Welcome to the Futurama channel! Are you a fan of science fiction, humor, and endless adventures across the galaxy? Look no further, as this channel is the perfect place for you. 'Futurama' is a popular animated TV show that follows the misadventures of a delivery boy named Fry who is cryogenically frozen and wakes up in the year 3000. Alongside a diverse cast of characters including a one-eyed mutant, a robot with a drinking problem, and a lobster-like doctor, Fry navigates the futuristic world of New New York and beyond. The show combines witty humor, clever satire, and heartwarming moments to create a unique viewing experience. The 'Futuramaita' channel is dedicated to all things Futurama. From episode discussions and character analysis to fan theories and merchandise recommendations, this channel has it all. Join our community of like-minded fans to share your love for the show, discover hidden references, and engage in lively debates. Whether you're a long-time fan or just discovering the wonders of Futurama, this channel offers something for everyone. Don't miss out on the excitement, join 'Futuramaita' today and embark on a journey to the future!
17 Aug, 16:00
19 Jun, 17:02
17 Nov, 09:41
14 Sep, 01:15
05 Aug, 10:00
04 Aug, 17:15