አባቶቻችን ምን እደሚሰሩ እዴት ከሰው ጋር እደሚግባቡ እናውቃለን!?
እስኪ ሳታስፈቅዶቸው አብራችኃቸው አንድ ቀን ዋሉ💕
እዴት እደሚሰሩ
እዴት የሰው ፊት እደሚገርፍቸው
እዴት በሰዎች እደሚገፍ
እዴት እደሚደክሙ
እዴት ........እዴት.................... እዴት...ብታቁ ጥሩ ነበር😓😥😢
Welcome to Ĥabŕă-pictures, the ultimate destination for all lovers of beautiful photography and images! Our channel, managed by the talented user @habra211, is dedicated to showcasing breathtaking pictures that will transport you to a world of visual delight. From stunning landscapes to mesmerizing portraits, we curate the best images to inspire and captivate our followers. Whether you are a photography enthusiast or simply appreciate the beauty of visual art, Ĥabŕă-pictures is the perfect place for you. Join us today and let your senses be dazzled by the magic of images that speak louder than words!
03 Nov, 17:31
20 Oct, 06:45
20 Oct, 06:43
08 Oct, 19:16