GGEAR is the main supplier and retailer of all LG Electronic products and exclusive partner of Hyundai Elevator in Cambodia, established in 2011. we cordially invite the potential candidates to join us in the positions below:
1-Senior Project Sales Executive (1 post), Phnom Penh
2-Sales Consultant (1 post), Phnom Penh
3-Sales Executive (2posts), Phnom Penh,Preah Sihanouk
3-แแถแแแแถแแแธแแแแแแถแแ-Technician (6posts), Preah Sihanouk, Kampot, Takeo)
๐E-mail: [email protected]
โ๏ธTelegram: 092 92 44 55/ 010 25 28 05
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