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Incredible journey


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Incredible journey (English)

Welcome to the Incredible Journey channel, where we will provide you with the current affairs that will help you in your SSB and also in written exam and also many things. Are you someone who is preparing for the SSB exam? Do you want to stay updated with the latest current affairs that will assist you in your preparation? If your answer is yes, then this channel is perfect for you. Join us on this incredible journey where we will provide you with valuable information and insights to help you succeed in your exams. Our team of experts will ensure that you are equipped with the knowledge and resources needed to excel in your SSB exam. Stay tuned for amazing examples and also many things.

Incredible journey

19 Feb, 18:38


Incredible journey

19 Feb, 15:21

India - Qatar Joint Statement | In light of the newly established Strategic Partnership, the two sides reaffirmed their commitment to further strengthen the bilateral relations through regular and structured cooperation in all areas, including political, trade, investment, security, energy, culture, education, technology, innovation, sustainability and people-to-people ties. In this regard, the two sides expressed happiness at the signing of the revised Double Taxation Avoidance Agreement and also agreed to expedite negotiations on the India-Qatar Bilateral Investment Treaty: MEA

Incredible journey

19 Feb, 11:51

Might help.

Incredible journey

19 Feb, 11:24

If you accidentally come across anything related to it in telegram channels, report it immediately to the authorities by tagging them on social media.

Ignoring only enables its spread, so taking prompt action(whatever in your capacity) ensures accountability and a safer space for everyone.

Incredible journey

19 Feb, 11:24

Incredible journey

19 Feb, 06:48

Your score out of 10?

Incredible journey

28 Jan, 14:06

Feel the power of Surrendering yourself,
At last only best things comes to u.❤️

Incredible journey

28 Jan, 09:05

Happy birthday sir 🫡

Incredible journey

28 Jan, 06:33

Freedom fighter 🫡🫡🫡🫡🫡🫡🫡

Also many questions have been ask about him in exam

Incredible journey

27 Jan, 11:20

Important for exam
Tungsten has been ask many times in exam

Incredible journey

27 Jan, 11:14

For those who interested in Geopolitics

Incredible journey

27 Jan, 11:10

Anyone over age contact her
She will help you

Incredible journey

27 Jan, 11:02

*27 January Current Affairs Bilingual*

1. निम्नलिखित में से कौन-सा देश पहली मानव पनडुब्बी 'अंडरवाटर समर्सिबल' को लॉन्च करेगा?
*Which of the following countries will launch the first manned submarine 'Underwater Submersible'?*
A. चीन (China)
B. अमेरिका (America)
C. भारत (India)
D. फ्रांस (France)

*उत्तर: भारत (India)*

व्याख्या: भारत अपनी पहली मानव पनडुब्बी 'अंडरवाटर समर्सिबल' लॉन्च करने की योजना बना रहा है। यह परियोजना समुद्री अनुसंधान और सुरक्षा के लिए महत्वपूर्ण होगी।
Explanation: India is planning to launch its first manned submarine 'Underwater Submersible,' which will play a key role in marine research and security.


2. हाल ही में कहां BSF ने भारत-पाकिस्तान सीमा पर ऑपरेशन 'सर्द हवा' शुरू किया है?
*Where has BSF recently started Operation 'Sard Hawa' on the India-Pakistan border?*
A. राजस्थान (Rajasthan)
B. पंजाब (Punjab)
C. गुजरात (Gujarat)
D. जम्मू-कश्मीर (Jammu and Kashmir)

*उत्तर: राजस्थान (Rajasthan)*

व्याख्या: BSF ने राजस्थान में ऑपरेशन 'सर्द हवा' शुरू किया है, जिसका उद्देश्य सर्दियों के मौसम में घुसपैठ को रोकना और सीमा की सुरक्षा बढ़ाना है।
Explanation: BSF launched Operation 'Sard Hawa' in Rajasthan to prevent infiltration and strengthen border security during the winter season.


3. हाल ही में RBI ने किस बैंक पर मौद्रिक जुर्माना लगाया है?
*Recently RBI has imposed a monetary penalty on which bank?*
A. भारतीय स्टेट बैंक (State Bank of India)
B. केनरा बैंक (Canara Bank)
C. बैंक ऑफ महाराष्ट्र (Bank of Maharashtra)
D. पंजाब नेशनल बैंक (Punjab National Bank)

*उत्तर: केनरा बैंक (Canara Bank)*

व्याख्या: भारतीय रिजर्व बैंक (RBI) ने बैंकिंग मानदंडों और नियमों के उल्लंघन के लिए केनरा बैंक पर मौद्रिक जुर्माना लगाया है।
Explanation: The Reserve Bank of India (RBI) imposed a monetary penalty on Canara Bank for violating banking norms and regulations.


4. हाल ही में किस राज्य के राज्यपाल ने उत्कृष्ट प्रदर्शन करने वाले युवाओं को 'यंग अचीवर्स अवार्ड-2025' प्रदान किया है?
*Recently, the Governor of which state has given 'Young Achievers Award-2025' to the youth who have performed excellently* ?
A. छत्तीसगढ़ (Chhattisgarh)
B. गोवा (Goa)
C. बिहार (Bihar)
D. हिमाचल प्रदेश (Himachal Pradesh)

*उत्तर: हिमाचल प्रदेश (Himachal Pradesh)*

व्याख्या: हिमाचल प्रदेश के राज्यपाल ने राज्य के उन युवाओं को 'यंग अचीवर्स अवार्ड-2025' दिया, जिन्होंने अपने क्षेत्रों में असाधारण प्रदर्शन किया है।
Explanation: The Governor of Himachal Pradesh presented the 'Young Achievers Award-2025' to the youth who have shown exceptional performance in their respective fields.


5. हाल ही में किसके द्वारा भारतीय सेना के लिए संजय युद्धक्षेत्र निगरानी प्रणाली पेश किया गया है?
*Who has recently introduced the Sanjay battlefield surveillance system for the Indian Army?*
A. प्रधानमंत्री नरेंद्र मोदी (Prime Minister Narendra Modi)
B. रक्षा मंत्री राजनाथ सिंह (Defence Minister Rajnath Singh)
C. गृह मंत्री अमित शाह (Home Minister Amit Shah)
D. इनमें से कोई नहीं (None of these)

*उत्तर: रक्षा मंत्री राजनाथ सिंह (Defence Minister Rajnath Singh)*

व्याख्या: रक्षा मंत्री राजनाथ सिंह ने भारतीय सेना के लिए 'संजय युद्धक्षेत्र निगरानी प्रणाली' पेश की, जो युद्ध क्षेत्र में वास्तविक समय की जानकारी प्रदान करने में सहायक होगी।
Explanation: Defence Minister Rajnath Singh introduced the 'Sanjay Battlefield Surveillance System' for the Indian Army to provide real-time information in the battlefield.


6. हाल ही में किस तारीख को उत्तर प्रदेश स्थापना दिवस मनाया गया है?
*Recently on which date was Uttar Pradesh Foundation Day celebrated?*
A. 21 जनवरी (21 January)
B. 22 जनवरी (22 January)
C. 23 जनवरी (23 January)
D. 24 जनवरी (24 January)

*उत्तर: 24 जनवरी (24 January)*

व्याख्या: उत्तर प्रदेश स्थापना दिवस हर साल 24 जनवरी को मनाया जाता है। यह दिन 1950 में राज्य के गठन को चिह्नित करता है।
Explanation: Uttar Pradesh Foundation Day is celebrated every year on 24th January. It marks the formation of the state in 1950.


Incredible journey

27 Jan, 11:02

7. हाल ही में किस राज्य सरकार ने 'सम्मान संजीवनी' ऐप लॉन्च किया है?
*Which state government has recently launched the 'Samman Sanjeevani' app?*
A. पंजाब (Punjab)
B. हरियाणा (Haryana)
C. राजस्थान (Rajasthan)
D. महाराष्ट्र (Maharashtra)

*उत्तर: हरियाणा (Haryana)*

व्याख्या: हरियाणा सरकार ने 'सम्मान संजीवनी' ऐप लॉन्च किया, जिसका उद्देश्य सरकारी योजनाओं का लाभ लोगों तक आसानी से पहुंचाना है।
Explanation: The Haryana government launched the 'Samman Sanjeevani' app to ensure easy access to government schemes for the public.


8. निम्नलिखित में से किसके द्वारा सतीश धवन अंतरिक्ष केंद्र से 100वां उपग्रह प्रक्षेपित होगा?
*By which of the following will the 100th satellite be launched from the Satish Dhawan Space Centre?*
A. इसरो (ISRO)
B. डीआरडीओ (DRDO)
C. नासा (NASA)
D. जाक्सा (JAXA)

*उत्तर: इसरो (ISRO)*

व्याख्या: भारतीय अंतरिक्ष अनुसंधान संगठन (ISRO) सतीश धवन अंतरिक्ष केंद्र से अपना 100वां उपग्रह लॉन्च करेगा।
Explanation: The Indian Space Research Organisation (ISRO) will launch its 100th satellite from the Satish Dhawan Space Centre.


9. 2025 की ग्लोबल फायरपावर सैन्य शक्ति रैंकिंग में भारत का कौन-सा स्थान है?
*What is India's position in the Global Firepower Military Power Ranking of 2025?*
A. पहला (First)
B. दूसरा (Second)
C. तीसरा (Third)
D. चौथा (Fourth)

*उत्तर: चौथा (Fourth)*

व्याख्या: भारत ने 2025 की ग्लोबल फायरपावर सैन्य शक्ति रैंकिंग में चौथा स्थान प्राप्त किया है। यह भारत की बढ़ती सैन्य क्षमता को दर्शाता है।
Explanation: India ranked fourth in the Global Firepower Military Power Ranking of 2025, showcasing its growing military strength.

10. ऊर्जा दक्षता ब्यूरो और ऊर्जा एवं संसाधन संस्थान द्वारा ऊर्जा परिवर्तन के लिए उत्कृष्टता केंद्र कहां स्थापित किया जाएगा?
*Where will the Bureau of Energy Efficiency and the Institute of Energy and Resources jointly establish a Center of Excellence for Energy Transformation?*
A. देहरादून (Dehradun)
B. नासिक (Nashik)
C. चेन्नई (Chennai)
D. हैदराबाद (Hyderabad)

*उत्तर: हैदराबाद (Hyderabad)*

व्याख्या: ऊर्जा दक्षता ब्यूरो और ऊर्जा एवं संसाधन संस्थान हैदराबाद में ऊर्जा परिवर्तन के लिए उत्कृष्टता केंद्र स्थापित करेंगे।
Explanation: The Bureau of Energy Efficiency and the Institute of Energy and Resources will jointly establish a Center of Excellence for Energy Transformation in Hyderabad.


11. प्रतिवर्ष किस तारीख को भारत में 'राष्ट्रीय मतदाता दिवस' मनाया जाता है?
*On which date is 'National Voters' Day' celebrated every year in India?*
A. 24 जनवरी (24 January)
B. 25 जनवरी (25 January)
C. 26 जनवरी (26 January)
D. 27 जनवरी (27 January)

*उत्तर: 25 जनवरी (25 January)*

व्याख्या: भारत में 25 जनवरी को राष्ट्रीय मतदाता दिवस मनाया जाता है, जिसका उद्देश्य नागरिकों को मतदान के महत्व के प्रति जागरूक करना है।
Explanation: National Voters' Day is celebrated on 25th January in India to raise awareness about the importance of voting among citizens.


12. हाल ही में विश्व पिकलबॉल लीग का पहला संस्करण कहां शुरू हुआ है?
*Recently, the first edition of the World Pickleball League has started __.*
A. मुंबई (Mumbai)
B. गुजरात (Gujarat)
C. असम (Assam)
D. उत्तराखंड (Uttarakhand)

*उत्तर: मुंबई (Mumbai)*

व्याख्या: विश्व पिकलबॉल लीग का पहला संस्करण मुंबई में आयोजित किया गया, जो इस खेल को बढ़ावा देने का प्रयास है।
Explanation: The first edition of the World Pickleball League was organized in Mumbai to promote the sport.


13. हाल ही में 76वें गणतंत्र दिवस परेड में __ की झांकी पहली बार शामिल होगी।
*Recently, the tableau of _ will be included in the 76th Republic Day Parade for the first time.*
A. भारतीय जलसेना (Indian Navy)
B. भारतीय थलसेना (Indian Army)
C. भारतीय वायुसेना (Indian Air Force)
D. उपर्युक्त सभी (All of the above)

*उत्तर: उपर्युक्त सभी (All of the above)*

Incredible journey

27 Jan, 11:02

व्याख्या: भारतीय जलसेना, थलसेना और वायुसेना की झांकी पहली बार 76वें गणतंत्र दिवस परेड में प्रदर्शित की जाएगी।
Explanation: The tableau of the Indian Navy, Indian Army, and Indian Air Force will be displayed for the first time in the 76th Republic Day Parade.


14. निम्नलिखित में से कहां प्रथम ओलंपिक अनुसंधान सम्मेलन की मेजबानी की जाएगी?
*Which of the following will host the first Olympic Research Conference?*
A. मध्य प्रदेश (Madhya Pradesh)
B. महाराष्ट्र (Maharashtra)
C. गुजरात (Gujarat)
D. नई दिल्ली (New Delhi)

*उत्तर: गुजरात (Gujarat)*

व्याख्या: गुजरात प्रथम ओलंपिक अनुसंधान सम्मेलन की मेजबानी करेगा, जो खेल विज्ञान और अनुसंधान को बढ़ावा देने का एक महत्वपूर्ण कदम है।
Explanation: Gujarat will host the first Olympic Research Conference, an important step to promote sports science and research.


15. निम्नलिखित में से किस वर्ष तक वैश्विक उपभोग में भारत की हिस्सेदारी 16% होने का अनुमान है?
*By which of the following years, India's share in global consumption is estimated to be 16%?*
A. वर्ष 2030 (Year 2030)
B. वर्ष 2035 (Year 2035)
C. वर्ष 2045 (Year 2045)
D. वर्ष 2050 (Year 2050)

*उत्तर: वर्ष 2050 (Year 2050)*

व्याख्या: वर्ष 2050 तक भारत की वैश्विक उपभोग में हिस्सेदारी 16% होने की संभावना है, जो इसके आर्थिक विकास का संकेत है।
Explanation: By 2050, India's share in global consumption is expected to be 16%, indicating its economic growth.

16. मनुष्य ने सबसे पहले अग्नि का प्रयोग करना कब शुरू किया?
*Human first started using fire during:*
A. प्राचीन-पाषाण युग (Ancient Stone Age)
B. मध्य-पाषाण युग (Middle Stone Age)
C. नव-पाषाण युग (Neolithic Age)
D. ताम्र-पाषाण युग (Copper-Stone Age)

*उत्तर: प्राचीन-पाषाण युग (Ancient Stone Age)*

व्याख्या: मनुष्य ने सबसे पहले प्राचीन पाषाण युग में अग्नि का प्रयोग करना शुरू किया था, जो उसके जीवन के विकास में एक महत्वपूर्ण कदम था।
Explanation: Humans first started using fire during the Ancient Stone Age, marking a significant step in human development.


17. निम्नलिखित में से प्राचीनतम राजवंश कौन-सा है?
*Which of the following is the oldest dynasty?*
A. गुप्त (Gupta)
B. कुषाण (Kushan)
C. मौर्य (Maurya)
D. चालुक्य (Chalukya)

*उत्तर: मौर्य (Maurya)*

व्याख्या: मौर्य वंश भारत का प्राचीनतम और सबसे शक्तिशाली राजवंश था, जिसकी स्थापना चंद्रगुप्त मौर्य ने की थी।
Explanation: The Maurya dynasty was the oldest and most powerful dynasty in India, founded by Chandragupta Maurya.


18. सम्राट अशोक के अधिकांश अभिलेख किस लिपि में हैं?
*In which script are most of the inscriptions of Emperor Ashoka?*
A. ब्राह्मी लिपि (Brahmi script)
B. हिंदी देवनागरी लिपि (Hindi Devanagari script)
C. गुरुमुखी लिपि (Gurmukhi script)
D. मलयालम लिपि (Malayalam script)

*उत्तर: ब्राह्मी लिपि (Brahmi script)*

व्याख्या: सम्राट अशोक के अधिकांश अभिलेख ब्राह्मी लिपि में लिखे गए थे, जो उस समय की मुख्य लिपि थी।
Explanation: Most of Emperor Ashoka's inscriptions were written in the Brahmi script, which was the primary script of that era.


19. सातवाहन वंश का संस्थापक कौन था?
*Who was the founder of the Satavahana dynasty?*
A. शातकर्णी (Shatakarni)
B. पुलमावी (Pulmavi)
C. सिमुक (Simuk)
D. गौतमीपुत्र शातकर्णी (Gautamiputra Shatakarni)

*उत्तर: सिमुक (Simuk)*

व्याख्या: सातवाहन वंश की स्थापना सिमुक ने की थी, जो दक्षिण भारत में एक प्रमुख शक्ति थी।
Explanation: Simuk founded the Satavahana dynasty, which was a major power in South India.


20. सिकंदर ने भारत पर कब आक्रमण किया?
*When did Alexander attack India?*
A. 226 ई. पू. (226 BC)
B. 326 ई. पू. (326 BC)
C. 426 ई. पू. (426 BC)
D. 526 ई. पू. (526 BC)

*उत्तर: 326 ई. पू. (326 BC)*

व्याख्या: सिकंदर ने 326 ई. पू. में भारत पर आक्रमण किया और पोरस के खिलाफ प्रसिद्ध लड़ाई लड़ी।
Explanation: Alexander attacked India in 326 BC and fought the famous battle against King Porus.

Incredible journey

27 Jan, 10:59

*27 January Current Affairs 2025*

*1. What was the theme of the tableau of the three services in the Republic Day 2025 parade?*

🏵️ *"Sashakt and Surkshit Bharat”*

*1. गणतंत्र दिवस 2025 की परेड में तीनों सेनाओं की झांकी का थीम था?*

🏵️ *“सशक्त और सुरक्षित भारत”*

*2. In the “Financial Health Index 2025”, __ tops the financial health ranking among 18 major states.*

🏵️ *Odisha*

*2. “वित्तीय स्वास्थ्य सूचकांक 2025" में__ 18 प्रमुख राज्यों में वित्तीय स्वास्थ्य रैंकिंग में शीर्ष पर है।*

🏵️ *ओडिशा*

*3. The tableau of which state displayed the theme “Krishna's teachings, industrial aspirations”?*

🏵️ *Haryana*

*3. किस राज्य की झांकी में “कृष्ण की शिक्षाएं, औद्योगिक आकांक्षाएं” थीम प्रदर्शित की गई?*

🏵️ *हरियाणा*

*4. Which Indian state is famous as “Pearl of the East”?*

🏵️ *Goa*

*4. कौन सा भारतीय राज्य “पूर्व का मोती" के नाम से प्रसिद्ध है?*

🏵️ *गोवा*

*5. What is the theme of Republic Day in the year 2025?*

🏵️ *‘Golden India: Heritage and Development’*

*5. वर्ष 2025 में गणतंत्र दिवस की थीम क्या है?*

🏵️ *‘स्वर्णिम भारत: विरासत और विकास’*

*6. Which state's tableau showed a glimpse of Buddhist heritage and Nalanda University in the Republic Day Parade?*

🏵️ *Bihar*

*6. गणतंत्र दिवस परेड में किस राज्य की झांकी में बौद्ध विरासत और नालंदा विश्व विद्यालय की झलक दिखाई?*

🏵️ *बिहार*

*7. Which country ranks first in attracting Foreign Direct Investment (FDI)?*

🏵️ *Maharashtra*

*7. प्रत्यक्ष विदेशी निवेश (एफडीआई) आकर्षित करने में कौन सा देश में पहले स्थान पर है?*

🏵️ *महाराष्ट्र*

*8. Band teams of how many government schools have got the opportunity to participate in the Republic Day Parade, 2025?*

🏵️ *Three*

*8. कितने सरकारी स्कूलों की बैंड टीमों को गणतंत्र दिवस परेड,2025 में भाग लेने का अवसर मिला है ?*

🏵️ *तीन*

*9. In which month India Energy Week, 2025 will be organized?*

🏵️ *February, 2025*

*9. किस माह में भारत ऊर्जा सप्ताह, 2025 आयोजित किया जाएगा?*

🏵️ *फरवरी, 2025*

*10. Who has recently launched “Financial Health Index 2025” to assess the financial condition of the states?*

🏵️ *NITI Aayog*

*10. हाल ही में किसने राज्यों की वित्तीय स्थिति के आकलन हेतु “वित्तीय स्वास्थ्य सूचकांक 2025" लॉन्च किया है?*

🏵️ *नीति आयोग*

*11. How many of the following personnel were awarded the Gallantry and Service Medal on the occasion of Republic Day 2025?*

🏵️ *942*

*11. निम्नलिखित में से कुल कितने कर्मियों को गणतंत्र दिवस 2025 के अवसर पर वीरता और सेवा पदक से सम्मानित किया गया?*

🏵️ *942*

*12. Which state celebrates its “State Foundation Day” every year on 25 January?*

🏵️ *Himachal Pradesh*

*12. कौन सा राज्य प्रत्येक वर्ष 25 जनवरी को अपना “राज्य स्थापना दिवस” मनाता है?*

🏵️ *हिमाचल प्रदेश*

*13. Recently, which state has launched ‘Samman Sanjeevani App’ on the occasion of Girl Child Day?*

🏵️ *Haryana*

*13. हाल ही में किस राज्य ने बालिका दिवस के अवसर पर ‘सम्मान संजीवनी ऐप’ लॉन्च किया है?*

🏵️ *हरियाणा*

*14. Recently ____ has organized the first ‘International Pashmina Festival’.*

🏵️ *Nepal*

*14. हाल ही में ____ ने पहला ‘अंतर्राष्ट्रीय पश्मीना महोत्सव’ आयोजित किया है।*

🏵️ *नेपाल*

*15. How much has the number of voters in India increased to at present?*

🏵️ *99.1 crore*

*15. भारत में मतदाताओं की संख्या बढ़कर वर्तमान में कितनी हो गई है?*

🏵️ *99.1 करोड़*

Incredible journey

20 Jan, 18:44

Trump-47th president of US

Incredible journey

19 Jan, 18:35


Incredible journey

19 Jan, 17:27

100+ people have seen but no body react
So i must tell this is very proud moment for india

Incredible journey

14 Jan, 16:43

Letter to Major Sandeep......

Incredible journey

14 Jan, 16:11

Those who don't like economics so you just go through it
It has covered all static part

Incredible journey

14 Jan, 16:10

Economy Pointer.pdf

Incredible journey

14 Jan, 16:10

Important for exams you can expect a question from it

Incredible journey

14 Jan, 16:09

General Science Pointer.pdf

Incredible journey

14 Jan, 15:51


Incredible journey

14 Jan, 07:56

Link :

Part 2 :

Part 3 :

Part 4 :

Incredible journey

14 Jan, 07:23

That's all

Incredible journey

07 Jan, 16:39

Ye raat aate hi meri feed aesi kyo ho jaati hai ? 😭😭
(Ab phirse trauma ... )

Incredible journey

07 Jan, 16:20

"We haven't even received the 40 Tejas aircraft till now which were ordered in 2009 - 2010..." : IAF Chief Air Marshal A.P Singh

Incredible journey

07 Jan, 13:47

Total seats in girls 18
Total girls recommend 120

Incredible journey

07 Jan, 13:37

Cds ota merit out

Incredible journey

07 Jan, 13:37


Incredible journey

07 Jan, 07:39

Light read

Incredible journey

07 Jan, 06:38

Incredible journey

05 Jan, 13:30

💔Sad News: Indian Coast Guard ALH Dhruv crashes in Gujarat's Porbandar during a routine sortie.

All 3 crew members onboard lost their lives.

Incredible journey

05 Jan, 13:25

Finally, one of the most selfless player has made a right decision at this time of his career.

Rohit Sharma has stepped down as captain of India's Test team, with immediate effect, after losing the The Border–Gavaskar Trophy

Incredible journey

05 Jan, 13:23

one person can make a difference.

Incredible journey

05 Jan, 11:35

Babu is not babuing 😭

Incredible journey

05 Jan, 08:04

Under new policy, Lieutenant Generals to be promoted on merit basis, not seniority.

With India moving towards the creation of tri-Service theatre commands, the Army has adopted a radical change in the promotion policy for top officers by making it necessary for all Lieutenant Generals to be graded on their performance through a “quantified assessment system”.

This new system, which will come into force from March 31, will “facilitate merit-based selection” of serving Lt-Gens for apex-level appointments in the integrated theatre commands and tri-Service establishments, sources told TOI.

The new policy for Lt-Gens, with “revised annual confidential report (ACR) forms”, will not apply to the vice chief and commanders-in-chief of the six operational commands and one training command in the Army. These eight officers are also Lt-Gens but a rung higher than the other three-star generals.

Incredible journey

05 Jan, 07:07

Aj Saam
let's discuss things on ssb?
react if you will come
even agr recent out bhi huye ho to ana you will get to know many thing

Incredible journey

05 Jan, 06:06

That's all

Incredible journey

05 Jan, 06:04

Important concept 📌

Incredible journey

24 Nov, 16:59

I have compiled few points padhlena hope it helps👍

Incredible journey

24 Nov, 16:18

Domestic violence to men ke sath ho rhi hai

Incredible journey

24 Nov, 15:16

Government to launch a national campaign #AbKoiBahanaNahi in New Delhi tomorrow.

It is a collaborative effort between the Ministries of Ministry of Women & Child Development, Government of India and Ministry of Rural Development, Government of India with support from #UNWomen.

Women and Child Development Ministry says, campaign will be launched along with #NayiChetna3.0 campaign to ensure a wide reach on spreading the call to action on ending gender-based violence, leaving no one behind.

Incredible journey

24 Nov, 15:15

🔆 The article discusses the recently signed India-UAE Bilateral Investment Treaty (BIT) and its implications for India's investment policy.

Balancing Act: The India-UAE BIT aims to balance investor protection and state sovereignty.
Investment Definition: The treaty clarifies the definition of "investment," focusing on key economic characteristics like capital commitment, profit expectation, and risk assumption.
Investor-State Dispute Settlement (ISDS): The treaty includes provisions to limit the scope of ISDS claims, such as a three-year exhaustion of local remedies requirement.
State Sovereignty: The treaty excludes taxation matters from the scope of ISDS, allowing the state to maintain regulatory control.
Transparency and Accountability: The treaty emphasizes transparency and accountability in investment dispute

Incredible journey

24 Nov, 15:14

Rishabh pant and Shreyas Iyer right now 😂

Incredible journey

24 Nov, 15:13


Incredible journey

24 Nov, 15:11

Incredible journey

24 Nov, 14:17

South Sudan suffers from two major impacts the first one is flooding and than drought.The communities are being displaced.Their livelihood has taken away from them.They cannot do farming.They cannot rear Cattles.They had to move to higher grounds and that means competing for limited resources.
यादों का शहर देखो बिलकुल वीरान है
दूर-दूर न जंगल है न कोई मकान है !!!🍀

Save Environment Not Money

Incredible journey

24 Nov, 13:00


Arshdeep Singh - Punjab
Shreyas Iyer - Punjab
Kagiso Rabada - Gujarat
Jos Buttler - Gujarat
Mitchell Starc - Delhi
Rishabh Pant - Lucknow.

Incredible journey

24 Nov, 12:56

Exercise Vajra Prahar 2024

Incredible journey

24 Nov, 11:22

When a senator mocked Abraham Lincoln about his father making shoes, Lincoln calmly responded, “I can make shoes too. No one ever complained about my father’s shoes. He was a genius, and I am proud of him.” This powerful moment teaches us how to respond to critics with grace, turning them into admirers.

It reminds us that no matter our origin or the humble background of our families, our parents always strive to give us the best. They are the richest people in the world, for they offer their hearts and souls for our well-being. Don’t be ashamed of them; cherish them. People’s opinions of you will always be shaped by your success and failures, but true friends reveal themselves in the moments when you need them most—when you are down.

Incredible journey

24 Nov, 11:18

At COP29 in Baku, Azerbaijan, world leaders agreed on the Baku Finance Goal, committing 1.3 trillion dollars in climate finance for developing countries by 2035. This includes a core annual target of 300 billion dollars, tripling the previous 100 billion dollars goal.

The major key outcomes of the Baku Finance Goal included, Finalization of Article 6 on carbon markets, potentially channeling 1 trillion dollars annually by 2050 and Steps to operationalize the Loss and Damage Fund, with distribution set to begin in 2025 with Commitments to enhanced transparency and adaptation measures.

COP29 President Mukhtar Babayev hailed the achievements as transformative, saying, billions will turn into trillions over the next decade.

Incredible journey

24 Nov, 11:14

🔆16th BRICS summit 2024

Summit was hosted by the Russia at Kazan.
Theme of Summit: Strengthening Multilateralism for Just Global Development and Security

📍Kazan Declaration 

Global Governance and Multilateralism
Made a commitment to cooperate for International Financial Architecture Reform.
Economic Cooperation 
BRICS Cross-Border Payment System: Built upon the principle of minimizing trade barriers and non-discriminatory access. Promoting use of local currencies. 
BRICS Clear Depositary: An independent cross-border settlement and depositary infrastructure.
BRICS Interbank Cooperation Mechanism (ICM)
BRICS Grain Exchange: Initiative of the Russian side to establish a grain (commodities) trading platform within BRICS.
The Russian Geographical Society (RGO) initiated the first celebration of BRICS Geographer's Day. The day was celebrated with a scientific expedition
BRICS Geographer's Day, which will now be celebrated annually on August 18

BRICS 2025 host : Brazil
BRICS contribute 37.3% in world's gdp and 45% in world's population

Incredible journey

21 Nov, 06:20


Incredible journey

21 Nov, 02:09


Incredible journey

21 Nov, 02:05


Russian forces are preparing to launch the RS-26 intercontinental ballistic missile weighing 36,000 kg with a range of 6,000 km in a possible attack on Kiev

Incredible journey

21 Nov, 02:04

2016 | 2023 | 2024
The Dominance continued 🔥

The Women Hockey team won Women Asia Champions trophy 2024 🏑

Congratulations 💐💐

Incredible journey

20 Nov, 17:27

CBSE 2025 DateSheet Released

Physical Education 17 FEB
Physics 21 FEB
Chemistry 27 FEB
Maths 8 MARCH
English 11 MARCH
Hindi 15 MARCH
Biology 25 MARCH

Incredible journey

20 Nov, 16:47

You can break through!

"Search for the power in you, as the darkness cannot erase the light." ❤️

Incredible journey

20 Nov, 16:33

Guyana is a country located on the northern coast of South America, bordered by the Atlantic Ocean to the north, Brazil to the south and southwest, Venezuela to the west, and Suriname to the east.

Incredible journey

20 Nov, 16:28

India, Guyana sign several MOUs, including in Hydrocarbons sector

Energy security will be Modi’s main priority during his three-day visit to Guyana, which has emerged as India’s key partner in the Caribbean.

Guyana is a rapidly expanding nation as a result of the discovery of oil and gas reserves.

India’s engagement with the country aims not only to improve energy security for India but also to increase Guyana’s stature among Global South nations and the Caribbean area.

Incredible journey

20 Nov, 15:51

If instead of hockey today we have won in cricket than there would be a huge coverage of that.

Why to make difference when both have won for country only.

Incredible journey

20 Nov, 15:12

What is creative economy???

This is new concept and can be used in GD
When you give this type of point about which others don't know than they listen to you in GD and can also tell IO about this which tells you are aware person

Incredible journey

20 Nov, 15:08

India’s creative economy has emerged as 30 billion dollar industry, contributing nearly 2.5 % of GDP and providing livelihoods to 8 % of workforce.

Incredible journey

20 Nov, 15:06

Answer karo
It is not just for fun but it can be asked in your ssb and if you now apply your mind than you will do good in ssb
These are topics we don't talk mostly but as a responsible citizens you should have your opinion whether to include them or not.

Incredible journey

20 Nov, 14:58

Give suggestions for inclusion of sex workers in mainstream society

Incredible journey

20 Nov, 14:49

Team India clinches the Bihar Women’s Asian Champions Trophy Rajgir 2024 title with a stellar 1-0 victory over China! 🎉💪

Incredible journey

20 Nov, 14:39


Incredible journey

20 Nov, 10:32

Password - AMITSINGH

Incredible journey

20 Nov, 10:10

This is 30 rules i sent here for next 6 days same time i'll sent diff diff 30 rules of grammar.. Which sumup to 180 rules of grammar which cover almost topics of english...

Meanwhile vocab ki pdf bhejta huu..
It might be helpful for some people...tysm...!!

Incredible journey

19 Nov, 04:14

Remembering Rani Laxmi Bai on her Jayanti.

Her courage and contribution to our nation can never be forgotten..🙏🏻

Incredible journey

19 Nov, 04:12

😂😂 Modiji G20 meet to baad m hoti rahegi app yeh karlo pahle

Incredible journey

19 Nov, 03:59

Anybody who r in this list and left for joining separate grp text admins asap!!

Incredible journey

19 Nov, 02:26

K sanjay murthy - new CAG of india

Incredible journey

19 Nov, 00:05

Good morning

Incredible journey

18 Nov, 15:30

Just for fun
Kahi bihar wale offend ho jaye

Incredible journey

18 Nov, 15:04

Online yoga teacher : Take a deep breath...

Delhi NCR person :

Incredible journey

18 Nov, 12:20

Follow your passion.

In the end it's all about what your heart wants and when you know what it wants, you must do everything to get it.

Our choices change with time and there's nothing wrong about it.

I do know it's not going to be easy but I also know it'll be worth it.

Incredible journey

18 Nov, 10:25

Remembering Major Shaitan Singh (PVC) on his 62nd death anniversary....
The nation remembers his exceptional display of bravery during the indo sino war of 1962..

Incredible journey

18 Nov, 08:52

Indian tau - daily budget is 50 bidis

Incredible journey

18 Nov, 08:50

There's a festival called Burning Man, which is a music festival where people come together to celebrate creativity, and self- expression in every form.

They have a tradition of burning a giant statue that is the identity of Burning Man at the end of the festival.

This burning symbolizes that nothing lasts forever. Teaching a lesson that everyone should let go of the past, not getting too attached to anything, whether it was a good time or a bad one. Encouraging everyone to release what's behind them and look forward to the next chapter, embracing new beginnings with an open heart.

Incredible journey

18 Nov, 08:46

Burning 👀

Incredible journey

18 Nov, 08:44

Join this channel tor songs

Incredible journey

18 Nov, 08:43

Incredible journey

18 Nov, 05:46

Prime Minister Narendra Modi conferred with the national award - “Grand Commander of the Order of Niger” making him the second foreign dignitary to receive this prestigious award. Queen Elizabeth was the first foreign recipient of the GCON in 1969.

Incredible journey

03 Nov, 18:29

Very important from relation pov there is also a very nice intro mentioned which can be used as an intro for lecturette

Incredible journey

03 Nov, 18:29

Only highlighted

Incredible journey

03 Nov, 18:29

Full story about Delhis air pollution since 1990s , transition and reforms too mentioned

Incredible journey

03 Nov, 18:29

Have a read

Incredible journey

03 Nov, 15:29

Incredible journey

03 Nov, 15:29

interview discussion

Incredible journey

03 Nov, 15:28

Most important for ssb
If you use words like this than you will have edge over others in gd

Incredible journey

03 Nov, 15:27

China is using an “anaconda strategy” to squeeze Taiwan

What is “anaconda strategy”?

- The Anaconda Strategy is a military concept originally formulated during the American Civil War.

-The term has gained renewed relevance in modern geopolitics, particularly in the context of China's tactics against Taiwan.

- Objective:
- Blockade the Confederate states along the coast.
- Control the Mississippi River to cut the Confederacy in half.
- Starve the southern economy by preventing trade and supplies from reaching it.

Similar to how an anaconda snake coils around its prey and suffocates it, the strategy aimed to squeeze the Confederacy into submission without direct and large-scale battles.

China’s 'anaconda strategy' is thus an evolving, hybrid approach that combines military posturing, psychological pressure, and cyber tools to achieve control over Taiwan while "avoiding outright war"—at least for now.

Incredible journey

03 Nov, 15:20

How Security Forces Used Biscuits To Eliminate Lashkar-E-Taiba Commander In Srinagar

The anti-terror operation that led to the elimination of Lashkar-e-Taiba (LeT) commander in Jammu and Kashmir witnessed the role of a key ammunition- Biscuits! Senior officials revealed that this simple snack played a crucial role in mitigating a significant challenge during the mission against Usman, who armed with AK-47 pistol. The challenge were the stray dogs.

Usman was killed on Saturday after a day-long encounter in the densely populated Khanyar locality of downtown Srinagar, marking the first major gunfight in the summer capital in over two years. The operation was a collaborative effort between local police and the Central Reserve Police Force.

The presence of stray dogs, whose barking risked alerting the terrorist, was major concern for the security forces during the operation.To address this, search teams were equipped with biscuits to pacify the dogs as they approached their target, illustrating the lengths to which the authorities were willing to go to ensure the mission's success.
The entire operation was initiated before pre-dawn prayers, with forces cordoning off a cluster of 30 homes.

As the standoff escalated, Usman, armed with pistol, and numerous grenades, engaged in fierce gunfire with the security personnel.After several hours of intense gunfire, Usman was neutralised.

Source: Times of India

Incredible journey

03 Nov, 14:44

Jai Bholenath Jai shiv sambhu🙌

Incredible journey

03 Nov, 14:43

Shri Kedarnath Dham's portals closed for winter.

Incredible journey

03 Nov, 14:15

Hyundai Rotem, a subsidiary of Hyundai Motor Group, announced the development of the K3, the world’s first hydrogen-powered battle tank, in partnership with the Agency for Defense Development and the Korea Research Institute for Defense Technology Planning and Advancement.

Incredible journey

03 Nov, 13:55

Kedarnath Dham closes for six months today!

May Lord Shiva’s blessings be with us.
Har Har Mahadev 🚩

Incredible journey

03 Nov, 11:51

At least six civilians were injured in a grenade attack that took place in Jammu and Kashmir's capital Srinagar-Near Sunday Market

Incredible journey

03 Nov, 08:57

Incredible journey pinned «»

Incredible journey

27 Oct, 08:33

The idea of Greater Israel includes roughly half of Egypt, three-fourths of Syria, half of Iraq, and half of Saudi Arabia, as well as Jordan and Lebanon 👀

Incredible journey

27 Oct, 08:33

Enough motivation 😎

Incredible journey

27 Oct, 08:31

Tell the answer??

Incredible journey

27 Oct, 08:31

Jo bhi army m ssb dene ja rha hai they must know the reason behind why on 27th oct we celebrate infantry day and on 15 jan army day.

Incredible journey

27 Oct, 08:30

Huge initiative to provide uninterrupted power supply to Indian Army in remote areas

NTPC Limited has partnered with the Indian Army to establish a solar hydrogen-based Microgrid at Chushul, Ladakh. This significant step will provide a stable power supply using Green Hydrogen in off-grid Army locations.

Union Defence Minister Rajnath Singh laid the foundation stone of this unique project through video conferencing in the presence of Chief of India Defence Services, NTPC CMD and other senior officials from the Ministry of Defence, Indian Army and NTPC.

Incredible journey

27 Oct, 08:29

Madhya Pradesh joins the AI Revolution.

RackBank proudly announces the launch of India's first state-of-the-art, Purpose-Built AI Datacenter in Indore.

This landmark facility, capable of housing an unprecedented 60,000 GPUs, 80MW power, positions India at the forefront of the global artificial intelligence revolution.

Incredible journey

27 Oct, 07:32

Save this if u wanna practice stuffs through google meet for ssb!
Meanwhile these all data r for graduate entries!

Incredible journey

27 Oct, 07:31

21ssb bhopal
Women misusing their rights:a)social media influence
b)western influence c)moral and ethical problems
Reasons for extremism and riots in the country:a)foreign influence
b)weak policies c)inter-state disputes

Incredible journey

27 Oct, 07:31

12 SSB Banglore

1. Ukraine Russia Conflict
2. Israel Palestine Conflict
3. Were farm laws good for farmers?

Incredible journey

27 Oct, 07:31

19 SSB
Disparity among states.
1. Attitude of people
2. Geographical reason
3. Governance

Global influence of india increasing day by day

Crimes against women are increasing
1. Mindset
2. Upbringing
3. Women's development

Incredible journey

27 Oct, 07:31

1AFSB Dehradun
1. Increasing spam calls, ways to reduce.
Policies/ Awareness
2. Digitalisation of India
3. Global recession, why?
COVID pandemic/ conflicts

Incredible journey

27 Oct, 07:31

21 SSB Bhopal 17 Oct
Drone technology
china - Pakistan economic corridor
Global warming
climate change
Cashless economy

Incredible journey

27 Oct, 07:31

19 ssb prayagaraj 13 oct
Gd topic

Centre state relation
Digital india
India israel relation
My hobby

Incredible journey

27 Oct, 07:30

19 SSB Allahabad
GD - why is UN losing it's relevance.
-Changing world order
-lack of representation
-lack of action

19 SSB Allahabad
GD - due to rapid globalisation and urbanization, the present youths is after
-financial stability

19 SSB Alllahabad
Lecturette - Elon musk
Youth and politics
Paid media

Incredible journey

27 Oct, 07:30

18 SSB Allahabad
Topic :
Agriculture in india
Online education
E commerce and its impact

GD :
India is growing rapidly
-non alignment

Digital content creation
-Job opportunities

Incredible journey

27 Oct, 07:29

3 AFSB Gandhinagar:
Lecturette: 1. Migration
2. Urban Planning
3. Photo Journalism
4. Parental Pressure
5. Energy Security.

GD topics : 1.   balance between working hours in jobs should be there for maintenance of :
- Lifestyle
- Society
- helath

Incredible journey

21 Oct, 17:01

Guy's , don't open such link..
Third person will access your data once you open such link 🙏

Incredible journey

21 Oct, 14:41

Congratulations Garbhit bhai AIR 33

Incredible journey

21 Oct, 13:42

celebrate 8 years of UDAN, a visionary initiative launched in 2016 to make air travel affordable and accessible for every Indian.

Incredible journey

21 Oct, 13:06

CDS I 2024 Final Result Declared 👇

Incredible journey

21 Oct, 04:45

3. Maldives has introduced new rules requiring all foreign currency earnings from the tourism sector to be deposited in local banks. The regulation mandates transactions within the country to be in Maldivian Rufiyaa, with some exceptions. Non-compliance will result in fines. This move comes as the country faces economic challenges and aims to stabilize its foreign exchange reserves.

4. United Nations Human Rights Committee has raised serious concerns over the spread of religious intolerance, forced kidnappings and conversion of Hindu and Christian minority girls, curbs on media and freedom of expression in Pakistan. The UN committee also raised questions over the Pakistan government’s inability to tackle the dangerously-increasing numbers of attacks and threats on Shia Muslims, Christians, Ahmadis, Hindus and Sikhs.

5. In order to strengthen India-Russia business ties, Embassy of India in Moscow hosted India-Russia Business to Business Networking Dinner for Indian delegates of BRICS Business Forum. Indian Ambassador to Russia Vinay Kumar met with over 80 industry leaders from India and Russia, exploring trade and investment potential and strategic partnerships.

6. Devastating flooding caused by heavy rains pounding several parts of South Sudan has affected more than one million people.

🚣🚴🏇🏊 *SPORTS*
1. *ICC Womens T20 World Cup, 2024*
23 T20s
Oct 01 - Oct 20

Sunday, 20 Oct 2024
Dubai International Cricket Stadium

NZW: 158-5 (20)
RSAW: 126-9 (20)
*New Zealand Women won by 32 runs.*

New Zealand Women’s Team Lift the ICC T20 World Cup After 23 Years at the Dubai International Cricket Stadium. They defeated the South African team with 32 runs. South Africa won the toss and opted to Bowl first.

2. In Hockey, the Indian Junior Men’s team defeated Great Britain 6-4 in the group-stage match of the Sultan of Johor Cup in Malaysia. Dilraj Singh and Sharda Nand Tiwari scored two goals each for the team while other goals came through sticks of Mohd Konain Dad and Manmeet Singh.

3. The 27th All India Forest Sports Meet concluded yesterday in Raipur, Chhattisgarh. The host state emerged as the overall champion, securing a total of 174 medals. Kerala claimed second place with 103 medals, while Madhya Pradesh finished third with 88 medals. The five-day event saw participation from nearly three thousand athletes representing various states and Union Territories. Around 300 competitions across 26 disciplines were held during the sports meet.

4. The 19th edition of the Delhi Half Marathon was held in the national capital yesterday. Olympic Champion Joshua Cheptegei of Uganda won the men’s title and in the women’s category Alemaddis Eyayu of Ethiopia attained first position.

5. Indian Grandmaster Arjun Erigaisi showcased brilliant form to secure the WR Chess Masters title after defeating France’s Maxime Vachier-Lagrave in an Armageddon game, following two draws in Classical chess. With this win, Arjun edges closer to the 2800 Elo rating mark, finishing with a live rating of 2796. The 21-year-old earned a prize of 20,000 Euros, defeating friend R. Praggnanandhaa in the semifinals.

*Mizoram** is a state in northeastern India, with Aizawl as its capital city. The name is derived from " *Mizo", the name of the native inhabitants* , and " *Ram", which means land* , and thus Mizoram means "land of the Mizos".
*Thought of the day*
  The time is always right to do what is.right.   


*Why colour of human stool is brownish yellow** 

Incredible journey

21 Oct, 04:45

The color is the result of what you eat and how much bile is in your stool. Bile is a fluid your liver makes to digest fats. It starts out as a yellowish green color. But as the pigments that give bile its color travel through your digestive system, they go through chemical changes and turn brown. 

Healthy stool is usually considered a soft, formed bowel movement that is typically brownish in color,” “Stool may be indicative of a health problem if someone notices a change in their bowel habits with constipation or diarrhea, or notices a change in color of their stools.

Bile is a fluid that is made and released by the liver and stored in the gallbladder. Bile helps with digestion. It breaks down fats into fatty acids, which can be taken into the body by the digestive tract. Bile salts are released into our stools by your liver, giving the stools a brown color. If our liver is not producing enough bile, or if the flow of the bile is blocked and not draining from our liver, our stools may become pale or clay-colored. Having pale stools once in a while may not be a cause for concern.
*LEARN Sanskrit*🙏🏻
*You are beautiful* 

For man *: त्वं सुन्दरः असि। (tvam sundaraḥ asi)* 

For a woman: *त्वं सुन्दरी असि। (tvam sundarI asi)* 
 🤔 *HOW IT WORKS* =======================

Finding the way from one place to another is called NAVIGATION. Moving of an 

 aircraft from one point to another is the most important part for any kind of mission. 

Plotting on the paper or on the map a course towards a specific area of the earth.


There are three main methods of air navigation. 

There are:

 (a) Pilotage

 (b) Dead Reckoning

 (c) Radio.

(a). *Pilotage or Piloting* is the most common method of air navigation. In this method, 

the pilot keeps on course by following a series of landmarks on the ground. Usually 

before take-off, the pilot draws a line on the aeronautical map to indicate the desired 

course. He/ She notes down various landmarks on track, such as highways , railroad 

tracks, rivers , bridges etc . As the pilot flies over/ near each landmark, he checks the 

deviation from the planned track and corrects his course.

(b). *Dead Reckoning* is the primary navigation method used in the early days of flying.

It demands more skill and experience than pilotage does. It is based on time, distance, 

speed of the aircraft and direction. The pilot must know the distance from one point to 

the next and the magnetic heading to be flown. He decides a speed to be maintained 

keeping in mind the safety and efficiency of the aircraft, thereafter calculates the time 

to know exactly to reach the distination. In the air, he uses compass to keep the plane 

heading in the right direction. Dead reckoning is not always a successful method of 

navigation because of changing wind direction

(c). *Radio Navigation* is used by almost all pilots. Pilots can find out from an aeronautical chart what radio station they should tune to in a particular area. They can then tune their radio navigation equipment to a signal from this station. A needle on 

the navigation equipment.

Incredible journey

21 Oct, 04:45

16. Central Railway to run 570 special trains from various places in Maharashtra to clear heavy rush of passengers during Diwali & Chhath Puja.

17. Communist Party of India (Marxist) [CPI(M)] veteran, freedom fighter and former Chief Minister of Kerala, V. S. Achuthanandan, turned 101 on Sunday (October 20, 2024).

18. The India Meteorological Department (IMD) has said that a low pressure area is likely to form over the East central Bay of Bengal and adjoining north Andaman Sea during next 24 hours. It has also forecast heavy rainfall over Tamil Nadu, Puducherry, Karaikal, Kerala and South Interior Karnataka during the next three days. It has also predicted heavy rainfall over Karnataka and Madhya Maharashtra today.


1. The Delhi Police has registered a FIR in connection with an explosion outside a Central Reserve Police Force (CRPF) school in Rohini area of the National Capital.

2. Government transferred Director General of the Directorate General of Civil Aviation (DGCA), Vikram Dev Dutt, amid rising bomb threats. Dutt has been transferred to the Ministry of Coal as Secretary. A new DG will be assigned next week.

3. In Uttarakhand, The Uniform Civil Code (UCC), expected to be implemented on November 9, the state foundation day, this year, It also includes provisions that make it mandatory for live-in relationship couples to register their marriages within a six-month time span. The UCC also suggests action against those who either delay the registration, provide false information, or do not register their live-in relationship.

4. Andhra Pradesh Chief Minister N. Chandrababu Naidu expressed grief over the tragic death of a minor girl, an intermediate student, who succumbed to her injuries while undergoing treatment after being set on fire by a young man at Badvel in Kadapa district.

""""""""" *MISHAPS* """""""

At least 12 people killed in a road accident on National Highway in Rajasthan’s Dholpur. The incident occurred, when a sleeper bus and an auto-rickshaw collided. Most of the deceased were children and women. All victims were returning from a wedding ceremony.

*USD* ₹ 84 (Approx)
💷 *GBP* ₹110(Approx)
€ *Euro* : ₹ 93(Approx)
*🇨🇳 Yuan ¥* : ₹ 12
81,224.75 +218.14 (0.27%) 🌲

24,863.40 +113.55 (0.46%)🌲
*Rates in Financial Capital Mumbai*

*GOLD* : ₹ 79,400/ 10gm (24 krt)

*SILVER* : ₹ 99,500/KG

1. The Employees’ Provident Fund Organisation (EPFO) has added 18 lakh 53 thousand net members in the month of August this year. The Labour and Employment Ministry said that around nine lakh 30 thousand new members have enrolled during the month. Out of the total new members, around 2.53 lakhs are female members.

2. Global index provider FTSE Russell has announced that India’s sovereign bonds will be included in its Emerging Markets Government Bond Index (EMGBI) starting September 2025.


1. Star Hero Prabhas film, Salaar: Part 1 - Ceasefire, will re-release in the USA to celebrate his birthday on 23 October. Salaar is the 11th highest grossing Indian film in the circuit.

2. This Diwali, it's a mega box office clash between Ajay Devgn and Kareena Kapoor starrer Singham Again and Kartik Aryan's Bhool Bhulaiyaa 3. Bollywood has immense hopes that these movies could revive its glory at the box office.

3. Malayalam Super Star Mammootty’s classic film 'Aavanazhi' is making a return to theatres after 38 years. The film will be re-released in stunning 4K quality and is set to hit theatres on 3 January 2025. Originally released on 12 September 1986.

4. Producer Ekta Kapoor and her mother Shobha Kapoor have landed in legal trouble.

Incredible journey

21 Oct, 04:45

A case has been filed against them under the POCSO Act for allegedly showing inappropriate scenes involving minor girls in an episode of the ALT Balaji's web series Gundi Baat.


1. The Quad group of countries — India, Australia, Japan and the U.S. — held back-to-back naval war games, deepening interoperability and honing, in particular, their anti-submarine warfare skills. ‘Exercise Malabar’, comprising the four countries, concluded on Friday off the coast of Visakhapatnam. Earlier, the four countries were part of the multilateral ‘Exercise Kakadu’ hosted by the Royal Australian Navy from September.

The Indian Navy termed Exercise Malabar 2024, held from October 8 to 18, as the “most comprehensive” of all editions so far, incorporating complex operational scenarios. The Harbour Phase’ was held in Visakhapatnam, followed by the Sea Phase in the Bay of Bengal.

2. INS Kalpeni, an Indian Navy Fast Attack Craft, arrived at the port of Colombo on a formal visit on Saturday, the Sri Lanka Navy said.The 49-metre-long Car Nicobar class Waterjet Fast Attack Craft (FAC) is manned by a crew of 70 and it is commanded by Lieutenant Commander Jonathan Sunil S Kothari.

3. Indian Navy and the Royal Navy of Oman recently concluded their bilateral naval exercise, 'Naseem Al Bahr' off the coast of Goa.The exercise lasted from October 13 to October 18.

4. The Kashmir Valley, one heavily armed terrorist was neutralised in an encounter that broke out between security forces and terrorists after a suspicious movement was spotted by security forces along LoC in the Uri area of north Kashmir’s Baramulla district.

5. Malaysia has finally received the “green light” from the Kuwaiti government for the acquisition of second hand Kuwaiti F/A-18C/D Hornets for the Royal Malaysian Air Force (RMAF) amid political indecision and budgetary problems surrounding the air force’s long-lagging Multirole Combat Aircraft (MRCA) program.


1. Prime Minister Narendra Modi is scheduled to visit 🇷🇺Russia from October 22-23 to attend the 16th BRICS Summit in Kazan, at the invitation of President Vladimir Putin.

2. Maldives🇲🇻 President Dr. Mohamed Muizzu has decided to introduce India’s Unified Payment Interface in the Maldives.

3. Union Minister for Education Dharmendra Pradhan is on a seven day visit to Singapore and Australia. The visit is expected to foster collaboration, participation, and synergy in critical areas of mutual interest in education.

4. In 🇧🇩Bangladesh, amid rising egg prices, another shipment of two lakh, 31 thousand eggs reached the country from India through the Benapole land port. Egg prices have soared to 200 taka per dozen in Dhaka and other parts of the country.

5. India and Germany are set to sign a pact next week to facilitate the movement of workers and recognize skills between the two countries.

6. Union Minister of State for External Affairs Pabitra Margherita represented India at the inauguration ceremony of Indonesia's President Prabowo Subianto and Vice President Gibran Rakabuming on Sunday.


1. The death toll in Israeli strikes in the city of Beit Lahia in northern Gaza has reached to 87. More than 40 persons are injured. The strip's Hamas-run authorities said, the death toll may rise as rescue operations are underway.

2. According to reports, Diabetes affects over 500 million people globally. It leads to nearly 7 million deaths annually. The disease is marked by high blood sugar levels. Recently, scientists announced a breakthrough in diabetes treatment. They developed a smart insulin that reacts in real time to blood sugar changes.

Incredible journey

21 Oct, 04:45


1. President Droupadi Murmu will confer the 5th National Water Awards 2023 in New Delhi on Tuesday. Union Jal Shakti Ministry has announced 38 winners in nine categories including Best State, Best District, Best Village Panchayat, Best Urban Local Body, Best Water User Association and Best Civil Society. In the category of Best State, the first prize has been conferred upon Odisha, with Uttar Pradesh securing the second position, and Gujarat and Puducherry jointly securing the third position.

2. PM Modi yesterday laid the foundation stone and inaugurated multiple development projects worth over 6,700 crore rupees from his parliamentary constituency Varanasi.

3. The Prime Minister listed out various initiatives of the central government in healthcare, providing cheap and affordable treatment to people. He cited the establishment of over 5,500 Ayushman Arogya temples in Poorvanchal in last ten years, which have made medicines more affordable, reducing average spending on drugs by 25%.

4. The BJP has released the first list of 99 candidates for the upcoming Maharashtra Assembly polls. Deputy Chief Minister Devendra Fadnavis will contest from Nagpur South West assembly seat, while Maharashtra BJP chief Chandrashekhar Bawankule will be the party candidate from Kamthi.

5. Sameer Wankhede, the controversial IRS officer and former Narcotics Control Bureau (NCB) director, may contest the upcoming assembly elections in Maharashtra. Wankhede is likely to contest on Chief Minister Eknath Shinde-led Shiv Sena's ticket from Dharavi.

6. Jharkhand Assembly elections, 70 seats will be shared by Jharkhand Mukti Morcha and the Congress under the I.N.D.I.A. block seat sharing formula while 11 seats will be given to RJD and CPI-ML.

7. In Bihar, the opposition Grand Alliance has announced its candidates for the upcoming by-election in four assembly seats. According to the seat sharing formula RJD will contest Imamganj, Belaganj and Ramgarh seat whereas CPI-ML will contest Tarari seat.

8. Union Rural Development Minister Shivraj Singh Chouhan will inaugurate the International Workshop on Modern Technologies in Survey-Resurvey for Urban Land Records in New Delhi today.

9. Odisha will host the 18th Pravasi Bharatiya Divas in Bhubaneswar from 8th to 10th of January next year. Minister Mohan Charan Majhi has approved a proposal in this regard sent by the Union Ministry of External Affairs.

10. Kashmir Valley hosted the first-ever International Marathon in Srinagar. Jammu and Kashmir Chief Minister Omar Abdullah flagged off the from marathon from Polo View in the city this morning. Over 1700 runners from across the country and 12 foreign nations participated in 42 km Full Marathon and 21 km Half Marathon.

11. Union Rural Development Minister, Shivraj Singh Chouhan will inaugurate the International Workshop on Modern Technologies in Survey-Resurvey for Urban Land Records in New Delhi.

12. The 15th edition of the ITU (International Telecommunications Union) Kaleidoscope Academic Conference will begin today in New Delhi. The three-day event, themed Innovation and Digital Transformation for a Sustainable World, aims to bring together the brightest minds of academia, industry, and government to discuss cutting-edge developments in 5G, artificial intelligence, the Internet of Things, quantum communications, and other transformative technologies.

13. Prime Minister Narendra Modi virtually inaugurated the Maa Mahamaya airport in Darima village of Chhattisgarh's Surguja district on Sunday.

14. The Congress' central election committee will hold its meeting today to finalise candidates for the upcoming Maharashtra and Jharkhand assembly polls.

15. Assam Chief Minister Himanta Biswa Sarma launched Mission Basundhara 3.0 in Guwahati to provide land rights to indigenous people. Under this, steps will also be taken to digitise various land-related services and publish maps for the benefit of the people of the state.

Incredible journey

20 Oct, 09:05

yamuna river condition.. We live in this society look what they converted river into drainage..
Suggest measures to control this.

Incredible journey

20 Oct, 09:04

The USA's Plan To Arrest Former R&AW Chief Samant Goel foiled

The US had planned to arrest a top official who had recently retired from a sensitive post, who they allege was involved in the Pannun case.

The said officer was to fly to the US for personal reasons, but was made aware of the intention of these US officials, after which he aborted his travel just hours before boarding the flight.
(Sunday Guardian)

Incredible journey

20 Oct, 08:58

Safran Expands India Presence in Strategic Move to Secure AMCA Engine Contract and Tap India's Engineering Talent

Incredible journey

20 Oct, 08:57

India is ramping up efforts to boost crude oil imports from Brazil, amid growing tensions in the Middle East.

However, the abundance of discounted Russian crude and logistical issues may pose challenges to increasing imports from the South American nation, according to S&P Global Commodity Insights.

Incredible journey

20 Oct, 05:38

New Zealand tour of India, 2024

India were all out for 462 runs in their second innings on the fourth day of the opening Test against New Zealand. India is currently leading by 106 runs against New Zealand.

3. In Hockey, the Indian Junior Men’s team will begin its campaign against Japan in the 12th edition of the Sultan of Johor Cup in Malaysia.

 The term "Odisha/Orissa" (Odia: ଓଡ଼ିଶା) is derived from the ancient Prakrit word "Odda Visaya" (also "Udra Bibhasha" or "Odra Bibhasha") as in the ...
Area rank: it ranks 8th.
*😀Thought of the day*
  Always think and care about present. Never waste present thinking about the lost opportunity in the past. =======================
*Chintu* ne ek aadmi ko tamacha mar diya.?👋🏻

*Chintu* : Tum saale galti karo uske liye hum intezaar thodi karenge. Hamare paas itna time nahi hai...🤪
*Why railway tracks have ston* 

It is used to bear the load from the railroad ties, to facilitate drainage of water, and also to keep down vegetation that might interfere with the track structure. Ballast also holds the track in place as the trains roll over it. ... The term "ballast" comes from a nautical term for the stones used to stabilize a ship.
*LEARN Sanskrit*🙏🏻
 what is your name* ' bhavataha naama kim? (भवतः नाम किम्)

 🤔 *HOW IT WORKS* =======================
 *The Science of How Trains Turn Without Falling Off the Tracks** 

Have you ever thought about how trains stay on the tracks when they round corners? Trains typically have wheels that are connected together by a fixed axle, meaning that the wheels on both sides of the train always turn at the same speed. This can present problems when turning, because one wheel has to cover more distance than the other.

The wheel bevels are specifically designed so that when the train goes around a corner it stays on the tracks. The wheels that have to travel a greater distance have a greater diameter, and everything stays aligned. The end result is a train that stays on the tracks.
💁🏻‍♂‍ *GK TODAY* 
  The first ever electric train in India ran on February 3, 1925,* between Bombay VT and Kurla Harbour. The train was electrified on 1500 Volt DC.
*Navjot Singh Sidhu** (born 20 October 1963) is an Indian politician, television personality and former cricketer.

As a professional cricketer, Sidhu had a career spanning over 19 years after his first-class debut in 1981–82.

*Fish out of water** 

*Meaning* : A person away from his or her usual environment or activities.

*Example,* Using a computer for the first time, Ram felt like a fish out of water
*Jubilant* × Melancholy

*Jubilant* : rejoicing
(kindly inform, if given info is differ from actual facts🙏🏻) =======================
 Ashtang Namaskar* should done only by male)

Eight specific parts of the body should touch the floor:


*Panchanga pranam* should be perform by women only. specific Five parts of the body should are:  

*Why it is must do it?* 

All of our karmas are performed through mind, body, or speech, and every karma in life should be offered to God.
( *Note* : These home tips followed in villages/ancient traditions, it is up to you to use it or not🙏🏻) =======================
Natural pineapple juice is 5 times more effective than cough syrup. 

It can also prevent baldness, and even the flu.

Incredible journey

20 Oct, 05:38

3. Singham Again movie is an upcoming Indian Hindi-language action film written and directed by Rohit Shetty, who also co-produced it under Rohit Shetty Picturez, alongside Reliance Entertainment, Jio Studios and Devgn Films. The film stars Ajay Devgn in the title role, alongside Kareena Kapoor Khan, Ranveer Singh, Akshay Kumar, Deepika Padukone, Tiger Shroff, Arjun Kapoor and Jackie Shroff.

*Release date* :
1 November 2024


1. The Indian Army’s Sudarshan Chakra Corps is conducting a major exercise called “Exercise SWAVLAMBAN SHAKTI” at the Babina Field Firing Ranges near Jhansi. This exercise, which runs until October 22.

2. Two Indo-Tibetan Border Police (ITBP) personnel were killed, and two personnel of the Chhattisgarh Police were injured in an IED (improvised explosive device) blast carried out by Maoists in Chhattisgarh's Narayanpur district on Saturday (October 19, 2024).

3. The Indian Army is set to open a new culture and heritage museum in Arunachal Pradesh next week to establish the border state’s “deep rooted connection to Indian civilisation” contradicting China’s claims of the north eastern state as its own territory.


1. The President of India Smt Droupadi Murmu Concludes Three-Nation Visit to Africa: She has left for New Delhi from Malawi after concluding her three nation visit to Algeria, Mauritania and Malawi.

2. Union Minister for Education Dharmendra Pradhan will be on a seven-day visit to Singapore and Australia from today.

3. Union Finance Minister Nirmala Sitharaman has said that the joint efforts of India and Mexico can strengthen resilience through diversification, especially for critical components like semiconductors, printed circuit boards, and other high-tech electronics.

4. India has increased grant support for upgrading nine schools in Sri Lanka’s plantation regions. At the request of Sri Lanka, the Government of India has doubled its financial commitment, raising the total project cost to SLR 600 million.

5. Prime Minister Narendra Modi is scheduled to visit Russia from October 22-23 to attend the 16th BRICS Summit in Kazan, at the invitation of President Vladimir Putin.


1. At least 32 people were killed and 85 injured after Israeli strikes on the Gaza Strip, Israel's military said, 60 rockets were launched from Lebanon towards Haifa and other northern Israeli cities.

2. A drone attack was reported at the residence of Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu. The attack was carried out by Hezbollah, who launched a drone towards Netanyahu’s residence located in the Caesarea area on yesterday morning.

3. Devastating flooding caused by heavy rains pounding several parts of South Sudan has affected more than one million people. The UN Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs said.

4. Russian President Vladimir Putin has asserted that the BRICS group will generate most of the global economic growth in the coming years due to its size and relatively fast growth compared with that of developed Western nations. He was Speaking at BRICS business forum in Moscow.

5. The European Space Agency (ESA) has introduced a new programme called the Moonlight Lunar Communications and Navigation Services (LCNS). It was announced at the International Astronautical Congress and is focused on building important infrastructure for future missions to the Moon.

6. Hong Kong has regained its title as the freest economy in the world, surpassing Singapore, according to the Fraser Institute’s Economic Freedom of the World report.

🚣🚴🏇🏊 *SPORTS*
*ICC Womens T20 World Cup, 2024*
23 T20s
Oct 01 - Oct 15

Sunday, 20 Oct 2024
Dubai International Cricket Stadium

South Africa Women
New Zealand Women
Today @ 7:30 PM

2. India vs New Zealand, 1st Test
M.Chinnaswamy Stadium, Bengaluru

Incredible journey

20 Oct, 05:38

15. Andhra pradesh Chief Minister Nara Chandrababu Naidu restarted works for AP’s world-class Amaravati Capital City at Rayapudi in Amaravati on Saturday. He said that, he will build Amaravati as the capital city of Andhra Pradesh in three years.

16. Senior IPS officer of 1989 batch Ajay Singh has been appointed as the new Director General of Police of Jharkhand.

17. Vijaya Rahatkar has been appointed as the Chairperson of National Commission for Women.


1. A flight operated by Vistara Airlines from Mumbai to Colombo landed safely at Bandaranaike International Airport in Sri Lanka today, following a bomb threat. A call regarding the threat was received by the authorities, after which an emergency was declared at the airport.

2. In Bihar, the Enforcement Directorate (ED) has arrested senior IAS officer Sanjeev Hans and former Rashtriya Janata Dal MLA Gulab Yadav in connection with a money laundering case.

3. The Meghalaya government has directed the University of Science & Technology, Meghalaya (USTM) to postpone the opening of the PA Sangma International Medical College and Hospital until necessary legislation is passed.

4. Nineteen BJP MLAs of Manipur have reportedly written to Prime Minister Narendra Modi seeking the removal of Chief Minister N Biren Singh.

Two leaked pages of an understandably six-page letter they wrote are circulating on social media. However, it was not clear if the letter was even submitted to the PM.

5. Union minister Bandi Sanjay Kumar was on Saturday detained by the police for staging a dharna in Hyderabad to express solidarity with aspirants of Telangana Public Service Commission (TSPSC) Group 1 services, who are seeking postponement of the Mains exam.

In a strong appeal to the Group-I candidates, Chief Minister A. Revanth Reddy urged them to cease the ongoing protests and attend the TGPSC Group-1 Mains exams starting on Monday.

6. Vikas Yadav, a former Indian government official who was arrested last December by the Delhi Police Special Cell in an unrelated extortion case, was thrust back into the spotlight on Friday after the DoJ formally charged him with murder-for-hire and money laundering in the alleged Pannun assassination plot.

*USD* ₹ 84 (Approx)
💷 *GBP* ₹110(Approx)
€ *Euro* : ₹ 93(Approx)
*🇨🇳 Yuan ¥* : ₹ 12
81,224.75 +218.14 (0.27%) 🌲

24,863.40 +113.55 (0.46%)🌲
*Rates in Financial Capital Mumbai*

*GOLD* : ₹ 79,000/ 10gm (24 krt)

*SILVER* : ₹ 99,000/KG

1. Abhyuday Jindal has been named the new President of the Indian Chamber of Commerce (ICC).

2. Meta, in partnership with the Indian government, launched a safety campaign called ‘Scam se Bacho’. This campaign will run for two months and is designed to help people in India learn how to avoid online scams.

3. The Federal Trade Commission (FTC) in the United States is introducing a new rule called the “click-to-cancel” rule, aimed at making it easier for people to cancel subscriptions and memberships.


1. Actor Rajinikanth’s latest movie Vettaiyan has not quite hit the mark at the box office, despite featuring a powerhouse cast that includes Amitabh Bachchan and Fahadh Faasil. The film managed to garner only Rs 207 crore worldwide in its opening week.

2. Salim Khan, the father of Salman Khan, has adamantly declared that his son has no need to apologize because he never killed the blackbuck, despite the star being threatened by Lawrence Bishnoi's gang. Salim Khan recently said that the threats were merely a case of extortion over the years. Over the past year, Salman has received an increasing number of death threats; the situation has gotten worse recently, especially in the wake of Baba Siddique's assassination.

Incredible journey

20 Oct, 05:38


1. PM Modi launched the ‘Karmayogi Saptah’-National Learning Week at Dr Ambedkar International Centre in New Delhi. Addressing the gathering, the Prime Minister said that through Mission Karmayogi, the goal is to create human resources that would become the driving force of our country’s development. Mission Karmayogi was launched in September 2020.

2. PM Modi will visit his Parliamentary Constituency Varanasi today. During the visit, the Prime Minister will inaugurate and lay foundation stones for projects worth around 6100 crore rupees and will address a public gathering.

3. करवा चौथ *KARWA CHAUTH* is a very grand festival observed by married Hindu women. It is observed on Chaturthi tithi, that is the fourth day of the Krishna Paksha in the month of Kartik. This is a one-day festival in which the female folks observe a strict fast from sunrise to moonrise for the longevity and safety of their husbands.

Sunday, 20 Oct, 2024, 6:46 am – Monday, 21 Oct, 2024, 4:16 am

4. BJP released the first list of its 66 candidates for the upcoming Assembly Elections in JharkhandJharkhand and also the names of candidates for the upcoming Assembly bye-elections in Assam, Bihar, Chhattisgarh, Karnataka, Kerala, Madhya Pradesh, Rajasthan and West Bengal and one Parliamentary Seat in Kerala.

5. Seat sharing formula of I.N.D.I.A block has been decided for upcoming Jharkhand Assembly Elections. Jharkhand Mukti Morcha and Congress will contest on 70 seats.

6. In the Union Territory of Jammu and Kashmir, senior National Conference leader Mubarak Gul has taken oath as the Pro-tem speaker of the newly constituted Assembly.

7. Union Minister for Agriculture and Farmers' Welfare Shivraj Singh Chouhan has said, the food grain production target in 2024-25 will be over 341 million tonnes. He said this while Inaugurating the National Conference on Agriculture for Rabi Campaign 2024 in New Delhi yesterday.

8. A special Khadi exhibition is being held at the Delhi Haat INA in the national capital. The exhibition is being held as part of the nationwide 'Khadi Mahotsav' to promote 'Vocal for Local' and 'Atmanirbhar Bharat' campaigns as well as to enhance the income of Khadi artisans. The exhibition was inaugurated by Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises Minister Jitan Ram Manjhi.

9. Karnataka’s School Education and Literacy Minister, Madhu Bangarappa, launched “Shiksha Copilot,” a digital tool powered by artificial intelligence (AI). This tool aims to improve the education system in government schools, helping both teachers and students perform better academically.

10. The Bureau of Energy Efficiency (BEE) launched two important guidelines in Hyderabad to help improve India’s Carbon Market, which is part of the country’s plan to fight climate change. These guidelines aim to make carbon credit trading more effective.

11. Bharatiya Janata Party announced on Saturday that Navya Haridas, a two-time councillor in the Kozhikode Corporation, will be the National Democratic Alliance candidate for the Wayanad Lok Sabha by-election.

12. The India Meteorological Department (IMD) has forecast heavy rainfall over southern parts of the country including Tamil Nadu, Puducherry, and Karnataka during the next two to three days.

13. West Bengal Chief Minister Mamata Banerjee on Saturday urged the junior doctors protesting the rape and murder of their colleague at R G Kar Hospital to end their fast-unto-death stir, stating that most of their demands have been addressed while rejecting their insistence on removing the state health secretary.

14. Jammu and Kashmir Lieutenant Governor Manoj Sinha has cleared a resolution passed by Chief Minister Omar Abdullah-led cabinet urging the Centre to restore the statehood to the Union territory, officials said on Saturday.

Incredible journey

19 Oct, 15:11

Raksha Mantri Rajnath Singh launched the ‘Dare to Dream 5.0’ initiative during the DRDO-Industry Workshop on Defence Technology Acceleration organised at #DRDO Bhawan in New Delhi.

This initiative encourages innovators to present transformative ideas for #defence applications to drive major advancements in areas critical to defence infrastructure.

Incredible journey

19 Oct, 15:10


Incredible journey

19 Oct, 15:10

Smt. Vijaya Kishore Rahatkar has been appointed as the Chairperson of the National Commission for Women (NCW). She will be the 9th Chairperson of NCW.

Incredible journey

19 Oct, 08:44

What a comeback🫡🫡🫡
Learning from team India never give up
Fight till last breathe

Incredible journey

19 Oct, 08:25


*1. Recently, the Supreme Court has declared Section 6A of the Citizenship Act, which provides citizenship to the immigrants of which state, as constitutional?*


*1. हाल ही में सर्वोच्च न्यायालय ने किस राज्य के प्रवासियों को नागरिकता प्रदान करने वाली नागरिकता अधिनियम की धारा 6A को संवैधानिक बताया है?*


*2. According to NCRB Report, 2024, what is the percentage annual increase in student suicide cases in India?*


*2. NCRB रिपोर्ट, 2024 के अनुसार भारत में छात्र आत्महत्या के मामलों में सालाना कितने प्रतिशत की वृद्धि हुई है?*


*3. Recently, India has provided a loan of Rs 487 crore in its own currency for the first time to which country for 'Water Pipeline Replacement Project'?*


*3. हाल ही में भारत ने किस देश को ‘जल पाइपलाइन प्रतिस्थापन परियोजना’ के लिए पहली बार अपनी मुद्रा में 487 करोड़ रुपये का ऋण प्रदान किया है?*


*4. Recently the Indian Council of Medical Research has developed a handheld X-ray machine to detect which disease?*


*4. हाल ही में भारतीय आयुर्विज्ञान अनुसंधान परिषद् ने किस बीमारी का पता लगाने के लिए हाथ में पकड़ी जाने वाली एक्स-रे मशीन विकसित की है?*


*5. When has SEBI recently announced the launch of 'Liquidity Window Facility' to overcome the liquidity crunch in the corporate bond market?*

*01 November*

*5. हाल ही के SEBI ने कब से कॉरपोरेट बॉन्ड बाजार में तरलता की कमी को दूर करने के लिए ‘लिक्विडिटी विंडो फैसिलिटी’ शुरु करने की घोषणा की है?*

*01 नवंबर*

*6. Who recently organized the ‘International Methanol Symposium and Exhibition’ in New Delhi?*
*Niti Aayog*

*6. हाल ही में किसके द्वारा नई दिल्ली में ‘अंतर्राष्ट्रीय मेथनॉल संगोष्ठी एवं प्रदर्शनी’ का आयोजन किया गया?*

*नीति आयोग*

*7. Where recently was the formation of “India-Türkiye Friendship Association” announced to strengthen India-Turkey relations?*


*7. हाल ही में कहां भारत–तुर्की संबंध को मज़बूत करने के लिए “भारत-तुर्की मैत्री संघ” के गठन की घोषणा की गई?*

*हैदराबाद में*

*8. Recently Nikita Porwal of _____ has won the title of ‘Miss India 2024’.*

*Madhya Pradesh*

*8. हाल ही में _____ की निकिता पोरवाल ने ‘मिस इंडिया 2024’ का खिताब जीता है।*

*मध्य प्रदेश*

*9. With which platform has the Government of India launched the “Save from fraud” campaign on October 18, 2024?*


*9. भारत सरकार ने 18 अक्टूबर, 2024 को किस प्लेटफॉर्म के साथ “धोखाधड़ी से बचो” अभियान शुरु किया है?*


*10. In which country has President Draupadi Murmu been awarded an honorary doctorate degree in Political Science?*


*10. किस देश में राष्ट्रपति द्रौपदी मुर्मू राजनीति विज्ञान में मानद डॉक्टरेट की उपाधि से सम्मानित किया गया है?*

*अल्जीरिया में*

*11. Recently, what percentage increase in dearness allowance of central employees has been approved by the Central Government?*


*11. हाल ही ने केंद्र सरकार ने केन्द्रीय कर्मचारियों के महंगाई भत्ते में कितने प्रतिशत बढ़ोतरी की मंजूरी दी है?*


*12. Recently in which state has the government given approval to NABARD to start 35 projects?*

*Himachal Pradesh*

*12. हाल ही मे सरकार ने किस राज्य में नाबार्ड को 35 परियोजनाओ को शुरू करने को मंजूरी दे दी है?*

*हिमाचल प्रदेश*

*13. According to the report of FAO, who is most affected by the damage caused by climate change?*

*Rural Farmer*

*13. FAO की रिपोर्ट के अनुसार, कौन जलवायु परिवर्तन से होने वाले नुकसान से सर्वाधिक प्रभावित है?*

*ग्रामीण किसान*

*14. Which is the last country to join the recently discussed Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO)?*


*14. हाल ही में चर्चा में रहे शंघाई सहयोग संगठन (SCO) में शामिल होने वाला अंतिम देश कौन सा है?*


*15. Recently, according to the new guidelines, the use of which word has been banned in the advertising of brands?*

*Sustainable, Natural, Organic*

*15. हाल ही में नए दिशा निर्देशों के अनुसार ब्रांड्स के विज्ञापन में किस शब्द के उपयोग पर प्रतिबंध लगाया गया है?*

*सस्टेनेबल, नेचुरल, ऑर्गेनिक*

Incredible journey

19 Oct, 08:24

Question to Canadian Deputy PM

“Why Hardeep Singh Nijjar who, before his death was on the no-fly list and his bank accounts were frozen, now after his death he is being given tribute in the parliament....what exactly changed ???”

Her reply - dekho bat aisi hai tum nahi samjhoge kaisi h 🤡

Incredible journey

19 Oct, 08:18

India sends first tranche of 11 tons of medical supplies to Lebanon amid rising conflict