🛣 На участках от Звенигородского шоссе до Шмитовского проезда:
Всё это улучшит транспортное обслуживание деловых центров "Москва-Сити" и "Сити-2", а также Пресненского района в целом.
Do you have a passion for public transportation systems, specifically the metro? If so, look no further than the Telegram channel 'I love metro'! This channel is dedicated to all things metro-related, from discussing the latest developments in metro technology to sharing interesting facts about various metro systems around the world. Whether you're a seasoned metro enthusiast or just someone who appreciates efficient and reliable public transportation, this channel is the perfect place for you. Join 'I love metro' and connect with like-minded individuals who share your love for all things metro. Stay informed about upcoming metro projects, discover hidden gems in different metro networks, and engage in discussions about the future of urban transportation. Don't miss out on the opportunity to be a part of this thriving community of metro lovers. Join 'I love metro' today and take your passion for public transportation to the next level!
12 Jul, 12:16
12 Jul, 10:06
12 Jul, 07:39
11 Jul, 14:27
11 Jul, 11:37