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22 Oct, 17:03

۲ ویس بالا توضیحات مهدیس هست در مورد اینک چجوری ۶.۵ شده


22 Oct, 13:24

.Despite this enthusiasm, instructors face several challenges when attempting to harness metacognition to improve their students’ learning and performance


22 Oct, 13:13

Ending an email or letter

✉️ Best wishes,
✉️ Best regards,
✉️ Regards,
✉️ Kind regards,
✉️ Yours sincerely,
✉️ Yours faithfully,
✉️ Yours truly,
✉️ Respectfully,
✉️ Affectionately,
✉️ Cheers,
✉️ Best,
✉️ Love,
✉️ Lots of love,
✉️ Take care,
✉️ Hugs,
✉️ xoxo


22 Oct, 13:11

❇️عبارت to say the least به این مفهوم هست که چیزی شدید تر، بدتر یا جدی تر از نکته ایست که بیان شده.

🔹His behavior was inappropriate, to say the least.
رفتار او دست کم نامناسب بود. (رفتار او در واقع بسیار بدتر از "نامناسب" بود.)

🔹The hotel room was basic, to say the least. (The hotel room was actually very plain, perhaps even uncomfortable.)
اتاق هتل، کم کم اگه بگم، ابتدایی بود. (اتاق هتل در واقع بسیار ساده و شاید حتی نامساعد بود.)

🔹It was going to be an interesting visit, to say the least.
کم کم می‌توان گفت بازدید جالبی بود.

🔹Stopping at the hill overlooking the tarn, we lay on the grass to admire the view - which was breathtaking to say the least.
روی تپه ی مشرف به دریاچه ایستادیم و روی چمن ها دراز کشیدیم تا منظره را که دست کم بسیار زیبا بود تحسین کنیم.

🔹I think that was the strangest interview I've ever had, to say the least.
من فکر می کنم این، بدون اغراق، عجیب ترین مصاحبه ای بود که تا به حال داشته ام.


21 Oct, 08:13

What’s the best way to treat the common cold.


17 Oct, 13:37

💌 BBC's 6 Minute English


17 Oct, 13:37

💌 BBC's 6 Minute English


17 Oct, 13:37

🗓 October 17, 2024

💬 Tech that refuses to die

📖 Why is some old technology still used? Georgie and Phil discuss this and teach you some useful vocabulary.

💌 BBC's 6 Minute English


13 Oct, 14:30

💌 BBC's 6 Minute English


13 Oct, 14:30

💌 BBC's 6 Minute English


13 Oct, 14:30

🗓 October 10, 2024

💬 Did Taylor Swift fans cause an earthquake?

📖 Could 73,000 Taylor Swift fans cause an earthquake? Phil and Georgie discuss this and teach you some useful vocabulary.

💌 BBC's 6 Minute English