سورة الملك تنجي من عذاب القبر....💚🌿
🌿💚لَلَهِ غّ ـربّـةّ روِحً ـيّ💚🌿 Telegram channel is a space dedicated to exploring the theme of solitude and distance. The title itself invokes feelings of longing and separation, hinting at a deeper exploration of the human experience of isolation. With the username 'httpehii,' the channel invites users to reflect on the complexities of relationships and the emotional turmoil that can arise from feeling disconnected from others. The description emphasizes a sense of withdrawing from others to avoid pain and loss, highlighting the importance of maintaining distance to protect oneself from further hurt. Through posts and discussions, this channel aims to create a community of individuals who find solace in their solitude and embrace their status as outsiders. Join 🌿💚لَلَهِ غّ ـربّـةّ روِحً ـيّ💚🌿 to explore the beauty and complexity of being alone in a world that often pushes for connection at all costs.
23 Nov, 20:29
23 Nov, 14:01
عن حزْنـك
: "هُنـاك صلاةعن وجعـك
: "هُنـاك قـرآنعن ضيقة صدرك
: "هُنـاك استغفارعن أمنياتك المستقبلية
: "هُنـاك دُعاءعن ڪل شيء فاتك في الدنيا
: "هُنـاك جنّـة....💚🌿23 Nov, 10:19
23 Nov, 05:50
22 Nov, 19:06
22 Nov, 16:45
22 Nov, 06:02
21 Nov, 17:37
21 Nov, 11:59
20 Nov, 12:41
20 Nov, 05:23
19 Nov, 21:23
19 Nov, 17:45
19 Nov, 13:30
19 Nov, 10:33
18 Nov, 18:19
18 Nov, 10:23
18 Nov, 05:50
17 Nov, 19:39
17 Nov, 14:06