1.Parents - ota-ona
2.Father, mother - ota, ona
3.son, daughter - ogil, qiz
4.senior son - katta ogil
5.junior son - kichik ogil
6.eldest son (daughter) - eng katta ogil (qiz)
7.youngest son (daughter) - eng kichik ogil (qiz)
8.full brother (sister) - tugishgan aka-uka (opa-singil)
9.grandparents - bobo-buvi
10.grandfather - bobo
11.grandmother - buvi
12.grandad - bobo
13.grandpa - bobo
14.aunt - amma, xola
15.uncle - amaki, toga
16. baby - chaqaloq
17.bridegroom - kuyov
18.bride - kelin
19.child (children) - bola (bolalar)
20.close relative - yaqin qarindosh
21.cousin - amakivachcha, togavachcha
22.brother-in-law - qaynaga, pochcha
23.daughter-in-law - kelin
24.sister-in-law - qayin singil, kelin oyi, yanga
25.son-in-law - kuyov
26.father-in-law - qaynata
27.mother-in-law - qaynana
28.distant relative - uzoq qarindoshlar
29.grandchild - nevara
30.grandson - nevara ogil
31.granddaughter - nevara qiz
32.great grandpa - bobosining otasi
33.housewife - uy bekasi
34.husband - er
35. wife - rafiqa, xotin
36.nephew - jiyan ogil
37.niece - jiyan qiz
38.only child - yolgiz bola
39.single - yolgiz, yakka
40.stepfather - ogay ota
41.stepmother - ogay ona
42.stepdaughter - ogay qiz
43.step son - ogay og’il
44.twins - egizaklar
45.widow - beva ayol
46.widower - tul erkak (rafiqasidan ajralgan yoki uni yoqotgan)
47.childless - farzandsiz
48.first born - tongich
49.marriage - nikoh
50. to be married - uylanmoq, turmushga chiqmoq
51. to be born - tugilmoq
52.generation - avlod
53.heir - merosxor ogil
54.heiress - merosxor qiz
55. to be engaged - unashtirib qoymoq, fotiha qilmoq
56.registry office - nikohni qayd qilish muassasasi
57. to be registered - nikohni qayd qildirmoq
58. wedding - toy
59.honeymoon - asal oyi
60.divorce - ajralish, qoydi-chiqdi
61.bachelor - boydoq
62.spinster - qari qiz
63.for family reasons - oilaviy ahvoliga kora
64.will - vasiyatnoma
65. to keep house - oila boqmoq, xojalikni yurgizmoq
66.pensioner - nafaqaxor, pensioner
67. to retire on pension - nafaqaga (pensiyaga) chiqmoq
68. to give birth - farzand kormoq, tugmoq
69.orphan - yetim
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