1. Abstract
Provide a concise overview of the area investigated, the methods used (e.g., field mapping, sampling, drilling), the objective (e.g., establishing stratigraphy, identifying structures), and key results (e.g., completion of geological maps).
2. Introduction
Explain the purpose, location, and methodology of the study, as well as what has been achieved, such as maps or stratigraphic columns. Describe the report's structure, including sections on stratigraphy, structures, and geological evolution.
3. Stratigraphy and Lithology
This section covers detailed field observations. Describe the rock units from oldest to youngest, with stratigraphic columns and sketches. For each type of unit:
Basement Terranes: State the terrane type (metamorphic/sedimentary/igneous), lithology, rock unit, petrography, thickness, and age.
Sedimentary Units: Discuss the basal boundary, lithology, classification, bedding, facies, fossil content, and unit thickness.
Igneous Units: Detail lithology, facies (e.g., flow, dyke), thickness, and age.
4. Structures
Define if the area is mildly or strongly deformed and identify the tectonic regime. Distinguish between ductile (e.g., folds, foliation) and brittle structures (e.g., faults). Describe structural features, including:
Folds: Geometry, fold type, dimensions, orientation, and age.
Faults: Dimensions, strike, dip, rake, movement type, systems of faults, displacement, and age.
5. Geological History
Summarize the region's geological evolution from oldest to youngest. Include:
Basement rocks: Deposition time, metamorphic events, and age.
Stratigraphic Cycles: Identify unconformities, sedimentary transitions (terrestrial to marine), igneous events, and uplift/deformation phases.
6. Conclusions
Summarize achievements, such as maps, cross-sections, new findings (e.g., fossil localities), and constructed geological history.
7. References
List all cited publications.
#GeologyOfTheWorld #Geology #Lithology #stratigraphy #unconformities #dip #strike #Faults #fold #Geometry #foliation #bedding #fossil #facies #petrography #Basement #metamorphic #sedimentary #igneous #sampling #drilling #geological_evolution #columns #maps #methodology