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All about English and IELTS

📩 Savollar uchun 👇
📍 👉 @ieltsonlinetvbot

Kanalimizdan ma'lumot olinganda
manba ko'rsatilishi shart!!!

IELTS | onlinetv🇺🇿 (Uzbek)

Ushbu kanal IELTS imtihoniga tayyorgarlik uchun zarur bo'lgan ma'lumotlarni o'rganish uchun mo'ljallangan. @ieltsonlinetv kanalida ingliz tili va IELTS imtihoniga oid ma'lumotlar joylashadi. Bu kanal orqali siz ingliz tilini o'rganish, ma'naviyatni kengaytirish va muvaffaqiyatli imtihon topshirish uchun yordam olishingiz mumkin. Kanalga savollar uchun @ieltsonlinetvbot ga murojaat qilishingiz mumkin. Kanaldan tushunchangizni olish uchun obuna bo'ling va muvaffaqiyatga yeting! 📩✅

IELTS | onlinetv🇺🇿

14 Aug, 15:15

We’ve uploaded my talk from MEGA IELTS SHOW that took place on June 5th, 2024.

Feel free to ask your questions in the comments section under the video on YouTube, and I will be more than happy to reply!

IELTS | onlinetv🇺🇿

14 Aug, 15:09

IELTS | onlinetv🇺🇿

06 Jul, 08:31


IELTS | onlinetv🇺🇿

01 Jan, 08:28

How to think of ideas for writing task 2 🔗

IELTS | onlinetv🇺🇿

11 Jan, 19:14

📹 Band 9 IELTS Vocabulary

Source IELTS Advantage


IELTS | onlinetv🇺🇿

15 Nov, 05:19

📌 Vocabulary of #Essay

🔆 advertising commercials, marketing, banner ads, pop-ups, etc.
🔆 increasingly pervasive more and more common
🔆 question doubt
🔆 influence impact
🔆 average person normal person
🔆 indeed persuasive in fact influential
🔆 better protected improved care
🔆 governmental regulations laws from the government
🔆 stricter more severe
🔆 potential customers possible buyers
🔆 greatly influenced significantly affected
🔆 consciously intentionally
🔆 unconsciously without knowing it is happening
🔆 best evidence clearest support
🔆 effectiveness impact
🔆 scientific studies research
🔆 continued investment further money put into
🔆 powerful corporations important companies
🔆 efficient saving time and money
🔆 clever intelligent
🔆 clearly demonstrated obviously shown
🔆 growth increase
🔆 generate create
🔆 majority most of
🔆 revenue money earned
🔆 marketing advertising
🔆 advertisers people who do advertising
🔆 target specific audience segments online located particular demographics through the internet
🔆 tailor ads create specific advertisements
🔆 vulnerable demographics weak groups of people
🔆 compel force
immediate purchase buy right away
🔆 however but
🔆 linger subconsciously hang around in the back of your mind
🔆 users’ minds brain of people online
🔆 contribute to overall brand awareness add to knowing about the company/product
🔆 pervasive common
countered fought against
🔆 laws regulations
🔆 threat risk
🔆 lack not have
🔆 willpower strength
🔆 stay off keep away from
🔆 occurs happens
🔆 law-makers politicians
🔆 in contrast however
🔆 enact regulations create
🔆 designed to ban meant to prevent
🔆 protect the general populace keep people safe
🔆 elections voting for politicians
🔆 investigated researched
🔆 passed strict regulation created strong laws
🔆 limit control
🔆 foreign powers governments from other countries
🔆 purchase advertising space buy ads
🔆 social media TikTok, Facebook, Instagram, etc.
🔆 politics leaders, governments, etc.
🔆 extended lengthened
🔆 broadly generally
🔆 corporate world companies
🔆 target individuals susceptible to addictive behaviors locate people who can be easily persuaded to buy things
🔆 marketing unhealthy foods advertise fast food
🔆 questionable pharmaceuticals bad drugs
🔆 tremendous impact huge effect
🔆 federal governments national governments
🔆 responsible have a duty
🔆 legislation laws
🔆 if steps are not taken if nothing is done
🔆 irreparable harm hurt that can’t be fixed

👉 @ieltsonlinetv

IELTS | onlinetv🇺🇿

15 Nov, 05:15

#Writing #Task2

☘️ Two-way questions

Q:Consumers are faced with increasing numbers of advertisements from competing companies.
To what extent do you think are consumers are influenced by advertisements?
What measures can be taken to protect them?

💡 Answer:

Advertising is becoming increasingly pervasive and this has led some to question its influence on the average person. In my opinion, advertisements are indeed persuasive and most consumers could be better protected if governmental regulations were stricter.

Potential customers are greatly influenced, consciously and unconsciously, by advertising. The best evidence for the effectiveness of advertising does not come from scientific studies but the continued investment of powerful corporations. Corporations have become more efficient and clever in their use of advertising and this is clearly demonstrated in the growth of companies such as Facebook and Google which generate the majority of revenue from marketing. Advertisers are now able to target specific audience segments online and tailor ads to vulnerable demographics. Often these commercials and posts do not compel an immediate purchase, however, they linger subconsciously in users’ minds and contribute to overall brand awareness.

Such pervasive advertising can be countered only through laws. Individuals themselves often do not understand the threat or they lack the willpower to stay off the internet, where most advertising now occurs. Law-makers, in contrast, have the ability to enact regulations designed to ban certain kinds of advertisements and protect the general populace. For example, after United States elections in 2016, the government investigated and passed strict regulation to limit how foreign powers are able to purchase advertising space on social media to influence politics. Some of these laws should be extended more broadly to the corporate world so that, for instance, companies cannot target individuals susceptible to addictive behaviors by marketing unhealthy foods, videogames, and questionable pharmaceuticals.

In conclusion, the amount of investment in the advertising industry clearly shows the tremendous impact of marketing and federal governments are responsible for legislation. If steps are not taken, advertising may do irreparable harm to society in the future.

Total words: 301

📍Band: 7.5+

👉 @ieltsonlinetv

IELTS | onlinetv🇺🇿

13 Nov, 13:48

IELTS Simon👨‍💼: Speaking Part 2
How to practise at home 🏠

Differences between how you do at home and in the exam and tips to improve your part 2 performance at home


IELTS | onlinetv🇺🇿

13 Nov, 13:46


Sahifalarimiz 👇

IELTS | onlinetv🇺🇿

05 Aug, 16:12

IELTS | onlinetv🇺🇿

02 Aug, 16:20

IELTS | onlinetv🇺🇿

02 Aug, 15:39



Kitob xarid qilish uchun
👉 @goodluckbek



IELTS | onlinetv🇺🇿

30 Jul, 11:05

📍Bu post orqali sizlarga "I like" birikmasining boshqa ekvivalentini aytmoqchimiz

Bu sizga IELTS Speaking imtihonda ayniqsa qoʻl keladi.

📌1. I'm fond of...

Misol uchun:

🇬🇧I'm very fond of reading detective books.
🇺🇿Men detektiv kitoblar o’qishni juda yaxshi ko’raman!

📌2. I'm keen on….

Misol uchun:

🇬🇧I like biology, but I'm not keen on math.
🇺🇿Men biologiyani yaxshi ko’raman, lekin matematikani uncha yoqtirmayman!

📌3. I'm into…

Misol uchun:

🇬🇧I'm really into my work.
🇺🇿Men ishimni juda yaxshi ko’raman


IELTS | onlinetv🇺🇿

29 Jul, 05:33

Quyida men sizlarga IELTS imtihonlariga mustaqil tayyorlanish imkonini beruvchi eng yaxshi 9 ta resurs bilan tanishtirmoqchiman:

1) — ushbu saytda siz IELTS bo’yicha topshiriqlarni ko’rishingiz va imtihonning har bir qismiga tayyorgarlik ko’rish uchun foydali maslahatlar olishingiz mumkin.

2) — sinovdan o’tgan talabalar bilan intervyular berilgan. Ular o’z tajribalari bilan o’rtoqlashadilar.

3) — Britaniya Kengashi xalqaro tashkiloti IELTSni dunyoning barcha mamlakatlarida o’tkazadi. Ushbu saytda maslahatlar va kichik maqolalar ko’rinishida taqdim etiladigan juda ko’p foydali ma’lumotlarni topasiz.

4) — ushbu saytda IELTSni topshirishdan oldin sizga yordam beradigan ko’plab foydali testlar mavjud. Barcha vazifalar imtihon topshiriqlari formatida tuziladi.

5) — IELTSga tayyorgarlik ko’rish uchun yana bir ajoyib sayt, unda imtihonda darajasidagi turli xil vazifalar to’plangan.

6)— ushbu resurs nutq ko’nikmalarini rivojlantirish uchun emas, balki sizning leksik bazangizni oshirish uchun mo’ljallangan.

7)— bu yerda siz bir necha bepul imtihon darajasiga yaqin sinovlarni topshirib ko’rish imkoniga ega bo’lasiz.

8) — bu yerda siz IELTS testini sinov tariqasida to’liq topshirishingiz yoki alohida biror qism bo’yicha tayyorlashingiz mumkin.

9) — IELTSga tayyorgarlik ko’rish uchun eng katta saytlardan biri. Sinovning har bir qismida barcha kerakli ma’lumotlarni topasiz.


IELTS | onlinetv🇺🇿

21 May, 12:13

Top 2 Tips for IELTS Reading 📙📘

1. It’s really a vocabulary test.

In many ways, IELTS Reading is more of a vocabulary test than a reading test. The reason is that you need a wide range of vocabulary to understand the passages of text given to you. You must also have an awareness of synonyms and paraphrasing if you wish to identify the information required to answer the questions correctly.

2. Don’t expect to understand every word.

If you don’t understand a word in the test, you should look at the words and sentences around it for clues as to its meaning. Alternatively, you can move on and forget about it.
Focus on the words that are related to the question and don’t worry about the words you don’t understand.

IELTS | onlinetv🇺🇿

05 Apr, 18:03

Assalomu alaykum kanalimizning hurmatli a'zolari!!!
Sizni ingliz tilidan eng ko'p qiynayotgan muammolarni bizga ma'lum qiling va biz sizga bu muammolarni hal qilishda amaliy yordam ko'rsatamiz.
Muammolaringizni @goodluckbek telegram manziliga yozib yuboring.

IELTS | onlinetv🇺🇿

05 Apr, 17:58


IELTS | onlinetv🇺🇿

01 Apr, 07:27

1443 ҳижрий йил, 2022 милодий йил

@muslimuzportal | @mp3muslim | @diniysavollar

IELTS | onlinetv🇺🇿

31 Mar, 16:32

⚡️РАСМАН: Рамазон ойи 2 апрелдан бошланади

Президентнинг тегишли қарорига кўра, 2022 йилги муборак Рамазон ойининг бошланиши 2 апрель, шанба кунига тўғри келиши ҳақидаги Ўзбекистон мусулмонлари идорасининг ахбороти маълумот учун қабул қилинди.

