Global Dissident @globaldissident Channel on Telegram

Global Dissident


Global Dissident is reliable and independent news-source and aggregator of breaking news.

Global Dissident (English)

Are you tired of mainstream news sources that only provide biased information? Look no further than Global Dissident, your go-to channel for reliable and independent news coverage. With our team of dedicated journalists and editors, we strive to deliver breaking news from around the world without any hidden agendas or political affiliations

Global Dissident is not just another news source - it is a platform for those who seek the truth and value transparency in reporting. Whether you are interested in politics, economics, or social issues, our channel covers a wide range of topics to keep you informed and up-to-date

Who is Global Dissident? We are a group of passionate individuals who believe in the power of information and the importance of holding those in power accountable. Our mission is to provide our audience with accurate and timely news that is free from any external influence

What is Global Dissident? We are an aggregator of breaking news, bringing you the latest updates from across the globe. From major political events to environmental crises, we cover it all to ensure that you are always in the loop

Join our channel @globaldissident today to become part of a community that values truth and integrity in journalism. Stay informed, stay empowered with Global Dissident.