🌹قدم1🌹 is a Telegram channel dedicated to promoting a campaign against nicotine addiction. The channel provides valuable information, resources, and support for individuals looking to quit smoking and improve their health. It also shares updates on the progress of the campaign and highlights success stories to inspire others. The channel is managed by the admin @hmdardha1, who is dedicated to helping people lead healthier lives. In addition to the campaign-related content, the channel also features discussions on lifestyle habits, traditions, and community support. Join 🌹قدم1🌹 today to take the first step towards a nicotine-free future!
30 Oct, 14:04
21 Oct, 14:14
10 Oct, 20:08
15 Jul, 19:25
15 Apr, 07:56
25 Feb, 16:06
25 Feb, 16:06
25 Feb, 16:06
25 Feb, 16:05
25 Feb, 16:05
25 Feb, 16:05
06 Jun, 08:38
05 Jun, 11:18