Holocaust.claims @holocaustclaims Channel on Telegram



Questioning Holocaust Claims

Holocaust.claims (English)

Are you interested in learning more about history and challenging commonly held beliefs? Look no further than the Telegram channel "Holocaust.claims". This channel, with the username @holocaustclaims, is dedicated to questioning Holocaust claims and exploring different perspectives on this important historical event. Who is it? This channel is for individuals who are curious about history and want to delve deeper into the events surrounding the Holocaust. It is for those who are open to exploring different viewpoints and engaging in thought-provoking discussions. What is it? "Holocaust.claims" is a platform where members can discuss and debate various aspects of the Holocaust, from the accuracy of historical records to the impact of this tragic event on society. The channel provides a space for critical thinking and respectful dialogue, allowing members to share their perspectives and engage in meaningful conversations. If you are someone who enjoys challenging mainstream narratives and exploring different viewpoints, then this channel is the perfect place for you. Join the conversation on "Holocaust.claims" and see history from a new perspective.


15 Feb, 15:10

Wow Thanks for this comment i find it hard to get a hold of very good feedback out there when it comes to this subject matter thank for the guide comment


14 Feb, 16:24

❤️Happy St. Valentine’s Day to my international followers in time zones unknown!

🏴 Neues Europa archive 🏴


12 Feb, 20:09

One of my haters presented this screen cap to show me that the remains of the 900,000 alleged victims of Treblinka have been accounted for. Too bad for them that the article is about Treblinka 1, which was not claimed to be a death camp like Treblinka 2.

No revisionist claims that no one died at the camps. The presence of human remains is not shocking, nor is it evidence of genocide via homicidal gas chambers.


11 Feb, 19:40

I found this interesting admission from some Holocaust officials while working on my latest article.

We keep being assured that the Holocaust is the most documented historical event, but when it comes to the majority of the alleged murders there is no documentation. Curious.


10 Feb, 17:16



07 Feb, 16:54

My site is overdue for a series dedicated to critiquing internet Holocaust denial memes. Fortunately this person gave me a good idea on how to accomplish this. I'll tell you right now that the cookie monster meme is a big ol' F.

Part one of this series should be out late next week. Stay tuned!


07 Feb, 16:43

I need to clear up some things about the use of this "Red Cross Report" as a gotcha for Holocaust affirmers.

First, The Red Cross has said that these numbers aren't attributable to them. Which is true in a way because these numbers are from the International Tracing Service. However, the ITS was put under the direction of the IRC in 1954.

Nonetheless, this document never claimed to be a complete count of all alleged deaths. It only counted documented deaths and it is claimed that most of the victims were never registered, therefore never documented.

However, this means that there is no documental evidence for most of the claimed victims. Thus the claim of millions of unregistered deaths is unfalsifiable, untestable and unscientific.

Because this issue is so nuanced it really doesn't meme well IMO.




06 Feb, 14:32

If the Holocaust is so real why are there countless examples of Holocaust officials misrepresenting photos and documents?



06 Feb, 14:31

If the Holocaust is so real why do here's how the Holocaust could have happened sites, like Holocaust Controversies, exist? If the official version isn't good enough and affirmers feel compelled to create their own version, what does that tell us?


05 Feb, 20:06

Interesting that Bucko brought up this picture while trying to defend the narrative that Dachau had homicidal gas chambers that were never used. That is because that picture isn't of the claimed never used homicidal gas chamber, it's of a delousing chamber. About the photo IRH says:

"Dachau “gas chamber” door. This official US Army photo was taken at Dachau on April 30, 1945, one day after the camp’s liberation. It shows a GI standing in front of a door marked with a skull and crossbones. According to the official caption, “these chambers were used by the Nazi guards for killing prisoners of the infamous Dachau concentration camp.” In fact, this is a small disinfection gas chamber used for delousing clothes, as part of the routine to curtail the spread of disease. This chamber was never used to kill people. For several decades, this photo has been widely reproduced to help keep alive the notorious Dachau “gas chamber” myth."



04 Feb, 18:27

Never forget the 6 million!


04 Feb, 18:23

In my line of work I see a lot of lists for copes that the Holocaust totally happened. However, train tickets is both a new one and the lamest one I've seen yet.


03 Feb, 13:58

The supporter of a real genocide being put in a position of power to continue the lie of a genocide that never happened. It's almost poetic.


03 Feb, 13:57

Palestinians are "fundamentally evil," "collectively guilty," unworthy of "any mercy" and need to be ethnically cleansed from Gaza to make it "great again," according Zionist activist Martin Oliner, a Trump appointee to the US Holocaust Memorial Council.


31 Jan, 18:38



31 Jan, 17:03

While it is good to spread Holocaust fact checking awareness, it isn't helpful to spread memes that are inaccurate. Holocaust officials do not claim that the door in the meme was used for homicidal gassings. If you see someone making an inaccurate wooden door meme please educate them on accurate revisionism.




30 Jan, 22:06

So how many of y'all have joined the CODOH forum?



30 Jan, 14:26

By 1963 the Holocaust narrative was well established. Even mainstream sources agree that a defendant denying the existence of gas chambers would have been a losing strategy.That was also the trial that famously declared that going along with orders was not a valid defense. Thus the defendants were coerced to go along with the narrative. In short, it was a show trial.

CoDoH's Holocaust encyclopedia has an entry on this topic. I recommend checking it out: https://holocaustencyclopedia.com/legal/trial/frankfurt-auschwitz-show-trial/529/

Thanks for the teachable moment Nessie!


29 Jan, 18:19

Polish MEP Braun disrupts moment of silence in the European Parliament for alleged victims of the Holocaust

Demands they prey for the real victims of the Jewish genocide in Gaza...

Was then escorted out of EU parliament shortly afterwards...

Links Here: https://justicereport.net/?date=2025-01-29&anchor=Europe

For more news subscribe to @justicereport

Website | Odysee | Substack | X/Twitter | Gab


28 Jan, 14:55

Followers of this channel might be familiar with a internet Holocaust affirmer known as Wyatt. If you want to see Mike Peinovich completely destroying this dude you'll need to check out his twitter, x.com/tombelaviv_


27 Jan, 19:58

Feeding Deepseek holocaust.claims articles


27 Jan, 19:40

I caught Vaughan dropping irrelevant and misleading info in a thread. Imagine that, a dishonest Holocaust affirmer!


26 Jan, 15:55

Vaughan provided another teachable moment.


26 Jan, 15:19

The article Vaughan posted is a great example of a Holocaust affirming article that is beyond misleading. All they found was 40 bones at a known cemetery south of Treblinka II, which is where they say the death camp was.

For more read:

Twitter post:


24 Jan, 18:37

This article from Alt Hype is a good answer to the "missing people" Holocaust affirmer talking point. There is no good way to refute this without casting doubt on the census numbers, and Holocaust affirmers need those census numbers.



23 Jan, 19:37

My latest article takes a look at the B’nai B’rith Youth Organization and some of the upstanding people that speak at their yearly convention.



22 Jan, 16:32

Speaking of repeated lies, I find it quite humorous that people believe the repeated lie about Goebbel's quote about repeated lies.


22 Jan, 16:30

I have no reason to think this is an internet Holocaust affirmer or Jew. What they are is an example of how repetition works. This person has never scrutinized the Holocaust narrative. He just doesn't have the mental fortitude to question a narrative that has been repeated to him his whole life.


22 Jan, 14:53

GM. 33k people said the Holocaust is fake on a random twitter poll.


21 Jan, 21:47

A recent poll on Twitter has activated the internet Holocaust affirmers to come out of their hole.

Link to poll- https://x.com/notlouisck/status/1881801572210077835


20 Jan, 15:47

When Holocaust fabulists say that there are mountains of photographic evidence for the Holocaust narrative they mean photos like these, not photos of working homicidal gas chambers.




19 Jan, 21:51

Jews are so mad right now. What a great day.


15 Jan, 18:01

Peak boomer rightoid bio, lmao. Désirée is a bootstrapper that thinks fending off roving gangs of niggers is a small price to pay for the freedom to guzzle sugar drink and consume propaganda disguised as entertainment product. Désirée is going to leave the world in a worse condition than when she found it but, by God, she has her FREEDOMS. Demographic replacement? That's muh freedoms. Exposing children to homosexuality? Let freedom ring!


15 Jan, 16:26

On twitter I made the statement that there are no German documents that mention homicidal gas chambers. In response "Désirée" provided me with 10 documents. Only two of those documents were German and neither of those mentioned homicidal gas chambers. Their responses were full of teachable moments though.



14 Jan, 15:07

I recently learned about BBYO, which is the B’nai B’rith Youth Organization. They have a yearly convention for teenage Jewish leaders which features powerful Jewish figures and a lot of cringe. I started talking about it on twitter and I know I hit a sore spot because I started getting attacked by Jews. Because I find the whole thing interesting, and because Jews don't want me to talk about it, my next article will be on this topic.



13 Jan, 17:10

My haters are not the only one's making strawmen and dishonest arguments. Deborah Lipstadt's Holocaust affirming project is also guilty of this. Only it's more important to refute her as she is an official authority and is backed by institutional power.



13 Jan, 12:28

I meant to dm that to Mike. Whoopsie!
Might as well leave it.


13 Jan, 12:23

Opie does suck. https://x.com/OpieRadio/status/1878102289392533890?t=wc7FX-lPvu1b6wmuLvJbeQ&s=19


11 Jan, 16:03

My latest article details teachable moments that my haters have provided me with. Enjoy!



10 Jan, 17:37

I was asked how the bones that were not burned during the alleged cremations were crushed. The Germans being the engineering geniuses they were had the inmates use tin sheets and wooden sticks. For some reason there is no bone pounding area on the Treblinka map.

For more check out:


09 Jan, 20:00

The map above isn't to scale, but we do know that the camp was either 33 or 42 acres, depending on the source. We also know that it was claimed that 700,000 bodies were buried there all at once before they were dug up and cremated.

If you'd like to learn more check out these articles:


09 Jan, 19:59

This is a map of Treblinka from USHMM's site. Considering the claim that at Treblinka 900,000 bodies were burned with wood on outdoor pyres, it is odd that there isn't a spot to store the massive amounts of wood that would have been required.


08 Jan, 18:37

Out of context Holocaust.claims screencap.

For context visit:


06 Jan, 19:28

Holocaust Affirmers: Believe the witnesses!
The Witnesses:



06 Jan, 14:04




04 Jan, 20:09

What an absolute clown Nessie is.



04 Jan, 15:47

Henryk Tauber, Jewish WW2 survivor and alleged Sonderkommando, was said to be extremely accurate according to an orthodox Holocaust scholar.
Pictured here is Tauber claiming that bodies used their own fat as fuel during cremation and a blurb about how cremation works in reality.

For more of Tauber's wacky claims check out:


03 Jan, 19:57

Yankel Wiernik was a key witness to Treblinka and his testimony is used in scholarly Holocaust books.
Here is a story about an evil Nazi nailing Wiernik's ears to the wall and also a picture of Wiernik.
For more of his wacky claims check out:


02 Jan, 14:19

Someone on twitter brought up Corrie ten Boom, who was a supposed hero. Corrie was sent to Ravensbruck because her family had been hoarding food ration cards. She claimed to have witnessed a homicidal gas chamber while there. Problem is she was released in 1944 and the chamber was supposedly built in 1945. Whoopsie!



31 Dec, 18:31

It's highly frustrating to be banned from twitter in the midst of a debate where the opponent is making laughable and specious claims, but can rely on censorship to pull their fat out of the fire. Technically, you are not even allowed to argue the other side of the holocaust on twitter, something that fabulists and frauds dine out on.

At issue this time was an account who asserted that deniers cannot evince an alternative story to the gassing narrative, therefore the gassing narrative must be accepted by default. This is absurd. Not only is this logically just wrong, but there is a readily available alternative narrative and ample evidence.

Limiting things to Auschwitz for the sake of argument, literally all the existing documentary and physical evidence at Auschwitz-Birkenau supports an alternative narrative to the gassing of Jews. The alleged gas chambers were labeled as morgues in the construction documents and blueprints, of which there are many. Gas chambers are not mentioned anywhere. The gas chambers could not have possibly worked as described, and key components of the gassing device, like the holes in the roof and mesh columns, do not exist and there is no evidence they ever did. There is no chemical residue of the poison gas, which would be present if the gas was used in large quantities in these spaces. So the case is proven, they could not have been gas chambers. The book is closed on that.

This means that we simply accept the documents and physical evidence for what they are and do not try to impose secret codes, telepathic commands, conspiracies and disappearing bodies on top of them. There is your alternative narrative staring you in the face. It's just all the evidence that has been lied about and misconstrued for all these years. It simply tells a different story than the bizarre gassing conspiracy.

As far as the question of "where did the jews go then" this is more of a rhetorical strategy than a genuine question. it is meant to switch the burden of proof and put the fabulist in the position of being able to deconstruct speculation. Again, there is ample evidence of Jews being shipped to various camps and many of them left for the USA, USSR and occupied Palestine. There is no need for some complex or elaborate theory. But answering this question must start from the point that there were no gassings, because that tale has been decisively disproven.



31 Dec, 14:43

The lolz keep coming.

Nessie is actually providing me with many teachable moments and fodder for my next article, which will be about what it looks like to defend a lie.



30 Dec, 23:32

Mike Peinovich was banned from twitter (again) today, but he just had to jump in on a particularly absurd statement from Nessie.



30 Dec, 23:30

Nessie refuses to admit that they are making an exception to innocent until proven guilty for the Holocaust narrative. Instead they have decided to make more bad arguments. Nessie really is a Holocaust affirming lolcow.


30 Dec, 15:49

Let's see if ol' Nessie can explain why the Holocaust narrative is above the law.



29 Dec, 19:13

Bubumajster is getting the information.



29 Dec, 18:19

Another funny thing about this interaction with Nessie is that they are ceding to the premise that the accusation of 6 million murders was never proven.


29 Dec, 17:53



27 Dec, 18:25



27 Dec, 16:51

Nessie failed to do a gotcha.
(Yes, I like my own tweets.)



27 Dec, 16:11

Why was Jewish WW2 survivor and Sonderkommando, David Olere, unable to accurately depict the facility where the gas chambers were allegedly located?



27 Dec, 16:06

This is how you upset the Holocaust Controversies fanbase.



24 Dec, 17:06

Merry Christmas From The Occupied Palestine 🎉


23 Dec, 15:40

One of my stalkers being a Holocaust Controversies toady. Very sad.
The HC fandom sits around creating ways that the Holocaust could have happened. It is a worthless endeavor because if it didn't happen just as Holocaust officials claim it didn't happen.


23 Dec, 14:58



19 Dec, 14:54

New article provides details of Germany's annexation of Czechoslovakia's that orthodox historians omit.



17 Dec, 19:06

Hitler had no designs to take over Slovakia, as it had never belonged to Germany. He offered to aid Tiso in gaining independence, but only if Tiso explicitly requested it. This is the same Hitler that the colonial powers of the US, UK and France called an aggressive expansionist.

This is sourced directly from the IMT in Nuremberg.


16 Dec, 20:13

Interesting diversion I found while writing my latest article.

Wikipedia makes the claim that 117,551 Jews in Bohemia and Moravia were "virtually annihilated". This claim comes from The United States Holocaust Memorial and Museum's Holocaust Encyclopedia. Regular readers will know that the USHMM encyclopedia doesn't use citations in its entries.

So I guess what Wikipedia is telling us is that an organization that receives millions of dollars from Jews is the arbitrator of truth when it comes to the Holocaust.




16 Dec, 17:18

Was just randomly remembering how Myles Power was shown to be a liar while defending the Holocaust narrative and then he eventually deleted himself from the internet. Are these two things related? I'm going to say yes.



13 Dec, 17:32

Tweeting my reacts to the debate. Check it out if you want.


12 Dec, 16:31



11 Dec, 16:50

Holocaust affirmers constantly try to misplace the burden of proof. It's up to us to not allow it. The Germans never received a fair trail and until that happens the onus lies on them no matter how many copes they come up with.



05 Dec, 18:36

The following is from a homicidal gas van affirming article. Take a look at the picture they used. It says the truck shown is similar to a gas van. Why not just show a picture of an actual gas van? Because none were ever found. No physical traces of the alleged homicidal gas van exist. This part of the Holocaust narrative, like so many others, relies on witness testimony. Witness testimony that cannot hold up to scrutiny.



04 Dec, 15:31

When you're reduced to saying dumb shit like this you should realize that you're arguing for the wrong side.



03 Dec, 18:10

This retro Holocaust.claims article contains an example of why the International Military Tribunal in Nuremberg cannot be taken seriously. In this court of law it was testified that electrified death floors existed, a claim that no Holocaust historian would make nowadays. Maybe they wouldn't have made such mistakes if they critically examined the Allied reports about the Germans, but that would have meant that the whole Holocaust narrative would have been put under too much scrutiny to survive.



02 Dec, 16:11

Apparently the only argument that a Holocaust affirmer had for my Majdanek gas chamber article is that the interruption in staining near the chute is just a coincidence. Good thing the overall point I was making doesn't hinge on that.



23 Nov, 18:35

As promised.



22 Nov, 17:59



22 Nov, 16:00

Since the Operation Reinhard alleged death camps were destroyed by the Nazis how can orthodox Holocaust historians prove homicidal gas chambers existed there?
The answer is that they can't.



21 Nov, 14:01

Someday the world will see her as the hero she was. Until then we must keep fighting for the truth. For the honor of the German people.


21 Nov, 13:58

🇩🇪🕯— Today, at the age of 96, Ursula Haverbeck passed away.

A German active female neo-NS revisionist writer and historian who fought to defend her ideas and despite being condemned, stood firm.

Ursula had spent the last 20 years going in and out prison for ‘'holocaust denialism'’, They gave her a choice, either renounce her beliefs & go free or face continued prison sentences, she chose stand tall.



20 Nov, 16:57

Working on a new article.


18 Nov, 18:11

After WW1 Jews took advantage of Germany and the Ottoman Empire's loss to advocate for the Jewish state of Israel during the Paris Peace Conference.

The people of these losing sides had no say when it came to their lands being sliced up and given away.



17 Nov, 13:36

A Holocaust affirming stalker of mine from twitter tried to say the passage from the French article was taken out of context, but the context makes it so much worse.
You can't deny without outraging the truth? Nice religious dogma there.


16 Nov, 17:56

In 1979 Robert Faurisson was totally wrecked by 34 French historians when they said that we know the Holocaust is possible because it happened so shut up about it. I don't know how he ever recovered from this epic own!



14 Nov, 19:23

This is the article the Jew is responding to:

In it I answer why the Sonderkommando are celebrated instead of being reviled for being accessory to murder of their fellow Jews.

(TL;DR: It's because Sonderkommando testimony is vital to the Holocaust narrative.)


14 Nov, 17:44

Yet when it came to Germans just following orders Jews like Hannah Arendt say that's no excuse at all and they are still responsible for their actions.


14 Nov, 17:41

The person that left a bunch of comments on the site is this same Jew. Here he is saying that the Sonderkommando weren't accessories to genocide even though they lured their fellow Jews to their death and all should be forgiven because of survival.


14 Nov, 14:19

Interesting that Brave AI doesn't mention the real reason hair was cut. That being to curb the spread of lice which carried disease like typhus. If the Holocaust is so real why the constant need to omit critical information?


14 Nov, 00:16

...and he's Jewish.


13 Nov, 22:36

The guy that's not coping is saying there were guns and soldiers to make the prisoners comply but they would have calmed down and stopped worrying once they saw showerheads.


13 Nov, 20:36

Let's also take a moment to chuckle at the idea of calming shower heads while being crammed into a room like a bunch of sardines.


13 Nov, 20:25

Turns out I was right about the rumors of gas chambers all along. Nice of him to admit it. Now if he could only stop coping and admit the alleged gassing procedure was stupid we'd have something.


13 Nov, 17:20

This person was so desperate for an argument that they pretend that there was no way that Jews could have heard anything about the camps before they arrived at the camps.



12 Nov, 17:55



11 Nov, 17:45

Over the weekend I got 7 comments trying to refute me. I will be addressing them at my leisure.



10 Nov, 20:47

I'll use this excuse to remind everyone one to use the proper Auschwitz math.



09 Nov, 00:01

So what Eli is telling us is that the Jews in 1944 deserved it.


07 Nov, 18:09




06 Nov, 22:03

Idk why or how but 800 people went to this page today. That is not normal btw. I hope it is real people.


06 Nov, 21:05

Brainrot Ross - Stephan Ross, supposedly a “Holocaust survivor” who survived getting transferred to ten "extermination camps", rattled off a bunch of claims that I will summarize in this single post.

I can best describe what he said as a stream of consciousness that will tank your IQ by about 50 points upon listening to his nonsense.

His claims included:

- Being born vaginally into a bucket of urine
- Medical experiments involving enemas and drinking acids
- Obtaining food via prostitution
- Hiding himself in the contents of an outhouse during the “selection” process and washing himself off with piss
- Thirsty children being molested by camp guards
- Consuming bug soup
- Eating dead prisoners with lids from sardine cans

Is this supposed be a comedy skit in disguise or what?

[“Holohoax Tales Best of Steve Ross” on CODOH’s BitChute channel and "Stephen Ross" on Wikipedia. Clip from Billy Madison.]


05 Nov, 19:28

If you light up the bat signal I will show up (eventually).


04 Nov, 18:15

Incredibly based.


04 Nov, 18:14

Jewish charity and advocacy group attacked on Balfour anniversary...

Police investigate possible hate crime after Palestine Action vandalizes buildings and steals bust of Chaim Weizmann...

Links here: https://justicereport.news/?date=2024-11-03&anchor=Jewish

For more #Jewish news, subscribe to @justicereport

Website | Odysee | Substack | X/Twitter | Gab


01 Nov, 15:25

This is not a conspiracy theory channel. The accusation that the Germans did genocide and used gas chambers is a conspiracy theory, not the fact checking of it.


01 Nov, 15:24

The method of "conspiracy" posting is to bombard you with spooky claims about symbols and secret codes without giving you any real information, then to flatter you that you're smarter than the normies for seeing the patterns. This is why conspiracy posts end with something like

"It's right in front of your face. For people who know what to look for."


"Do you get it yet?"

Such posts are typically targeted at specific (non-jewish) individuals or at shadowy and unspecified secret groups.

They lack any analysis of real life structural power, any real information and they don't offer any political analysis, perspective or direction. They also go out of their way to avoid ever targeting an identifiable Jewish person or group. If Judaism comes up at all it is only in reference to kabbalistic black magic or some other esoteric thing that has nothing to do with real world structural Jewish power. They are entertainment products.

The difference between Thuletide and Beck is that Beck is more entertaining.


31 Oct, 15:42

Part two is out! See why Jan Sehn's bag of hair proves nothing.


30 Oct, 16:59

Furthermore, if all the cadaver storage in the crematoria was being used for murder, just where did they put these piles of bodies where no one would notice?


30 Oct, 16:37

Reminder that Holocaust fabulists (hdot.org in this case) admit that the crematoria in Birkenau couldn't always handle the workload.Their cope is that there were outdoor pyres. A cope that has been debunked.



29 Oct, 19:33

Comparing Holocaust revisionism to flat earth is a lazy attempt to dismiss it.

But you don't have to be lazy. You could read my effort response to the flat earth/revisionism false equivocation.


28 Oct, 15:04

On March 5th, 1995, the Hamburg Institute for Social Research opened an exhibition focusing on the alleged war crimes of the Wehrmacht. It had a five year run but was mired with controversy for misrepresenting historical photographs.

In my article I critique the copes from the committee that reviewed the Wehrmacht exhibition. Check it out:


26 Oct, 13:51

As promised, my article exploring the claim that the Sonderkommando cut the alleged gassing victim's hair after they were gassed and dead even though it's a really stupid claim to make.


25 Oct, 15:54

The Death Penalty Information Center has detailed guidelines on how to perform capitol punishment with cyanide gas. No Nazi document like this was ever found. We are supposed to believe, without any evidence, that the Nazis destroyed any such documents.



25 Oct, 15:06

🇺🇸Martin James Monti was an American military officer and wartime defector during World War II. Born in 1921, Monti enlisted in the U.S. Army Air Forces in 1942, where he served as a pilot. In 1944, he defected to NS Germany, and who managed to join the Waffen SS 🇩🇪 (in SS-Standarte Kurt Eggers). As well he was used as propaganda as Germans to demoralize American soldiers into joining Germany.


23 Oct, 17:58

You may have noticed that I've been taking a break from writing new articles. I had been lacking inspiration but then I got hit with this tweet after asking for forensic evidence from an internet Holocaust affirmer. This is actually partly true and not something that Just Jeff made up.

This claim opens up a whole bucket of worms that will be discussed in my next article.


22 Oct, 17:30

People like flip-flopper David Cole claim that entries from a private journal are somehow proof of the Holocaust. Using this as proof of a genocide is even flimsier than citing speeches. Speeches and diary entries are not policy. They are not actions. They do not address the lack of physical evidence and the fact the gas chambers couldn't have worked as claimed.


22 Oct, 13:30

For the thumbs down people, you don't have to pretend that every high ranking NSDAP member was awesome.

source: https://holocaustencyclopedia.com/event/himmler-speeches/563/


21 Oct, 19:11

Himmler was a sperg and he bloviated during his speeches. Now address the lack of physical evidence and the fact the gas chambers couldn't have worked the way officials claim.


20 Oct, 21:46

Yehuda Bauer, a prolific jewish propagandist and “Holocaust survivor” who played a major role in drafting the IHRA “Working Definition of Antisemitism” used by much of Europe and some of the US, has finally died.

Unfortunately, he seems to have died peacefully of old age.



19 Oct, 16:40

Chop N' Melt – Allegedly at Treblinka, there was an underground chamber that had “moving knives” (circular saw blades?) popping up and down from the floor. Jewish inmates were presumably shoved into the room, where they were sliced, diced, and cremated all in the same chamber. The height of the remaining ash was approximately as tall as an eight-story building...somehow.

At the same camp, there was supposedly an area where Jews were pushed into a gigantic pool of superacid that violently disintegrated them into black sludge. The screams of the melting victims were so disturbing that the neighbors living near the camp fled from their residences.

Why didn't the Nazis just shoot the Jews?

[Ch. 22 in A Writer at War: A Soviet Journalist with the Red Army, 1941-1945. Image found on HoloGems. Game depicted in the photoshopped image is Prince of Persia: The Sands of Time.]


17 Oct, 23:10

A internet Holocaust affirmer brought up Babi Yar, so let's talk about it.

Details from witnesses contradict each other: https://www.holocaust.claims/einsatzgruppen/the-witnesses-of-babi-yar-part-one/

They claim the bodies of the alleged victims were buried, then dug up an burned. No physical evidence for that: https://www.holocaust.claims/einsatzgruppen/exhumation-of-the-bodies-at-babi-yar/


Finally, air photos do not support the claims of a massacre: https://www.holocaust.claims/einsatzgruppen/babi-yar-and-air-photos/


17 Oct, 13:44

doctor Josef Mengele 🧛🏻


16 Oct, 16:19

An alleged war crime but they didn't bother to investigate the alleged mass grave. All they have for evidence of this is witness testimony and photos of people being gathered up, which you can examine for yourself here: https://www.his-online.de/en/archives/holdings/photos-johannes-haehle/


15 Oct, 16:48

It's getting colder and you know what that means- cassoulet time!



14 Oct, 17:47

Dude goes quiet when I bring up article 21. Just a little bit of knowledge can stop affirmers in their tracks.

Check out this article for more info on the Nuremberg show trial.


12 Oct, 20:08



11 Oct, 16:55

I've been noticing posts about how the Holocaust was cool and you shouldn't deny it. This account also reposts BAP tweets.

Needless to say, but I'm saying it- this talk only helps Jews.


11 Oct, 16:52

Circling back to this, in the comments we find a “Thulean” who tells a Holocaust doubter to “grow up.” The Thulean’s profile describes him as an “Always Trumper Hitlerist.”

Further down, “HyperBoreanVrilMaster” insists that Holocaust revisionism is inherently left-wing and rejects Darwinian struggle.

Examining their timelines and retweets reveals both to be deeply tied into the BAP sphere.
