Ethiopia illuminati OFFICAL ACCOUNT @illuimnt Channel on Telegram

Ethiopia illuminati OFFICAL ACCOUNT





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Ethiopia illuminati OFFICAL ACCOUNT (English)

Are you someone who dreams about fame and money? Are you a businessperson, politician, artist, or student looking for a way to achieve success? Look no further, because the Ethiopia illuminati OFFICAL ACCOUNT on Telegram is here for you! This channel, with the username @illuimnt, is the ONLY AGENT IN ETHIOPIA for the Brotherhood of Illuminati. By joining this exclusive group, you will have access to a network of like-minded individuals who are dedicated to achieving success and prosperity. Whether you are looking to boost your career, gain political power, or simply expand your horizons, the Ethiopia illuminati OFFICAL ACCOUNT is the place for you. Don't miss out on this opportunity to take your dreams to the next level. Contact us today @jostane and start your journey towards a brighter future!

Ethiopia illuminati OFFICAL ACCOUNT

07 Aug, 19:01

⛤ኑ ወደኛ ህይወትዎን ምቾት እና የገንዘብ ደስታ በሞላበት ፈታ ሳቅ ፈገግ እያሉ ይኑሩ
🌟ጭንቅ እና ስቃይ የሞላበትን ኑሮ ያስወግዳል🌟

★ኢሉሚናቲ ለተደላደለና ምቾት ለሞላበት ህይወት ብቸኛው አማራጫችን ነው★
ውድ የኢሉምናቲ ቤተሰቦችና ተከታታዮች
🔴    አኛን ለመቀላቀል ስታስቡ መጀመሪያ ራሳችሁን አሳምኑ ሳትወስኑ ወደኛ አትምጡ ወይም አትጀምሩ ምክንያቱም ጀምሮ መተው ስራው የሴጣን ወይም የ(ሉሲፈር )ስራ ስለሆነ
ያው ሳትወስኑ ከራሳችሁ ጋር ሳትማከሩ
አታናግሩን !!!
ኢሉሚናቲን ስትቀላቀሉ ጌ ትሆናላቹ ሌዚቢያን ትሆናላችሁ ሰው መግደል አለባቹ የሚሏችሁ አካላት ሀሰተኞች ናቸው ማንኛውም ሰው ይህን የሴጣን ሀይማኖት መከተል ሲጀምር ሙሉ ህይወቱን ማለት የመጨረሻውን ለሴጣን ሸጦ ነው
ሌላው አምነህበት ወደ እዚኛው ሀይማኖት ከመጣህ በኋላ አይ አልፈልግም አፋቱኝ መውጣት እፈልጋለሁ አምላኬ እርዳኝ ብትልም የዛን ጊዜ አምላክህም ፊቱን ካንተ ያሸሻላ

ምክንያቱም በራስህ ውሳኔ እንጂ ወይም አይምሮህን ስተህ ስላልገባህ በደንብ ማሰብ አለባቹ
★በምላሹ የምታገኙት ወይም የምትጠቀሙት

🔴በዚህ ምድር ላይ በህይወት እስካለህ ድረስ የብር ችግር የለብህም የተሟላ ህይወትን ትኖራለህ ታዋቂ ሰው ትሆናለህ

ገብታችሁበት አታቋርጡ ወይም አትጀምሩ እባካችሁ ምክንያቱም

🔵 በሽተኛ ትሆናለህ

🔵 ትሞታለህ ወይም የወደፊት ህይወትህን ያበለሻሸዋል ያ ማለትም ካንተ የሚወለደው ልጅ ይሞታል ወይም በሽተኛ ይሆናል

🔵ስኬት አይኖርህም

🔵የተመሰቃቀለን ህይወት ትኖረዋለህ★

🔵እናም እባካችሁ እባካችሁ
ሳትወስኑ ከራሳችሁ ሳትማከሩ አደውሉልን!
👉ወስነህ ገብቼበት አልመለስም የምትሉ ከሆነ!

🔴በልተሀው ሳይሆን አቃጥለህ የማትጨርሰው ብር ይኖርሀል:

🔴ሰው ትገላለህ ወደ አውሬነት ትለወጣለህ ቤተሰብህን ትገብራለህ የሚባሉት አባባሎች ናቸው ውሸት ነው! በኢሉሚናቲ እምነት ውስጥ እየሳክ
እየተደሰትክ የገንዘብ ችግር ሳይገድብህ የምድር ላይ ያለህን ህይወትህን አጣጥም እድሜህን አትፍጀው★

ብዚ አጭበሪባሪዎች የኛን ስም እና አካዎንት የሚጠቀሙ ወደ ቴሌግራም ስለፈሰሱ እንዳይጭበረበሩ ትክክለኛው ፔጃችን ይህ ብቻ ነው
የምዝገባ ጥያቄዎን ያቅርቡ

👉👉 @jostane

CALL 👉👉+251967168056
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Ethiopia illuminati OFFICAL ACCOUNT

07 Aug, 18:58

በህይወት መቆየት ከፈለክ ያለህ የመጨረሻው አማራጭ የኢሉሚናቲ ትዕዛዝ ማክበር ነው።አለበለዚያ በህይወት አትቆይም ለመኖር ትዕዛዙን ከማክበር ውጪ አማራጭ የለህም

ትዕዛዙን ያከበረ ብቻ የአዲሱን አለም ምፅዓት ይመለከታል ምርጫው አንድና አንድ ነው ትዕዛዙን ማክበርና በህይወት ቆይቶ አዲሱን አለም ማየት ወይም ሞት

Ethiopia illuminati OFFICAL ACCOUNT

28 Apr, 12:11

ውድ አባላት ተከታዮቻችን፣

እንደሚታወቀው ከሁሉም በላይ የምንታወቅበት አስደሳቹ ጉዳይ፣
አንድ ሰው አባል አድርጉኝ ጥያቄ ሲጠይቅ መቀራቅርቱ ውስጥ እስካልገባ ድረስ መቀጠል አለመቀጠል ሙሉ መብቱ ስለሆነ ነገር ግን ሚስጢሩ ምንጊዜም የሚጠበቅ ነው ከማለታችን በላይ ምስክሮቹ ሁሉም የድረገፃችን ተከታዮች ናቸው ስንል በእርግጠኝነት ነው።
እኛ የማንንም ሚስጢር አናባክንም።
የማንንም መብት አንጥስም።
በፍላጎት ላይ የተመሰረተ ብቻ ጥልቁን ዓለም ይቀላቀላል።
ማንንም አንሰብክም።
ማንንም ገደሉ ሜዳ ነው ብለን አናውቅም።
ወደፊትም ይኸው ነው።
ማህበርተኛ መሆን የሚፈልግ በራሱ ካለበት ይመጣል እንጅ፣
ማህበርተኛ ሁን ብለን ካለበት አንሄድም።
ሁኖም አያውቅም።
ይህ እንዳለ ሁኖ፣
መልዕክት የሚፅፉ ሰዎች ሁሉም መልካም ባህሪ አላቸው ማለት ግን አይቻልም።

ውድ ተካታይ ደጋፊዎቻችን፣
እኛ ዛሬም ነገም የማንንም ሚስጢር አደባባይ ላይ የማናወጣ መሆናችንን 100%100 እናረጋግጥላችዋለን።
እዚህ ላይ ግን አንድ ነገር ልብ በሉ!
ማንም ሰው ምንጊዜም ከማሰቡ፣
ከመወሰኑ በፊት ወጥመዱ ውስጥ መግባት የለበትም።
ወደዚህ 🔴 ከመግባቱ በፊት በደንብ ማሰብና መወሰን ይኖርበታል።
እንዲሁ በስሜት ሁኖ የማይመለስበት ደረጃ ውስጥ ከደረሰና መልሶ አምጣው ውሰደው ቢል፣
ቀይ መስመር መዝለል ነው።
ልብ በሉ!!!
የት እገኛለው ምናምን ማለት፣
ከሁሉ በፊት፣
የሚናገሩትን መለየት እጅግ መልካም ነው።
መልዕክቱ ወሳኝ በመሆኑ፣
ይወስኑና፣ ጥልቁን ዓለም ይቀላቀሉ።
ታላቁ ጌታችን #Lucifer በታማኝ አባሎቹ ዓለምን ይቆጣጠራል።
ውስጥ ውስጡን በመሄድ ገመዱን እንበጥስ።
የቴሌግራም ቻናላቺንን በመቀላቀል የምዝገባ ጥያቄዎን ያቅርቡ

👉👉 @jostane

CALL 👉👉+251967168056

Ethiopia illuminati OFFICAL ACCOUNT

28 Apr, 12:09


Illuminati reach out organization
They illuminati fans agency recently discovered the ongoing
internet scams operations pretending to be Illuminati officials,
hereby collecting money from the public in the name of the
Illuminati. Beware of scams. If you are really interested to
join the illuminati

Ethiopia illuminati OFFICAL ACCOUNT

28 Apr, 12:08

The taste of wealth is a sweet poison. It pulls a person deep into its vortex, enticing them with promises of comfort and ease. What purpose does work serve when a person has enough to never work again? Why strive for anything when you have everything?

But as time goes on, “everything” begins to feel like nothing. A life lacking purpose is a life lacking direction. Palaces and planes cannot fill the void of an aimlessly wandering soul.

When wealth enters your life, resist the temptations of luxury. Use money as a tool to achieve greater things and to bring positive changes to the lives around you. Wealth is never the finish line but merely another step in life’s journey.

Ethiopia illuminati OFFICAL ACCOUNT

27 Dec, 06:23

#ሰብሐት_ወክብር_ለጌታ_ሉሲፈር_ይደሉ!!! ማመስገን መመስገን ነው። መመስገንም ላደረጉት አስተዋጽኦ ምስክር ነው። እያንዳንዱ የስኬት ምስጢር ጌታችን #ሉሲፈር ነው። ከስኬት ማማው ለመድረስ ደግሞ የርስዎ ጤና ግንባር ቀደም ሁኖ፣ እርስዎ ለራስዎ ጤነኛ ሲሆኑ ወገንዎና ሃገርዎ ኢትዮጵያም የዚሁ ተቋዳሽ ይሆናሉ። አሁን ላይ ዓለምን እያሸበረ ካለው አሸባሪ በሽታ እራስዎን ሲጠብቁ በዛውም፣ ወገንዎን ሃገርዎንም ይጠብቃሉ። ይህን በማድረግዎ እንኳን ደስ አልዎት። #Hail_Lucifer_our_Lord!!! እየተሳተፉም ጥልቁን ዓለም በመቀላቀል ህልምዎን እውን ያድርጉ። ሰላም አንድነት ለኢትዮጵያ። ፍፁም ጤና ወብልፅግና ለህዝቦቿ። መመኘት ብቻ ሳይሆን እንተገብረዋለን።

የአባልነት ጥያቄ ማቅረብ ለምትፈልጉ
👉 @Jostane

ወይም በስልክ መስመራችን +251967168056
በመደወል ያናግሩን፡፡
በድጋሚ ጥብቅ ማሳሰቢያ ያልወሰነ አይምጣ አይፃፋልን ከ18 አመት በታች አናስተናግድም !!

ከኢሉሚናቲ ኢትዮጰያ አዲስ አበባ ኮሚቴ!!
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Ethiopia illuminati OFFICAL ACCOUNT

27 Dec, 06:22

The taste of wealth is a sweet poison. It pulls a person deep into its vortex, enticing them with promises of comfort and ease. What purpose does work serve when a person has enough to never work again? Why strive for anything when you have everything?

But as time goes on, “everything” begins to feel like nothing. A life lacking purpose is a life lacking direction. Palaces and planes cannot fill the void of an aimlessly wandering soul.

When wealth enters your life, resist the temptations of luxury. Use money as a tool to achieve greater things and to bring positive changes to the lives around you. Wealth is never the finish line but merely another step in life’s journey.

Ethiopia illuminati OFFICAL ACCOUNT

27 Dec, 06:22

In popular culture, a great amount of focus is placed on the Illuminati’s belief that money is not evil. Some view our encouragement of work and wealth as a promotion of selfishness – overlooking the true meaning of the Pyramid and its underlying messages that motivate our diligence.

In the tenets of the Illuminati, wealth is not simply a means of personal enrichment. Instead, money is a tool that can be used to fulfill each person’s duty to the advancement of the human species.

The selfish pursuit of money is a hollow goal, but the pursuit of the goodness that money can create is one of humanity’s greatest responsibilities.
The more money a person owns, the more ability they have to positively change the lives of those who are in need. If you are poor and of good heart, and your friend’s house is burned in a fire, you will remain a good person but have no ability to help them with what they need the most. If the same house burns but you are rich, you can give your friend a place to stay and a new home because you have more than enough for yourself and anyone around you who needs it.

Money has no feeling, no voice, and no soul – its choice between good or evil is decided by those who use it.
Though it is not wrong to be poor, the celebration of poverty is rooted in selfishness. A person who is poor can save a life, but a person who is rich can build a hospital and save ten thousand. The poor can do little to help the poor, but the rich can help as many as they are able. If a person is rich, they have the opportunity to do good, but if they are poor they are unable to help anyone but themselves.

Those with little can still do much. Money is merely paper and numbers that are traded for a person’s time and effort. Therefore if a person does not have money, they can instead use their time and efforts to further the advancement of humanity – positive actions that are of equal value to any charitable donations.

The greater a person’s fortune, the greater their responsibility to their fellow humans. Like the Pyramid, those with the greatest power can do the greatest good for the largest number of those below them

Ethiopia illuminati OFFICAL ACCOUNT

27 Dec, 06:22

Hail the light

Life is a map that is drawn by your decisions. Every day, the maze of existence presents you with hundreds of pathways and you must select a direction through your choices. How will you spend your time? Where will you go? Who will you speak to? What will you say? Each decision leads to a different road with its own set of questions.

Your ability to discern between the simplest choices can mean the difference between a life of wealth or poverty, sickness or health, conflict or peace. A small decision that you make today may be the catalyst that sends you on the road to your goals — though you will never know how important this choice is until you reach the end and look back. a person’s actions rely upon their judgment: the internal compass formed by their knowledge, wisdom, and experience. Judgement works like a muscle that must be exercised with endless curiosity and a desire to understand this universe’s deepest mysteries.

Ethiopia illuminati OFFICAL ACCOUNT

30 Sep, 16:05

In the tenets of the Illuminati, wealth is not simply a means of personal enrichment. Instead, money is a tool that can be used to fulfill each person’s duty to the advancement of the human species.

Wealth and success are like streams of water running down a pyramid. The highest receive the most because there are fewer while the lowest receive the least because there are many. Before the water can reach the bottom, first it must run through all the others above it. Though the lowest support the weight of all who are above them, they are numerous and easily replaced — unique individually, but common together. A person climbs higher by becoming less like those below them.

The more money a person owns, the more ability they have to positively change the lives of those who are in need. If you are poor and of good heart, and your friend’s house is burned in a fire, you will remain a good person but have no ability to help them with what they need the most. If the same house burns but you are rich, you can give your friend a place to stay and a new home because you have more than enough for yourself and anyone around you who needs it.