IG: ah_to_hk
Introducing the ⚠️反送中 文宣谷 Channel⚠️! This Telegram channel is a dedicated platform for sharing information and updates related to the anti-extradition bill protests in Hong Kong. With the Chinese name @hkstandstrong_promo and the international counterpart @hkstandstrong_promo_int, this channel serves as a hub for supporters around the world to stay informed and engaged. Users can also contribute by submitting content through @hkpromo_mk2_bot for Chinese submissions, @hkpromo_int_mk2_bot for international submissions, and @hkstandstrong_ideas_bot for creative input. Follow the official Instagram account at https://instagram.com/hkstandstrong_promo for visual updates and behind-the-scenes content. For media inquiries, reach out to @dubdubstep. Join the ⚠️反送中 文宣谷 Channel⚠️ today to be part of a global community standing in solidarity with Hong Kong protesters!
30 Dec, 23:00
25 Dec, 11:02