ناقد استراتيجي (Arabic)
Welcome to the Telegram channel 'ناقد استراتيجي' managed by the strategic critic, حيدر محمد الكعبي. This channel focuses on educational and societal issues, with a particular emphasis on the importance of self-learning. As Albert Einstein once said, 'School education gives you a job, but self-education gives you a mind.' The channel offers insights and discussions on media and social issues, reflecting the expertise and research of حيدر محمد الكعبي in this field.
For those interested in engaging in thought-provoking conversations and expanding their knowledge, this channel is the perfect platform. You can connect with حيدر محمد الكعبي on Telegram at @Hydaralkaabi or through phone at +964 770 055 3156. Additionally, you can follow his updates and discussions on Facebook at https://www.facebook.com/haidarkaabi2/. Join 'ناقد استراتيجي' today to delve into the realm of strategic criticism, education, and societal insights.