ــ أحمد خالد توفيق
Welcome to حُب أخضر, a Telegram channel dedicated to spreading love and positivity through beautiful words and imagery. This channel is a sanctuary for those seeking inspiration, comfort, and a reminder of the beauty of love in all its forms. With each post, you will be transported to a world where love is the force that drives us all, where kindness and compassion reign supreme. The title, which translates to 'Green Love,' symbolizes the freshness and vitality that love brings to our lives. Whether you are looking for heartfelt poetry, uplifting quotes, or simply a moment of reflection, you will find it all here in the loving embrace of حُب أخضر. Join us on this journey of love and light, and let your heart bloom with the purest emotions. Spread the love, share the joy, and let the world be a better place with every message you receive. Embrace the green love that surrounds us all and let it guide you towards a brighter tomorrow.
12 Feb, 17:26
08 Feb, 10:36
08 Feb, 08:54
07 Feb, 15:11
06 Feb, 09:45
04 Feb, 17:00
04 Feb, 09:34
03 Feb, 08:08
03 Feb, 08:08
01 Feb, 18:58
26 Jan, 23:05
20 Jan, 20:04
18 Jan, 19:13
15 Jan, 20:30
13 Jan, 12:50
05 Jan, 19:03
12 Dec, 17:13
05 Dec, 19:20
12 Nov, 14:05
07 Nov, 16:49
07 Nov, 16:02
12 Oct, 07:19
01 Oct, 17:04
25 Sep, 14:56
23 Sep, 10:48
21 Sep, 07:27
17 Sep, 07:49
15 Sep, 19:52
14 Sep, 19:59
03 Sep, 18:11
26 Aug, 12:31
25 Aug, 11:08
21 Aug, 09:49
18 Aug, 16:43
17 Aug, 22:57