Article #Introducing
Learn the Fundamentals of XCUITest Framework: A Beginner’s Guide

iOS Automation Testing

14 Oct, 09:00

#ENG #Article
What is Universal Link on iOS and How to Test It?

iOS Automation Testing

01 Oct, 09:00

#ENG #Article #SwiftTesting
Exploring Swift Testing: A Guide to the Latest iOS Testing Framework

iOS Automation Testing

23 Aug, 08:54

#ENG #Article #Performance
Running iOS Performance Testing on CI

iOS Automation Testing

19 Aug, 09:23

#ENG #Article #Parametrized
Parametrized XCTest in Swift

iOS Automation Testing

13 Aug, 09:00

#ENG #Article #Introducing
User Interface Testing for iOS Apps: A Comprehensive Guide

iOS Automation Testing

07 Aug, 09:00

#ENG #Article #Xcresult
How to programmatically parse the contents of an XCResult bundle

iOS Automation Testing

06 Aug, 09:00

#ENG #Video #SwiftTesting #Course
Mastering Swift Testing

iOS Automation Testing

05 Aug, 09:00

#ENG #Article #SwiftTesting
Comparing XCTest and Swift Testing

iOS Automation Testing

28 Jun, 09:00

#RU #Video
Даниил Курпаченко — Масштабируем UI-тесты на iOS: от новых приложений до устройств

iOS Automation Testing

27 Jun, 09:00

#RU #Video
Евгений Мацюк — Строим масштабируемую инфраструктуру для запуска мобильных UI-тестов

iOS Automation Testing

26 Jun, 09:00

#ENG #Article #Introducing #Locators
Testing UI Elements in SwiftUI with XCTest: Challenges and Solutions

iOS Automation Testing

25 Jun, 08:51

#RU #Article #SwiftTesting
Введение в тестирование на Swift Testing

iOS Automation Testing

15 May, 09:00

#ENG #Article #Snapshot
SwiftUI Preview Snapshots

iOS Automation Testing

14 May, 09:00

#RU #Article #Flaky
Карантин UI-тестов в iOS

iOS Automation Testing

05 Apr, 09:00

#RU #Video #Watch
Ксения Катаева, Даниил Курпаченко — Сверим часы: как мы тестировали VK на Apple Watch

iOS Automation Testing

04 Apr, 09:00

#RU #Video
Борис Лысиков — Сокращаем время UI-тестов на iOS с 4 часов до 30 минут

iOS Automation Testing

02 Apr, 09:00

#ENG #Article #Pom
Optimizing UI Testing Efficiency with Page Object Model

iOS Automation Testing

01 Apr, 09:00

#ENG #Article #Introducing
Shifting UI tests to the far left (part 1)

iOS Automation Testing

22 Mar, 09:00

#ENG #Article #TestPlan
Organize your tests in Xcode using Test Plans

iOS Automation Testing

18 Mar, 09:07

22-23 апреля будут два интересных доклада на Heisenbug, которые затронут тему iOS автоматизации:
1. Даниил Курпаченко. Масштабируем UI-тесты на iOS: от новых приложений до устройств.
2. Евгений Мацюк. Строим масштабируемую инфраструктуру для запуска мобильных UI-тестов.

Более подробно описание докладов можно прочитать на сайте