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Banking IBPS Clerk PO SBI RRB SO


Banking IBPS Clerk PO SBI RRB SO (English)

Are you looking to ace your banking exams and secure a career in the banking sector? Look no further than the 'ibps_sbi_po_bankers_adda247' Telegram channel! This channel is dedicated to providing valuable resources, study materials, tips, and tricks for aspirants preparing for various banking exams such as IBPS Clerk, IBPS PO, SBI PO, SBI Clerk, RRB, and SO. With the competitive nature of banking exams, it's essential to have access to the right guidance and study material to stay ahead of the curve. And that's where 'ibps_sbi_po_bankers_adda247' comes in. The channel is managed by experienced banking professionals and experts who understand the ins and outs of these exams and are dedicated to helping you succeed. Whether you're a beginner just starting your banking exam preparation or an experienced candidate looking to refine your skills, this channel has something for everyone. From daily practice quizzes to exam pattern analysis, from expert tips on time management to detailed study plans, 'ibps_sbi_po_bankers_adda247' covers it all. Join the channel today and take the first step towards realizing your dream of a successful career in the banking sector. Don't let the competitive nature of these exams intimidate you. With the right guidance and resources from 'ibps_sbi_po_bankers_adda247', you can confidently prepare for your banking exams and emerge victorious. Start your journey towards becoming a banking professional today!

Banking IBPS Clerk PO SBI RRB SO

11 Feb, 17:36

 Daily The Hindu Vocabulary 11 Feb 2025

1. COMBAT (VERB): (सामना करना): fight
Synonyms: tackle, attack
Antonyms: give in to
Example Sentence:Doctors are trying to combat the spread of coronavirus.

2. INTELLECTUAL (ADJECTIVE): (बौद्धिक): mental
Synonyms: cerebral, cognitive
Antonyms: physical
Example Sentence:Children need intellectual stimulation.

3. REPUDIATION (NOUN): (अस्वीकृति): rejection
Synonyms: renunciation, abandonment
Antonyms: confirmation, ratification
Example Sentence:The breach is not so serious as to amount to a repudiation of the whole contract.

4. NUTRITIOUS (ADJECTIVE): (पौष्टिक): nourishing
Synonyms: nutritive, wholesome
Antonyms: unwholesome
Example Sentence:Home-cooked burgers make a nutritious meal.

5. SCOURGE (NOUN): (अभिशाप): affliction
Synonyms: bane, curse
Antonyms: blessing
Example Sentence:India is facing the scourge of mass unemployment.

6. MERCILESS (ADJECTIVE): (निर्मम): ruthless
Synonyms: remorseless, pitiless
Antonyms: merciful
Example Sentence:His murder merciless attack with a blunt instrument.

7. ADVENT (NOUN): (आगमन): arrival
Synonyms: appearance, emergence
Antonyms: departure
Example Sentence:The advent of email has simultaneously brought our society closer together and farther apart.

8. UNERRING (ADJECTIVE): (अचूक): unfailing
Synonyms: infallible unswerving
Antonyms: fallible
Example Sentence:His sense of direction is unerring.

9. SEIZE (VERB): (पकड़ना): grab
Synonyms: grasp, snatch
Antonyms: let go of
Example Sentence:She jumped up and seized his arm.

10. FRAIL (ADJECTIVE): (दुर्बल): infirm
Synonyms: weak, weakened
Antonyms: strong
Example Sentence:He gave the frail woman a hug.

Banking IBPS Clerk PO SBI RRB SO

07 Feb, 10:19

 Daily The Hindu Vocabulary 07 Feb 2025

1. PERSUASIVE (ADJECTIVE): (ठोस): convincing
Synonyms: effective, cogent
Antonyms: unconvincing
Example Sentence:He gave an informative and persuasive speech.

2. SPARK (VERB): (कारण होना): give rise to
Synonyms: cause, set in motion
Antonyms: bring to an end
Example Sentence:So many things concurred to spark the problem.

3. QUESTIONABLE (ADJECTIVE): (विवादास्पद): controversial
Synonyms: contentious, in doubt
Antonyms: certain
Example Sentence:It is questionable whether any of these exceptions is genuine.

4. IMPEDIMENT (NOUN): (अवरोध): hindrance
Synonyms: obstruction, obstacle
Antonyms: benefit
Example Sentence:The lack of a new invention is a serious impediment to scientific progress.

5. MALICIOUS (ADJECTIVE): (दुर्भावनापूर्ण): spiteful
Synonyms: malevolent, hostile
Antonyms: benevolent
Example Sentence:He was found guilty of malicious damage.

6. ERR (VERB): (भूल करना): mistake
Synonyms: blunder, misjudge
Antonyms: be right
Example Sentence:The judge had erred in the judgement.

7. MOMENTOUS (ADJECTIVE): (महत्वपूर्ण): important
Synonyms: significant, epoch-making
Antonyms: unimportant
Example Sentence:The momentous news was that war has begun.

8. EGREGIOUS (ADJECTIVE): (भयानक): shocking
Synonyms: appalling, horrific
Antonyms: marvellous
Example Sentence:Egregious errors were caused by the tablet's failure to check spelling.

9. UNBLEMISHED (ADJECTIVE): (त्रुटिहीन): impeccable
Synonyms: flawless, faultless
Antonyms: flawed
Example Sentence:Her body was perfectly formed and unblemished.

10. HOSTILITY (NOUN): (कड़वापन): antagonism
Synonyms: bitterness, malevolence
Antonyms: friendliness
Example Sentence:They have hostility towards all outsiders.

Banking IBPS Clerk PO SBI RRB SO

30 Jan, 06:37

❇️ 30 January, 2025

🕊 Martyr's Day - शहीद दिवस (77th)
🌷 23 March also observed as Shaheed Diwas

- 2 October 1869, Porbandar
Full Name - Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi
Assassinated - 30 January 1948, New Delhi
Spouse - Kasturba Gandhi (1883–1944)

💠 To honour the martyr's of the Nation, several other days at the National level also declared as Sarvodaya or Shaheed Diwas

🔶 January 30, 1948, 'Father of Nation' Mahatma Gandhi was murdered by Nathuram Godse in the Birla House

🔶Since,1948 GOI celebrates as Shaheed diwas

▪️The Story of My Experiments with Truth
▪️Inspirational Thoughts
▪️Hind Swaraj

🔶President To Inaugurate 12-Foot Mahatma Gandhi Statue ‘Gandhi Vatika’ Near Rajghat

🔷Mahatma Gandhi Setu, Ganga River in Bihar, India.

🔶‘Mahatma Gandhi Green Triangle’ Unveiled In Madagascar

🔷Mahatma Gandhi Bust Unveiled By Prime Minister In Hiroshima

Banking IBPS Clerk PO SBI RRB SO

13 Jan, 09:18

Daily The Hindu Vocabulary | 13.01.2025

1. UNDERPIN (VERB): (बढ़ावा देना): promote
Synonyms: nurture, encourage
Antonyms: hinder
Example Sentence:The theme of honour underpinning the two books.

2. FAIRLY (ADVERB): (युक्तिपूर्वक): reasonably
Synonyms: passably, satisfactorily
Antonyms: insufficiently
Example Sentence:I was fairly certain she had nothing to do with the affair.

3. WARY (ADJECTIVE): (सावधान): cautious
Synonyms: careful, circumspect
Antonyms: unwary
Example Sentence:His expression was wary, but he said nothing.

4. NAÏVE (ADJECTIVE): (भोला-भाला): innocent
Synonyms: unsophisticated, artless
Antonyms: sophisticated
Example Sentence:I had a sweet, naive look when I smiled.

5. REPRESSIVE (ADJECTIVE): (दमनकारी): oppressive
Synonyms: authoritarian, despotic
Antonyms: democratic
Example Sentence:It was clear that he could not continue the repressive tactics of his predecessor.

6. ASSUAGE (VERB): (राहत देना): relieve
Synonyms: ease, alleviate
Antonyms: aggravate
Example Sentence:The letter assuaged the fears of most members.

7. EXPEDITIOUS (ADJECTIVE): (शीघ्र): speedy
Synonyms: swift, quick
Antonyms: slow
Example Sentence:The murder investigation needs to get expeditious.

8. MENACE (VERB): (खतरे में डालना): threaten
Synonyms: jeopardize, imperil
Antonyms: friendly
Example Sentence:Africa's elephants are still menaced by poaching.

9. IMPENDING (ADJECTIVE): (निकट का): imminent
Synonyms: at hand, close
Antonyms: remote
Example Sentence:They were in impending danger of being swept away.

10. EMPATHY (NOUN): (समवेदना): affinity with
Synonyms: rapport with, togetherness
Antonyms: distance
Example Sentence:She'd been incapable of empathy or remorse.

Banking IBPS Clerk PO SBI RRB SO

07 Jan, 07:06

Daily The Hindu Vocabulary | 07.01.2025

1. SWEEPING (ADJECTIVE): (व्यापक): extensive
Synonyms: wide-ranging, global
Antonyms: narrow
Example Sentence:We cannot recommend any sweeping alterations.

2. PRUDENCE (NOUN): (बुद्धिमानी): wisdom
Synonyms: judgement, sagacity
Antonyms: folly
Example Sentence:We need to exercise prudence in such important matters.

3. SHRUG (VERB): (उपेक्षा): disregard
Synonyms: dismiss, take no notice of
Antonyms: heed
Example Sentence:The managing director shrugged off the criticism.

4. MEAGRE (ADJECTIVE): (अल्प): meagre
Synonyms: scanty, sparse
Antonyms: abundant
Example Sentence:His parents were poor and he received a meagre education.

5. RIVETED (VERB): (मोहित करना): fascinate
Synonyms: engross, grip
Antonyms: bore
Example Sentence:He was riveted by the newsreels shown on television.

6. INTERIM (ADJECTIVE): (अन्तरिम): provisional
Synonyms: temporary, pro tem
Antonyms: permanent
Example Sentence:An interim arrangement was made.

7. AMBIGUITY (NOUN): (अस्पष्टता): ambivalence
Synonyms: equivocation, obscurity
Antonyms: unambiguousness transparency
Example Sentence:We can detect no ambiguity in this section of the Act.

8. BAR (VERB): (निषेध करना): prohibit
Synonyms: debar, preclude
Antonyms: admit
Example Sentence:She is barred from leaving the country.

9. EXHILARATION (NOUN): (आनंद): elation
Synonyms: euphoria, exultation
Antonyms: dejection
Example Sentence:They felt the exhilaration of victory.

10. GREGARIOUS (ADJECTIVE): (सुसामाजिक): sociable
Synonyms: social, companionable
Antonyms: unsociable
Example Sentence:He was a popular and gregarious man.

Banking IBPS Clerk PO SBI RRB SO

24 Dec, 06:53

🏵The Reserve Bank of India (RBI) uses the monetary policy to manage liquidity or money supply in a manner that balances inflation and at the same time aids growth. The tools it uses are:

🛡Repo and Reverse Repo rate

🛡Cash Reserve Ratio

🛡Statutory liquidity ratio

🛡Open Market operations

🛡Bank Rate

Banking IBPS Clerk PO SBI RRB SO

24 Dec, 06:53

🛡 Increasing order of formation of banking institutions :-

Trick :- Man by doing AGRICULTURE built a HOUSE, then an INDUSTRY and remaining money he invested IN SECURITY MARKET.

NABARD : agriculture 1982.

NHB : house1988.

SIDBI : industry 1990.

SEBI : securities market 1992.

Banking IBPS Clerk PO SBI RRB SO

24 Dec, 06:53

🗄 TYPES OF ATM ( Automated Teller Machine )

🖨 White Label ATMs (WLAs): ATMs set up, owned and operated by non-banks (i.e NBFCs) are WLAs. Non-bank ATM operators are authorised under the Payment & Settlement Systems Act, 2007 by RBI.

🖨 Green Label ATMs – ATMs for agricultural transactions.

🖨 Orange label ATMs – ATMs used for share transactions.

🖨 Pink Label ATMs – ATMs that are meant only for women (ease their banking).

🖨 Yellow Label ATMs – ATMs meant for E-commerce facility.

🖨 Brown Label ATMs – ATMs that are outsourced by a bank to a third party (based on the concept of sharing the cost).

🖨 Biometric ATMs – These are ATMs that use security features like fingerprint scanner and eye scanner of the customer to access the bank details.

🖨 Onsite ATMs – ATMs that are located inside the bank’s premises.

🖨 Offsite ATMs- ATMs that are located in various places except inside the bank’s premises.

Banking IBPS Clerk PO SBI RRB SO

19 Dec, 06:16

Daily The Hindu Vocabulary | 19.12.2024

1. OVERTURN (VERB): (रद्द करना): cancel
Synonyms: reverse, rescind
Antonyms: allow
Example Sentence:The results completely overturned previous findings.

2 RETICENT (ADJECTIVE): (अल्पभाषी): reserved
Synonyms: withdrawn, introverted
Antonyms: expansive
Example Sentence:She was extremely reticent about her personal affairs.

3. STRIFE (NOUN): (कलह): conflict
Synonyms: friction, discord
Antonyms: harmony, peace
Example Sentence:With this civil strife the importance and prosperity of Louvain declined.

4. OBLIVIOUS (ADJECTIVE): (अनभिज्ञ): unaware
Synonyms: unconscious, heedless
Antonyms: aware
Example Sentence:She became absorbed, oblivious to the passage of time.

5. IMPROPRIETY (NOUN): (अनौचित्य): wrongdoing
Synonyms: misconduct, dishonesty
Antonyms: propriety
Example Sentence:She was scandalized at the impropriety of the question.

6. AMITY (NOUN): (मित्रता): friendship
Synonyms: friendliness, peace
Antonyms: animosity
Example Sentence:The presence of French troops in Scotland had produced hostility rather than amity.

7. ORNATE (ADJECTIVE): (अलंकृत): elaborate
Synonyms: over-elaborate, flowery
Antonyms: plain
Example Sentence:His language was strangely ornate.

8. OPULENT (ADJECTIVE): (धनी): wealthy
Synonyms: rich, affluent
Antonyms: poor
Example Sentence:His tenants are quite opulent.

9. UNBRIDLED (ADJECTIVE): (निरंकुश): unrestrained
Synonyms: unconstrained, uncontrolled
Antonyms: restrained
Example Sentence:A dog should have an unbridled passion for food.

10. RESOLVE (NOUN): (संकल्प): determination
Synonyms: resolution, purpose
Antonyms: indecision
Example Sentence:She received information that strengthened her resolve.

Banking IBPS Clerk PO SBI RRB SO

18 Dec, 05:50

Daily The Hindu Vocabulary | 18.12.2024

1 SCATHING (ADJECTIVE): (कुम्हलाना) :devastating
Synonyms: withering, blistering
Antonyms: mild
Example Sentence:She launched a scathing attack on the Prime Minister.

2 IMMINENT (ADJECTIVE): (निकट का): impending
Synonyms: at hand, close
Antonyms: remote
Example Sentence:They were in imminent danger of being swept away.

3. TARDINESS (NOUN): (विलंबता): lateness
Synonyms: delay, retardation
Antonyms: punctuality
Example Sentence:Forgive my tardiness, I had some very important business to attend to.

4. FLOUT (VERB): (अवज्ञा करना): defy
Synonyms: go against, scorn
Antonyms: observe
Example Sentence:They flouted the norms simply by being who they are.

5. ARDUOUS (ADJECTIVE): (मुश्किल): onerous
Synonyms: taxing, difficult
Antonyms: easy
Example Sentence:She undertook the arduous task of monitoring the elections.

6. BAR (PREPOSITION): (के अलावा): apart from
Synonyms: but (for), other than
Antonyms: observe
Example Sentence:His kids were all gone now, bar one.

7. HAIL (VERB): (प्रशंसा करना): acclaim
Synonyms: praise, applaud
Antonyms: criticize
Example Sentence:He has been hailed as the new James.

8. JUBILATION (NOUN): (खुशी): joy
Synonyms: triumph, exultation
Antonyms: despondency
Example Sentence:Everyone present, witnessed unbelievable scenes of jubilation.

9. SWIFTLY (ADVERB): (तेजी से): promptly
Synonyms: immediately, instantly
Antonyms: in due course
Example Sentence:They acted swiftly in response to the invasion.

10. LEISURELY (ADJECTIVE): (आराम से): unhurried
Synonyms: relaxed, unrushed
Antonyms: brisk
Example Sentence:We had a leisurely breakfast at our hotel.

Banking IBPS Clerk PO SBI RRB SO

17 Dec, 07:07

Daily The Hindu Vocabulary | 17.12.2024

1. CAPITULATE (VERB): (आत्मसमर्पण करना): surrender
Synonyms: give in, yield
Antonyms: resist
Example Sentence:The patriots had to capitulate to the enemy forces.

2 TANGIBLE (ADJECTIVE): (वास्तविक): palpable
Synonyms: tactile, material
Antonyms: intangible
Example Sentence:The ambience of neglect and abandonment was almost tangible.

3. IMPLICATION (NOUN): (निहितार्थ): suggestion
Synonyms: inference, insinuation
Antonyms: explicit statement
Example Sentence:The implication is that no one person at the bank is responsible.

4. NAÏVE (ADJECTIVE): (भोला-भाला): innocent
Synonyms: unsophisticated, artless
Antonyms: sophisticated
Example Sentence:I had a sweet, naive look when I smiled.

5 PROSCRIBE (VERB): (बहिष्कार करना): forbid
Synonyms: prohibit, ban
Antonyms: ban
Example Sentence:Strikes remained proscribed in the armed forces.

6. IMPAIR (VERB): (क्षीण करना): damage
Synonyms: harm, diminish
Antonyms: improve
Example Sentence:A noisy job could permanently impair their hearing.

7. INTRINSIC (ADJECTIVE): (अंतर्भूत): inherent
Synonyms: innate, inborn
Antonyms: extrinsic
Example Sentence:Access to the arts is intrinsic to a high quality of life.

8. RENEGE (VERB): (छोड़ना): go back on
Synonyms: break, back out of
Antonyms: keep
Example Sentence:If you renege on the deal now, I'll fight you in the courts.

9. TENACITY (NOUN): (दृढ़ता): persistence
Synonyms: determination, perseverance
Antonyms: irresoluteness
Example Sentence:She fought with tenacity born of anxiety.

10. VARY (VERB): (पृथक होना): differ
Synonyms: range, extend
Antonyms: agree
Example Sentence:The properties vary in price.

Banking IBPS Clerk PO SBI RRB SO

27 Nov, 03:38

Exact Exam Based Top 1000 Puzzle Series


📕 Pro Puzzles No. - 29📕

Fourteen persons are sitting in two parallel rows containing seven persons in each row. In 1st row M, G, C, E, L, I and A and are seated and face south and in 2nd row B, H, F, D, J, N and K are seated and face north, but not necessarily in the same order. Therefore, in the given seating arrangement, each member seated in a row faces another member of the other row. M faces N. No one sits between A and I. Two persons sit between H and K. B sits 3rd right to the one who faces the one who is 2nd to the right of E. G faces one of the neighbors of F. More than two people sit between K and J.C is sitting 3rd to the left of L and at one of the extreme end. H faces the one who sits immediate right to L. I does not face J and K. More than three people sit between E and M.

🔻Send Your Solution Here :

Banking IBPS Clerk PO SBI RRB SO

27 Nov, 03:38

Solution of Pro Puzzles No. 29

╭─❀⊰ For Any Doubt Msg Here 🔻

Banking IBPS Clerk PO SBI RRB SO

27 Nov, 03:38

List Of Bird Sanctuaries In India

▪️Andhra Pradesh

Atapaka Bird Sanctuary
Kaundinya Bird Sanctuary
Nelapattu Bird Sanctuary
Pulicat Lake Bird Sanctuary
Sri Peninsula Narasimha Wildlife Sanctuary
Uppalapadu Bird Sanctuary

▪️Assam -

Bordoibam Beelmukh Birds’ Sanctuary
Deepor beel bird sanctuary
Panidihing bird sanctuary

▪️Bihar -

Nagi Dam Bird Sanctuary
Nakti Dam Bird Sanctuary
Bhimband Wildlife Sanctuary

▪️Delhi - Najafgarh drain bird sanctuary

▪️Goa - Salim Ali Bird Sanctuary


Gaga Wildlife Sanctuary
Khijadiya Bird Sanctuary
Kutch Bustard Sanctuary
Nal Sarovar Bird Sanctuary
Porbandar Bird Sanctuary
Thol Lake


Bhindawas Wildlife Sanctuary
Khaparwas Wildlife Sanctuary

▪️Himachal Pradesh - Gamgul

▪️Karnataka -

Attiveri Bird Sanctuary
Bankapura Peacock Sanctuary
Bonal Bird Sanctuary
Gudavi Bird Sanctuary
Kaggaladu Bird Sanctuary
Magadi Bird Sanctuary
Mandagadde Bird Sanctuary
Puttenahalli Lake (Yelahanka)
Ranganathittu Bird Sanctuary


Kadalundi Bird Sanctuary
Kumarakom Bird Sanctuary
Mangalavanam Bird Sanctuary
Pathiramanal Kerala
Pakshipathalam Bird Sanctuary
Thattekad Bird Sanctuary

▪️Maharashtra -

Mayani Bird Sanctuary
Great Indian Bustard Sanctuary

▪️Mizoram - Lengteng Wildlife Sanctuary

▪️Odisha - Chilika Lake

▪️Punjab - Harike bird sanctuary


Keoladeo National Park
Khichan Bird Sanctuary
Tal Chhapar Sanctuary

▪️Tamil Nadu

Chitrangudi Bird Sanctuary
Kanjirankulam Bird Sanctuary
Koonthankulam Bird Sanctuary
Suchindram Theroor Birds Sanctuary
Udayamarthandapuram Bird Sanctuary
Vedanthangal Bird Sanctuary
Vellode Birds Sanctuary
Vettangudi Bird Sanctuary

▪️Uttar Pradesh

Bakhira Sanctuary
Lakh Bahosi Sanctuary
Nawabganj Bird Sanctuary
Okhla Sanctuary
Saman Sanctuary
Samaspur Sanctuary
Sandi Bird Sanctuary
Thasrana Bird Sanctuary

▪️West Bengal

Chintamoni Kar Bird Sanctuary
Raiganj Wildlife Sanctuary

Banking IBPS Clerk PO SBI RRB SO

25 Nov, 03:46

Daily The Hindu Vocabulary | 25.11.2024

1. SLAM (VERB): (आलोचना करना): criticize
Synonyms: find fault with, censure
Antonyms: praise
Example Sentence:The new TV soap was slammed as being cynical and irresponsible.

2. UNENVIABLE (ADJECTIVE): (अवांछनीय): disagreeable
Synonyms: unpleasant, undesirable
Antonyms: enviable
Example Sentence:I have the unenviable job of announcing the dismissals.

3. INSULARITY (NOUN): (संकीर्णता): parochialism
Synonyms: provincialism, localism
Antonyms: tolerance
Example Sentence:The insularity of Greenland might again give rise to the suppressed argument.

4. GAILY (ADVERB): (सुखपूर्वक): merrily
Synonyms: cheerfully, cheerily
Antonyms: miserably
Example Sentence:All the young soldiers smiled gaily as they watched him.

5. DRUDGERY (NOUN): (कठिन श्रम): hard work
Synonyms: donkey work, toil
Antonyms: relaxation
Example Sentence:Women see domestic drudgery everyday.

6. QUOTIDIAN (ADJECTIVE): (दैनिक): daily
Synonyms: everyday, day-to-day
Antonyms: unusual
Example Sentence:His story is an achingly human one, mired in quotidian details.

7. GAMELY (ADVERB): (वीरता से): bravely
Synonyms: enthusiastically, fearlessly
Antonyms: cowardly
Example Sentence:He battled gamely but was outclassed by his more experienced opponent.

8. RELENTLESS (ADJECTIVE): (दृढ़): persistent
Synonyms: continuing, constant
Antonyms: short-lived
Example Sentence:We faced the relentless heat of the desert.

9. LEISURE (NOUN): (फुर्सत): time off
Synonyms: free time, spare time
Antonyms: work
Example Sentence:People have less leisure time these days.

10. SCRUPULOUS (ADJECTIVE): (सूक्ष्म): careful
Synonyms: meticulous, painstaking
Antonyms: careless
Example Sentence:The research has been carried out with scrupulous attention to detail. 

Banking IBPS Clerk PO SBI RRB SO

24 Nov, 07:11

In the following passage some of the words have been deleted. Read the passage carefully and select the correct answer for the given blank out of the four alternatives.

Pumpkins contain high levels of …….(1)_________ . These are molecules that fight harmful free radicals, a ………(2)_______ of unstable molecule that can sometimes ……..(3)_______ damage to our cells, which may cause ageing and contribute to ……(4)________ diseases over time. While some antioxidants occur ……..(5)________ in our bodies, others we get from fruits and vegetables.

Banking IBPS Clerk PO SBI RRB SO

24 Nov, 07:11

Daily The Hindu Vocabulary | 24.11.2024

1. BURNISH (VERB): (चमकाना): polish up 
Synonyms: shine, brighten
Antonyms: dull
Example Sentence:To burnish copper, I would probably use a drill with a pad attached to the end.

2. DIPLOMATIC (ADJECTIVE): (राजनयिक): tactful
Synonyms: sensitive, subtle
Antonyms: indiscreet
Example Sentence:He tried his best to be diplomatic.

3. ABATEMENT (NOUN): (न्यूनीकरन): subsiding
Synonyms: lessening, decrease
Antonyms: intensification, increase
Example Sentence:The new trend showed no signs of abatement.

4. AMELIORATE (VERB): (सुधरना): improve
Synonyms: better, enhance
Antonyms: worsen
Example Sentence:Steps have been taken to ameliorate his situation.

5. FORMIDABLE (ADJECTIVE): (डराना): intimidating
Synonyms: forbidding, redoubtable
Antonyms: comforting
Example Sentence:His opponent was certainly a formidable one.

6. ENDURE (NOUN): (टिकना): last
Synonyms: live, live on
Antonyms: fade
Example Sentence:These cities have endured through time.

7. EMBOLDEN (VERB): (प्रोत्साहित करना): encourage
Synonyms: hearten, strengthen
Antonyms: dishearten
Example Sentence:Emboldened by the claret, he pressed his knee against hers.

8. SLAM (VERB): (टकरा जाना): hit
Synonyms: strike, ram
Antonyms: miss
Example Sentence:The car mounted the pavement, slamming into a lamp post.

9. BLEAK (ADJECTIVE): (सर्द): cold
Synonyms: keen, raw
Antonyms: warm
Example Sentence:It was a bleak midwinter's day.

10. UNLEASH (VERB): (खोलना): release
Synonyms: free, loose
Antonyms: restrain
Example Sentence:They dig up badger setts and unleash terriers into them. 

Banking IBPS Clerk PO SBI RRB SO

21 Nov, 06:19

Daily The Hindu Vocabulary | 21.11.2024

1. DAWDLE (VERB): (समय नष्ट करना): linger 
Synonyms: dally, take one's time
Antonyms: hurry
Example Sentence:She mustn't dawdle—she had to make the call now.

2. WRETCHED (ADJECTIVE): (मनहूस): miserable
Synonyms: unhappy sad
Antonyms: cheerful
Example Sentence:I felt so wretched because I thought I might never see you again.

3. SHORTLY (ADVERB): (एकाएक): sharply
Synonyms: abruptly, bluntly
Antonyms: patiently
Example Sentence:Do you like cricket?’ ‘I do not,’ she said shortly.

4. BLEAK (ADJECTIVE): (निरावरण): bare
Synonyms: exposed, desolate
Antonyms: lush
Example Sentence:It was nothing but a bleak moor.

5. SUCCUMB (VERB): (अधीन होना): yield
Synonyms: give in, give way
Antonyms: resist
Example Sentence:We cannot merely give up and succumb to despair.

6. SORDID (ADJECTIVE): (नीच): sleazy
Synonyms: seedy, seamy
Antonyms: high-minded
Example Sentence:The story paints a sordid picture of bribes and scams.

7. STRINGENT (ADJECTIVE): (कठोर): strict
Synonyms: firm, rigid
Antonyms: lenient
Example Sentence:Stringent guidelines are necessary on air pollution.

8. TACIT (ADJECTIVE): (निहित): implicit
Synonyms: understood implied
Antonyms: explicit
Example Sentence:Your silence may be taken to mean tacit agreement.

9. LOPSIDED (ADJECTIVE): (असममात्रिक): asymmetrical
Synonyms: unsymmetrical, uneven
Antonyms: even
Example Sentence:He showed a lopsided grin.

10. CONSTRAINT (NOUN): (बाधा): inhibition
Synonyms: uneasiness, embarrassment
Antonyms: openness
Example Sentence:They are able to talk without constraint. 

Banking IBPS Clerk PO SBI RRB SO

20 Nov, 04:43

Daily The Hindu Vocabulary | 20.11.2024

1. HUDDLE (VERB): (करीब आना): crowd 
Synonyms: gather, throng 
Antonyms: disperse 
Example Sentence: Both of them huddled under the blanket, watching the flames grow. 

2. STARK (ADJECTIVE): (स्पष्टवादी): blunt 
Synonyms: bald, bare 
Antonyms: disguised 
Example Sentence: His position is in stark contrast to that of his brother. 

3. DAUNT (VERB): (भयभीत करना): intimidate 
Synonyms: abash, shake 
Antonyms: encourage 
Example Sentence: Most of the elderly people are daunted by technology. 

4. VIABLE (ADJECTIVE): (व्यवहार्य): workable 
Synonyms: feasible, practicable 
Antonyms: impracticable 
Example Sentence:The proposed investment was of economically viable nature. 

5. DRACONIAN (ADJECTIVE): (कड़ा): harsh 
Synonyms: severe, strict 
Antonyms: mild 
Example Sentence: The Nazis destroyed the independence of the press by a series of draconian laws. 

6. DELECTABLE (ADJECTIVE): (स्वादिष्ट): delicious 
Synonyms: mouth-watering, appetizing 
Antonyms: inedible 
Example Sentence: We love delectable handmade chocolates. 

7. CAUSTIC (ADJECTIVE): (व्यंग्यपूर्ण): sarcastic 
Synonyms: cutting, biting 
Antonyms: kind 
Example Sentence: The players were making caustic comments about the refereeing. 

8. CONTENTIOUS (ADJECTIVE): (विवादास्पद): controversial 
Synonyms: disputable, debatable 
Antonyms: uncontroversial 
Example Sentence: We are dealing with a contentious topic. 

9. SPARE (ADJECTIVE): (अतिरिक्त): extra 
Synonyms: supplementary, additional 
Antonyms: principal 
Example Sentence: Few people had spare cash for essentials. 

10. IMPERATIVE (ADJECTIVE): (आज्ञसूचक): peremptory 
Synonyms: commanding, imperious 
Antonyms: submissive 
Example Sentence: The bell pealed again, a final imperative call. 

Banking IBPS Clerk PO SBI RRB SO

19 Nov, 03:44

Daily The Hindu Vocabulary | 19.11.2024

1. STIFLE (VERB): (गला घोंटना): choke
Synonyms: suffocate, asphyxiate
Antonyms: cold
Example Sentence:Those in the streets were stifled by the fumes.

2. VOLUMINOUS (ADJECTIVE): (विशाल): capacious
Synonyms: commodious, roomy
Antonyms: tiny
Example Sentence:We have a voluminous purple cloak at home.

3. PATRONIZE (VERB): (रिआयत करना): look down on
Synonyms: talk down to, put down
Antonyms: friendly
Example Sentence:She was determined not to be put down or patronized.

4 TACTICAL (ADJECTIVE): (परिगणित): calculated
Synonyms: planned, plotted
Antonyms: unwise
Example Sentence:In a tactical retreat, she moved into a hotel with her daughters.

5. AMALGAMATE (VERB): (मिलाना): combine
Synonyms: merge, unite
Antonyms: separate
Example Sentence:She amalgamated his company with another.

6 ONEROUS (ADJECTIVE): (कष्टदायक): burdensome
Synonyms: heavy, inconvenient
Antonyms: easy
Example Sentence:She found his duties increasingly onerous.

7. DISCRETION (NOUN): (विवेक): care
Synonyms: circumspection, caution
Antonyms: indiscretion
Example Sentence:She knew she could rely on his discretion.

8. ATTENUATE (VERB): (कम करना): weaken
Synonyms: reduce, lessen
Antonyms: strengthen
Example Sentence:The filter must severely attenuate all the frequencies above 10 Hz.

9. COMBATIVE (ADJECTIVE): (जुझारू): pugnacious
Synonyms: aggressive, antagonistic
Antonyms: conciliatory
Example Sentence:He made some enemies only because of his combative style.

10. WHIP (VERB): (भागना): dash
Synonyms: rush race
Antonyms: dawdle
Example Sentence:He whipped round to face them.

Banking IBPS Clerk PO SBI RRB SO

19 Nov, 03:44

🔰Today's Quiz Based On Fill in the blank 🔰

Banking IBPS Clerk PO SBI RRB SO

18 Nov, 06:47

Daily The Hindu Vocabulary | 18.11.2024

1. INEVITABLY (ADVERB): (अनिवार्य रूप से): unavoidably 
Synonyms: automatically, necessarily 
Antonyms: avoidably 
Example Sentence: Inevitably some details are already out of date. 

2. FRAUGHT (ADJECTIVE): (बेचैन): anxious 
Synonyms: worried, upset 
Antonyms: calm 
Example Sentence: There was a fraught silence in the cabin. 

3. INCENDIARY (ADJECTIVE): (उत्तेजक): inflammatory 
Synonyms: provocative, agitational 
Antonyms: conciliatory 
Example Sentence: The principal's incendiary remarks were not appropriate for the students to hear. 

4. STARTLE (VERB): (डराना): surprise 
Synonyms: frighten, scare 
Antonyms: put at ease 
Example Sentence: A sudden sound in the doorway startled all of us. 

5. SAGACIOUS (ADJECTIVE): (बुद्धिमान): wise 
Synonyms: clever, intelligent 
Antonyms: stupid 
Example Sentence: Step by step, with sagacious attitude, he advanced to the great discovery. 

6. DISRUPT (VERB): (भंग करना): distort 
Synonyms: damage, buckle 
Antonyms: organize 
Example Sentence:It wasn't like Alex to let anger disrupt his schedule. 

7. VENOMOUS (ADJECTIVE): (द्वेषपूर्ण): vicious 
Synonyms: spiteful, rancorous 
Antonyms: friendly 
Example Sentence: She replied with a venomous glance. 

8. LEGITIMATE (ADJECTIVE): (वैध): valid 
Synonyms: sound, admissible 
Antonyms: invalid 
Example Sentence: His excuse for being late was legitimate. 

9. INADVERTENTLY (ADVERB): (अनजाने में): accidentally 
Synonyms: by accident, unintentionally 
Antonyms: deliberately 
Example Sentence: His name had been inadvertently omitted from the list. 

10. SLASH (VERB): (कम करना): reduce 
Synonyms: cut drop 
Antonyms: raise 
Example Sentence: The workforce has been slashed by 3,000. 

Banking IBPS Clerk PO SBI RRB SO

17 Nov, 07:05

Daily The Hindu Vocabulary | 17.11.2024

1. COROLLARY (NOUN): (परिणाम): consequence
Synonyms: result, upshot
Antonyms: cause
Example Sentence:The huge increases in unemployment were the corollary of expenditure cuts.

2. FRIVOLOUS (ADJECTIVE): (क्षुद्र): flippant
Synonyms: glib, waggish
Antonyms: serious
Example Sentence:At bottom the man was frivolous, selfish and unstable.

3. CONTEMPT (NOUN): (अपमान): disrespect
Synonyms: disregard, slighting
Antonyms: respect
Example Sentence:This action displays an arrogant contempt for the wishes of the majority.

4. DRENCH (VERB): (भिगाना): soak
Synonyms: saturate, wet through
Antonyms: dry
Example Sentence:I fell in the stream and was drenched.

5. PROPRIETY (NOUN): (शिष्टाचार): decorum
Synonyms: respectability decency
Antonyms: impropriety
Example Sentence: She always behaves with the utmost propriety.

6. REFUTE (VERB): (खंडन करना): disprove
Synonyms: rebut, confute
Antonyms: confirm
Example Sentence:These claims have not been refuted at all.

7. COLLOQUIAL (ADJECTIVE): (बोल-चाल की शैली): informal
Synonyms: conversational, everyday
Antonyms: literary
Example Sentence:His colloquial talents were indeed of the highest order.

8. BEWILDER (VERB): (भरमाना): baffle
Synonyms: mystify, bemuse
Antonyms: enlighten
Example Sentence:She was bewildered by his sudden change of mood.

9. HAPLESS (ADJECTIVE): (अभागे): unfortunate
Synonyms: unlucky, luckless
Antonyms: lucky
Example Sentence:I met the hapless victims of the disaster.

10. INHIBIT (VERB): (रोकना): impede
Synonyms: hinder hamper
Antonyms: assist
Example Sentence:Too much cold inhibits plant growth. 

Banking IBPS Clerk PO SBI RRB SO

15 Nov, 06:38


- Climate Change Performance Index (2023): 7
- Global Innovation Index: 39
- Travel & Tourism Development Index: 39
- Democracy Index (2023): 41
- International Intellectual Property Index: 42
- Global Energy Transition Index: 63

- Henley Passport Index: 83
- Corruption Perception Index (2023): 93
- Gender Inequality Index (2022): 108
- Sustainable Development Report: 109

- Global Peace Index: 116
- World Happiness Report: 126
- Economic Freedom Index: 126
- Global Gender Gap Index: 129
- Human Development Report (2023-24): 134
- World Press Freedom Index: 159
- Environmental Performance Index: 176

🔖📚 India Ranks 1st in SIPRI World’s Top Arms Importer in 2019-23
▪️Top Remittances Inflow Report

🎓 Very Important for all Upcoming Exams

Banking IBPS Clerk PO SBI RRB SO

15 Nov, 06:30

💳Reserve Bank of India (RBI)

Founded – 1 April 1935
RBI Nationalized– 1 January 1949
Headquarters– Mumbai, Maharashtra
RBI set up –Hilton Young Commission
1st Governor –Sir Osborne Smith (Australia)
1st Indian Governor –CD Deshmukh
25th Governor– Shaktikanta Das
RBI Deputy Governor(4)
1 Tavarna Rabi Sankar
2 Mukesh Kumar Jain
3 Michael D Patra
4 M Rajeshwar Rao


Banking IBPS Clerk PO SBI RRB SO

14 Nov, 05:56

In the following passage, some words have been deleted. Read the passage carefully and select the most appropriate option to fill in each blank

The British king, Charles I, had (1) ______ a very difficult financial situation from his father. His period saw a very high rate of inflation. He wanted to (2) ______ money. Therefore, he (3) ______ creating the title of Baronet and selling it to (4) ______ candidates. However, his decision was (5) ______ by the British parliament.

Banking IBPS Clerk PO SBI RRB SO

13 Nov, 05:36

Daily The Hindu Vocabulary | 13.11.2024

1. REPRIEVE (VERB): (दण्डविराम करना): pardon
Synonyms: spare, acquit
Antonyms: charge
Example Sentence:Under the new regime, prisoners under sentence of death were reprieved.

2. UTILITARIAN (ADJECTIVE): (उपयोगी): practical
Synonyms: functional, serviceable
Antonyms: decorative
Example Sentence:I went inside a utilitarian building.

3. CREDIBILITY (NOUN): (विश्वसनीयता): plausibility
Synonyms: believability acceptability
Antonyms: implausibility
Example Sentence:The book's anecdotes have scant regard for credibility.

4. MALIGN (VERB): (नुकसान पहुंचाना): defame
Synonyms: slander libel
Antonyms: praise
Example Sentence:He is trying to malign her in even in my presence.

5. AVERSION (NOUN): (घृणा): disinclination
Synonyms: abhorrence, hatred
Antonyms: liking
Example Sentence:They made plain their aversion to the use of force.

6. PREPOSTEROUS (ADJECTIVE): (निरर्थक): absurd
Synonyms: ridiculous, foolish
Antonyms: reasonable
Example Sentence:He gave me a preposterous suggestion.

7. BARE (ADJECTIVE): (मात्र): mere
Synonyms: no better than, simple
Antonyms: comfortable
Example Sentence:All you need to get started with this program is a bare 10k bytes of memory.

8. MEAGRE (ADJECTIVE): (पतला): thin
Synonyms: thin as a rake, lean
Antonyms: fat
Example Sentence:He is a tall, meagre man.

9. FLAG (VERB): (थकाना): tire
Synonyms: weaken, falter
Antonyms: revive
Example Sentence:If you begin to flag, there is an excellent cafe to revive you.

10. PRUDENT (ADJECTIVE): (विवेकी): wise
Synonyms: well judged, judicious
Antonyms: unwise
Example Sentence:She agreed it had been prudent to warn her.

Banking IBPS Clerk PO SBI RRB SO

11 Nov, 03:28

Daily The Hindu Vocabulary | 11.11.2024

1. STRICTURE (NOUN): (परिसीमन): constraint 
Synonyms: restriction, limitation 
Antonyms: freedom 
Example Sentence: The strictures imposed by the British Board of Film Censors. 

2. DISBURSE (VERB): (चुकाना): pay out 
Synonyms: lay out, spend 
Antonyms: claim 
Example Sentence:$67 million of the pledged aid had already been disbursed. 

3. ANIMOSITY (NOUN): (बैर): antipathy 
Synonyms: hostility, friction 
Antonyms: goodwill 
Example Sentence: He no longer felt any animosity towards her. 

4. ARTICULATE (VERB): (साफ़ साफ़ बोलना): express 
Synonyms: voice, give voice to 
Antonyms: bottle up 
Example Sentence:They were unable to articulate their emotions. 

5. INFANTILE (ADJECTIVE): (बचकाना): childish 
Synonyms: babyish, immature 
Antonyms: mature 
Example Sentence:Everyone is fed up of his infantile jokes. 

6. DEMARCATE (VERB): (हदबंदी करना): separate 
Synonyms: divide, delimit 
Antonyms: join 
Example Sentence:Art was being demarcated from the more objective science. 

7. IMPUGN (VERB): (बहस करना): challenge 
Synonyms: question, dispute 
Antonyms: support 
Example Sentence:The father does not impugn her capacity as a good mother. 

8. OSTENSIBLY (ADVERB): (जाहिरा तौर पर): apparently 
Synonyms: seemingly, on the face of it 
Antonyms: genuinely 
Example Sentence: The party secretary resigned, ostensibly from ill health. 

9. INFURIATE (VERB): (क्रुद्ध करना): enrage 
Synonyms: incense, anger 
Antonyms: please 
Example Sentence: I was infuriated by your article. 

10. DEFER (VERB): (झुक जाना): yield 
Synonyms: submit, give way 
Antonyms: stand up to 
Example Sentence:I deferred to his supreme efficiency. 

Banking IBPS Clerk PO SBI RRB SO

09 Nov, 03:26

Daily The Hindu Vocabulary | 09.11.2024

1. RATIFY (VERB): (पुष्टि करना): confirm 
Synonyms: approve, sanction 
Antonyms: reject 
Example Sentence:Both countries were due to ratify the treaty by the end of the year. 

2. NEFARIOUS (ADJECTIVE): (कुटिल): wicked 
Synonyms: evil, sinful 
Antonyms: good 
Example Sentence: The nefarious activities of the organized-crime syndicates. 

3. HEGEMONY (NOUN): (नायकत्व): leadership 
Synonyms: dominance, dominion 
Antonyms: self-government 
Example Sentence: Germany was united under Prussian hegemony after 1871. 

4. ENORMITY (NOUN): (दुष्टता): wickedness 
Synonyms: baseness, blackness 
Antonyms: goodness 
Example Sentence: The enormities of war are way too high as expected. 

5. APEX (NOUN): (चरम सीमा): climax 
Synonyms: culmination, apotheosis 
Antonyms: nadir 
Example Sentence:The apex of his career was in 1966 when he hosted aloft the World Cup. 

6. ABOLITION (NOUN): (उन्मूलन): scrapping 
Synonyms: ending, stopping 
Antonyms: retention 
Example Sentence: He was responsible for the abolition of the death penalty. 

7. CONCOMITANT (ADJECTIVE): (संगत करने वाला): attendant 
Synonyms: accompanying, associated 
Antonyms: unrelated 
Example Sentence: She loved travel, with all its concomitant worries. 

8. INTRANSIGENT (ADJECTIVE): (सैद्धांतिक): uncompromising 
Synonyms: inflexible, unbending 
Antonyms: compliant 
Example Sentence: Her father had tried persuasion, but she was intransigent. 

9. ORATORICAL (ADJECTIVE): (भाषण -संबंधी): rhetorical 
Synonyms: grandiloquent, magniloquent 
Antonyms: plain-spoken 
Example Sentence: He has plenty oratorical skills. 

10. SHUN (VERB): (किनारा करना): avoid 
Synonyms: evade eschew 
Antonyms: accept 
Example Sentence: He shunned fashionable society. 

Banking IBPS Clerk PO SBI RRB SO

08 Nov, 06:38

Directions: Study the following information carefully and answer the questions given beside.

Seven family members namely Rekha, Tipu, Meena, Mohan, Duggu, Sandy and Krishna in a family are related to each other in the following way:

Krishna is uncle of Sandy who is only son of mohan. Duggu is brother of mohan who is husband of Meena. Rekha has only two sons. Sandy is grandson of Tipu. Rekha is wife of Tipu.

Banking IBPS Clerk PO SBI RRB SO

08 Nov, 06:38

Banking Abbreviations

• FEDAI- Foreign Exchange Dealers Association of India
• ALCO- Asset Liability Committee
• ALM- Asset Liability Management
• KVIC- Khadi and Village Industries Corporation
• KYC- Know Your Customer
• EXIM bank- Export and Import Bank of India
• NABARD- National Bank for Agriculture and Rural Development
• SIDBI- Small Industries Development Bank of India
• EDP- Entrepreneurship Development Programme
• LAMPS- Large Sized Adivasi Multipurpose Societies
• LERMS- Liberalized Exchange Rate Management System
• NABARD- National Bank for Agriculture and Rural Development
• NBFC- Non Banking Finance Companies
• QIB- Qualified Institutional Bankers
• RBI- Reserve Bank of India
• RDBMS- Relational Database Management System
• REC- Rural Electrification Corporation
• RFC- Resident Foreign Currency
• RIDF- Rural Infrastructure Development Fund
• RRB- Regional Rural Bank
• RTGS- Real Time Gross Settlement
• RWA- Risk Weighted Assets
• SBI- State Bank of India
• SCB- Scheduled Commercial Bank
• NRE- Non Resident External Account
• NRI- Non Resident Indian
• SDR- Special Drawing Rights
• YTM-Yield to Maturity
• LAB- Local Area Banks
• ALM- Asset Liability Management
• ANBC- Adjusted Net Bank Credit
• ASBA- Applications Supported Bank Accounts
• DPG- Deferred Payment Guarantee
• DRI- Differential Rate Of Interest
• DSCR- Debt Service Coverage Ratio
• FEDAI- Foreign Exchange Dealers Association Of India
• FOB- Free On Board
• NPV- Net Present Value
• DPN- Demand Promissory Note
• DRAT- Debt Recovery Appellate Tribunal
• OCB- Overseas Corporate Bodies
• POA- Power of Attorney
• OLTAS- Online Tax Accounting System
• OMO- Open Market Operations
• PACS- Primary Agricultural Credit Societies
• LIC- Life Insurance Corporation of India
• IEPF- Investors Education and Protection Fund
• IRDA- Insurance Regulatory and Development Authority
• CCIL- Clearing Corporation of India Limited
• OTCEI- Over the Counter Exchange Of India
• ISCI- International Standard Industrial Classification
• KCC- Kisan Credit Card
• BCSBI- Banking Codes and Standards Board of India
• SEBI- Securities and Exchange Board of India
• SFMS- Structured Financial Messaging Services
• SHG- Self Help Group
• CAR- Capital Adequacy Ratio
• SEBI- Securities and Exchange Board of India
• MICR- Magnetic Ink Character Recognition
• NSE- National Stock Exchange
• FCNR- Foreign Currency Non Resident Deposit Accounts
• CDRS- Corporate Debt Restructuring
• IDRBT- Institute for Development and Research Of Banking Technology
• YTM- Yield To Maturity
• MCA- Ministry Of Company Affairs
• MIS- Management Information System
• CRISIL- Credit Rating Information Services Of India
• ICRA- Investment Information and Credit Rating Agency of India Limited
• CARE- Credit Analysis and Research Limited
• IRDA- Insurance Regulatory and Development Authority of India
• CASA- Current and Savings Accounts
• CBLO- Collateralized Bank Lending Obligations
• CIBIL- Credit Information Bureau of India Limited
• CRR- Cash Reserve Ratio
• KYC- Know Your Customer Guidelines
• IPO- Initial Public Offer
• SLR- Statutory Liquidity Ratio
• SLRS- Scheme for Liberation and Rehabilitation of Scavengers
• EMI- Equated Monthly Instalments
• SSI- Small Scale Industries
• SME- Small and Medium Industries
• UTI- Unit Trust of India
• WPI- Wholesale Price Index
• EDI- Electronic Data Interchange
• EPS- Earning per Share
• ESOP- Employee Stock Options
• PDO- Public Debt Office
• PIN- Personal Identification Number
• NBFC- Non Banking Finance Companies
• NEFT- National Electronic Fund Transfer
• RTGS- Real Time Gross Settlement
• NPA- Non Performing Assets
• QIB- Qualified Institutional Buyers
• BOE- Bill of Exchange
• SMERA- SME Rating Agency of India Limited
• SLR- Statutory Reserve Ratio
• SIDBI- Small Industries Development Bank of India
• SIDC- State Industrial Development Corporation
• SJSRY- Swarna Jayanthi Shahari Rozgar Yojana
• SSSBE- Small Scale Service and Business Enterprises

Banking IBPS Clerk PO SBI RRB SO

28 Oct, 06:23

Daily The Hindu Vocabulary | 28.10.2024

1. UBIQUITOUS (ADJECTIVE): (सर्वव्यापक): omnipresent 
Synonyms: ever-present, everywhere 
Antonyms: rare 
Example Sentence: His ubiquitous influence was felt by all the family. 

2. FUSS (NOUN): (गड़बड़): bother 
Synonyms: trouble, inconvenience 
Antonyms: convenience 
Example Sentence: They settled in with very little fuss. 

3. CONVOLUTED (ADJECTIVE): (जटिल): complicated 
Synonyms: complex, involved 
Antonyms: simple 
Example Sentence: The film is let down by a convoluted plot in which nothing really happens. 

4. AFFINITY (NOUN): (सहानुभूति): empathy 
Synonyms: rapport, sympathy 
Antonyms: dislike 
Example Sentence: He had a special affinity with horses. 

5. RETRACT (VERB): (वापस लेना): take back 
Synonyms: withdraw, unsay 
Antonyms: assert 
Example Sentence: He was forced to retract an opinion too liberal for the time. 

6. GHASTLY (ADJECTIVE): (भयंकर): terrible 
Synonyms: frightful, horrible 
Antonyms: pleasant 
Example Sentence:It was one of the most ghastly crimes ever committed. 

7. SCARCELY (ADVERB): (कठिनता से): rarely 
Synonyms: seldom, infrequently 
Antonyms: often 
Example Sentence: Scarcely a day goes by when they don't see or talk to each other. 

8. CONTINGENT (ADJECTIVE): (आकस्मिक): chance 
Synonyms: accidental, fortuitous 
Antonyms: predictable 
Example Sentence: The nature of the job that I do is contingent. 

9. SUPERFLUOUS (ADJECTIVE): (अति अधिक): surplus 
Synonyms: redundant, unneeded 
Antonyms: necessary 
Example Sentence: The purchaser should avoid asking for superfluous information. 

10. COMPETENCE (NOUN): (योग्यता): capability 
Synonyms: ability, competency 
Antonyms: incompetence 
Example Sentence: Courses were launched to improve the competence of staff. 

Banking IBPS Clerk PO SBI RRB SO

20 Oct, 07:18

Daily The Hindu Vocabulary | 20.10.2024

1. SPUR (VERB): (प्रोत्साहित करना): stimulate 
Synonyms: encourage, prompt 
Antonyms: discourage 
Example Sentence: Her sons' passion for computer games spurred her to set up a software business. 

2. COMPLACENCY (NOUN):(शालीनता): smugness 
Synonyms: self-satisfaction, self-approval 
Antonyms: dissatisfaction 
Example Sentence: The figures are better, but there are no grounds for complacency. 

3. DESCEND (VERB): (उतरना): drop 
Synonyms: go down, come down 
Antonyms: ascend 
Example Sentence: The aircraft began to descend. 

4. ASSERTIVE (ADJECTIVE): (मुखर): confident 
Synonyms: forceful, self-confident 
Antonyms: retiring 
Example Sentence:The job may call for assertive behavior. 

5. SLOPPY (ADJECTIVE): (लापरवाह): careless 
Synonyms: slapdash, slipshod 
Antonyms: careful 
Example Sentence:We gave away a goal through sloppy defending. 

6. THRIVE (VERB): (फलना-फूलना): flourish 
Synonyms: prosper burgeon 
Antonyms: increase 
Example Sentence:Education groups tend to thrive on organization. 

7. CONVENTIONAL (ADJECTIVE): (मानक): normal
Synonyms: standard, regular 
Antonyms: original 
Example Sentence:A conventional morality had dictated behavior. 

8. SABOTAGE (VERB): (नुक़सान पहुंचाना): wreck 
Synonyms: vandalize, destroy 
Antonyms: strengthen 
Example Sentence: Power lines from South Africa were sabotaged by rebel forces. 

9. DISPENSE (VERB):(मुक्त होना): waive 
Synonyms: omit, drop 
Antonyms: include 
Example Sentence:Let's dispense with the formalities, shall we?" 

10. CRITICAL (ADJECTIVE): (महत्वपूर्ण): crucial 
Synonyms: vital, essential 
Antonyms: unimportant 
Example Sentence:Temperature is a critical factor in successful fruit storage. 

Banking IBPS Clerk PO SBI RRB SO

19 Oct, 05:36

Daily The Hindu Vocabulary | 19.10.2024

1. UNBRIDLED (ADJECTIVE): (निरंकुश): unrestrained
Synonyms: unconstrained, uncontrolled
Antonyms: restrained
Example Sentence:He had a moment of unbridled ambition.

2. HUMILIATE (VERB): (अपमानित करना): embarrass
Synonyms: mortify, humble
Antonyms: aggrandize
Example Sentence:You'll humiliate me in front of the whole school!

3. BARBARIC (ADJECTIVE): (निर्दयी): cruel
Synonyms: brutal, barbarous
Antonyms: benevolent
Example Sentence:He carried out barbaric acts in the name of war.

4. ABRIDGE (VERB): (संक्षेप करना): shorten
Synonyms: cut, curtail
Antonyms: lengthen
Example Sentence:The introduction is abridged from the author's afterword to the novel.

5. ABEYANCE (ADJECTIVE): (निलम्बन): suspension
Synonyms: remission, suspense
Antonyms: in hand
Example Sentence:Matters were held in abeyance pending further enquiries.

6. OBNOXIOUS (ADJECTIVE): (अप्रिय): unpleasant
Synonyms: disagreeable, nasty
Antonyms: delightful
Example Sentence:They overthrew the chancellor who was very obnoxious to them.

7. ANNIHILATE (VERB): (मिटा देना): destroy
Synonyms: wipe out, obliterate
Antonyms: create
Example Sentence:A simple bomb could also annihilate a lot of things.

8. CONFER (VERB): (प्रदान करना): bestow on
Synonyms: present with/to, grant to
Antonyms: withhold
Example Sentence:The Minister may have exceeded the powers conferred on him by Parliament.

9. VEX (VERB): (खीझाना): annoy
Synonyms: irritate, infuriate
Antonyms: mollify
Example Sentence:The memory of the conversation still vexed him.

10. DEEM (VERB): (मानना): consider
Synonyms: judge, adjudge
Antonyms: mis-judge
Example Sentence:The event was deemed a great success.

Banking IBPS Clerk PO SBI RRB SO

18 Oct, 03:06

Daily The Hindu Vocabulary | 18.10.2024

1. ZEALOUS (ADJECTIVE): (उत्साही): fervent 
Synonyms: ardent, fervid 
Antonyms: apathetic 
Example Sentence: The council was extremely zealous in the application of the regulations. 

2. APPEALING (ADJECTIVE):(आकर्षक): attractive 
Synonyms: engaging, alluring 
Antonyms: off-putting 
Example Sentence: Village life is somehow more appealing than city's. 

3. HOSTILITY (NOUN): (युद्ध): fighting 
Synonyms: conflict, combat 
Antonyms: peace 
Example Sentence: He called for an immediate cessation of hostilities. 

4. RELATIVE (ADJECTIVE): (तुलनात्मक): comparative 
Synonyms: respective, comparable 
Antonyms: absolute 
Example Sentence: The relative effectiveness of the various mechanisms is not known. 

5. AGITATE (VERB): (उत्तेजित करना): upset 
Synonyms: perturb, fluster 
Antonyms: calm 
Example Sentence: The thought of questioning Tony agitated him extremely. 

6. TIRESOME (ADJECTIVE): (थकानेवाला): boring 
Synonyms: dull, tedious 
Antonyms: interesting 
Example Sentence: Weeding is a tiresome but essential job. 

7. GLORIFY (VERB): (महिमामंडन करना): ennoble 
Synonyms: exalt, elevate 
Antonyms: dishonour 
Example Sentence: A football video went viral glorifying violence. 

8. ABATE (VERB): (घटना): subside 
Synonyms: lessen, let up 
Antonyms: intensify 
Example Sentence: In an hour or so the storm would abate and they could leave. 

9. FLEETING (ADJECTIVE): (क्षणभंगुर): brief 
Synonyms: transient, short-lived 
Antonyms: lasting 
Example Sentence: For a very fleeting moment I saw his face. 

10. GLOSSY (ADJECTIVE): (सतही आकर्षक): expensive 
Synonyms: high-quality, stylish 
Antonyms: cheap 
Example Sentence: That is just another glossy TV miniseries.

Banking IBPS Clerk PO SBI RRB SO

15 Oct, 03:01

Daily The Hindu Vocabulary | 15.10.2024

1. RADICAL (ADJECTIVE): (संपूर्ण): thoroughgoing
Synonyms: thorough, complete
Antonyms: superficial
Example Sentence:A radical overhaul of the existing regulatory framework is needed.

2. BANISH (VERB): (निर्वासित करना): dispel
Synonyms: dismiss, disperse
Antonyms: engender
Example Sentence:All thoughts of romance were banished from her head.

3. MARGINAL (ADJECTIVE): (थोड़ा): slight
Synonyms: small, tiny
Antonyms: vast
Example Sentence:It seems likely to make only a marginal difference.

4. WHITTLE (VERB): (काटना): erode
Synonyms: wear away, eat away
Antonyms: increase
Example Sentence:The shortlist of fifteen was whittled down to five.

5. QUIESCENT (ADJECTIVE): (स्थिर): inactive
Synonyms: inert, latent
Antonyms: active
Example Sentence:Strikes were headed by groups of workers who had previously been quiescent.

6. MOUNT (VERB): (बढ़ना): increase
Synonyms: grow, rise
Antonyms: decrease
Example Sentence:The costs mount up when you buy a home.

7. REINSTATE (VERB): (पुनः स्थापित करना): restore
Synonyms: put back, replace
Antonyms: abolish
Example Sentence:The union threatened strike action if Owen was not reinstated.

8. RIFE (ADJECTIVE): (व्याप्त): widespread
Synonyms: general common
Antonyms: scarce
Example Sentence:Male chauvinism was rife in medicine.

9. CONSEQUENTIAL (ADJECTIVE): (अहम): resulting
Synonyms: resultant, ensuing
Antonyms: causal
Example Sentence:A loss of confidence and a consequential withdrawal of funds.

10. ALLIANCE (NOUN): (नाता): affinity
Synonyms: relationship, association
Antonyms: distance
Example Sentence:An alliance between medicine and morality is to be established. 

Banking IBPS Clerk PO SBI RRB SO

15 Oct, 02:59

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