Udo Channel


Thought and ideas of @fredykardian
From the creator of @get_id_bot
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Udo Channel

12 Oct, 19:12

Register right now with this referral link, and let's earn up to 1,000 USDC together! #BinanceRefertoEarn

Udo Channel

11 Oct, 06:35

#lifestories 🐶

Exactly 18 years ago today, I launched VK—my first large company. Below is the story of how it happened.

I graduated from Saint-Petersburg University in the summer of 2006. I wanted to keep in touch with my former classmates, but I knew it would be hard without a website where everyone could find each other. So, in late August 2006, I set a goal—to build a social network for university students and graduates in four weeks.

I was pretty good at coding. At 12, I built web-based games with vector animations and sound effects. At 13, I was already asked to teach older kids Pascal (a computer language) in summer camps for programmers.

And yet, planning to build a fully-fledged social network in four weeks was overconfident. To make it worse, I decided not to use any ready-made third-party modules. I wanted to create everything from scratch: from profiles and private messages to photo albums and search.

The task seemed too large to grasp. Where do I even start? Back then, my brother Nikolai lived in Germany. Nikolai is a brilliant mathematician and algorithmic programmer, but he’s always considered web development beneath him. At that time, he was focused on his Math thesis at the Max Planck University in Bonn. He refused to help with the code but gave advice: “Write the code for user authorization first,” he said. “You’ll get through.”

This made sense. I started with a login page that generated session IDs. Sessions could then be used to identify users, show them their profile pages, and allow them to edit them. Even the sign-up process could wait: I prepopulated the entries for the first few users manually in the database.

That's when I first understood it clearly: Every complex task is just a combination of many simple ones. If you split a big project into manageable parts and arrange them in the right order, you can get anything done. In theory. In practice, you also encounter all kinds of technical obstacles that test your persistence.

In September 2006, I typically wrote code for 20 hours in a row, had one meal and then slept for 10 hours. After a day of work, I’d boil myself a bucket of pasta and eat it with a generous amount of cheese. No other food was required. I didn’t care whether it was day or night outside. Social connections stopped existing. All that mattered was the code.

I tried to make each section of my project flawless, and that took time. Obsessing over details didn’t help to get everything done in four weeks. But being the only team member allowed me to minimize time spent on internal communication. And since I knew every line of the code base by heart, I could find and fix bugs faster.

On October 10, 2006, I had a beta version of the social network up and running. I called it VKontakte (VK), which means “in contact”. It took me six weeks instead of four to create it. But the result was worth it. Users that I invited from my previous project—a students’ portal I’d been building since 2003—signed up by the thousands and started to invite friends.

I kept adding new features quickly, and competitors struggled to catch up. A few months later, I hired another developer. By that time, VK already had a million members. Within seven years, VK would reach 100 million monthly users. At that point, I was fired by the board of VK, so I left the company to focus fully on Telegram.

That experience of single-handedly building the first version of VK in 2006 was so valuable that it defined my career. As the sole member of the product team, I had to do the work of a front-end developer, back-end developer, UX/UI designer, system administrator, and product manager—all at once. I got to understand the basics of all these jobs. I learned the tiniest details of how a social network works.

I also learned that there are no complex tasks in this world—only many small ones that look scary when combined. Split a big task into smaller parts, organize them in the right sequence—and “you’ll get through”.

Udo Channel

03 Oct, 14:28

I’ve Been Using These 8 Core Linux Commands Wrong for Years

Udo Channel

27 Sep, 23:51


Udo Channel

27 Sep, 00:52

It says that Snowden usong Tails, its under ToR project now


Udo Channel

02 Sep, 00:38


Udo Channel

18 Aug, 16:43


Udo Channel

13 Aug, 15:04


Udo Channel

09 Aug, 06:25

I Stopped Using Linux for a Year, Here's What Brought Me Back

Udo Channel

29 Jul, 15:06


Udo Channel

28 Jul, 01:56

Cisco is Offering Free Python Course with Certificate For Beginners Enroll Now in 2024

Udo Channel

28 Jul, 01:12


Udo Channel

25 Jul, 05:24

How Julia could beat Python for programming language dominance

Udo Channel

23 Jul, 15:38


Udo Channel

20 Jul, 07:40

⚡️ 2024 will go down in history as the year when hundreds of millions of people became familiar with blockchain. We’re proud that Telegram is at the epicenter of this societal transformation 🤵

🔥To keep the fire going, this month, we will introduce a mini app store and an in-app browser with support for Web3-pages 😮

❗️ We will also step up our efforts to fight the scammers seeking to defraud new entrants into the crypto realm. Soon, Telegram will begin displaying the month of registration and principal country for public accounts (similar to Instagram). We will also allow organizations to use their mini apps to issue labels for channels, creating a decentralized marketplace for third-party verification ✔️

😏 Thanks to more transparency and decentralization, Telegram users will know more about the opportunities and the dangers of this new world 💪

Udo Channel

18 Jul, 01:27


Udo Channel

11 Jul, 20:38


Udo Channel

11 Jul, 09:22

Hi, I just create whatsapp channel
Join and see you there



Udo Channel

10 Jul, 02:22


Udo Channel

08 Jul, 01:10
