Not Quite Eden @goodpatriot Channel on Telegram

Not Quite Eden


Formerly “Good Patriot”⚔️
Christ is K I N G 👑

Not Quite Eden (English)

Welcome to 'Not Quite Eden'! Formerly known as 'Good Patriot', this Telegram channel is dedicated to spreading the message that Christ is King. The channel username '@goodpatriot' reflects the belief that true patriotism comes from following the teachings of Christ. From discussions on faith to daily inspiration, 'Not Quite Eden' is a place for like-minded individuals to come together and support each other on their spiritual journey. The channel's description includes a link to their campsite profile for more information and resources. Join us in celebrating the reign of Christ, the true King of our hearts. Let's build a community that honors Him in all that we do!

Not Quite Eden

07 Jan, 21:01

“It is he who will go as a forerunner before Him in the spirit and power of Elijah, “to turn the hearts of the fathers back to their children,” and the disobedient to the attitude of the righteous in order to make ready a people prepared for the Lord.”

In Luke 1, it is said that John the Baptist came to prepare a righteous people for the first coming of Christ.
He is coming again, soon.
Do you see a movement of God’s people returning to His ways, in order to prepare a righteous and dedicated bride for the Bridegroom?
His Word, from Genesis to Revelation, speaks of what righteousness looks like - it’s His standard of holiness - His beautiful Law.
While it’s not required for salvation, living in obedience to what He calls good is something we are called to do.
Jesus said, “If you love Me, you will keep my commandments.” (John 14)
His standards have not changed.
He desires our obedience to show the world and Himself, Who our hearts
belong to.

Not Quite Eden

07 Jan, 00:47

Sugar. Stress. Sneezes.
Exposure to these things can get our physical resilience down but we have some goods for that 🌿😎🙌

I put together a discounted bundle of our best immunity products that can help you stay well and get well faster.
Check them out at
…because it stinks to feel yuck.
Ain’t nobody got time for that!

Not Quite Eden

02 Jan, 21:59

We don’t need resolutions, we need cake. 😎🧁

Not Quite Eden

30 Dec, 23:22

Hard to argue with this one...even if your delivery is a little rude. 😆

Not Quite Eden

30 Dec, 23:21

“Me and my chickens don’t give a rip about your social credit score.” New sticker. True story. We’re already preparing our attitudes 🙌🐓😎

Not Quite Eden

26 Dec, 22:47


Not Quite Eden

18 Dec, 23:25

Went “grain free” until a friend just dropped this off, still warm 😂🥰

Not Quite Eden

18 Dec, 23:24


Not Quite Eden

13 Dec, 22:03

Revelation 21:1-4
“Then I saw a new heaven and a new earth, for the first heaven and the first earth had passed away, and there was no longer any sea. I saw the Holy City, the new Jerusalem, coming down out of heaven from God, prepared as a bride beautifully dressed for her husband. And I heard a loud voice from the throne saying, ‘Look! God’s dwelling place is now among the people, and he will dwell with them. They will be his people, and God himself will be with them and be their God. He will wipe every tear from their eyes. There will be no more death or mourning or crying or pain, for the old order of things has passed away.’

Not Quite Eden

13 Dec, 22:03

There was no death.
There was no fear.
There were no chemtrails or conspiracies or tragic news.
There was no cancer or broken bodies.
There were no accidents or fights, no lewd things to boycott or avoid.

We walked with lions and with God
…until we didn’t.

Don’t be dismayed when you feel out of place here. This is not what He made.
We made this current world with our rebellion.
The more we rebel against His ways, the worse it gets.

His new world, that is the same perfection as before, awaits those who choose Him and His plan of redemption.

Not Quite Eden

03 Dec, 22:46

…that He will go before us and fight our battles (Joshua 1:9)
…that He will take care of your needs (Matthew 6:31-33)
…that He will guide us in His wisdom when we ask (Jeremiah 6:16)
…that He prepares a place for us that is good and perfect (John 14:2)
…that His way is not too hard for us (1 John 5:3)
…that this life is not all there is (Isaiah 11:1-10, Rev 21, 22)
…that there will be no more death (Rev 21:3-5)
…that His blood covers your iniquities (Ephesians 1:7)
…that He cares about the details of your life and loves you (Psalm 139: 1-4, Romans 8: 26-39)

Although the world shouts otherwise, He is worthy of your belief, your trust. Just look at your fingerprint. It’s a love letter that says, “You are not just a random accident. I made you.”

Not Quite Eden

03 Dec, 22:46

Elizabeth said this to Mary, the mother of our Messiah. They were two women who believed that God would do what He said He would do, even though the circumstances were technically impossible.

Do you believe Him when He says He will do something difficult or out of the norm of worldly events?

Most believers THINK they believe and trust Him but they do not. I didn’t.
That is why there is so much anxiety, worry, stress and striving coming from those in the body.

We see bad things happen to good people and it’s ike we’re all just waiting for our tragedy to hit home. This is not how we are commanded to live but we do it because this world teaches us that this life is all there is - and we believe it - and that is why we worry and do not trust Him.

Each day, we have endless possibilities to CHOOSE to trust Him. That is what faith is. It’s trust that He will do what He says He will do.
Do you believe:

Not Quite Eden

29 Nov, 01:40 code: GIVEHEALTH

Not Quite Eden

29 Nov, 01:40 code: GIVEHEALTH

Not Quite Eden

29 Nov, 01:39 code: GIVEHEALTH

Not Quite Eden

25 Nov, 22:02

Why doesn’t He just show Himself then everyone would believe?….
He has…
…in the intricate, mathematical design perfection of creation.
…in the awe inspiring beauty of landscapes and oceans.
…in the unnecessarily beautiful details of every creature - their colors, the feathers, the iris of their eyes…
It’s not an accident, it’s a gentle whisper, calling us to Himself.
It’s also a choice.

He could show Himself (as He has) - but seeing does not mean believing. That was proven the first time He came here.

You can choose to ignore the obvious design of creation, chalk it up to random evolution and go your own way…
…or you can fall to your knees and consider that the Creator of the stars, the Grand Canyon and the unique fingerprint on every human hand actually wants you to know Him.

Not Quite Eden

15 Nov, 21:45

❤️ Be set apart.

Not Quite Eden

11 Nov, 19:15

Wait for it…
Not all will qualify and that’s okay ❤️🐓

Not Quite Eden

06 Nov, 21:44

He is loving but He is also just.
YAH does not allow His people to live in sin without discipline.
Idolatry is rampant in the western church and most are totally blind to it.

If we are indeed going into end times, and it looks very much like we are, preparing spirituality is paramount.

Let us search our hearts for hidden idols that we are putting our trust in.

Seek to follow His ways.
“For this is the love of God, that we keep His commandments; and His commandments are not burdensome.”
1 John 5:3

Read His word and get to know your King.

Do not think you will avoid tribulation.
It is coming.

“But encourage one another day after day, as long is it as it is still called “today,” so that none of you will be hardened by the deceitfulness of sin.
For we have become partakers of Christ, if we hold fast the beginning of our assurance firm until the end.”
Hebrews 3:13-14

Not Quite Eden

04 Nov, 23:58

Most American Christians have no concept of the holiness, power, sovereignty and righteousness of God.

This season has shown that.

“Oh that they had such a heart in them that they were fear Me and keep all My Commandments always, that it may be well with them and their sons forever!"
Deuteronomy 5:29

Not Quite Eden

04 Nov, 00:50

Never forget what they coersed people into under the simple tactic of FEAR.

Use this time to prepare your hearts, minds and spirits to endure and remain in Peace throughout any future fear psyops that the enemy may be concocting.

Remember Jesus said: "Men's hearts failing them for fear, and for looking after those things which are coming on the earth: for the powers of heaven shall be shaken" 

Only the Holy Spirit can give us the peace that surpasses all understanding. Our eyes may see people appearing to die for no reason, zombie like behavior...FEAR NOT. And do not FALL FOR the supposed SOLUTION 💉the enemy will suggest as your blessed hope. He is the father of Lies and was from the beginning.

Leaning into Holy Spirit for deep discernment now will serve us well. ❤️

Not Quite Eden

15 Oct, 20:58

Are you in need of rest?
Most of are but we ignore the command to honor the Sabbath.
We consider our to-do lists to be more important than resetting our bodies, minds and souls each week.

God gave us this day of rest as a gift so we could honor Him, show the world we trust Him more than our “hustle” and simply let ourselves rest.
Just like our gardens and fields, we are blessed when we head God’s perfect instructions.

Not Quite Eden

11 Oct, 20:34

Sundown begins Yom Kippur, also known as the Day of Atonement 🙌🌿❤️
Scroll through the slides to see how we are to observe it, some supporting scriptures to read and how it is prophetically significant.

It’s a special opportunity to get right with our King and purge everything in our life that separates us from walking with Him.

The last slides are from @humbledisciple who beautifully explains what this time is all about ⚔️

Not Quite Eden

08 Oct, 18:57

Some homestead humor for y’all 🍠😎🌿🐓

Not Quite Eden

02 Oct, 00:55

God makes good things from plants 🌿for people 🤩 Now is a good time to secure a go-to “herbal first aid kit” that you have at home so when health issues pop up, you’re ready to take care of things in a non-toxic way ⛑️

We have bundled all our products together with a 20% discount plus free shipping(!) or you can build your own kit to suit your needs 🏠🙌



Not Quite Eden

27 Sep, 20:13

Could our King say of you:
“She is one of Mine, that I can count on to help my people. She is My people in this city.”

Are we surrendered to His plan and willing to let go of our own?

Are we humble enough to be used in small and practical ways?

Do we know Him enough, by spending time in His Word, to recognize His voice when He calls us to service?

Will we keep speaking when it’s one against the crowd?

The time to be ready for these things is here. Taking inventory of our worldly attachments and being in a state of readiness (think of the wise vs the foolish virgins in Matthew 25) will help us be His people in this place.

Not Quite Eden

27 Sep, 18:06


Not Quite Eden

27 Sep, 18:05

😂 I definitely have this thought sometimes

Not Quite Eden

27 Sep, 18:05


Not Quite Eden

27 Sep, 18:05


Not Quite Eden

26 Sep, 18:29

What a privilege it is to be grafted into the covenants, promises and ways of the King of Creation 🙌
His Appointed Times (AKA “Feast Days” or “Moedim”) are beautiful, symbolic, grounding and so prophetic.

I encourage you to consider learning more about them and observing them when you can if you have your hope and faith in the Most High.

Each has different meanings and He commands them for special purposes that you can see in these graphics posted. above.

For most, there is a learning curve in starting because this is so new to us and that is normal!
The western church has been very misleading in what we have been taught about these days and we have been missing out for so long but no more! 🥰

If you haven’t started this journey of following God’s special times, I can’t encourage you enough to start diving in.

You don’t have to be perfect at it, but if he is your king, you should be learning about what He wants so you can experience the wisdom and the blessing that comes from it. I promise you won’t be disappointed! ❤️

Thank to @almondhousefellowship for their notes and calendar that helped me put these posts together 🙌