Waa ka dhiigga kaa jaqa,
Kuuna diida dheeftee,
Hawlahan ku dhaawacay
hawlahan ku dhegatireey,
Hawlahan wax ku dhimey
Ha dhibine naftaada dhaqaale ,
Ha dhoweysan caashaq ๐ฏโ๏ธ
Welcome to the ๐๐๐๐ ๐๐๐๐โช๐ถ๐๐๐๐ Telegram channel! Are you looking for a place to share your creativity and connect with like-minded individuals? Look no further! This channel is the perfect space for artists, writers, and all creative souls to come together and support each other. Share your artwork, poetry, music, and more with fellow members who appreciate your talents. Join us in fostering a community of creatives where everyone's unique voice is celebrated. Let your creativity flourish in the ๐๐๐๐ ๐๐๐๐โช๐ถ๐๐๐๐ channel and be inspired by the diverse talents of our members. Come join us today and let's create something beautiful together!
29 Jan, 16:08
24 Jan, 17:53
19 Jan, 19:23
19 Jan, 19:09
17 Jan, 17:52
14 Jan, 17:51
12 Jan, 18:17
10 Jan, 18:07
08 Jan, 19:13
05 Jan, 17:07
05 Jan, 17:04
20 Dec, 17:45
08 Dec, 17:10
08 Dec, 17:01
06 Dec, 18:16
01 Dec, 17:01
29 Nov, 17:15
24 Nov, 21:43
24 Nov, 17:10
24 Nov, 17:00
17 Nov, 18:05
17 Nov, 18:02
16 Nov, 17:20
10 Nov, 17:30
10 Nov, 17:28
08 Nov, 17:29
08 Nov, 17:28
04 Nov, 08:43
03 Nov, 18:00
03 Nov, 17:55
27 Oct, 20:52
27 Oct, 17:10
27 Oct, 17:01
25 Oct, 16:36
20 Oct, 20:02
20 Oct, 19:45
18 Oct, 18:27
13 Oct, 17:01
13 Oct, 17:00
09 Oct, 20:52
05 Oct, 17:10
05 Oct, 17:01
29 Sep, 17:10
29 Sep, 17:00
23 Sep, 23:39
22 Sep, 17:10
22 Sep, 17:02
20 Sep, 17:37
18 Sep, 15:28
11 Sep, 17:48
30 Aug, 20:19
21 Aug, 14:29
14 Aug, 15:50
09 Aug, 09:32
30 Jul, 14:03
24 Jul, 00:15
15 Jul, 00:48
07 Jul, 10:50