GAT Exam (Graduate Admission Test) for MSc & PhD Students @gatexamaau Channel on Telegram

GAT Exam (Graduate Admission Test) for MSc & PhD Students


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ከቻናሉ በተጨማሪ የመወያያ ግሩፓችንንም ተላቀሉ

GAT Exam (Graduate Admission Test) for MSc & PhD Students (English)

Are you a student looking to pursue a Master's or Ph.D. degree? Do you want to excel in your academic career and gain admission to reputable universities? Look no further than the 'GAT Exam (Graduate Admission Test) for MSc & PhD Students' Telegram channel! This channel is dedicated to providing valuable information and resources to help you prepare for the GAT Exam, a crucial step in the admissions process for graduate programs.

Whether you are a current student planning to further your education or a professional seeking to advance your career through advanced studies, the GAT Exam is a key component in determining your eligibility for Master's and Ph.D. programs. By joining our channel, you will have access to helpful tips, study materials, and updates on exam dates and requirements.

Our team of experienced educators and professionals is committed to supporting you on your academic journey. We understand the importance of the GAT Exam and its impact on your future, which is why we strive to provide accurate and up-to-date information to help you succeed.

If you have any questions or need guidance on how to prepare for the GAT Exam, do not hesitate to reach out to us. Our dedicated administrators are here to assist you and ensure that you are well-prepared for this important exam.

Join the 'GAT Exam (Graduate Admission Test) for MSc & PhD Students' Telegram channel today and take the first step towards achieving your academic goals. Success awaits you, and we are here to help you make it a reality!

GAT Exam (Graduate Admission Test) for MSc & PhD Students

01 Feb, 13:06

#ExitExam Schedule

Hawassa University
Tir 26 Accounting Exit exam placement at Main Campus.

መረጃው Exit ለሚፈተኑ ጓደኞቻችሁ Forward አድርጉላቸው!


GAT Exam (Graduate Admission Test) for MSc & PhD Students

01 Feb, 07:20

Unlock your potential with a Master's degree from Select College!
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#SelectCollege #Masterprograms #MBA #MA #CareerBoost

GAT Exam (Graduate Admission Test) for MSc & PhD Students

31 Jan, 10:33

የመውጫ ፈተና (Exit Exam)  የተመለከተ አጭር ተንቀሳቃሽ ምስል ሲሆን የይለፍ ቃል(Password) እንዴት እንቀይራለን የሚለውን ጨምሮ በፈተና ወቅት መከተል ያሉብንን መሰረታዊ ነጥቦች ይዳስሳል።

👉አዲስ ነገር ሲኖር በዚሁ ቴሌግራም ቻናላችን የምናሳውቅ ስለሆነ ተከታተሉን።

መረጃው Exit ለሚፈተኑ ጓደኞቻችሁ Forward አድርጉላቸው!


GAT Exam (Graduate Admission Test) for MSc & PhD Students

31 Jan, 08:33



GAT Exam (Graduate Admission Test) for MSc & PhD Students

30 Jan, 15:28


ሌሎች መረጃዎችን ከስር ከስር የምናደርሳችሁ ይሆናል ተከታተሉን ቻናሉን ለሌሎች አጋሩ‼️


GAT Exam (Graduate Admission Test) for MSc & PhD Students

29 Jan, 19:35

👉Artificial intelligence and Data Science Bahidar university memar yemifelg 0910703754

👉pharmaceutical supply management gondar university emimar kale contact adrgugn 0918080263

👉Sociology or social anthropology Addis Ababa university memar yemifelig kale pls contact me 0911584162 German D.

ሁሉንም ከዚህ ማስተዋወቅ ስለማንችል በጣም የተቸገራችሁ ተማሪዎች የትምህርት ክፍሉን  ጠይቃችሁ ምን ያክል ተማሪ እንደሚፈልጉ እና ትምህርቱን ለመጀመር የሚፈለግ የተማሪ ቁጥር ጠቅሳችሁ በሚከተለው ፎርማት ላኩልን። መላኪያ አድራሻ 👉@NationalGAT1

1. Name of University:
2. Department:
3.Minimum requirment of student:
4. Adress Telegram/Phone No

GAT Exam (Graduate Admission Test) for MSc & PhD Students

29 Jan, 06:11

🎓 Elevate Your Career with Select College's Online Master's Programs! 🌍
Register Now for our ONLINE MBA in Business Administration and MA in Project Management.
Take the next step towards professional growth and excellence. 
secure your spot today!
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+251 905 433 333
#SelectCollege #OnlineMasters #MBA #ProjectManagement #CareerBoost

GAT Exam (Graduate Admission Test) for MSc & PhD Students

28 Jan, 13:20


ሀዋሳ ዩኒቨርሲቲ፣ አርባ ምንጭ ዩኒቨርሲቲ፣ አዳማ ሳይንስና ቴክኖሎጂ ዩኒቨርሲቲ እና ኖርዌጂያን ሳይንስና ቴክኖሎጂ ዩኒቨርሲቲ በጋራ ባላቸው የ Ethiopian Norwegian Network in Computational Mathematics (ENNCoMat) ፕሮጀክት በ2018 ዓ.ም በመደበኛው መርሐግብር ከዚህ በታች በተጠቀሱት ፕሮግራሞች በሁለተኛ ዲግሪ ተማሪዎች ተቀብሎ ማስተማር ይፈልጋል፡፡

1. Master of Science in Mathematical Modelling
ፕሮግራሙ የሚሰጥበት ቦታ፦ Arba Minch University
ብዛት - 1
2. Master of Science Degree in Applied Mathematics
ፕሮግራሙ የሚሰጥበት ቦታAdama Science and Technology University
ብዛት - 1
3. Master of Science in Computational Mathematics
ፕሮግራሙ የሚሰጥበት ቦታ፦ Hawassa University
ብዛት - 1
ኖርዌይ በሚገኘው ተባባሪ የኒቨርሲቲ ከ6-10 ወር ድረስ የሚሰጠውን የትምህርት ስልጠና ለመውስድ ፍቃደኛ የሆናችሁ አመልካቾች ለጉዞ የሚያስፈልጉ ዶክመንቶች እስከ የካቲት 30/2017 ዓ.ም ድረስ ማቅረብ ይጠበቅባችኋል፡፡ (ዝርዝር የማመልከቻ መስፈርቶች ከላይ በምስል ተያይዟል፡፡)

አመልካቾች እስከ ጥር 30/2017 ዓ.ም የማመልከቻ ፎርሙን በሚከተለው ቅጽ ላይ በመግባት መረጃዎችን መሙላት ይጠበቅባችኋል። ምዝገባው የሚከናወነው በኦንላይን ብቻ ነው፡፡
የመግቢያ ፈተና የሚሰጥበት ቀን በቀጣይ የሚገለፅ ይሆናል።


GAT Exam (Graduate Admission Test) for MSc & PhD Students

28 Jan, 08:22

የአርባ ምንጭ ዩኒቨርሲቲ የድኅረ ምረቃ ትምህርት ቤት በ2017 የትምህርት ዘመን በሁለተኛ ሴሚስተር በመደበኛ፣ በማታ እና በሣምንት መጨረሻ መርሐ ግብር መስፈርቱን የሚያሟሉና የNGAT ፈተናን ያለፉ አዲስ አመልካቾችን ከዚህ በላይ በተጠቀሱት የትምህርት መስኮች ተቀብሎ ማሠልጠን ይፈልጋል፡፡


GAT Exam (Graduate Admission Test) for MSc & PhD Students

27 Jan, 05:39

በ2017 ዓ.ም አጋማሽ ላይ የሚሰጠውን የቅድመ ምረቃ ፕሮግራሞች የመውጫ ፈተና ከጥር 26-30/2017 ዓ.ም መሆኑን ከዚህን በፊት መግለጻችን ይታወሳል፡፡ በመሆኑም ፈተናውን ለመፈተን የተመዘገባችሁ ተፈታኞች (አዲስና በድጋሚ ለመፈተን ያመለከታችሁ በሙሉ) ፈተናው የሚሰጠው ከላይ በተጠቀሰው ጊዜ መኑን በድጋሚ ለመግለጽ እንወዳለን፡፡

 ተጨማሪ መረጃዎች በምዝገባ link እና በተለያዩ የግንኙነት ዘዴዎች በየጊዜው የምናዋሳውቅ በመሆኑ እንድትከታተሉ እናሳውቃለን፡፡

ትምህርት ሚኒስቴር

GAT Exam (Graduate Admission Test) for MSc & PhD Students

27 Jan, 05:20

Unlock your potential with a Master's degree from Select College!
Choose from a variety of programs designed to equip you with the skills and knowledge for your career advancement.
Don’t wait—take the next step in your professional journey.

Register today to secure your future!

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For More Information
+251 905 433 333

#SelectCollege #Masterprograms #MBA #MA #CareerBoost

GAT Exam (Graduate Admission Test) for MSc & PhD Students

25 Jan, 20:08

Only 36 Left for 10,000


GAT Exam (Graduate Admission Test) for MSc & PhD Students

25 Jan, 13:22

ሰላም እንደት ናችሁ የቻናላችን ቤተሰቦች በቅርብ ስለተሰጠው NGAT ፈተና ብዙ ቅሬታዎች እንደነበሯችሁ እኛም ቻናላችን ላይ ቅሬታዎችን አቅርበን ነበር። ግሩፓችን ላይ የሚከተለውን መልዕክት አይተናል! ስለ ትክክለኛነቱ ለማጣራት ሞክረናል ትክክለኛ የሚመስል ነገር አለው።

ቅሬታዎቹ 5 ብቻ እንዳልሆኑ እኛ ምስክር ነን ነገር ግን ለሚመለከተው አካል በትክክለኛው መንገድ በውክልናም ሆነ በአካል አላቀረባችሁ ይሆናል 5 የተባለበት ምክንያት🤔


GAT Exam (Graduate Admission Test) for MSc & PhD Students

25 Jan, 05:42

🎓 Elevate Your Career with Select College's Online Master's Programs! 🌍
Register Now for our ONLINE MBA in Business Administration and MA in Project Management.
Take the next step towards professional growth and excellence. 
secure your spot today!
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For MOre Information
+251 905 433 333
#SelectCollege #OnlineMasters #MBA #ProjectManagement #CareerBoost

For any Ads please contact us via the following Adress👇

GAT Exam (Graduate Admission Test) for MSc & PhD Students

24 Jan, 19:31

ለድህረ -ምረቃ ትምህርት ፈላጊዎች በሙሉ


GAT Exam (Graduate Admission Test) for MSc & PhD Students

24 Jan, 19:28

ለድህረ -ምረቃ ትምህርት ፈላጊዎች በሙሉ


GAT Exam (Graduate Admission Test) for MSc & PhD Students

22 Jan, 16:13


24. Doctor of Philosophy in Industrial and Environmental Biotechnology
25. Doctor of Philosophy in Nano Science and Engineering 
26. Doctor of Philosophy in Polymer Science and Engineering 
27. Doctor of Philosophy in Computer (Communication and Network Systems)
28. Doctor of Philosophy in Computer Science (Artificial Intelligence and Robotics)
29. Doctor of Philosophy in Computer Science (Cyber Security)
30. Doctor of Philosophy in Computer Science (Data Science)
31. Doctor of Philosophy in Civil Engineering (Structural Engineering)
32. Doctor of Philosophy in Computer Engineering (Intelligent and Adaptive Systems)
Contact Person
Name: Zenamarkos Bantie (PhD), Dean of Post Graduate Studies
Email:  [email protected] 
           Phone: +251 0935983281

2. Ethiopian Institute of Textile and Fashion Technology

1. Master of Science in Textile Chemistry 
2. Master of Science in Textile Manufacturing 
3. Master of Science in Fashion Technology 
4. Master of Science in Leather Products Design  and  Engineering 
5. Master of Science in Fashion Design 
6. Master of Science in Fiber Science and Technology 
7. Master of Science in Textile Technology 
8. Master of Education in Textile Technology 
9. Master of Education in Garment Technology
10. Master of Science in Textile Material Science and Engineering

1. Doctor of Philosophy in Textile Technology 
2. Doctor of Philosophy in Fashion  Technology
3. Doctor of Philosophy in Fiber and Polymer Science
4. Doctor of Philosophy in Smart and Functional Textiles
5. Doctor of Philosophy in Textile Chemical Processing
6. Doctor of Philosophy in Textile Design and Manufacturing
7. Doctor of Philosophy in Textile Material Science and Engineering
8. Doctor of Philosophy in Leather Technology
9. Doctor of Philosophy in Footwear Design and Engineering
Contact Person
Name: Adane Haile, Deputy Scientific Director
Email: [email protected] 
Phone: +251 0953599395

3. College of Medicine and Health Sciences

1. MSc in Medical Microbiology
2. MSc in Parasitology and Vector Control
3. MSc in Pharmacology
4. MSc in Pediatric Nursing
5. MSc in Clinical Midwifery
6. MSc in Adult Health Nursing
7. MSc in Surgical Nursing
8. MSc in Hematology and Immunohematolology
9. MPH in Epidemiology
10. MPH in Public Health Genomics
11. MPH in  Reproductive Health
12. General Master of  Public Health
13. MPH in Public Health Nutrition
14. MPH in Health Promotion
15. MPH in Health System and Project Management
16. MPH in Health Informatics
17. MPH in Water, Sanitation and Hygiene
18. MPH in Environmental Health
19. MPH in Biostatistics
20. MSc in Integrated Clinical and Community Mental Health
1. Doctor of Philosophy in Public Health
2. Doctor of Philosophy in Public Health Nutrition
3. Doctor of Philosophy in Environmental Health
4. Doctor of Philosophy in Reproductive Health
5. Degree of Doctor of Philosophy in  Epidemiology
6. Doctor of Philosophy in   Biostatistics
1. Specialty in General Surgery 
2. Specialty in Gynecology and Obstetrics 
3. Specialty in Internal Medicine 
4. Specialty in Orthopedics and Trauma Management 
5. Specialty in Pediatrics and Child Health
6. Specialty in Dermatovenerology
7. Specialty in Anesthesiology and critical care
8. Specialty in Ophthalmology
9. Specialty in Psychiatry
10. Specialty in Radiology and Imaging
11. Specialty in Otolaryngology-Head and Neck Surgery
12. Specialty in Emergency and Critical Medicine
   Sub Specialty
1. Subspecialty in Gynecology Oncology 
2. Subspecialty in Urologic Surgery
3. Subspecialty in Pulmonology and Critical Care Medicine
4. Subspecialty in Urogynecology and Pelvic Floor Reconstructive Surgery 
5. Subspecialty in Advanced Head and Neck Surgery
6. Subspecialty in Maternal and Fetal Medicine
Contact Person
Name: Dr. Bekalu Wubshet, Dean of Post-graduate Studies
Email: [email protected] 
Phone: +251 0913448284


GAT Exam (Graduate Admission Test) for MSc & PhD Students

22 Jan, 16:13

4. College of Agriculture and Environmental Sciences

1. Master of Science in Agronomy 
2. Master of Science in Agricultural Economics 
3. Master of Science in Fisheries and Aquaculture 
4. Master of Science in Aquatic and Wetland Ecosystems Management 
5. Master of Science in Animal Genetics and Breeding
6. Master of Science in Feeds and Animal Nutrition 
7. Master of Science in Apiculture 
8. Master of Science in Animal Production
9. Master of Science in Plant Breeding 
10. Master of Science in Plant Protection 
11. Master of Science in Horticulture 
12. Master of Science in Land Resources Management 
13. Master of Science in Rural Development Management
14. Master of Science in Agricultural Extension and Innovation 
15. Master of Science in Seed Science and Technology
16. Master of Science in Veterinary Epidemiology and Economics 
17. Master of Science in Veterinary Microbiology 
18. Master of Science in Veterinary Public Health 
19. Master of Science in Wildlife Conservation and Ecotourism Management 
20. Master of Science in Soil Science and Watershed Management
21. Master of Science in Soil conservation
22. Master of Science in Environment and Natural Resource Economics
23. Master of Science in Agroforestry 
24. Master of Science in Agricultural Entomology
25. Master of Science in Plant Pathology
26. Master of Science in Plant Quarantine and Agricultural Pesticides
1. Doctor of Philosophy in Agronomy 
2. Doctor of Philosophy in Animal Production (Dairy Science and Technology, Meat Science and Technology, Poultry Science and Technology)
3. Doctor of Philosophy in Apiculture
4. Doctor of Philosophy in Fisheries and Aquaculture 
5. Doctor of Philosophy in Soil Science 
6. Doctor of Philosophy in Animal Genetics and Breeding
7. Doctor of Philosophy in Animal Nutrition
8. Doctor of Philosophy in Aquatic and Wetland Ecosystems Management
9. Doctor of Philosophy in Horticulture 
10. Doctor of Philosophy in Rural Development
11. Doctor of Philosophy in Plant Pathology 
12. Doctor of Philosophy in Plant Breeding and Genetics
13. Doctor of Philosophy in Agricultural Economics (Agricultural Production Economic, Agricultural Marketing & Value Analysis, Environmental & Resource Economics)
Contact Person
Name: Alemu Abate (PhD), Post-graduate, Research and Community Engagement Vice Dean
Email: [email protected]   
Phone: +251 0911791781
5. College of Science

1. Master of Science in Mathematics (Algebra, Analysis, Differential Equations, Numerical Analysis, Optimization, Mathematical Modeling, Financial Mathematics)
2. Master of Science in Biology (Botanical Science)
3. Master of Science in Biology (Applied Microbiology)
4. Master of Science in Biology (Biomedical Science)
5. Master of Science in Biology (Applied Genetics)
6. Master of Science in Biology (Zoological Science)
7. Master of Science in Ecological and Systematic Zoology
8. Master of Science in Chemistry (Analytical Chemistry, Physical Chemistry, Organic Chemistry and Inorganic Chemistry)
9. Master of Science in Physics (Space Physics, Solid State Physics, Physical Electronics, Quantum Optics, Laser, Atmospheric, Nuclear Physics, and Semiconductor.) 
10. Master of Science in Statistics (Biostatistics, Industrial Statistics, Econometrics) 
11. Master of Science in Industrial Quality Control and Management 
1. Doctor of Philosophy in Mathematics (Algebra, Analysis, Differential Equations, Numerical Analysis, Optimization, Mathematical Modeling, Financial Mathematics, Inverse Problem) 
2. Doctor of Philosophy in  Physics (Space Physics, Solid State Physics, Applied Conduced Mater Physics,  Atmospheric Physics)
3. Doctor of Philosophy in Plant Biology 
4. Doctor of Philosophy in Applied Microbiology 
5. Doctor of Philosophy in Biomedical Sciences


GAT Exam (Graduate Admission Test) for MSc & PhD Students

22 Jan, 16:13

6. Doctor of Philosophy in Statistics 
7. Doctor of Philosophy in Chemistry (Analytic Chemistry, Organic Chemistry, Inorganic Chemistry, Physical Chemistry) 
8. Doctor of Philosophy in Wildlife Ecology and Conservation
9. Doctor of Philosophy in Entomology
Contact Person
Name: Tsegaye Kassa (PhD, Prof.), Post-graduate, Research and Community Engagement Vice Dean
Email: [email protected]   
Phone: +251 0920761042

6. College of Education 

1. Master of Arts in Curriculum and Instruction 
2. Master of Arts in Adult Education &  Community Development 
3. Master of Arts in International and Comparative Education 
4. Master of Arts in Educational Planning and Management 
5. Master of Arts in Educational Psychology 
6. Master of Arts in Educational Leadership 
7. Master of Arts in School Leadership 
8. Master of Arts in Social Psychology 
9. Master of Arts in Educational Measurement and Evaluation
10. Master of Arts in Counseling Psychology
11. Master of Arts in Early Childhood Care and Education 
12. Master of Arts in  Special Needs and Inclusive Education 
13. Master of Arts in Applied Developmental Psychology
14. Master of Education in Educational Sciences: Teaching of Mathematics
15. Master of Education in Educational Sciences: Teaching of Science Subjects
16. Master of Education in Teaching English as a Foreign Language 
17. Master of Education in Teaching Amharic 
1. Doctor of Philosophy in Curriculum and Instruction 
2. Doctor of Philosophy in Educational Policy and Leadership 
3. Doctor of Philosophy in Educational Psychology
4. Doctor of Philosophy in Higher Education Leadership and Management
5. Doctor of Education in Curriculum and Instruction
6. Doctor of Education in Assessment and Evaluation 
7. Doctor of Education in Educational Policy and Strategic Management
8. Doctor of Education (DED) in Biology
9. Doctor of Education (DED) in Chemistry
10. Doctor of Education (DED) in Physics 
11. Doctor of Education (DED) in Mathematics   
12. Doctor of Education (DED) in Geography and Environmental Education
13. Doctor of Education (DED) in History 
14. Doctor of Education (DED) in Civics and Ethical Education
15. Doctor of Education (DED) in Amharic
16. Doctor of Education (DED) in English
Contact Persons
1. Name: Wossen   Getahun, Vice Dean, School Educational Sciences
Email: [email protected]   
Phone: +251 0964476223

2. Name: Dereje Taye, Dean, School of Teacher Education
Email: [email protected]   
Phone: +251 0918763006

7. College of Business and Economics

1. Master of Science in Accounting & Finance 
2. Master of Science in Accounting and Auditing 
3. Master of Business Administration
4. Master of Public Management and Governance 
5. Master of Science in Economics Policy Analysis 
6. Master of Science in Development Economics
7. Master of Arts in Logistic and Supply Chain Management 
8. Master of Arts in Marketing Management 
9. Master of Science in Banking and Financial Markets
       10. MA in Tourism Business Administration
1. Doctor of Philosophy in Economics 
2. Doctor of Philosophy in Accounting and Finance 
3. Doctor of Philosophy in Management Studies
4. Doctor of Philosophy in Marketing Management
5. Doctor of Philosophy in Logistics and Supplies Chain Management 
Contact Person
Name: Kassie Dessie (PhD), Post-graduate, Research and Community Engagement Vice Dean
Email: [email protected]   
Phone: +251 0920251638

8. Faculty of Social Science

1. Master of Arts in Geography and Environmental Studies
2. Master of Arts in Population Studies 
3. Master of Science in Geo-information Science 
4. Master of Arts in Social Anthropology 
5. Master of Arts in Environmental Management
6. Master of Arts in   Social Work


GAT Exam (Graduate Admission Test) for MSc & PhD Students

22 Jan, 16:13

7. Master of Arts in History 
8. Master of Arts in Heritage and Museum Studies 
9. Master of Arts in Political Science 
10. Master of Arts in Peace and Conflict Studies 
11. Master of Arts in Gender and Development Studies 
12. Master of Arts in Sociology
13. Master of Arts in Urban and Regional Development Planning 
1. Doctor of Philosophy in Geography & Environmental Studies 
2. Doctor of Philosophy in History 
3. Doctor of Philosophy in Political Science and International Studies
4. Doctor of Philosophy in  Social Anthropology
5. Doctor of Philosophy in  Geospatial Analytics and Remote Sensing
6. Doctor of Philosophy in  Social Work and Social Development
Contact Person
Name: Getahun Kumie  , Post-graduate, Research and Community Engagement Vice Dean
Email: [email protected] 
Phone: +251 0911598880

9. Faculty of Humanities

1. Master of Arts in Literature 
2. Master of Arts in Amharic Literature 
3. Master of Arts in Folklore/Cultural Studies 
4. Master of Arts in Media and Communication 
5. Master of Arts in Applied Linguistics and Communication
6. Master of Arts in Ge’ez Language and Literature 
1. Doctor of Philosophy in Literature 
2. Doctor of Philosophy in Amharic Literature 
3. Doctor of Philosophy in Media and Communication 
4. Doctor of Philosophy in Folklore 
Contact Person
Name: Ayenew Guadu, Post-graduate, Research and Community Engagement Vice Dean
Email: [email protected]   
Phone: +251 0967610008

10. Institute of Disasters Risk Management and Food Security

1. Master of Science in Disaster Risk Management and Sustainable Development 
2. Master of Science in Livelihood and Food Security
3. Master of Science in Disaster Risk and Management and Food Systems Resilience 
1. Doctor of Philosophy in Disaster Risk Science
Contact Person
Name: Dr. Dejene Sahlu, V/Director
Email: [email protected] 
Phone: +251 0920519737

11. Institute of Land Administration

1. Master of Science in Land Administration and Management 
2. Master of science in Real property Valuation
3. Master of Arts in Real Property Law
4. Master of Science in Geomatics
5. Masters of Science in Land Use Planning and Development Management
1. Doctor of Philosophy in Land Policy and Governance 
2. Doctor of Philosophy in Urban planning and Development
Contact Person
Name: Tsegaye Kassa, Vice Dean
Email: [email protected]   
Phone: +251 0977907163

12. School of Law

1. LL. M. in Criminal Justice and Human Rights 
2. LL. M. in Environment and Land Law 
3. LL. M. in Business and Corporate Law 
4. LL. M. in Construction Law and Dispute Resolution
5. Master of Arts in Governance and Development
1. Doctor of Philosophy in Law
     Contact Person
Name: Tajebe Getaneh, Post-graduate, Research and Community Engagement Vice Dean
     Email: [email protected]
      Phone: +251 0921697843

13. School of Earth Sciences

1. Master of Science  in Petrology 
2. Master of Science in Hydrogeology
3. Master of Science in Economic Geology
4. Master of Science in Geophysics
1. Doctor of Philosophy in Earth Sciences (Hydrogeology)
Contact Person
Name: Gashaw Wudie, Vice Dean
Email: [email protected]   
Phone: +251 0911354122

14. Sport Academy

1. Master of Science in Sport Science (Athletics Coaching, Basketball Coaching, Football Coaching, Handball Coaching, Volleyball  Coaching)
2. Master of Science in Sport Management 
3. Master of Science in Teaching Physical Education
4. Master of Science in Exercise Physiology 
1. Doctor of Philosophy in Sport Science (Coaching Athletics) 
2. Doctor of Philosophy in Sport Science (Coaching Volley Ball) 
3. Doctor of Philosophy in Sport Science (Coaching Foot Ball)
4. Doctor of Philosophy in Sport Management


GAT Exam (Graduate Admission Test) for MSc & PhD Students

22 Jan, 16:13

Contact Person
Name: Gashaw Tesema (PhD), Post-graduate, Research and Community Engagement Vice Dean
Email: [email protected]   
Phone: +251 0913374725
15. Institute of Bio Technology (IoB) 

1. Master of Science in Agricultural Biotechnology (Animal, Plant and Aquaculture biotechnology)
2. Master of Science in Medical Biotechnology
3. Master of Science in Environmental Biotechnology
4. Master of Science in Bioinformatics and Data Base Management
1. Doctor of Philosophy in Biotechnology (Health Biotechnology, Agricultural Biotechnology, Industrial Biotechnology, Environmental Biotechnology)
Contact Person
Name: Sileshi Andualem (PhD), Vice Dean
Email: [email protected] 
Phone: +251 0918329558


GAT Exam (Graduate Admission Test) for MSc & PhD Students

22 Jan, 16:13

Post-graduate Programs of Bahir Dar University
1. Bahir Dar Institute of Technology

1. Master of Science in Hydraulic Engineering 
2. Master of Science in Engineering Hydrology 
3. Master of Science in Water Supply and Sanitary Engineering
4. Master of Science in Irrigation Engineering and Management
5. Master of Science in Construction Technology and Management
6. Master of Science in Structural Engineering
7. Master of Science in Geotechnical Engineering
8. Master of Science in Road and Transport Engineering
9. Master of Science in Materials Science and Engineering 
10. Master of Science in Sustainable Energy Engineering
11. Master of Science in Automotive Engineering
12. Master of Science in Electromechanical Engineering
13. Master of Science in Production Engineering and Management
14. Master of Science in Agricultural Mechanization Engineering 
15. Master of Science in Mechanical Design 
16. Master of Science in Thermal Engineering
17. Master of Science in Manufacturing Engineering
18. Master of Science in Power System Engineering 
19. Master of Science in Energy Informatics 
20. Master of Science in Control System Engineering 
21. Master of Science in Computer System Engineering (AI and Data Science) 
22. Master of Science in Computer System Engineering (Networking and Cyber Security)
23. Master of Science in Communication System Engineering 
24. Master of Science in Biomedical Engineering 
25. Master of Science in Space Science Engineering 
26. Master of Science in Optics and Optical Communication 
27. Master of Science in Electric Mobility Engineering 
28. Master of Science in Microelectronics Engineering 
29. Master of Science in Process Engineering
30. Master of Science in Environmental Engineering
31. Master of Science in Food Technology
32. Master of Science in Food Safety and Quality
33. Master of Science in Sugar Technology
34. Master of Science in Applied Human Nutrition 
35. Master of Science in Polymer Science and Engineering
36. Master of Science in Nuclear Engineering
37. Master of Science in Postharvest Management and Engineering
38. Master of Science in Software Engineering
39. Master of Science in Computer Science
40. Master of Science in Information Technology
41. Master of Science in Artificial Intelligence and Data Science 
42. Master of Science in Industrial Biotechnology
43. Master of Science in Industrial Management

1. Doctor of Philosophy in Hydraulic Engineering 
2. Doctor of Philosophy in Hydrology and Water Resources Management
3. Doctor of Philosophy in Water Supply and Sanitary Engineering
4. Doctor of Philosophy in Irrigation Engineering and Management
5. Doctor of Philosophy in Construction Engineering and Management
6. Doctor of Philosophy in Structural Engineering
7. Doctor of Philosophy in Geotechnical Engineering
8. Doctor of Philosophy in Road and Transport Engineering 
9. Doctor of Philosophy in Sustainable Energy Engineering
10. Doctor of Philosophy in Agricultural Mechanization Engineering
11. Doctor of Philosophy in Agricultural Machinery Engineering
12. Doctor of Philosophy in Mechanical Design
13. Doctor of Philosophy in Thermal Engineering
14. Doctor of Philosophy in Manufacturing Engineering
15. Doctor of Philosophy in Power System Engineering
16. Doctor of Philosophy in Control System Engineering
17. Doctor of Philosophy in Computer System Engineering (Networking and Cyber Security) 
18. Doctor of Philosophy in Communication System Engineering
19. Doctor of Philosophy in Postharvest Engineering and Management 
20. Doctor of Philosophy in Food Engineering
21. Doctor of Philosophy in Biochemical Engineering 
22. Doctor of Philosophy in Process Engineering and Design 
23. Doctor of Philosophy in Environmental and Biological Engineering


GAT Exam (Graduate Admission Test) for MSc & PhD Students

22 Jan, 15:13


#ለሁለተኛ_እና_ሶስተኛ_ዲግሪ ትምህርት ፈላጊዎች

ዲላ ዩኒቨርስቲ ከዚህ በላይ የተዘረዘሩትን መስፈርቶች የሚያሟሉ አመልካቾችን ተቀብሎ #በመደበኛ_እና_ተከታታይ_መርሃ_ግብር በሁለተኛ እና ሶስተኛ ዲግሪ ማስተማር ይፈልጋል።

#ዝርዝሩ ከላይ ተያይዟል👆


GAT Exam (Graduate Admission Test) for MSc & PhD Students

22 Jan, 11:01

ቻናላችን ላይ ለተከታዮቻችን ይጠቅማል የምትሉትን አገልግሎት ማስተዋወቅ ትችላላችሁ!

👉የትምህርት እና ስልጠና የምትሰጡ ተቋማት
👉እውቅና ያላችሁ የትምህርት ተቋማት
👉Computer፣ ቴክኖሎጅ፣Design እና ሌሎችንም ስልጠና የምትሰጡ ተቋማት
👉ቴክኖሎጅ ነክ ቻናሎች/ ግሩፕ
👉ለከፍተኛ ትምህርት ተቋማት የጥናት እና ምርምር ትምህርት እና ስልጠና ማማከር ላይ የተሰማራችሁ ግለሰቦች ወይንም ተቋማት

እና ሌሎችንም ለአባሎቻችን የሚመጥኑ እና ህጋዊ ከሆናችሁ በቻናላችን ማስታወቂያ እንለጥፋለን በሚከተለው አድራሻ መልዕክት ያስቀምጡልን👇

GAT Exam (Graduate Admission Test) for MSc & PhD Students

22 Jan, 04:31

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#SelectCollege #Masterprograms #MBA #MA #CareerBoost

GAT Exam (Graduate Admission Test) for MSc & PhD Students

21 Jan, 18:57



GAT Exam (Graduate Admission Test) for MSc & PhD Students

20 Jan, 09:21


GAT Exam (Graduate Admission Test) for MSc & PhD Students

20 Jan, 08:38

ለሁለተኛ ዲግሪ ት/ት ፈላጊዎች በሙሉ!
በዩኒቨርሲቲዉ የሚሰጡ የ2ኛ ዲግሪ ፕሮግራሞች ዝርዝር የያዘ ብሮሸር ማየት ትችላላችሁ!

GAT Exam (Graduate Admission Test) for MSc & PhD Students

20 Jan, 04:51

🎓 Elevate Your Career with Select College's Online Master's Programs! 🌍
Register Now for our ONLINE MBA in Business Administration and MA in Project Management.
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#SelectCollege #OnlineMasters #MBA #ProjectManagement #CareerBoost

GAT Exam (Graduate Admission Test) for MSc & PhD Students

19 Jan, 17:36

ለቻናላችን የሰጣችሁን አውንታዊ አስተያየት እንዳለ ሁኖ ከቀናት በፊት ስለተሰጠው NGAT የሚከተሉትን ቅሬታዎች ግሩፓችን ላይ አጋርታችኋል። ቻናሉ የእናንተ ስለሆነ ቅሬታችሁን ጠቅለል አድርገን ለማቅረብ ሞክረናል።


👉NGATን ለመፈተን ከወጣው Manual ውጭ ጠቅላላ እውቀት ብቻ እንድንፈተን ተደርጓል(Manual ላይ NGAT 30% ሙያ ነክ ጥያቄዎች 70% ደግሞ ጠቅላላ እውቀትን ያካትታል)። ሙያ ነክ ጥያቄዎች ቅድሚያ እንደማይካተቱ ከታወቀ 100 ጥያቄ መፈተን ሲገባን 70 ጥያቄ ብቻ እንድንፈተን ተደርገናል።

👉የፈተናውን ውጤት እንደጠበቅነው አይደለም የፈተና ውጤት አሰጣጡ ላይ ቅሬታ አለን በድጋሜ የሚታይበት ሁኔታ ቢኖር

👉ከሌሎች የትምህርት ከፍሎች በተለዬ የጤና ተማሪዎች ጠቅላላ እውቀት ብቻ መፈተናችን ውጤታችን ላይ ጫና አምጥቶብናል።

እኛ እንደምታውቁት ከMOE ጋ ቀጥተኛ የሆነ ምንም ግንኙነት የለንም ከተቋሙ የሚወጡ እና ከሌሎች ዩኒቨርሲቲዎች የምናገኛቸውን ታማኝ መረጃዎች ለእናንተ ማድረስ እና ለፈተና እናንተን ብቁ ከማድረግ ውጭ።

ቅሬታችሁን የምትችሉ ለMOE በአካል ሰብሰብ ብላችሁ ማቅረብ ወይንም በሚከተለው Email ቅሬታችሁን ማሳወቅ እና መፍትሔ እንድሰጣችሁ በጨዋ ደንብ መጠየቅ ትችላላችሁ።
[email protected]

እኛም አጋጣሚውን ካገኘን ቅሬታችሁን ለሚመለከተው አካል ለማድረስ እንሞክራለን።


GAT Exam (Graduate Admission Test) for MSc & PhD Students

18 Jan, 17:55

ለቻናላችን ከተሰጡ አስተያየቶች መካከል‼️

ሁላችሁንም እናመሰግናለን ለሰጣችሁን ገንቢ አስተያየት ለቀጣይ ፈተና ከዚህ በተሻለ እናንተን ለማዘጋጀት የምንችለውን ሁሉ እናደርጋለን።

የYoutube ቻናላችንን Subscribe በማድረግ አጋርነታችሁን አሳዩን🙏

ቻናሉን ደግሞ ቀጣይ ለሚፈተኑ ጓደኞቻችሁ በማጋራት ለፈተናው ቅድሚያ ዝግጅት እንድያደርጉ አግዟቸው።


GAT Exam (Graduate Admission Test) for MSc & PhD Students

18 Jan, 17:09

#NGAT ውጤት ያያችሁ እንደት ነበር?
ቻናላችን ለፈተናው ምን አስተዋፅዖ አደረገላችሁ?
አስተያየታችሁን አጋሩን

የYoutube ቻናላችንን Subscribe አድርጉ👇


GAT Exam (Graduate Admission Test) for MSc & PhD Students

18 Jan, 14:37

🎓 Elevate Your Career with Select College's Online Master's Programs! 🌍
Register Now for our ONLINE MBA in Business Administration and MA in Project Management.
Take the next step towards professional growth and excellence. 
secure your spot today!
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For MOre Information
+251 905 433 333
#SelectCollege #OnlineMasters #MBA #ProjectManagement #CareerBoost

GAT Exam (Graduate Admission Test) for MSc & PhD Students

18 Jan, 12:25

Dear all if you're facing a problem to view your result,we may help you. Lemme your username only.👇


GAT Exam (Graduate Admission Test) for MSc & PhD Students

10 Jan, 09:37



GAT Exam (Graduate Admission Test) for MSc & PhD Students

10 Jan, 09:33


የድህረምረቃ ፕሮግራሞች (NGAT) የመግቢያ ፈተና ለመውሰድ የተመዘጋባችሁ በሙሉ ይህንን ሊንክ ( በመጫን መረጃ ማግኘት ትችላላችሁ።


GAT Exam (Graduate Admission Test) for MSc & PhD Students

10 Jan, 09:25


የ NGAT በባሕርዳር ዩኒቨርስቲ ለመፈተን ለተመዘገባችሁ በሙሉ


GAT Exam (Graduate Admission Test) for MSc & PhD Students

10 Jan, 09:20


ወሎ ዩኒቨርሲቲ የሁለተኛና ሶስተኛ ዲግሪ ተማሪዎች ምጣኔ ለማሳደግ በማሰብ በትምህርት ሚኒስቴር የሚሰጠውን የድህረ ምረቃ ተማሪዎች የመግቢያ ፈተና (National Graduate Admission Test (NGAT) ላይ ትኩረት ያደረገ ልዩ የአቅም ግንባታ ፓኬጅ አዘጋጅቶላቸኋል፡፡
በመሆኑም በየትኛውም የኢትዮጵያ ዩኒቨርሲቲዎች የድህረ ምረቃ ትምህርት መከታተል የምትፈልጉ ተማሪዎች በዩኒቨርሲቲያችን ባሉ የሁለተኛና ሶስተኛ ዲግሪ ፕሮግራሞች ላይ መሰረት ያደረገ ልዩ የሀገር አቀፍ NGAT ማዘጋጃ ስልጠና ያሰናዳን በመሆኑ የዕድሉ ተጠቃሚ እንድትሆኑ እያልን ስልጠናው ያለምንም ክፍያ ከ05/05/2017-06/05/2017 በአካል ቀርባችሁ መካፈል ትችላላችሁ፡፡
የስልጠናው ይዘት፡-
👉ፈተናን በኮፒውተር ክህሎት (Tests on Computer skill).

👉የፈተና ቅድመ ዝግጅት እቅድ (short term study plan for NGAT እና የስነ-ልቦና ዝግጅት (brain –storming with different scenarios)

👉መሰረታዊ የNGAT የትኩረት አቅጣጫዎች (verbal reasoning Quantitative reasoning and Analytical reasoning)

👉እንግሊዘኛና ሒሳብ ት/ት NGAT የትኩረት መስኮች (Mathematics& English NGAT focus Areas)

👉 በመጨረሻም NGAT ሞዴል ፈተና 07/05/2017 በደሴ ካምፓስ በኮምፒዉተር ላብ እና አይሲቲ ክፍሎች የሚሰጥ ይሆናል::


GAT Exam (Graduate Admission Test) for MSc & PhD Students

10 Jan, 09:12

All NGAT applicants, you can download your exam entry ticket from the portal. Now ready!👇

GAT Exam (Graduate Admission Test) for MSc & PhD Students

10 Jan, 08:08

1,100+ በላይ NGAT/GAT የቀድሞ ፈተናዎች እና መዘጋጃ/ መለማመጃ ጥያቄዎች
በ150 ብር ብቻ 💵
1000+ በላይ ተጠቃሚዎች ያሉት

GAT Guide ን ያውርዱ እና ይጠቀሙ ዝግጅቶትን ያዘምኑ።

Download Now 👇

GAT Exam (Graduate Admission Test) for MSc & PhD Students

10 Jan, 07:01



GAT Exam (Graduate Admission Test) for MSc & PhD Students

10 Jan, 06:07



GAT Exam (Graduate Admission Test) for MSc & PhD Students

10 Jan, 05:19



GAT Exam (Graduate Admission Test) for MSc & PhD Students

10 Jan, 05:04


NGAT Exam Entry Ticket (Exam credentials and Schedule) are Available now

You can log in to the portal ( and view your exam center and exam schedule (NGAT Exam Entry Ticket) under your profile.

👉Under this dasboard you can download your exam entry ticket.


GAT Exam (Graduate Admission Test) for MSc & PhD Students

09 Jan, 16:12



GAT Exam (Graduate Admission Test) for MSc & PhD Students

09 Jan, 16:07


GAT Exam (Graduate Admission Test) for MSc & PhD Students

09 Jan, 15:57



GAT Exam (Graduate Admission Test) for MSc & PhD Students

09 Jan, 12:28

ማስታወቂያ ለ “NGAT” ተፈታኞች

በአርባ ምንጭ ዩኒቨርሲቲ የመፈተኛ ማዕከል የምትፈተኑ የ“NGAT” ተፈታኞች ፈተናው የሚሰጠው ጥር 07/2017 ዓ.ም ጠዋት 3፡00-4፡45 እንዲሁም ከሰዓት በኋላ 8፡00-9፡45 በዋናዉ ግቢ እንዲሁም በጎፋ ዞን አቅራቢያ ላሉ አመልካቾች በሳውላ ካምፓስ ስለሆነ ከወዲሁ ዝግጅት እንድታደርጉና በወቅቱና በሰዓቱ ቀርባችሁ እንድትፈተኑ እናሳስባለን፡፡


👉ማንኛውም ተፈታኝ የሞባይል ስልክ፣ ማንኛውንም አይነት ኤሌክትሮኒክስ መሳሪያ፣ ሳይንቲፊክ ካልኩሌተር እንዲሁም ወረቀት ይዞ ወደ ፈተና አዳራሽ መግባት የተከለከለ መሆኑን ከወዲሁ እናሳስባለን፡፡

የአርባ ምንጭ ዩኒቨርሲቲ የድኅረ ምረቃ ት/ቤት


GAT Exam (Graduate Admission Test) for MSc & PhD Students

09 Jan, 12:21

ለ #NGAT አመልካቾች በሙሉ፦

የመግቢያ ፈተና የሚሰጠዉ ጥር 7/2017 ዓ.ም ከጠዋቱ 2፡30 - 6:30 መሆኑን ትምህርት ሚኒስቴር አሳውቋል፡፡

ስለሆነም ተፈታኞች ከፈተና ሰዓቱ ቀደም ብላችሁ 2:00 ጀምሮ ደብረ ማርቆስ ዩኒቨርሲቲ ግቢ በመገኘት የፈተና Username and Password መዉሰድ እና የመፈተኛ ክፍላችሁን ማወቅ ይጠበቅባችኋል፡፡

#ማሳሰቢያ፡ ለፈተና ስትመጡ ማንነታችሁን የሚገልጽ መታወቂያ መያዝ ይጠበቅባችኋል።

ደብረ ማርቆስ ዩኒቨርሲቲ
ጥር 01/2017 ዓ.ም


GAT Exam (Graduate Admission Test) for MSc & PhD Students

09 Jan, 08:12

1,100+ በላይ NGAT/GAT የቀድሞ ፈተናዎች እና መዘጋጃ/ መለማመጃ ጥያቄዎች
በ150 ብር ብቻ 💵
1000+ በላይ ተጠቃሚዎች ያሉት

GAT Guide ን ያውርዱ እና ይጠቀሙ ዝግጅቶትን ያዘምኑ።

Download Now 👇

GAT Exam (Graduate Admission Test) for MSc & PhD Students

06 Jan, 18:34

GAT Exam Practice Questions

Logical Problems

Each problem consists of three statements. Based on the first two statements, the third statement may be true, false, or uncertain.

1. Tanya is older than Eric.
Cliff is older than Tanya.
Eric is older than Cliff.

If the first two statements are true, the third statement is
A. true
B. false
C. uncertain
Answer: Option B

Because the first two statements are true, Eric is the youngest of the three, so the third statement must be false.

2. Blueberries cost more than strawberries.
Blueberries cost less than raspberries.
Raspberries cost more than strawberries and blueberries.

If the first two statements are true, the third statement is
A. true
B. false
C. uncertain
Answer: Option A

Because the first two statements are true, raspberries are the most expensive of the three.

3. All the trees in the park are flowering trees.
Some of the trees in the park are dogwoods.
All dogwoods in the park are flowering trees.

If the first two statements are true, the third statement is
A. true
B. false
C. uncertain
Answer: Option A

All of the trees in the park are flowering trees, So all dogwoods in the park are flowering trees.

4. Mara runs faster than Gail.
Lily runs faster than Mara.
Gail runs faster than Lily.

If the first two statements are true, the third statement is
A. true
B. false
C. uncertain
Answer: Option B

We know from the first two statements that Lily runs fastest. Therefore, the third statement must be false.

To get more GAT Exam Questions Please Subscribe our Youtube Channel👇


GAT Exam (Graduate Admission Test) for MSc & PhD Students

06 Jan, 15:58

GAT Exam Practice Questions

Verbal Reasoning Practice Questions

In this type of question, some words are given. You have to arrange these words in a meaningful order. The order may be according to age, size and need etc.

Example 1: Arrange the following words in a meaningful order.
1. Death 2. Marriage3. Education 4. Birth 5. Funeral  

(A) 5, 1, 2, 3, 4
(B) 4, 2, 3, 1, 5
(C) 4, 3, 2, 5, 1
(D) 4, 3, 2, 1, 5
Answer is Option D

Explanation: First of all a man is born then he takes education; after this he is married. Then after sometimes he dies. After death the order is of Funeral. So the correct order is 4, 3, 2, 1 and 5.  
Example 2: Arrange the following words in a logical sequence.
1. Grass 2. Curd 3. Milk 4. Cow 5. Butter  
(A) 1, 2, 3, 4, 5
(B) 2, 3, 4, 5, 1
(C) 4, 1, 3, 2, 5
(D) 5, 4, 3, 2, 1
Answer is Option C

Explanation: We know that cow eats grass and then gives milk. With the milk, curd is made and then from curd, butter is made.
Hence logical sequence is Cow, Grass, Milk, Curd, and Butter.

Based on the above example please practice the following questions.

1. Arrange the words given below in a meaningful sequence.

1. Key 2. Door 3. Lock  4. Room 5. Switch on  
A.5, 1, 2, 4, 3
B.4, 2, 1, 5, 3
C.1, 3, 2, 4, 5
D.1, 2, 3, 5, 4

2. Arrange the words given below in a meaningful sequence.
1. Word 2. Paragraph 3. Sentence  4. Letters 5. Phrase

A.4, 1, 5, 2, 3
B.4, 1, 3, 5, 2
C.4, 2, 5, 1, 3
D.4, 1, 5, 3, 2

3. Arrange the words given below in a meaningful sequence.
1. Police 2. Punishment 3. Crime  4. Judge 5. Judgement  

A.3, 1, 2, 4, 5
B. 1, 2, 4, 3, 5
C. 5, 4, 3, 2, 1
D.3, 1, 4, 5, 2

4. Arrange the words given below in a meaningful sequence.

1. Family 2. Community 3. Member  4. Locality 5. Country  
A.3, 1, 2, 4, 5
B.3, 1, 2, 5, 4
C. 3, 1, 4, 2, 5
D. 3, 1, 4, 5, 2

5. Arrange the words given below in a meaningful sequence.
1. Poverty  2. Population 3. Death  4. Unemployment 5. Disease  

A.2, 3, 4, 5, 1
B.3, 4, 2, 5, 1
C.2, 4, 1, 5, 3
D.1, 2, 3, 4, 5

እንደዚህ ያሉ ተጨማሪ የGAT ጥያቄዎችን በYOUTUBE ታገኛላችሁ ተወዳጁን 👇


GAT Exam (Graduate Admission Test) for MSc & PhD Students

06 Jan, 06:04

📢🎉ተማሪው መተግበሪያን ከፕለይስቶር በማውረድ ለ NGAT/GAT ፈተና በቂ ዝግጅት ያድርጉ!
በመተግበሪያችን ከ 800 በላይ NGAT/GAT መለማመጃ ጥያቄዎችን ያገኛሉ።

🔸1. Verbal Reasoning
🔹Vocabulary: Synonyms, antonyms, analogies
🔹Grammar: Sentence correction, error identification

🔸2. Quantitative Reasoning
🔹Arithmetic: Basic operations, percentages, ratios, proportions
🔹Algebra: Equations, inequalities
🔹Geometry: Shapes

🔸3. Analytical Reasoning
🔹Logical reasoning: Syllogisms, deductions, inferences
🔹Data sufficiency

👉መተግበሪያውን ከ ፕለይ ስቶር ላይ ያውርዱት

GAT Exam (Graduate Admission Test) for MSc & PhD Students

06 Jan, 04:00

For those of you who asked wollega university GAT handbook

GAT Exam (Graduate Admission Test) for MSc & PhD Students

06 Jan, 03:59

በወለጋ ዩኒቨርሲቲ መምህር የተዘጋጀ የGAT መፅሀፍ ነው አንብቡት!

ሌሎች ጠቃሚ መረጃዎችን ቻናላችን ላይ ቶሎ ቶሎ እንለቃለን ለጓደኞቻችሁ አጋሯቸው!

የቴሌግራም አድራሻችን👇

GAT Exam (Graduate Admission Test) for MSc & PhD Students

05 Jan, 18:31

GAT Exam Practice Questions

Verbal Ability: Synonyms

In the following the questions choose the word which best expresses the meaning of the given word.


A. Lean
B. Gaunt
C. Emaciated
D. Obese

Answer: Option D


A. Limited
B. Small
C. Little
D. Short

Answer: Option D


A. Misappropriate
B. Balance
C. Remunerate
D. Clear 

Answer: Option A


A. Opening
B. Stodge
C. End
D. Past tense of go

Answer: Option A


A. Common
B. Ridiculous
C. Dignified
D. Petty

Answer: Option C


A. Obstinate
B. Handsome
C. Clever
D. Stout

Answer: Option C


A. Energetic
B. Observant
C. Intelligent
D. Watchful

Answer: Option D


A. Soldier
B. Sailor
C. Pirate
D. Spy

Answer: Option A


A. Far
B. Removed
C. Reserved
D. Separate

Answer: Option A


A. Failure
B. Helplessness
C. Misfortune
D. Crisis

Answer: Option C

11. FAKE

A. Original
B. Imitation
C. Trustworthy
D. Loyal

Answer: Option B


A. Condemn
B. Reprimand
C. Accuse
D. Allege

Answer: Option C


A. Dry
B. Strained
C. Rigorous
D. Shrill

Answer: Option C


A. Complain
B. Comment
C. Condone
D. Console

Answer: Option A


A. Stopped
B. Paused
C. Slowed
D. Postponed

Answer: Option B


A. Command
B. Help
C. Defence
A. Safety

Answer: Option B


A. Serve
B. Explore
C. Try
D. Explain

Answer: Option C


A. Maraud
B. Contest
C. Ranger
D. Intuition

Answer: Option A


A. Courageous
B. Rash
C. Bold
D. Daring

Answer: Option B


A. Results
B. Conclusions
C. Difficulties
D. Applications

Answer: Option A

ተጨማሪ የGAT ጥያቄዎችን ለማገኘት በYOUTUBE ተወዳጁን👇

GAT Exam (Graduate Admission Test) for MSc & PhD Students

05 Jan, 13:56

📢🎉ተማሪው መተግበሪያን ከፕለይስቶር በማውረድ ለ NGAT/GAT ፈተና በቂ ዝግጅት ያድርጉ!
በመተግበሪያችን ከ 800 በላይ NGAT/GAT መለማመጃ ጥያቄዎችን ያገኛሉ።

🔸1. Verbal Reasoning
🔹Vocabulary: Synonyms, antonyms, analogies
🔹Grammar: Sentence correction, error identification

🔸2. Quantitative Reasoning
🔹Arithmetic: Basic operations, percentages, ratios, proportions
🔹Algebra: Equations, inequalities
🔹Geometry: Shapes

🔸3. Analytical Reasoning
🔹Logical reasoning: Syllogisms, deductions, inferences
🔹Data sufficiency

👉መተግበሪያውን ከ ፕለይ ስቶር ላይ ያውርዱት

GAT Exam (Graduate Admission Test) for MSc & PhD Students

05 Jan, 12:38

አድስ አበባ ዩኒቨርሲቲ #GAT የተፈተናችሁ ተማሪዎች አሁን የፈተና ሰርቲፊኬት በሚከተለው ሊንክ ማውረድ ትችላላችሁ!👇

ለAAU ማለፊያ ውጤት በፐርሰንታይል
👉ለሁለተኛ ድግሪ 40% እና ከዛ በላይ
👉ለሶስተኛ ድግሪ 50% እና ከዛ በላይ

GAT Exam (Graduate Admission Test) for MSc & PhD Students

05 Jan, 09:57

#Mock #NGAT #Questions
… የቀጠለ


GAT Exam (Graduate Admission Test) for MSc & PhD Students

04 Jan, 17:03

ሰላም የቻናላችን ተከታዮች የባለፈው ዓመት #NGAT Mock Examን ሙሉ ጥያቄዎች በተከታታይ ቀናት እንለጥፍላችኋለን በሚከተለው የመወያያ ግሩፓችን በመቀላቀል ከጓደኞቻችሁ ጋር በመነጋገር ተለማመዱ።

ፈተናው ትንሽ ቻሌንጅ ሊያደርጋችሁ ስለሚችል ጊዜ ወስዳችሁ ለመዘጋጀት ሞክሩ በተለይ ጥያቄዎችን  በደንብ ስሩ‼️

የመወያያ ግሩፓችን ሊንክ👇

GAT Exam (Graduate Admission Test) for MSc & PhD Students

04 Jan, 09:38

#NGAT የመመዝገቢያ ቀኑ ተጠናቋል!
አድስ ነገር ካለ የምናሳውቃችሁ ይሆናል።

የፈተና ጊዜው በአጭር ቀን በመጭዎቹ ቀናት ሊሆን ስለሚችል ከወድሁ እራሳችሁን አዘጋጁ! መፅሀፍት እና የመለማመጃ ጥያቄዎችን ቻናላችን ላይ ታገኛላችሁ።

መልካም የዝግጅት ጊዜ ተመኘንላችሁ!


GAT Exam (Graduate Admission Test) for MSc & PhD Students

04 Jan, 06:05

📢🎉ተማሪው መተግበሪያን ከፕለይስቶር በማውረድ ለ NGAT/GAT ፈተና በቂ ዝግጅት ያድርጉ!
በመተግበሪያችን ከ 800 በላይ NGAT/GAT መለማመጃ ጥያቄዎችን ያገኛሉ።

🔸1. Verbal Reasoning
🔹Vocabulary: Synonyms, antonyms, analogies
🔹Grammar: Sentence correction, error identification

🔸2. Quantitative Reasoning
🔹Arithmetic: Basic operations, percentages, ratios, proportions
🔹Algebra: Equations, inequalities
🔹Geometry: Shapes

🔸3. Analytical Reasoning
🔹Logical reasoning: Syllogisms, deductions, inferences
🔹Data sufficiency

👉መተግበሪያውን ከ ፕለይ ስቶር ላይ ያውርዱት

GAT Exam (Graduate Admission Test) for MSc & PhD Students

04 Jan, 06:05

GAT Exam (Graduate Admission Test) for MSc & PhD Students pinned Deleted message

GAT Exam (Graduate Admission Test) for MSc & PhD Students

03 Jan, 19:00

GAT Exam (Graduate Admission Test) for MSc & PhD Students pinned «GAT Exam Practice Questions Quantitative Questions 1. If one-third of one-fourth of a number is 15, then three-tenth of that number is: A. 35 B. 36 C. 45 D. 54 2. Three times the first of three consecutive odd integers is 3 more than twice the third. The…»

GAT Exam (Graduate Admission Test) for MSc & PhD Students

03 Jan, 18:03

GAT Exam Practice Questions

Quantitative Questions

1. If one-third of one-fourth of a number is 15, then three-tenth of that number is:
A. 35
B. 36
C. 45
D. 54

2. Three times the first of three consecutive odd integers is 3 more than twice the third. The third integer is:
A. 9
B. 11
C. 13
D. 15

3. Three times the first of three consecutive odd integers is 3 more than twice the third. The third integer is:
A. 9
B. 11
C. 13
D. 15

4. The difference between a two-digit number and the number obtained by interchanging the positions of its digits is 36. What is the difference between the two digits of that number?
A. 3
B. 4
C. 9
D. Cannot be determined
E. None of these

5. The difference between a two-digit number and the number obtained by interchanging the digits is 36. What is the difference between the sum and the difference of the digits of the number if the ratio between the digits of the number is 1 : 2 ?
A. 4
B. 8
C. 16
D. None of these

6. A two-digit number is such that the product of the digits is 8. When 18 is added to the number, then the digits are reversed. The number is:
A. 18
B. 24
C. 42
D. 81

7. The sum of the digits of a two-digit number is 15 and the difference between the digits is 3. What is the two-digit number?
A. 69
B. 78
C. 96
D. Cannot be determined
E. None of these

8. The sum of the squares of three numbers is 138, while the sum of their products taken two at a time is 131. Their sum is:
A. 20
B. 30
C. 40
D. None of these

9. A number consists of two digits. If the digits interchange places and the new number is added to the original number, then the resulting number will be divisible by:
A. 3
B. 5
C. 9
D. 11

10. In a two-digit, if it is known that its unit's digit exceeds its ten's digit by 2 and that the product of the given number and the sum of its digits is equal to 144, then the number is:
A. 24
B. 26
C. 42
D. 46

ሞክሩት ደስ ካላችሁ Comment ላይ የሰራችሁትን ፃፉት ካልሆነ ግን በወረቀት ሰርታችሁ አመሳክሩት
✍️መልሱን ከ24 ሰዓት ቡኋላ አስተያየት መስጫው ላይ እናስቀምጣለን።

እንደዚህ ያሉ ተጨማሪ የGAT ጥያቄዎችን በYOUTUBE ታገኛላችሁ ተወዳጁን 👇


GAT Exam (Graduate Admission Test) for MSc & PhD Students

03 Jan, 13:00

💠 GATStudy App
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✔️ Extensive Question Bank: Access 500+ practice questions sourced from AAU and NGAT, each with detailed explanations.

✔️ High-Yield Study Notes: Grasp essential concepts with well-organized, concise materials tailored for your success.

💠 GATstudy app
ለድህረ ምረቃ የመግቢያ ፈተና  ዝግጅት

✔️ ሰፊ የጥያቄ ፡ ከAAU እና NGAT የተገኙ 500+ ጥያቄዎችን የያዘ፣ እያንዳንዱም ከዝርዝር ማብራሪያ ጋር።

✔️ Study notes፡ አስፈላጊ ፅንሰ-ሀሳቦችን ከዝርዝር ማብራሪያ ጋር የያዘ እና በደንብ የተደራጀ 

📢 አፑን ለማውረድ ፣ አዳዲስ መረጃዎችን እና ውይይቶችን ለማግኘት የቴሌግራም ማህበረሰባችንን ይቀላቀሉ፡-


GAT Exam (Graduate Admission Test) for MSc & PhD Students

28 Dec, 07:00

...Continued GAT Exam Practice Questions

  Idioms and Phrases

Some proverbs/idioms are given below together with their meanings. Choose the correct meaning of proverb/idiom.

11. I met him after a long time, but he gave me the cold shoulder.

A. scolded me
B. insulted me
C. abused me
D. ignored me

Answer: Option D

12. He passed himself off as a noble man.
A. Was regarded as
B. Pretended to be
C. Was thought to be
D. Was looked upon

Answer: Option B

13.  This matter has been hanging fire for the last many months and must therefore be decided one way or the other.
A. going on slowly
B. hotly debated
C. stuck up
D. ignored

Answer: Option A

14. In the armed forces, it is considered a great privilege to die in harness.

A. die on a horse back
B. die in the battlefield
C. die while still working
D. die with honour

Answer: Option C

15. The cricket match proved to be a big draw.
A. a keen contest
B. a huge attraction
C.a lovely spectacle
D. a game without any result

Answer: Option B

25. When he heard that he had once again not been selected he lost heart.
A. became desperate
B. felt sad
C. became angry
D. became discouraged

Answer: Option D

17.  He was undecided. He let the grass grow under his feet.
A. loitered around
B. stayed out
C. sat unmoving
D. moved away

Answer: Option A

18.  Although he has failed in the written examination, he is using backstairs influence to get the job.
A. Political influence
B. Backing influence
C. Deserving and proper influence
D. Secret and unfair influence

Answer: Option D

19. Companies producing goods play to the gallery to boost their sales.
A. advertise
B. cater to the public taste
C. attempt to appeal to popular taste
D. depend upon the public for approval

Answer: Option C

20. Since he knew what would happen, he should be left to stew in his own juice.
A. Make a stew
B. Boil
C. Suffer in his own juice
D. Suffer for his own act

Answer: Option D

እንደዚህ ያሉ ተጨማሪ የGAT ጥያቄዎችን በYOUTUBE ታገኛላችሁ ተወዳጁን 👇

GAT Exam (Graduate Admission Test) for MSc & PhD Students

27 Dec, 11:51

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ለድህረ ምረቃ የመግቢያ ፈተና  ዝግጅት

✔️ ሰፊ የጥያቄ ፡ ከAAU እና NGAT የተገኙ 500+ ጥያቄዎችን የያዘ፣ እያንዳንዱም ከዝርዝር ማብራሪያ ጋር።

✔️ Study notes፡ አስፈላጊ ፅንሰ-ሀሳቦችን ከዝርዝር ማብራሪያ ጋር የያዘ እና በደንብ የተደራጀ 

📢 አፑን ለማውረድ ፣ አዳዲስ መረጃዎችን እና ውይይቶችን ለማግኘት የቴሌግራም ማህበረሰባችንን ይቀላቀሉ፡-


GAT Exam (Graduate Admission Test) for MSc & PhD Students

27 Dec, 11:51

💠 GATStudy App:

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👉 500+ GAT questions from AAU and NGAT
👉 Well organized Study Notes

GAT Exam (Graduate Admission Test) for MSc & PhD Students

27 Dec, 11:25

AAU GAT የተፈተናችሁ ፈተናው  እንደት ነበር?

አስተያየታችሁን አጋሩን በቀጣይ NGAT ለሚፈተኑት ተማሪዎች ይጠቅማል!

GAT Exam (Graduate Admission Test) for MSc & PhD Students

26 Dec, 16:10

NGAT ምዝገባ እየሰራ ነበር Activation link በ Email ልከው ነበር ነገር ግን ክፍያው በቴሌ ብር 2 ብር ነው የሚለው ምናልባት ይህን ለማስተካከል ይሆናል ያቋረጡት አሁንም በትዕግስት እስከሚሰራ ጠብቁ! አድስ ነገር ካለ እናሳውቃለን

መረጃ ቶሎ የምንለጥፈው እናንተን ለማሳሳት አይደለም🙏

ሲሰራ ይህን Link ተጠቀሙ
👉Link for registration👇


GAT Exam (Graduate Admission Test) for MSc & PhD Students

26 Dec, 13:10


#NGAT Registration is Opened!

👉Link for registration👇


GAT Exam (Graduate Admission Test) for MSc & PhD Students

26 Dec, 06:08

GAT Exam Practice Questions  

         Idioms and Phrases

Some proverbs/idioms are given below together with their meanings. Choose the correct meaning of proverb/idiom.

1. To make clean breast of

A. To gain prominence
B. To praise oneself
C. To confess without of reserve
D. To destroy before it blooms
E. None of these

Answer: Option C

2. To keeps one's temper

A. To become hungry
B. To be in good mood
C. To preserve ones energy
D. To be aloof from
E. None of these

Answer: Option B

3. To catch a tartar

A. To trap wanted criminal with great difficulty
B. To catch a dangerous person
C. To meet with disaster
D. To deal with a person who is more than one's match
E. None of these

Answer: Option B

4. To drive home

A. To find one's roots
B. To return to place of rest
C. Back to original position
D. To emphasise
E. None of these

Answer: Option D

5. To have an axe to grind

A. A private end to serve
B. To fail to arouse interest
C. To have no result
D. To work for both sides
E. None of these

Answer: Option A

6. To cry wolf

A. To listen eagerly
B. To give false alarm
C. To turn pale
D. To keep off starvation
E. None of these

Answer: Option B

7. To end in smoke

A. To make completely understand
B. To ruin oneself
C. To excite great applause
D. To overcome someone
E. None of these

Answer: Option B

8. To be above board

A. To have a good height
B. To be honest in any business deal
C. They have no debts
D. To try to be beautiful
E. None of these

Answer: Option B

9. To put one's hand to plough

A. To take up agricultural farming
B. To take a difficult task
C. To get entangled into unnecessary things
D. Take interest in technical work
E. None of these

Answer: Option B

10. To pick holes

A. To find some reason to quarrel
B. To destroy something
C. To criticize someone
D. To cut some part of an item
E. None of these

Answer: Option C

ተጨማሪ የGAT ጥያቄዎችን ለማገኘት በYOUTUBE ተወዳጁን👇

GAT Exam (Graduate Admission Test) for MSc & PhD Students

25 Dec, 12:58

💠 GATStudy App:

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👉 500+ GAT questions from AAU and NGAT
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GAT Exam (Graduate Admission Test) for MSc & PhD Students

25 Dec, 12:58

💠 GATStudy App
Your Ultimate Companion for Graduate Admission Test Success!

✔️ Extensive Question Bank: Access 500+ practice questions sourced from AAU and NGAT, each with detailed explanations.

✔️ High-Yield Study Notes: Grasp essential concepts with well-organized, concise materials tailored for your success.

💠 GATstudy app
ለድህረ ምረቃ የመግቢያ ፈተና  ዝግጅት

✔️ ሰፊ የጥያቄ ፡ ከAAU እና NGAT የተገኙ 500+ ጥያቄዎችን የያዘ፣ እያንዳንዱም ከዝርዝር ማብራሪያ ጋር።

✔️ Study notes፡ አስፈላጊ ፅንሰ-ሀሳቦችን ከዝርዝር ማብራሪያ ጋር የያዘ እና በደንብ የተደራጀ 

📢 አፑን ለማውረድ ፣ አዳዲስ መረጃዎችን እና ውይይቶችን ለማግኘት የቴሌግራም ማህበረሰባችንን ይቀላቀሉ፡-


GAT Exam (Graduate Admission Test) for MSc & PhD Students

24 Dec, 17:11

ስለNGAT ተደጋጋሚ ጥያቄ እየጠየቃችሁ ነው እስካሁን አልተጀመረም ስለዚህ በትዕግስት ጠብቁ ሲሰራ እናሳውቃችኋለን!

ለምዝገባው ፎቶ፣ የመመዝገቢያ 750 ብር(በቴሌብር የሚከፈል)፣ የሚሰራ ስልክ ቁጥር እና Email  ካዘጋጃችሁ በቂ ነው ምዝገባው የደቂቃ ስራ ነው ብዙም አያስጨንቅም።

ትኩረት መስጠት ያለባችሁ ነገር ፈተናውን እንደት በቀላሉ ማለፍ እንደምትችሉ እና ፈተናው ካለፋችሁ ቡኋላ ከእናንተ ጋር ተመሳሳይ የትምህርት ክፍል የሚማር በቂ ተማሪ መኖሩን ማረጋገጥ ነው ያለባችሁ ብዙዎቹ የትምህርት ክፍሎች በቂ ተማሪ እያገኙ አይደለም ጎን በጎን ተማሪ ለማፈላለግ ሞክሩ ለዚህ ደግሞ ቻናላችንን እና ግሩፓችን የእናንተ ስለሆነ ተጠቀሙበት።


GAT Exam (Graduate Admission Test) for MSc & PhD Students

06 Dec, 18:36

For AAU GAT takers, the following tips are to be considered before and during the exam
1. Don't pick your phone to the exam center
2. Please manage your time Wisley as much as possible. Specially For verbal questions,
3. Quantitative questions are simple expressions and may need critical analysis
4. Don't waste your time on difficult and no hint about the questions
5. You can use calculator and is issential for demographic and statistical information questions
6. For All parts, 60 minutes is given and try to attempt all questions
7. You can pick rough paper for quantitative questions. They present only one A4 paper. It's not suffice

Break the leg!!!!!

GAT Exam (Graduate Admission Test) for MSc & PhD Students

06 Dec, 16:41

ለGAT የሚሆን ሀሪፍ መፅሀፍ ነው ከመጀመሪያው ገፅ ጀምራችሁ አንብቡት ትወዱታላችሁ!


GAT Exam (Graduate Admission Test) for MSc & PhD Students

06 Dec, 08:16

Available Graduate Second Semester Programs From AAiT


GAT Exam (Graduate Admission Test) for MSc & PhD Students

05 Dec, 12:16


Additional Available Post Graduate programms in Addis Ababa University

👉Masters Health informatics Extension

👉MSc in Medicinal Chemistry  Regular

👉MSc in Pharmaceuitical Analysis Regular

👉MSc in Pharmacognosy Regular

👉PHD in Pharmacognosy Regular

👉PHD in Pharmaceutics Regular

👉PHD in Social and Administrative  Pharmacy Regular

👉Subspeciality in pediatrics Neurology Regular

👉MSc in Health Supply chain managment Regular

👉MSc in Health Supply chain managment Extension


GAT Exam (Graduate Admission Test) for MSc & PhD Students

04 Dec, 16:12

GAT Exam (Graduate Admission Test) for MSc & PhD Students

04 Dec, 11:39

#Analytical Reasoning solution

Given the conditions and that Aschenaki (A) plays first, let's analyze the constraints one by one to determine which option must be true:
1. Naol (N) cannot play first or second.
   Since Aschenaki is playing first, Naol cannot play second either. This means Naol must play in positions 3 through 7.
2. Goitem (G) cannot play until Naol has played.
   Since Naol can only play in positions 3 through 7, Goitem must play in positions 4 through 7 (because Goitem must play after Naol).
3. Neither Kelemua (K) nor Lemlem (L) can play seventh.
   This means the seventh position must be filled by someone else (Rahel, Taye, Goitem, or Naol).
4. Either Lemlem (L) or Taye (T) must play immediately after Goitem (G) plays.
   This means if G plays in position \( x \), then either L or T must play in position \( x+1 \).
5. Aschenaki (A) must play either immediately after or immediately before Rahel (R) plays.
   Since Aschenaki plays first, Rahel must play second.

Let's analyze the options:
A. Kelemua plays sixth.
   We don't have enough information yet to determine if Kelemua plays sixth.
B. Kelemua plays immediately after Lemlem.
   This doesn't have direct information connected to Aschenaki playing first.
C. Naol plays third.
   Given that Naol cannot play first or second, if Naol plays third, let's see the implications:
   - Positions are filled: 1. Aschenaki (A), 2. Rahel (R), 3. Naol (N).
   - Goitem must play after Naol: so Goitem can play in positions 4 through 7.
   - Since Goitem cannot be last, positions 4 through 6 must be filled with Kelemua, Lemlem, Taye, and Goitem in some order, but Goitem needs to play before Lemlem or Taye.
D. Taye plays seventh.
   Taye can play seventh, but it's not necessary based on the given constraints, it needs further evaluation.
Given the constraints, let’s validate option C: Naol plays third:
If Naol is third:
1. Aschenaki (A)
2. Rahel (R)
3. Naol (N)
With Goitem needing to follow Naol and Kelemua and Lemlem not being able to play seventh, positions 4-6 must be carefully analyzed, and only Naol's playing third fits all constraints without further validation needed for position 7 explicitly based on given.
So, the correct and must-be-true answer based on given Aschenaki first is:

C. Naol plays third


GAT Exam (Graduate Admission Test) for MSc & PhD Students

04 Dec, 11:28

#GAT EXAM Analytical Reasoning question Practice Questions

There are Seven piano students, namely Kelemua, Rahel, Aschenaki, Goitem, Naol, Lemlem and Taye who are Supposed to give recital. Their instructor decides the order in which each student will play exactly one piece, a piano solo. In deciding the order of performance, the instructor placed the following restrictions:

1. Naol cannot play first or second
2. Goitom cannot play until Naol has played
3. Neither Kelemua nor Lemlem can play seventh
4. Either Lemlem or Taye must play immediately after Giotom plays
5. Aschenaki must play either immediately after or immediately before Rahel plays

If Aschenaki plays first, which one of the following must be true

A. Kelemua plays Sixth
B.Kelemua plays immediately after Lemlem
C.Naol plays third
D.Taye plays seventh


GAT Exam (Graduate Admission Test) for MSc & PhD Students

04 Dec, 11:28

ውድ የGAT አመልካቾች በሙሉ

በተለያየ ሀላፊነት፣በስራ፣በቤተሰብ ሀለፊነት በተወጠረ አዕምሮ ከትምህርት ርቆ ለነበረ ፣ በአጭር ጊዜ ውስጥ ለGraduate Admission Test አንብቦ ከላልሶ መግባት እንዴት አዳጋች ነው። በዛ ላይ ፈተናው አፕቲቱድ በሆነበት የተዘጋጀ የተዋቀረ ሞጁል በሌለበት መዘጋጀት ግራ ሊያጋባ ይችላል። ነገር ግን ሁሉንም ነገር በአንድ ቦታ፣ በአንድ ፓኬጅ እንደምታገኙ ልንጠቁማችሁ ነው።

GAT ፈተና ከተጀመረ ጀምሮ ሺዎችን ያስተማረው እና ያሻገረው፤ በደንበኞቹ ምስጋናን ያተረፈው
GAT Tutorial Official፦
Lecture notes እና ቀጥታ ከፈተናው የወጡ ጥያቄዎችን ከነማብራሪያ ይዞ እየጠበቃችሁ ነው።

ሌክቸሮቹ አጭር ግን ሁሉን አቀፍ ጊዜን ያማከሉ ናቸው። ሌላው ኦንላይን የሚሰጡ ሲሆን በየትኛውም ሰአትና ቦታ አክሰስ ማድረግ ይችላሉ።

በዚህ አጭር ጊዜ ብዙ ሳይለፉ ግራም ሳይጋቡ ጊዜዎን ያትርፉ፤ ጊዜ ከወርቅም በላይ በሆነበት በዚህ ዘመን በተለይ ደግሞ እንዲህ በቂ ጊዜ ሳይኖር ሲቀር ጠቢብ መሆን የስፈልጋል።

ታዲያ ጊዜ የለንም ፈጥነን እንመዝገብ




GAT Exam (Graduate Admission Test) for MSc & PhD Students

03 Dec, 19:18


AAU 3rd Round GAT Registration is Officially Opened!

👉Link for registration👇


GAT Exam (Graduate Admission Test) for MSc & PhD Students

03 Dec, 07:24

በቀጣይ ወራት ለሚሰጡት የGAT እና NGAT ፈተናዎች አጫጭር ስልጠናዎችን እና ሌሎች ተማሪዎችን የሚያዘጋጁ ትምህርቶችን የምትሰጡ ግለሰቦች እና ድርጅቶች ማስታወቂያ እንድሰራላችሁ ከፈለጋችሁ በሚከተለው አድራሻ ልታገኙን ትችላላችሁ👇

GAT Exam (Graduate Admission Test) for MSc & PhD Students

03 Dec, 07:18

ውድ የGAT አመልካቾች በሙሉ

በተለያየ ሀላፊነት፣በስራ፣በቤተሰብ ሀለፊነት በተወጠረ አዕምሮ ከትምህርት ርቆ ለነበረ ፣ በአጭር ጊዜ ውስጥ ለGraduate Admission Test አንብቦ ከላልሶ መግባት እንዴት አዳጋች ነው። በዛ ላይ ፈተናው አፕቲቱድ በሆነበት የተዘጋጀ የተዋቀረ ሞጁል በሌለበት መዘጋጀት ግራ ሊያጋባ ይችላል። ነገር ግን ሁሉንም ነገር በአንድ ቦታ፣ በአንድ ፓኬጅ እንደምታገኙ ልንጠቁማችሁ ነው።

GAT ፈተና ከተጀመረ ጀምሮ ሺዎችን ያስተማረው እና ያሻገረው፤ በደንበኞቹ ምስጋናን ያተረፈው
GAT Tutorial Official፦
Lecture notes እና ቀጥታ ከፈተናው የወጡ ጥያቄዎችን ከነማብራሪያ ይዞ እየጠበቃችሁ ነው።

ሌክቸሮቹ አጭር ግን ሁሉን አቀፍ ጊዜን ያማከሉ ናቸው። ሌላው ኦንላይን የሚሰጡ ሲሆን በየትኛውም ሰአትና ቦታ አክሰስ ማድረግ ይችላሉ።

በዚህ አጭር ጊዜ ብዙ ሳይለፉ ግራም ሳይጋቡ ጊዜዎን ያትርፉ፤ ጊዜ ከወርቅም በላይ በሆነበት በዚህ ዘመን በተለይ ደግሞ እንዲህ በቂ ጊዜ ሳይኖር ሲቀር ጠቢብ መሆን የስፈልጋል።

ታዲያ ጊዜ የለንም ፈጥነን እንመዝገብ




GAT Exam (Graduate Admission Test) for MSc & PhD Students

29 Nov, 14:48

GAT Exam Practice Questions

Problems on G.C.F and L.C.M

1. Find the greatest number that will divide 43, 91 and 183 so as to leave the same remainder in each case.
A. 4
B. 7
C. 9
D. 13
Answer: Option A

2. The H.C.F. of two numbers is 23 and the other two factors of their L.C.M. are 13 and 14. The larger of the two numbers is:
A. 276
B. 299
C. 322
D. 345
Answer: Option C

3. Six bells commence tolling together and toll at intervals of 2, 4, 6, 8 10 and 12 seconds respectively. In 30 minutes, how many times do they toll together ?
A. 4
B. 10
C. 15
D. 16
Answer: Option D

4. Let N be the greatest number that will divide 1305, 4665 and 6905, leaving the same remainder in each case. Then sum of the digits in N is:
A. 4
B. 5
C. 6
D. 8
Answer: Option A

5. The greatest number of four digits which is divisible by 15, 25, 40 and 75 is:
A. 9000
B. 9400
C. 9600
D. 9800
Answer: Option C

6. The product of two numbers is 4107. If the H.C.F. of these numbers is 37, then the greater number is:
A. 101
B. 107
C. 111
D. 185
Answer: Option C

7. Three number are in the ratio of 3 : 4 : 5 and their L.C.M. is 2400. Their H.C.F. is:
A. 40
B. 80
C. 120
D. 200
Answer: Option A

8. The G.C.D. of 1.08, 0.36 and 0.9 is:
A. 0.03
B. 0.9
C. 0.18
D. 0.108
Answer: Option C

9. The product of two numbers is 2028 and their H.C.F. is 13. The number of such pairs is:
A. 1
B. 2
C. 3
D. 4
Answer: Option B

10. The least multiple of 7, which leaves a remainder of 4, when divided by 6, 9, 15 and 18 is:
A. 74
B. 94
C. 184
D. 364
Answer: Option D

እንደዚህ ያሉ ተጨማሪ የGAT ጥያቄዎችን በYOUTUBE ታገኛላችሁ ተወዳጁን 👇


GAT Exam (Graduate Admission Test) for MSc & PhD Students

29 Nov, 12:35

ብዙዎቻችሁ በጠየቃችሁን መሰረት ለድህረ ምረቃ ተማሪዎች ስለ Research ሀሪፍ ቪድዮችን እያዘጋጀን ነው ለመግቢያ የሚሆን ቪድዮ ሰርተንላችኋል። ለቀጣይ ቪድዮዎች እንድጠቅመን ቢስተካከል የምትሉን አስተያየት አስቀምጡልን!

ከቻላችሁ ቪድዮዎችን ስትከፍቱ VPN ተጠቀሙ!

GAT Exam (Graduate Admission Test) for MSc & PhD Students

29 Nov, 11:33

ለአድስ አበባ ዩኒቨርሲቲ የGAT ፈተና ስታመለክቱ የመፈተኛ ጣቢያው እየሰራ አይደለም በመጭዎቹ ቀናት ይስተካከላል!

ከእናንተ የሚጠበቀው ቅድሚያ ዝግጅት ማድረግ ነው። ቀኑ ሲደርስ እንዳትጨናነቁ ባላችሁ አጭር ጊዜ በደንብ አንብቡ!

ለመመዝገብ የሚከተለውን Link ተጠቀሙ👇


GAT Exam (Graduate Admission Test) for MSc & PhD Students

29 Nov, 11:24

AAU List of Graduate Programs for the Second Semester of 2024/25 A.Y


GAT Exam (Graduate Admission Test) for MSc & PhD Students

29 Nov, 08:42

ከ GAT Exam ቻናል በተጨማሪ

ለሁሉም የኢትዮጲያ ዩኒቨርሲቲ ተማሪዎች የሚሆን ለመውጫ ፈተና(Exit Exam) ዝግጅት የሚረዳ ቻናል አለን ተቀላቀሉን!

የተመረጡ መፅሀፍትን እና ጥያቄዎችን የምናጋራበት ቻናል ነው ዩኒቨርሲቲ ለሚማሩ ጓደኞቻችሁ አጋሯቸው!

የቻናሉ ሊንክ👇

GAT Exam (Graduate Admission Test) for MSc & PhD Students

29 Nov, 07:25

Verbal Antonyms Sample Questions


GAT Exam (Graduate Admission Test) for MSc & PhD Students

29 Nov, 07:19

ብዙ ለGAT መለማመጃ የሚሆኑ ጥያቄዎችን ቻናላችን ላይ ለጥፈናል ወደፊትም በቅርብ የተሰጡ የAAU GAT የፈተና ጥያቄዎችን እና ናሙናዎችን ጨምረን ወደ እናንተ የምናደርስ ይሆናል ተከታተሉን!

ቻናሉን ለተፈተኝ ጓደኞቻችሁ Forward አድርጉላቸው።


GAT Exam (Graduate Admission Test) for MSc & PhD Students

29 Nov, 07:19

ሀሪፍ የAnalytical Reasoning መፅሀፍ ነው አንብቡት በደንብ ተለማመዱ!


GAT Exam (Graduate Admission Test) for MSc & PhD Students

29 Nov, 06:55


የAAU GAT ማመልከቻ ቀናት ከህዳር 23- ታህሳስ 11 2017 ዓ.ም

የፈተና ቀናት ታህሳስ 17 እና 18 2017 ዓ.ም

በ2017 ዓም የ AAU GAT ተፈትናችሁ ለሁለተኛ ድግሪ 40% እና ከዛ በላይ እንድሁም ለሶስተኛ ድግሪ 50% እና ከዛ በላይ ያመጣችሁ ተማሪዎች ፈተናውን ድጋሜ መውሰድ አይጠበቅባችሁም ቀጥታ ማመልከት ትችላላችሁ።


GAT Exam (Graduate Admission Test) for MSc & PhD Students

28 Nov, 16:07

Announcement of Selected Applicants for 2017 E.C Admission

We are pleased to announce the list of applicants who have been selected for admission to the Master of Public Health (MPH) ( Epidemiology, General Public Health, HCP and Nutrition) programs, both regular and weekend, at the School of Public Health for the 2017 E.C academic year.

GAT Exam (Graduate Admission Test) for MSc & PhD Students

27 Nov, 08:42

Orientation Program for new AAU Master's students of School of Commerce


GAT Exam (Graduate Admission Test) for MSc & PhD Students

23 Nov, 07:46

ለ#GAT ፈተና መለማመጃ የሚሆን Fana Aptitude መፅሀፍ አንብቡት!

ሌሎች ጥሩ ጥሩ መፅሀፍትን እና ጥያቄዎችን በዚሁ ቻናል እንለቃለን ይጠብቁን።


GAT Exam (Graduate Admission Test) for MSc & PhD Students

21 Nov, 21:39

ሀሪፍ የGAT የመፅሀፍ ነው አንብቡት!

ሌሎች ጥሩ ጥሩ መፅሀፍትን እና ጥያቄዎችን በዚሁ ቻናል እንለቃለን ይጠብቁን።

GAT Exam (Graduate Admission Test) for MSc & PhD Students

20 Nov, 17:41


GAT Exam (Graduate Admission Test) for MSc & PhD Students

20 Nov, 06:20

Second round GAT exam registration will be opened soon.

GAT Exam (Graduate Admission Test) for MSc & PhD Students

19 Nov, 10:10

አድስ አበባ ዩኒቨርሲቲ ሁለተኛውን ዙር የGAT (የድህረ ምረቃ ትምህርት መግቢያ) ፈተና ሊሰጥ ነው።

ለመማር ፍላጎቱ ያላችሁ ተማሪዎች ቅድመ ዝግጅት አድርጉ።

ለጊዜው የመፈተኛ ጣቢያ(Exam Center) ምርጫው እየሰራ አይደለም ሲስተካከል መመዝብ እንደሚጀምር ነው መረጃ ያገኘነው!


GAT Exam (Graduate Admission Test) for MSc & PhD Students

15 Nov, 16:51

GAT Exam Practice Questions

Verbal Reasoning Practice Questions

In this type of question, some words are given. You have to arrange these words in a meaningful order. The order may be according to age, size and need etc.

Example 1: Arrange the following words in a meaningful order.
1. Death 2. Marriage3. Education 4. Birth 5. Funeral  

(A) 5, 1, 2, 3, 4
(B) 4, 2, 3, 1, 5
(C) 4, 3, 2, 5, 1
(D) 4, 3, 2, 1, 5
Answer is Option D

Explanation: First of all a man is born then he takes education; after this he is married. Then after sometimes he dies. After death the order is of Funeral. So the correct order is 4, 3, 2, 1 and 5.  
Example 2: Arrange the following words in a logical sequence.
1. Grass 2. Curd 3. Milk 4. Cow 5. Butter  
(A) 1, 2, 3, 4, 5
(B) 2, 3, 4, 5, 1
(C) 4, 1, 3, 2, 5
(D) 5, 4, 3, 2, 1
Answer is Option C

Explanation: We know that cow eats grass and then gives milk. With the milk, curd is made and then from curd, butter is made.
Hence logical sequence is Cow, Grass, Milk, Curd, and Butter.

Based on the above example please practice the following questions.

1. Arrange the words given below in a meaningful sequence.

1. Key 2. Door 3. Lock  4. Room 5. Switch on  
A.5, 1, 2, 4, 3
B.4, 2, 1, 5, 3
C.1, 3, 2, 4, 5
D.1, 2, 3, 5, 4

2. Arrange the words given below in a meaningful sequence.
1. Word 2. Paragraph 3. Sentence  4. Letters 5. Phrase

A.4, 1, 5, 2, 3
B.4, 1, 3, 5, 2
C.4, 2, 5, 1, 3
D.4, 1, 5, 3, 2

3. Arrange the words given below in a meaningful sequence.
1. Police 2. Punishment 3. Crime  4. Judge 5. Judgement  

A.3, 1, 2, 4, 5
B. 1, 2, 4, 3, 5
C. 5, 4, 3, 2, 1
D.3, 1, 4, 5, 2

4. Arrange the words given below in a meaningful sequence.

1. Family 2. Community 3. Member  4. Locality 5. Country  
A.3, 1, 2, 4, 5
B.3, 1, 2, 5, 4
C. 3, 1, 4, 2, 5
D. 3, 1, 4, 5, 2

5. Arrange the words given below in a meaningful sequence.
1. Poverty  2. Population 3. Death  4. Unemployment 5. Disease  

A.2, 3, 4, 5, 1
B.3, 4, 2, 5, 1
C.2, 4, 1, 5, 3
D.1, 2, 3, 4, 5

እንደዚህ ያሉ ተጨማሪ የGAT ጥያቄዎችን በYOUTUBE ታገኛላችሁ ተወዳጁን 👇


GAT Exam (Graduate Admission Test) for MSc & PhD Students

13 Nov, 13:56

...Continued GAT Exam Practice Questions

  Idioms and Phrases

Some proverbs/idioms are given below together with their meanings. Choose the correct meaning of proverb/idiom.

11. I met him after a long time, but he gave me the cold shoulder.

A. scolded me
B. insulted me
C. abused me
D. ignored me

Answer: Option D

12. He passed himself off as a noble man.
A. Was regarded as
B. Pretended to be
C. Was thought to be
D. Was looked upon

Answer: Option B

13.  This matter has been hanging fire for the last many months and must therefore be decided one way or the other.
A. going on slowly
B. hotly debated
C. stuck up
D. ignored

Answer: Option A

14. In the armed forces, it is considered a great privilege to die in harness.

A. die on a horse back
B. die in the battlefield
C. die while still working
D. die with honour

Answer: Option C

15. The cricket match proved to be a big draw.
A. a keen contest
B. a huge attraction
C.a lovely spectacle
D. a game without any result

Answer: Option B

25. When he heard that he had once again not been selected he lost heart.
A. became desperate
B. felt sad
C. became angry
D. became discouraged

Answer: Option D

17.  He was undecided. He let the grass grow under his feet.
A. loitered around
B. stayed out
C. sat unmoving
D. moved away

Answer: Option A

18.  Although he has failed in the written examination, he is using backstairs influence to get the job.
A. Political influence
B. Backing influence
C. Deserving and proper influence
D. Secret and unfair influence

Answer: Option D

19. Companies producing goods play to the gallery to boost their sales.
A. advertise
B. cater to the public taste
C. attempt to appeal to popular taste
D. depend upon the public for approval

Answer: Option C

20. Since he knew what would happen, he should be left to stew in his own juice.
A. Make a stew
B. Boil
C. Suffer in his own juice
D. Suffer for his own act

Answer: Option D

እንደዚህ ያሉ ተጨማሪ የGAT ጥያቄዎችን በYOUTUBE ታገኛላችሁ ተወዳጁን 👇


GAT Exam (Graduate Admission Test) for MSc & PhD Students

13 Nov, 08:45


GAT Exam (Graduate Admission Test) for MSc & PhD Students

13 Nov, 08:45

Notice❗️ AAiT, School of Electrical and Computer Engineering: 👉🏾 List of 1st year M.Sc. applicants with ID number (attached here below!), You can collect admission letter at the School office in the first floor of AAiT main building.
For female scholarship applicants, we are waiting for results.
For those where acceptance email was sent but not included in this list, we are communicating with registrar office to resolve the issues.

GAT Exam (Graduate Admission Test) for MSc & PhD Students

13 Nov, 08:45


GAT Exam (Graduate Admission Test) for MSc & PhD Students

13 Nov, 08:45


GAT Exam (Graduate Admission Test) for MSc & PhD Students

13 Nov, 08:45

Extension_M_Sc_in_electrical power_Engineering

GAT Exam (Graduate Admission Test) for MSc & PhD Students

13 Nov, 08:43

This one is for regular students

GAT Exam (Graduate Admission Test) for MSc & PhD Students

13 Nov, 08:43

Yehe demo Distance students new

GAT Exam (Graduate Admission Test) for MSc & PhD Students

13 Nov, 07:22

GAT Exam Practice Questions

In questions given below out of four alternatives, choose the one which can be substituted for the given word/sentence.

1. Extreme old age when a man behaves like a fool
A. Imbecility
B. Senility
C. Dotage
D. Superannuation
Answer: Option C

2. That which cannot be corrected
A. Unintelligible
B. Indelible
C. Illegible
D. Incorrigible
Answer: Option D

3. The study of ancient societies
A. Anthropology
B. Archaeology
C. History
D. Ethnology
Answer: Option B

4. A person of good understanding knowledge and reasoning power
A. Expert
B. Intellectual
C. Snob
D. Literate
Answer: Option B

5. A person who insists on something
A. Disciplinarian
B. Stickler
C. Instantaneous
D. Boaster
Answer: Option B

6. State in which the few govern the many
A. Monarchy
B. Oligarchy
C. Plutocracy
D. Autocracy
Answer: Option B

7. A style in which a writer makes a display of his knowledge
A. Pedantic
B. Verbose
C. Pompous
D. Ornate
Answer: Option A

8. List of the business or subjects to be considered at a meeting
A. Schedule
B. Timetable
C. Agenda
D. Plan
Answer: Option C

9. Leave or remove from a place considered dangerous
A. Evade
B. Evacuate
C. Avoid
D. Exterminate
Answer: Option B

10. A prima facie case is such
A. As it seems at first sight
B. As it is made to seem at first sight
C. As it turns out to be at the end
D. As it seems to the court after a number of hearings
Answer: Option A

To get more GAT Exam Questions Please Subscribe our Youtube Channel👇


GAT Exam (Graduate Admission Test) for MSc & PhD Students

12 Nov, 11:59


GAT Exam (Graduate Admission Test) for MSc & PhD Students

12 Nov, 11:34


GAT Exam (Graduate Admission Test) for MSc & PhD Students

09 Nov, 11:41

በ2017 ዓ.ም የድህረ ምረቃ (MA & Phd) ተማሪዎች የመመዝገቢያ ቀን ከህዳር 9-10 ዓ.ም እንደሆነ ዩኒቨርሲቲው አሳውቋል።


GAT Exam (Graduate Admission Test) for MSc & PhD Students

09 Nov, 10:47

Dear Graduate Program Applicants of School of Commerce, We would like to inform you that the exam papers are properly marked and the result sent to the main registrar for approval.

Your acceptance notification will be announced via immediately when we get the approval of the University Registrar. Registration for all applicants will be on the coming Friday and Saturday. Thank you for your eagerness to hear from us and get registered.


GAT Exam (Graduate Admission Test) for MSc & PhD Students

09 Nov, 09:54



GAT Exam (Graduate Admission Test) for MSc & PhD Students

09 Nov, 09:51

List of Accepted Msc in Managment (Regular)


GAT Exam (Graduate Admission Test) for MSc & PhD Students

09 Nov, 08:58

List of Accepted Msc in Managment Extension


GAT Exam (Graduate Admission Test) for MSc & PhD Students

09 Nov, 08:30

International Business Accepted list for Regular

GAT Exam (Graduate Admission Test) for MSc & PhD Students

09 Nov, 08:30

International Business Accepted list for Extension Program


GAT Exam (Graduate Admission Test) for MSc & PhD Students

09 Nov, 08:29

MBA Accepted list for Extension and Distance


GAT Exam (Graduate Admission Test) for MSc & PhD Students

09 Nov, 08:26

MBA Regular


GAT Exam (Graduate Admission Test) for MSc & PhD Students

09 Nov, 08:23

MBA Accepted list for Extension and Distance


GAT Exam (Graduate Admission Test) for MSc & PhD Students

08 Nov, 08:48

#AAU Computational Data Science Program List of Accepted Students


GAT Exam (Graduate Admission Test) for MSc & PhD Students

07 Nov, 13:49

AAU social Work masters regular

GAT Exam (Graduate Admission Test) for MSc & PhD Students

07 Nov, 07:24

AAU social work extension


GAT Exam (Graduate Admission Test) for MSc & PhD Students

07 Nov, 06:24

ወቅታዊ የቴሌግራም አካውንት ብዝበዛን በተመለከተ ሰሞኑን በቴሌግራም አካዉንታችን የተለያዬ የቴሌግራም የማስፈንጠሪያ (link) በመላክ ላይ የተጠመዱ ሰዎች በሁሉም በሚባል ደረጃ ለተጠቃሚዎች እየላኩ ይገኛሉ።

በመሆኑም ከማስፈንጠሪያው ጋር አያይዘው ለመሸወድ የህጻንነት ፎቶዎችን፣ የፊልድ ፎቶ እና ሌሎች እናንተ የምትወዱትን ፎቶ/ መልዕክቶች/ አብረው ያያይዛሉ።

ይሁን እንጂ ሊንኩን ስትጫኑት የግል ተሌግራም አካዉንታችሁን Automatically ይጠልፏሉ፣ የግል መረጃዎችን ይመዝብራሉ፣ ለግል አላማቸው መረጃዎቻችሁን ሊያዉሉት ይችላሉ። ከዚህ በተጨማሪ ሊንኩን ስትጫኑት፣ የናንተ ኮንታክቶች ሁሉም ጋር ያለፍቃዳችሁ መልዕክቱን በማጋራት የጥፋቱ አድማስ በጣም ይሰፋል ማለት ነው።

በመሆኑም ለዚህ ችግር መፍተሄው 1.በፍጹም እንደነዚህ አይነቶችና ያማታውቁትን ማስፈንጠሪያዎች (links) ያለመክፈት፣ ወዲያው ሲላክ delete ማድረግ

2. የቴሌግራም አካውንታችሁን "Two step verification on" በማድረግ ከችግሩ ለመዳን ያግዛሉ።


GAT Exam (Graduate Admission Test) for MSc & PhD Students

06 Nov, 13:34

#Minillik_Medical_and_Health _Science_College

GAT Exam (Graduate Admission Test) for MSc & PhD Students

06 Nov, 11:32


For all Post graduate extension public health applicant.

GAT Exam (Graduate Admission Test) for MSc & PhD Students

05 Nov, 13:25

Invitation to Apply for PhD on Sustainable Development

The Center for Sustainable Development (CSD) in the College of Social Sciences at Addis Ababa University invites those interested to apply for a PhD program on Sustainable Development. The program offers multi-disciplinary teaching modules and a competitive funding opportunity for PhD study.

GAT Exam (Graduate Admission Test) for MSc & PhD Students

05 Nov, 10:15

Wachamo University Postgraduate Payment summery for 2017

GAT Exam (Graduate Admission Test) for MSc & PhD Students

05 Nov, 06:46

👉🏾 ትምህርት ሚኒስቴር ለአስር የሀገር ውስጥ የምርምር ጆርናሎች ዕውቅና ሰጠ፡፡ Publish your research/thesis works!
በ2016 ዓ.ም ዕውቅና ለማግኘት ካመለክቱ የአገር ውስጥ የምርምር ጆርናሎች መካከል መስፈርቱን ላሟሉ አስር (10) የምርምር ጆርናሎች ለሦስት ተከታታይ ዓመታት የሚቆይ ዕውቅና መስጠቱን ሚኒስቴሩ አሳውቋል፡፡

GAT Exam (Graduate Admission Test) for MSc & PhD Students

05 Nov, 05:43


GAT Exam (Graduate Admission Test) for MSc & PhD Students

04 Nov, 18:41

ድኅረ ምረቃ ፕሮግራሞች ክፍያን ይመለከታል

የድኅረ ምረቃ የማስተርስና ፒኤችዲ ፕግራሞች ክፍያን በአዲስ አበባ ዩኒቨረሲቲ ሴኔት ተቀባይነት አግኝቶ የትምህርት ክፍያ ፖሊሲን እና መመሪያዎችን (ኦገስት 2024) አጽድቋል የዩኒቨርሲቲው ሬጅስትራርና ኮሌጅ ሬጅስትራር ከዚህ በላይ በተዘረዘረው መሠረት ክፍያዎችን እንዲያስፈፅሙ እያሳሰብን፡፡ ይህ የክፍያ ተመን ተግባራዊ የሚሆነው ከ2017 ዓ.ም የ1ኛ ወሰን (ሴሚስተር) ጀምሮ መሆኑን እንገልፃለን፡፡ የማስተርስና ፒኤችዲ የሬጅስትሬሽን ክፍያ በሴሚስተር ብር 300 ሲሆን የተገለፀው ክፍያ ለኢትዮጵያውያን መሆኑን እናስታውሳለን፡፡

GAT Exam (Graduate Admission Test) for MSc & PhD Students

04 Nov, 14:51

Announcement to all MPH program applicants: regular and weekend in all fields of study
This is to let you know that applicants for the MPH program who fulfilled the required documents will have an exam on Saturday, November 9, 2024, at 9:00 AM.
Please remember to bring your identity card to the examination room.

Venue: SPHMMC Academic Building

GAT Exam (Graduate Admission Test) for MSc & PhD Students

04 Nov, 09:40

አድስ አበባ ዩኒቨርሲቲ ለቅድመ ምረቃ፣ ለድህረ ምረቃ(ለኢትዮጲያዊያን እና ለውጭ ሀገር ዜጎች) GATን አልፈው በዩኒቨርርሲቲው ትምህርታቸውን ለመከታተል ላመለከቱ ተማሪዎች የክፍያ መጠኑን አሳውቋል።

ለበለጠ መረጃ

GAT Exam (Graduate Admission Test) for MSc & PhD Students

04 Nov, 05:26

ስለ አዲስ አበባ ዩኒቨርሲቲ ክፍያን በተመለከተ አዲስ አበባ ዩኒቨርሲቲ ራስ ገዝ ከመሆኑ ጋር በተያያዝ፣ ዩኒቨርሲቲው ከበፊቱ በተለየ መልኩ ከፍተኛ ክፍያ በክሬዲት ያስከፍላል እየተባለ ብዙ ሰው መረጃዉን ሲያናፍስ ስለሰማሁ አንድ ነገረ ለማለት ወደድኩ። በርግጥ ግቢው የክፍያ ስርዓቱን ሊያሻሽል ይችላል ነገር ግን ብዙ ተማሪ ሁኔታውን ሳያረጋግጥ የዲፓርትመንት መግቢያ ፈተናውን ሳይዘጋጅ ብሎም ጭራሽ ስይፈተን ብዙ መኖሩ በጣም ከባድ ነው። ጥሩ መፍተሄ ሊሆን የሚችለው፣ ከቻልን መረጃዉን እናጣራ። ይሁን እንጂ በፍጹም ምንም ሳናረጋግጥ ፈተናውን ብችልተኝነት ለመውደቅ መግባት ተገቢነት የለዉም። እናም ክፍያው ጨመረም ቀነሰም ፈተናውን ተዘጋጅተን ተፈትነን ካለፍን ቡሃላ ሁኔታውን ብናይ የሚል ግላዊ ሃሳብ አለኝ። ከአቅማችን ጋር የሚሄድ ከሆነ አሪፍ ካሎነም ሌላ አማራጭ ቢንይዝ እላለሁ።

GAT Exam (Graduate Admission Test) for MSc & PhD Students

03 Nov, 09:36

GAT Exam Practice Questions

Every one of the following questions consists of a related pair of words, followed by five pairs of words. Choose the pair that best represents a similar relationship to the one expressed in the original pair of words.

A. criminal : gang
B. display : museum
C .artist : carpenter
D. nail : hammer
E. frame : picture
A. read : skim
B. research : learn
C. write : print
D.think : relate
E. sleep : wake
A. type : breed
B. dog : puppy
C. mark : spot
D. romaine : lettuce
E. collar : leash
A. frog :toad
B. elephant : reptile
C. Dalmatian : dog
D. collie : marsupial
E. ant : ladybug
A. salt : pepper
B. tire : bicycle
C. base : ball
D. sandals : shoes
E. puppy : dog
A. butter : churn
B. wine : ferment
C. grain : shock
D. curd : cheese
E. beef : steak
A. mantis : rodent
B. poodle : feline
C. kangaroo : marsupial
D. zebra : horse
F. tuna : mollusk
A. ophthalmologist : cataract
B. dermatologist : fracture
C. infant : pediatrician
D. rash : orthopedist
E. oncologist : measles
A. metropolitan : urban
B. harvest : autumn
C. agrarian : benevolent
D. sleepy : nocturnal
E. wild : agricultural
A. scheme : agent
B. edit : manuscript
C. revise : writer
D. mention : opinion
E. implode : building
A. inch : yardstick
B. walk : skip
C. tire : automobile
D. buckle : belt
E. oar : canoe
A. layer : tier
B. tether : bundle
C. chapter : verse
D. riser : stage
E. dais : speaker
A. neat : considerate
B. towering : cringing
C. rapid : plodding
D. progressive : regressive
E. exhausted : tired
A. arm : leg
B. stage : curtain
C. recline : chair
D. key : piano
E. art : sculpture
A. swim :dive
B. hop : shuffle
C. juggle : bounce
D. walk : run
E. run : jog
A. walk : run
B. tired : sleep
C. examine : scrutinize
D. ballet : dancer
E. find : lose
A. wolf : pack
B. elephant : jungle
C. beagle : clan
D. herd : peacock
E. cow : farm
A. scale : weight
B. length : width
C. inch : foot
D. mileage : speed
E. area : size
A. doctor : diagnosis
B. actor : role
C. driver : truck
D. teacher : school
E. author : book
A. squeeze : lemon
B. fire : coal
C. ream : paper
D. tree : lumber
E. plow : acre

To get more GAT Exam Questions Please Subscribe our Youtube Channel👇

GAT Exam (Graduate Admission Test) for MSc & PhD Students

03 Nov, 06:42

Old telegram ግሩፖች ያላችሁ

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✍️በተመጣጣኝ ዋጋ እየገዛን እንገኛለን


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2023 jan-may ወር የተከፈተ ካሎት ይምጡ

✔️ክፍያ : 🏦 🏦 🏦 🏦 🏦 🏦 🏦

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👉 @dag_arshavin

⚠️ ማሳሰቢያ ❗️

የግሩፑ Member ብዛት ''0'' ይሁን  ዋጋው እኩል ነው ❗️እኛ የምንፈልገው የተከፈተበትን አመተ ምህረት ብቻ መሆኑን ይገንዘቡ

two step verification ኦን መሆኑን check አርጉ


💗💗💗 💗💗💗💗 @ArshavinStore

GAT Exam (Graduate Admission Test) for MSc & PhD Students

02 Nov, 09:54


GAT Exam (Graduate Admission Test) for MSc & PhD Students

02 Nov, 08:00

የኢትዮጵያ ሲቪል ሰርቪስ ዩኒቨርሲቲ በ2017 የትምህርት ዘመን ለሦስተኛ ዲግሪ (PhD) ትምህርት የተመረጡ ተማሪዎች የመጀመሪያ ሴሚስተር ምዝገባ የሚካሄደዉ ከጥቅምት 25-28/2017 ዓ.ም መሆኑን አሳውቋል፡፡

ትምህርት የሚጀምረው ጥቅምት 28/2017 ዓ.ም መሆኑ ተገልጿል፡፡

ምዝገባ ለማድረግ የሚያስፈልጉ፦

- የተፈረመና በማህተም የተረጋገጠ የስፖንሰርሺፕ ደብዳቤ፣
- ከሚሠሩበት ተቋም የድጋፍ ደብዳቤ፣
- የመጀመሪያ እና የሁለተኛ ዲግሪዎች ዋናውና የተማሪ ውጤቶች (Student Copies) ማስረጃዎች፣
- የድኅረ-ምረቃ ትምህርት የመግቢያ ፈተና ውጤት ሰርተፊኬት፣
- የሁለተኛ ዲግሪ አፊሺያል ትራንስክሪፕት በፖ.ሳ.ቁ. 5648 የተላከ መሆኑን የሚያረጋግጥ ማስረጃ፣
- ዲግሪዎቹ የተግኙት ከግል የትምህርት ተቋማት ወይም ከውጭ ሀገር ዩኒቨርሰቲዎች ከሆነ የትምህርትና ስልጠና ባለሥልጣን የአቻ ማረጋገጫ፣
- ሁለት ጉርድ ፎቶግራፍ፡፡

ምዝገባ ማድረግ የሚቻለው በግንባር በመቅረብ ብቻ እንደሆነ ዩኒቨርሲቲው ገልጿል፡፡

GAT Exam (Graduate Admission Test) for MSc & PhD Students

01 Nov, 18:04

Addis Ababa University
College of Business and Economic
School Commerce
Exam Schedule

GAT Exam (Graduate Admission Test) for MSc & PhD Students

01 Nov, 11:05

GAT Exam (Graduate Admission Test) for MSc & PhD Students

31 Oct, 17:12

ብዙዎቻችሁ ቀጣይ የNGAT መፈተኛ ቀን መቼ እንደሆነ እየጠየቃችሁ ነው። ባለፈው MOE ባወጣው መረጃ NGAT ቀጣይ ጥር አጋማሽ(ከጥር 14-23) ላይ  እንደሚሰጥ ነው። አድስ ነገር ካለ ቀድመን እናሳውቃለን! ከአሁኑ ሳትጨናነቁ ዝግጅት ለማድረግ ሞክሩ።

GATን በቀላሉ ለማለፍ ከ2-3 ወር የሚሆን ጊዜ ወስዳችሁ መፅሀፍትን እና መለማመጃዎችን ከሰራችሁ በቀላሉ ታልፋላችሁ!

እንደምታውቁት GAT በጠቅላላ እውቀት ነው የሚሰራው 5/10 ቀን ሲቀረው ብቻ አንብባችሁ ለመስራት ትንሽ ሊከብዳችሁ ይችላል።

እኛም ይህንን ታሳቢ በማድረግ የተመረጡ የGAT መፅሀፍት እና መለማመጃዎችን ቻናላችን ላይ ፖስት አድርገናል ማንበብ ትችላላችሁ!

ቻናላችን ለሌሎች ተፈታኛች በቀላሉ እንዲደርስ ለተፈታኝ ተማሪዎች Forward አድርጉላቸው።

ስለGAT መወያያችን👉

YOUTUBE ቻናላችን👇

GAT Exam (Graduate Admission Test) for MSc & PhD Students

31 Oct, 15:14


GAT Exam (Graduate Admission Test) for MSc & PhD Students

29 Oct, 11:28

To NGAT Test Takers,

It is to be recalled that Addis Ababa University (AAU), in collaboration with the Ministry of Education (MoE), administered the National Graduate Admission Test (NGAT) in 2023. We are pleased to inform you that all test takers can now access the digital copy of their results at

በ2023 የብሔራዊ ድህረ ምረቃ የመግቢያ ፈተና የወሰዳችሁ ተማሪዎች የፈተና ሰርቲፊኬት ከOnline ማውረድ ትችላላችሁ።

መረጃውን ለጓደኞቻችሁ አጋሩት

GAT Exam (Graduate Admission Test) for MSc & PhD Students

29 Oct, 10:21

Applicants’ Screening Results – MA in CounselingPsychology (Regular)

GAT Exam (Graduate Admission Test) for MSc & PhD Students

28 Oct, 17:37


GAT Exam (Graduate Admission Test) for MSc & PhD Students

28 Oct, 13:13


GAT Exam (Graduate Admission Test) for MSc & PhD Students

28 Oct, 08:18

A reminder ‼️
School of Civil and environmental Engineering, AAiT:
👉🏾 Structural Engineering (Regular): List of PG Applicants for entrance exam (attached!)
Exam Date: Tuesday, October 29, 2024
Time: 9:00 AM (3:00 local time)
Venue: 5 kilo AAiT, Civil floor room No.230 and 246
Please be on time.
The School

GAT Exam (Graduate Admission Test) for MSc & PhD Students

28 Oct, 08:17

School of Civil and environmental Engineering, AAiT:                                                                                                                                                                  👉🏾 Road and Transport Engineering (Regular and Extension): List of PG applicants for entrance exam (attached here!)
Date: Tuesday, October 29, 2024
Time: 2:00 PM (8:00 local time)
venue: 5 kilo AAiT, Civil floor room No.230 and 246

GAT Exam (Graduate Admission Test) for MSc & PhD Students

26 Oct, 13:32

አድስ አበባ ዩኒቨርሲቲ የድህረ ምረቃ ትምህርታችሁን ለመከታተል ያመለከታችሁ ተማሪዎች ስትመዘገዙ የተጠቀማችሁን Email በየጊዜው አረጋግጡ! ብዙዎቹ የትምህርት ክፍሎች ለተማሪዎቻቸው Email እየላኩ እንደሆነ የደረሱን መረጃዎች ያሳያሉ።

ለወቅታዊ እና ትክክለኛ መረጃ ለማገኘት ቻናላችንን ይከታተሉ

GAT Exam (Graduate Admission Test) for MSc & PhD Students

26 Oct, 06:03

Department of Economics, AAU
Dear applicants,
Please find below (attached) for the list of Economics postgraduate program applicant who are eligible to sit for department level entrance exams.
Exam date: Sat. Nov 02,2024.
Time:  8:30AM-12:30PM

GAT Exam (Graduate Admission Test) for MSc & PhD Students

25 Oct, 12:49

Notice❗️ 👉🏾 To All PG Program Applicants in Road & Transport Engineering and Structural Engineering, AAiT:
The entrance exam is scheduled for PG program applicants in the following fields:
Road and Transport Engineering:
Date: Tuesday, October 29, 2024
Time: 2:00 PM (8:00 local time)
venue: 5 kilo AAiT, Civil floor room No.230 and 246
Structural Engineering:
Date: Tuesday, October 29, 2024
Time: 9:00 AM (3:00 local time)
Venue: 5 kilo AAiT, Civil floor room No.230 and 246
Please be on time.
The School

GAT Exam (Graduate Admission Test) for MSc & PhD Students

24 Oct, 16:54

7.  Msc in medical anatomy  Addis abeba University
3 ተማሪ ይፈልጋል
አድራሻ @Mahir3451

8. English Language and Literature በ PhD Addis Ababa መማር  የሚፈልግ
አድራሻ @Human133

9. MSc in Emergency medicine and critical care nursing ( EMCCN) @ University of Gondar

አድራሻ @fire1853

10. WKU Maternity and RH 3 ተማሪ ይፈልጋል
አድራሻ   @Menskeya1279

11. Clinical chemistry Haramaya University 1 ሰው ይፈለጋል
አድራሻ @dg1574


አድራሻ 0911829476

13. Clinical pharmacy  Wollo  university  ትምህርቱን  ለመጀመር  2 ሰው በቂ  ነው 1 ሰው  ይፈልጋል

አድራሻ 0979190030

GAT Exam (Graduate Admission Test) for MSc & PhD Students

24 Oct, 13:27


GAT Exam (Graduate Admission Test) for MSc & PhD Students

24 Oct, 12:59

#Arsi_university MSc in advanced clinical Anesthesia Call for exam & interview on date 20/02/2017.

GAT Exam (Graduate Admission Test) for MSc & PhD Students

24 Oct, 08:06

#For new postgraduate program applicants of 2024/25 (2017 E.C)

GAT Exam (Graduate Admission Test) for MSc & PhD Students

23 Oct, 18:41


3. Managment Selale University
ትምህርቱን ለመጀመር 10 ሰው ይፈልጋሉ

አድራሻ @Qorichee

4.MSc in Real property Valuation BDU ለመጀመር 1 ተማሪ ብቻ ይፈልጋል

አድራሻ @BMS10000

5. MSc in Epidemology in Adama Hospital and Medical Collage  2 ተማሪ ይፈልጋል

አድራሻ @nejmel

6. Clinical chemistry University of Gonder 1 ተማሪ ይፈልጋል

አድራሻ: @bewket1221

ሌሎች አባሎቻችንም የድህረ ምረቃ ትምህርታችሁን ለመከታተል የተማሪ እጥረት የገጠማችሁ ካላችሁ የዩቨርሲቲ ስምየትምህርት ክፍል እና ትምህርቱን ለመጀመር የሚያስፈልገው ዝቅተኛ የተማሪ ቁጥር በሚከተለው አድራሻ አሳውቁን

GAT Exam (Graduate Admission Test) for MSc & PhD Students

23 Oct, 16:59

ብዙ የትምህርት ክፍሎች በቂ ተማሪ እያገኙ ስላልሆነ ትምህርቱን ለመጀመር አስቸጋሪ እንደሆነባቸው መረጃ እየደረሰን ነው። ስለዚህ ጊዜው ሳያልፍ ተመሳሳይ የት/ት መስክ መማር የምትፈልጉ ተነጋገሩ

1. Counseling psychology Wollo university ትምህርቱን ለመጀመር 3 ተማሪ ብቻ ነው የሚፈልገው
የቴሌግራም አድራሻ: @Abdu6236

2. Master of science in exercise and sport Science Addis Ababa University ትምህርቱን ለመጀመር 1 ተማሪ ይፈልጋል።
የቴሌግራም አድራሻ፡ @Jozerf

ሌሎች አባሎቻችንም የድህረ ምረቃ ትምህርታችሁን ለመከታተል የተማሪ እጥረት የገጠማችሁ ካላችሁ የዩቨርሲቲ ስምየትምህርት ክፍል እና ትምህርቱን ለመጀመር የሚያስፈልገው ዝቅተኛ የተማሪ ቁጥር በሚከተለው አድራሻ አሳውቁን

GAT Exam (Graduate Admission Test) for MSc & PhD Students

23 Oct, 16:08


GAT Exam (Graduate Admission Test) for MSc & PhD Students

23 Oct, 14:04

Stay connected

GAT Exam (Graduate Admission Test) for MSc & PhD Students

23 Oct, 14:02

አድስ አበባ ሳይንስ እና ቴክኖሎጅ ዩኒቨርሲቲ ለ2017 ዓ.ም በመደበኛው እና በተከታታይ ፕሮግራም ትምህርታችሁን ለመከታተል ያመለከታችሁ ተማሪዎች ስም ዝርዝርችሁን ማየት ትችላላችሁ የመመዝገቢያ ቀናቶችም ከላይ ተያይዟል።

Stay connected

GAT Exam (Graduate Admission Test) for MSc & PhD Students

23 Oct, 13:43

#የአንስቴዝያ ት/ክፍል የፈተና ቀን በ20/02/2017 መሆኑን ት/ት ክፍሉ አሳውቋል

የሌሎች ት/ርት ክፍሎች መረጃ ሲደርሰን እናሳውቃለን ተከታተሉን!
መረጃዎችን በቀጥታ ለእኛ ለማድረስ የሚከተለውን Username ተጠቀሙ👇

Stay connected

GAT Exam (Graduate Admission Test) for MSc & PhD Students

23 Oct, 09:22

ቻናላችን ላይ ለተከታዮቻችን ይጠቅማል የምትሉትን አገልግሎት ማስተዋወቅ ትችላላችሁ!

👉የትምህርት እና ስልጠና የምትሰጡ ተቋማት
👉እውቅና ያላችሁ የትምህርት ተቋማት
👉Computer፣ ቴክኖሎጅ፣Design እና ሌሎችንም ስልጠና የምትሰጡ ተቋማት
👉ቴክኖሎጅ ነክ ቻናሎች/ ግሩፕ
👉ለከፍተኛ ትምህርት ተቋማት የጥናት እና ምርምር ትምህርት እና ስልጠና ማማከር ላይ የተሰማራችሁ ግለሰቦች ወይንም ተቋማት

እና ሌሎችንም ለአባሎቻችን የሚመጥኑ እና ህጋዊ ከሆናችሁ በቻናላችን ማስታወቂያ እንለጥፋለን በሚከተለው አድራሻ መልዕክት ያስቀምጡልን👇

GAT Exam (Graduate Admission Test) for MSc & PhD Students

22 Oct, 10:19

Academic Schedule for Postgraduate Programs at #Haramaya_University

2024/25 - 2017 E.C. Academic Year
Haramaya University Registrar Office

GAT Exam (Graduate Admission Test) for MSc & PhD Students

20 Oct, 11:25


GAT Exam (Graduate Admission Test) for MSc & PhD Students

19 Oct, 10:43

Peace and security department entrance exam, civil service university

GAT Exam (Graduate Admission Test) for MSc & PhD Students

18 Oct, 13:10


GAT Exam (Graduate Admission Test) for MSc & PhD Students

18 Oct, 13:04


Stay connected

GAT Exam (Graduate Admission Test) for MSc & PhD Students

18 Oct, 11:58


GAT Exam (Graduate Admission Test) for MSc & PhD Students

18 Oct, 08:43

ለDpt' Exam ሀሪፍ ነው ብላችሁ የምታስቡት የመለማመጃ ጥያቄ ያላችሁ የቻናላችን አባላት በሚከተለው አድራሻ ላኩልን ቻናሉ ላይ ለሌሎች እናጋራለን


GAT Exam (Graduate Admission Test) for MSc & PhD Students

18 Oct, 08:41

Computer Science Dpt Entrance Exam Sample Questions

GAT Exam (Graduate Admission Test) for MSc & PhD Students

18 Oct, 07:32

For computer science

GAT Exam (Graduate Admission Test) for MSc & PhD Students

18 Oct, 07:32

AAU,,,,Entrance examination for the Masters of Science Programme in Computer Science

GAT Exam (Graduate Admission Test) for MSc & PhD Students

18 Oct, 07:32

#MSc entrance exam for #computer_science dpt

GAT Exam (Graduate Admission Test) for MSc & PhD Students

18 Oct, 07:05