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EDIC (iDP/EDI) Announcements
Engineering Design and Innovation Centre (Innovation and Design Programme/ MSc in Innovation and Design)
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440 张照片
18 个视频
最后更新于 11.03.2025 06:18


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EDIC (iDP/EDI) Announcements 在 Telegram 上分享的最新内容

EDIC (iDP/EDI) Announcements

13 Jan, 02:02


🍕🤩Eat & Chill with iDPSC 🤩🍕

Join us for iDP Student Club’s first Eat & Chill session of 2025!

What: lots of pizza and chill vibes
When: 17th Jan Week 1 Friday 6pm
Who: iDPSC and YOU 🥰
Where: E2A level 1
Why: because we care 🫶

Click here to RSVP!

in the meantime……


Are you interested in joining the team that makes these events happen? 🤩 Or are you looking for ways to engage with the iDP community more? 👀

iDPSC will be recruiting NEW MEMBERS for 2025! Click here for more info on the Student Club structure 🤓

Register your interest here!

For more information, feel free to hit us up OR come find us at our first 🍕Eat & Chill event on Friday!

Any questions?
Pubs - @tellmewai
Events - @clairelj @KashfyZul
Media - @tsehan
EDIC (iDP/EDI) Announcements

30 Dec, 08:00


For those taking the foundational CDE2300 (Product Innovation and Design) and the important CDE3301 (Ideas to Proof-of-Concept), you are strongly encouraged to sign-up for this hands-on workshop to pick up the tools that will be handy in this coming semester via https://www.eventbrite.sg/e/creative-sparks-finding-ideas-in-the-unexpected-tickets-1119472665879?aff=oddtdtcreator
EDIC (iDP/EDI) Announcements

21 Dec, 20:30


Sign-up for a hands-on workshop in Week 0 via https://blog.nus.edu.sg/tang/2024/12/21/hands-on-workshops-week-zero-january-2025/ today! Available slots are running out fast!
EDIC (iDP/EDI) Announcements

14 Dec, 01:53


"While Singapore and Indonesia have taken the first steps to pivot their healthcare efforts towards promoting population health, we are still far from leveraging the immense potential of digital technology, data analytics, and artificial intelligence to improve health outcomes. For healthtech to drive health, the use of healthtech needs to be deliberate, timely and accelerated."
EDIC (iDP/EDI) Announcements

14 Dec, 01:50


Invitation to Hackathon

Dear students,
We would like to encourage you to participate in the premier health tech hackathon Health Hack 2025 organised by NUS Medicine. Do register as a team or an individual before 8 February 2025. More details on the hackathon can be found at https://healthhack.sg. For any questions, please contact [email protected].

Registration Link: NUS Health Hack - Register
EDIC (iDP/EDI) Announcements

13 Dec, 04:26


Internship Opportunity
TDS Tech - Robotic Engineer Intern
We have x1 internship posting available for robotics system integration. Any undergrads interested in working with industrial manipulators are welcome to apply.

See the attached file for application procedure
EDIC (iDP/EDI) Announcements

29 Nov, 14:34


The iDP Students' Club Exco Election Results are out 🥳

Thank you so much to all the candidates who took the time and effort to sign up & campaign, to make valuable contributions to iDP

iDPSC is happy to welcome you all back as members of the SC, where you will continue to plan great events and have fun with the rest of the club ❤️

Congratulations to the incoming Exco of iDPSC
President: Quan Teng Wai (75%)
Vice-President: Claire Lee (76%)
Secretary: Kashfy Ilxilim Bin Zulkarna'In (44%)
Treasurer: Low Tse Han (54%)
EDIC (iDP/EDI) Announcements

26 Nov, 14:22


Note that offer has been sent out to all applicants and you have until 29 Nov to accept the offer.

If you are one of the 4 who hasn't received the offer please pm @lazyprata to find out
EDIC (iDP/EDI) Announcements

25 Nov, 07:05


A team of students from Innovation and Design Programme (iDP) CDE2311 took part in the Advanced Category of the 17th International Space Challenge (ISC) 2024. The theme for this year was “Living in Space” and students had to design a life science experiment that not only pushes the boundaries of our understanding of living in space but also holds the potential to improve lives on Earth for humans. Our students received the IDDK Award for their submission titled “Satelab”, a 12U CubeSat to explore whether the introduction of tardigrade-derived DNA into human stem cells can enhance their survival and functionality in space. The IDDK award is an industry award to teams for them to bring their case study proposal to reality.

As shown in this image (from Left to Right) is the team comprising of Soh Sze Juin, Lim Wei Jian, Low Jun Jie and Chang Shu Kai with project supervisor Eugene Ee. More information about the challenge can be found in this link: https://spacefaculty.asia/17th-international-space-challenge-isc/
EDIC (iDP/EDI) Announcements

25 Nov, 06:51


Our 5 Innovation and Design Programme (iDP) students who developed a species assessment mapper (SAM) solution for their 1-year long design project, was awarded the overall winner for the advanced category in the Global Navigation Satellite System (GNSS) Innovation Quest organised by Singapore Land Authority (SLA) and Space Faculty! The GNSS Innovation Quest is an annual nation-wide engineering competition for students in Singapore. Using advanced satellite and robotics technologies, students create innovative engineering solutions that can improve lives of fellow Singaporeans. More information on the competition can be found at https://spacefaculty.asia/giq/. As shown in the attached figure is
our Team SAM student team consisting of Ms Devinaa Kumeresh (second from Left), Mr Adesara Kunjan Harshit (fourth from Left), Jason Jonathan Tejaputra (fifth from Left), Mr Chu Wei Rong (sixth from Left) and Mr Nicholas Tan Yun Yu (second from right).