Gyansthali by Alka Pandey @gyansthali Channel on Telegram

Gyansthali by Alka Pandey


Empowering Minds, Shaping Futures.” “Your Journey to Knowledge Begins Here.”

Gyansthali by Alka Pandey (English)

Welcome to Gyansthali by Alka Pandey, where we believe in empowering minds and shaping futures. Our motto is 'Your Journey to Knowledge Begins Here.' If you are someone who is passionate about learning, exploring new ideas, and expanding your horizons, then this is the perfect channel for you. Gyansthali is a place where like-minded individuals come together to share knowledge, insights, and experiences. Alka Pandey, the founder of this channel, is dedicated to creating a space where individuals can connect with each other, learn from each other, and grow together. Whether you are a student looking for academic guidance, a professional seeking career advice, or simply someone who values continuous learning, Gyansthali has something for everyone. Join us on this exciting journey of self-improvement, personal growth, and knowledge acquisition. Let's empower our minds and shape our futures together at Gyansthali.

Gyansthali by Alka Pandey

03 Dec, 09:03

खुदीराम बोस भारतीय स्वतंत्रता संग्राम के एक महान नायक थे, जिन्होंने मात्र 19 वर्ष की आयु में ब्रिटिश शासन के खिलाफ लड़ते हुए अपने प्राणों की आहुति दे दी। उनकी अदम्य साहस और बलिदान हमें आज भी देशभक्ति और स्वतंत्रता के लिए प्रेरित करते हैं।
उनकी जयंती पर आज हम उन्हें भावपूर्ण नमन करते हैं।

- अलका पांडे (ज्ञानस्थली क्लासेज)

Gyansthali by Alka Pandey

03 Dec, 06:45

Join Fast 🔥

Gyansthali by Alka Pandey

03 Dec, 06:45

Gyansthali by Alka Pandey

03 Dec, 05:45

Join Today's Practice Session ✍️ at 12:15 pm... Today's Questions are different and Unique.
Expecting high attendance in the class.

Gyansthali by Alka Pandey

03 Dec, 00:12

जो सीखना छोड़ देता है वो बूढ़ा है,
चाहे बीस का हो या अस्सी का,
जो सीखता रहता है वो Young 🌱 है।

जिंदगी की सबसे बड़ी चीज है,
अपने दिमाग को Young 🌱 रखना…!

Gyansthali by Alka Pandey

02 Dec, 06:47

Practice nahi karoge toh Selection bhi ho nahi payega

Gyansthali by Alka Pandey

02 Dec, 06:47

Gyansthali by Alka Pandey

02 Dec, 06:28

उत्तर प्रदेश में अब 75 जिले नहीं बल्कि 76 जिले होंगे, दरअसल, प्रयागराज में होने वाले महाकुंभ को देखते हुए अब एक और नये जनपद की घोषणा कर दी गई है।

रविवार शाम को हुई इस घोषणा के मुताबिक यह नया जनपद “महाकुंभ मेला जनपद” नाम से जाना जाएगा ।जिसमें चार तहसील होंगी और 67 गांव शामिल होंगे।

Gyansthali by Alka Pandey

30 Nov, 06:45

Gyansthali by Alka Pandey

30 Nov, 05:45

📢 Daily Practice Session Alert
Join Prateek Tomar Sir at 12:15 PM for the Daily Practice Session!
🔑 Strengthen your concepts, solve questions, and boost your preparation for UGC NET.
📍 Stay consistent and maximize your chances of success.
📺 Don't miss out! Tune in live on Gyansthali Classes YouTube channel.

Gyansthali by Alka Pandey

29 Nov, 06:45


Gyansthali by Alka Pandey

29 Nov, 06:45

Gyansthali by Alka Pandey

29 Nov, 05:45

📢 Daily Practice Session Alert
Join Prateek Tomar Sir at 12:15 PM for the Daily Practice Session!
🔑 Strengthen your concepts, solve questions, and boost your preparation for UGC NET.
📍 Stay consistent and maximize your chances of success.
📺 Don't miss out! Tune in live on Gyansthali Classes YouTube channel.

Gyansthali by Alka Pandey

29 Nov, 04:40

Teaching and Non-teaching post recruitment notification