Welcome to 'herenowsincefertilization' - a Telegram channel dedicated to exploring the fascinating journey of life from the moment of fertilization until the last breath. With the motto 'Fictio Cedit Veritati. Res Sua Nemini Servit. WE COMMAND - DO NOT FOLLOW,' this channel encourages followers to think for themselves and question the status quo. Always emphasizing the importance of doing your own research, 'herenowsincefertilization' is a space for critical thinking and open-minded exploration. All rights are reserved for the content shared in this channel. For those interested in delving deeper into the topics discussed, there is a recommended book titled 'Right Way Transcription' by Kurtis R. Kallenbach, available on Amazon. Additionally, listeners can tune in to Kurtis R. Kallenbach's podcasts for more profound insights and discussions related to life, truth, and self-discovery. Don't miss out on this valuable opportunity to expand your knowledge and challenge your beliefs. Join 'herenowsincefertilization' today and embark on a journey of intellectual growth and enlightenment.
21 Nov, 15:58
21 Nov, 15:09
21 Nov, 15:06
21 Nov, 15:06
21 Nov, 15:04
21 Nov, 13:48
21 Nov, 13:39
21 Nov, 10:13
21 Nov, 09:36
21 Nov, 09:27
21 Nov, 09:26
21 Nov, 08:50
21 Nov, 08:47
21 Nov, 08:45
21 Nov, 08:45
21 Nov, 08:43
21 Nov, 08:04