English grammar by Tiwari Sir @htenglis Channel on Telegram

English grammar by Tiwari Sir


English grammar by Tiwari Sir (English)

Welcome to the Telegram channel 'English grammar by Tiwari Sir'! This channel is dedicated to helping English learners improve their grammar skills under the guidance of Tiwari Sir. Tiwari Sir is a renowned English language teacher with years of experience in teaching grammar to students of all levels. Whether you are a beginner looking to grasp the basics of English grammar or an advanced learner seeking to fine-tune your language skills, this channel is the perfect resource for you. Tiwar Sir's expert guidance and interactive approach make learning grammar fun and engaging. Join us today and take your English grammar skills to the next level! Who is it? - Tiwari Sir is a seasoned English language teacher known for his expertise in grammar. What is it? - 'English grammar by Tiwari Sir' is a Telegram channel dedicated to helping English learners improve their grammar skills.

English grammar by Tiwari Sir

22 Jan, 07:28

Time 2 to 5 pm

English grammar by Tiwari Sir

22 Jan, 07:27

Today's evening batch will be off

English grammar by Tiwari Sir

31 Dec, 05:39

Question tag

English grammar by Tiwari Sir

31 Dec, 05:39

1699645812394_New Doc 2022-09-20 07.34.23.pdf

English grammar by Tiwari Sir

31 Dec, 05:38

Subject verb agreement pdf

English grammar by Tiwari Sir

31 Dec, 05:38

1699645812306_New Doc 2022-08-27 10.37.26.pdf

English grammar by Tiwari Sir

13 Dec, 04:45

Preposition pdf

English grammar by Tiwari Sir

13 Dec, 04:45

1700409301676_New Doc 2021-08-02 10.11.50.pdf

English grammar by Tiwari Sir

12 Dec, 04:17

Pronoun pdf

English grammar by Tiwari Sir

12 Dec, 04:17

1699645810745_New Doc 2019-12-19 22.04.38.pdf

English grammar by Tiwari Sir

20 Nov, 11:41


1.Convened(V):-come or bring together for a meeting or activity; assemble.संयोजित

2.In the midst of(phrase):in the middle of a place or a group of things or people

3.Spilled over(Phrasal Verb):(of a bad situation or strong emotion)reach a point at which it can no longer be controlled or contained

4.Depleted(v):-use up the supply or resources of.कम करना

5.Vulnerable: at riks, Unsafe.

6.Precipitous(adj.):-dangerously high or steep.शीघ्र

7.Vertebrate(N):-an animal of a large group distinguished by the possession of a backbone or spinal column, including mammals, birds, reptiles, amphibians, and fishes

8.flora and fauna:  the term flora relates to all plant life and the term fauna represents all animal life.

9.Irritants(N):-thing that is continually annoying or distracting.

10.Dispensed with(Phrasal verb):to no longer use someone or something because you no longer want or need them

11.Envisaged(v):-foresee, predict परिकल्पित

12.Indigenous(Adj.):-originating or occurring naturally in a particular place; native.  

13.Toe-to-toe(Phrase:):-(of two people) standing directly in front of one another, especially in order to fight or argue.काँटे की टक्कर

14.Bonhomie(N):-cheerful friendliness; geniality.खुशमिजाजी

15.Undergird(v):-STRENGTHEN, SUPPORT

16.Disdain(तिरस्कार):-the feeling that someone or something is unworthy of one's consideration or respect.

17.Brawl:to quarrel or fight noisily

18.Dug One's heels(Phrase):- to refuse to alter one's course of action or opinions; to be obstinate or determined.

19.Bungling(गोलमाल करना):-making or characterized by many clumsy mistakes.

20.Stepping out of the shadow : is used to describe someone finding success apart from the success of another person.

21.Bout(N): spell, period, time

22.Prosaically(adverb):-नीरसता से, monotonously, prosaically

23.Stalwarts(दिग्गजों):-a loyal, reliable, and hard-working supporter of or participant in an organization or team.

24.Demarcated(verb):Seprate, delimit; सीमांकित

25.Mopping up(phrasal verb):-complete the military conquest of an area by capturing or killing remaining enemy troops;make an end of, account for, take care of.

26.Epitaph(स्मृति लेख):-omething by which a person, time, or event will be remembered

27.Denouement: Outcome, resut , end result

28.Resurrection: restoration, regeneration

29.Stringent(Adj):-strict, precise, and exacting.कड़ा, कठोर

30.Debilitating(Adj.):-tending to weaken something.कमजोरी लाने वाली

31.In the face of(phrase):;despite:के बावजूद

32.Recalcitrant(Adj.):-unmanageable, ungovernable, आज्ञा न माननेवाला

33.Caveats(N):-warning, caution ,admonition;चेतावनियां

34.Albeit is a conjunction that means “even though” or “although.”

35.Beleaguered(V):put in a very difficult situation.परेशान

36.Semblance(N):-appearance, show; दिखावा, झलक,अनुरूपता

37.Buoy(v):-keep (someone or something) afloat. सीमित

38.Contraction(N): shrinking, decline

39.Recalibrate(v)calibrate (something) again or differently.अंशांकित

40. Depleted(v):-use up the supply or resources of.कम करना

English grammar by Tiwari Sir

20 Nov, 11:41


1.Convened(V):-come or bring together for a meeting or activity; assemble.संयोजित

2.In the midst of(phrase):in the middle of a place or a group of things or people

3.Spilled over(Phrasal Verb):(of a bad situation or strong emotion)reach a point at which it can no longer be controlled or contained

4.Depleted(v):-use up the supply or resources of.कम करना

5.Vulnerable: at riks, Unsafe.

6.Precipitous(adj.):-dangerously high or steep.शीघ्र

7.Vertebrate(N):-an animal of a large group distinguished by the possession of a backbone or spinal column, including mammals, birds, reptiles, amphibians, and fishes

8.flora and fauna:  the term flora relates to all plant life and the term fauna represents all animal life.

9.Irritants(N):-thing that is continually annoying or distracting.

10.Dispensed with(Phrasal verb):to no longer use someone or something because you no longer want or need them

11.Envisaged(v):-foresee, predict परिकल्पित

12.Indigenous(Adj.):-originating or occurring naturally in a particular place; native.  

13.Toe-to-toe(Phrase:):-(of two people) standing directly in front of one another, especially in order to fight or argue.काँटे की टक्कर

14.Bonhomie(N):-cheerful friendliness; geniality.खुशमिजाजी

15.Undergird(v):-STRENGTHEN, SUPPORT

16.Disdain(तिरस्कार):-the feeling that someone or something is unworthy of one's consideration or respect.

17.Brawl:to quarrel or fight noisily

18.Dug One's heels(Phrase):- to refuse to alter one's course of action or opinions; to be obstinate or determined.

19.Bungling(गोलमाल करना):-making or characterized by many clumsy mistakes.

20.Stepping out of the shadow : is used to describe someone finding success apart from the success of another person.

21.Bout(N): spell, period, time

22.Prosaically(adverb):-नीरसता से, monotonously, prosaically

23.Stalwarts(दिग्गजों):-a loyal, reliable, and hard-working supporter of or participant in an organization or team.

24.Demarcated(verb):Seprate, delimit; सीमांकित

25.Mopping up(phrasal verb):-complete the military conquest of an area by capturing or killing remaining enemy troops;make an end of, account for, take care of.

26.Epitaph(स्मृति लेख):-omething by which a person, time, or event will be remembered

27.Denouement: Outcome, resut , end result

28.Resurrection: restoration, regeneration

29.Stringent(Adj):-strict, precise, and exacting.कड़ा, कठोर

30.Debilitating(Adj.):-tending to weaken something.कमजोरी लाने वाली

31.In the face of(phrase):;despite:के बावजूद

32.Recalcitrant(Adj.):-unmanageable, ungovernable, आज्ञा न माननेवाला

33.Caveats(N):-warning, caution ,admonition;चेतावनियां

34.Albeit is a conjunction that means “even though” or “although.”

35.Beleaguered(V):put in a very difficult situation.परेशान

36.Semblance(N):-appearance, show; दिखावा, झलक,अनुरूपता

37.Buoy(v):-keep (someone or something) afloat. सीमित

38.Contraction(N): shrinking, decline

39.Recalibrate(v)calibrate (something) again or differently.अंशांकित

40. Depleted(v):-use up the supply or resources of.कम करना

English grammar by Tiwari Sir

20 Nov, 11:41


1.Remission (N)-the cancellation of a debt, charge, or penalty. माफ़ी

2.Assassination (N)-murder of a public figure by surprise attack. हत्या

3.Clemency (N)-the act of forgiving or the state of being forgiven. राज्यक्षमा

4.Tenable (Adj)-able to be maintained or defended against attack or objection. तर्कसंगत

5.Ramifications (N)-a complex or unwelcome consequence of an action or event. प्रभाव

6.Incarceration (N)-the state of being kept in confinement. कैद

7.Humanitarian (Adj)-concerned with or seeking to promote human welfare. मानवतावादी

8.Hackles (N)-a feeling of anger and animosity.

9.Left No Stone Unturned (Phrase)-try every possible course of action in order to achieve something.

10.Whopping (Adj)-unusually large in size, extent, or degree.  

11.Constellation (N)-a group of associated or similar people or things.

12.Triumphed (V)-to win a great victory, or to have a great success.

13.Burnish (V)-To improve or make more impressive.

14.Ruffle A Few Feathers (Phrase)-to make someone feel worried or annoyed.

15. Disengagement: the action or process of withdrawing from involvement in an activity, situation, or group.

16. Moratorium : A moratorium is a delay or suspension of an activity or a law.

17. Armoured:  steel-plated, bulletproof, bombproof.

18. Patrolled: keep watch over (an area) by regularly walking or travelling around it.

19. Artillery: a military detachment or branch of the armed forces that uses large-calibre guns.

20. hard nut to crack(phrase) :A difficult problem.

21. stand-off (Noun) : a situation in which agreement in an argument does not seem possible.

22. predates : exist or occur at a date earlier than (something)

23. Condemnation(N):the expression of very strong disapproval; censure.तिरस्कार

24. Ostensibly(प्रकट रूप से): apparently

25.Laundered(Adj.):(of money) obtained illegally and processed secretly, typically by transfers involving foreign banks or legitimate businesses.

26.Brush aside(Phrasal verb):to treat (something) as not important : to ignore or dismiss.

27.Relentless(adj.):persistent, continuing.

28.Grievances(N):complaint, criticism, objection.

29.Behoves(v):it is right for someone to do something.

20.Dissenters:objector, protester.


1.Cling On To (Phrasal Verb)-to be unwilling to lose something or try very hard to keep something.

2.Mounting (Adj)-increasing, often in a manner that causes or expresses worry. बढ़ता हुआ

3.Crackdown (N)-a series of severe measures to restrict undesirable or illegal people or behaviour. कार्रवाई

4.Dictator (N)-a ruler with total power over a country, typically one who has obtained control by force. तानाशाह

5.Crack Down (Phrasal Verb)-to take strong action to stop something. कड़ी कार्यवाही करना

6.Coercive (Adj)-relating to or using force or threats. बलपूर्वक, अनिवार्य

7.Rigged (Adj)-to influence something such as an election in a dishonest way in order to produce a particular result.

8.Thrown Their Weight (Phrase)-To use one's influence or power to support or promote someone or something.

9.Beleaguered (Adj)-experiencing a lot of criticism and difficulties. परेशान

10.Tide Over (Phrasal Verb)-to help somebody during a difficult period by providing what they need.

11.Woes (N)-great sorrow or distress. संकट

12.Die Down (Phrasal Verb)- to gradually become less strong.

13.Wreak Havoc (Idiom)-to cause a lot of damage or problems.

14.Propping Up (Phrasal Verb)-to give help, encouragement, or support to (someone).

15. Daunting (Adj)-seeming difficult to deal with in prospect; intimidating. कठिन, चुनौतीपूर्ण

16..Quest (N)-a long or arduous search for something. खोज

17.Inoculated (V)-treat with a vaccine to produce immunity against a disease; vaccinate. टीका

18.Laudable (Adj)-(of an action, idea, or aim) deserving praise and commendation. प्रशंसनीय

19.Paucity (N)-the condition of having very little or not enough of something. कमी

20.Stringent (Adj)-(of regulations, requirements, or conditions) strict, precise, and exacting. सख्त

English grammar by Tiwari Sir

09 Oct, 17:31

1699645812153_New Doc 2022-05-04 21.40.27(1).pdf

English grammar by Tiwari Sir

09 Oct, 17:30

Answer key of noun

English grammar by Tiwari Sir

28 Sep, 06:42

Article pdf

English grammar by Tiwari Sir

28 Sep, 06:42

1700408828839_New Doc 2020-05-01 19.44.50.pdf

English grammar by Tiwari Sir

23 Sep, 02:48

Answers of conjunction

English grammar by Tiwari Sir

23 Sep, 02:48

1699645812306_New Doc 2022-08-27 10.37.26.pdf

English grammar by Tiwari Sir

23 Sep, 02:42

Conjunction practice set

English grammar by Tiwari Sir

23 Sep, 02:42

1699645812306_New Doc 2022-08-27 10.37.26.pdf

English grammar by Tiwari Sir

21 Sep, 11:55

1699645812153_New Doc 2022-05-04 21.40.27.pdf

English grammar by Tiwari Sir

21 Sep, 11:54

Noun practice set

English grammar by Tiwari Sir

21 Sep, 11:54

1699645812153_New Doc 2022-05-04 21.40.27 - Page 6.pdf

English grammar by Tiwari Sir

20 Aug, 12:42

Tomorrow will be holiday due to Bharat Band.





