Latest Posts from Food Forest Abundance (@foodforestabundance) on Telegram

Food Forest Abundance Telegram Posts

Food Forest Abundance
Designing freedom into every landscape and empowering people to grow their own food.
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Last Updated 05.03.2025 19:40

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The latest content shared by Food Forest Abundance on Telegram

Food Forest Abundance

05 Mar, 13:58


The ultimate strategy to win the war…
Food Forest Abundance

04 Mar, 19:31


Another phenomenal interview with Doc Wil and Pat!
Food Forest Abundance

04 Mar, 12:34


Simply add Soil amendment and irrigation as needed. Here in this old cattle pasture, those were not needed.
Food Forest Abundance

04 Mar, 01:56


“I need some help cleaning up my garden in front of Wink and spreading wildflower seeds (something not requiring maintenance) before I move to Galt's. Wink is in Charles City between Richmond and Williamsburg.” Janet W
If you are in the area and this is of interest, please let me know, and I will make a connection
Food Forest Abundance

03 Mar, 21:22


Will you please share this in capacity you're able?
Food Forest Abundance

03 Mar, 21:22


I will not comply with the theft that is called property tax - Que sera sera
Food Forest Abundance

02 Mar, 22:53


Problems are gifts! Open with care and everything will work out even better than before…
Food Forest Abundance

01 Mar, 22:25


How Do We Say "NO" To Authorities?
Natural Intelligence (YouTube)

Contact Jim Gale: [email protected]
"You never change things by fighting the existing reality. To change something, build a new model that makes the existing model obsolete" - Buckminster Fuller
Our world faces huge challenges:
War 💣 Hunger 🍽️ Pollution 🏭 Mental Illness 🧠
Cancer 🦠 Poverty 💸 Mass Extinction 🐾
But what if there's a simple solution?
The Answer:
1️⃣ Take poisons out of our lives
2️⃣ Grow food instead of lawns
Imagine a world where:
Churches grow Eden-like gardens 🏞️
Prisons cut crime by 50% through farming 🚜
Schools grow healthy food, healing our kids 🍎
Militaries trade guns for seeds 🌾
"Though the problems of the world are increasingly complex, the solutions remain embarrassingly simple." - Bill Mollison
We need YOU to spread this idea! 📣
Together, we can create a world of abundance, not scarcity.
A world of peace, not fear.
"There is one thing stronger than all the armies in the...

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Food Forest Abundance

28 Feb, 15:24


What’s your favorite ground cover?
Food Forest Abundance

28 Feb, 02:31


A message I just sent to Kennedy’s strategy group

MAHA - We are launching a virtual marketplace called, on April 27 and we are “donating” this marketplace to humanity!

OR - where the answers can be found… Everything from soil and trauma healing to a place where you can buy Joel Salatin‘s steaks with a community discount.

WE will be highlighting/demonstrating the strategies for prison, education, medical reform, etc. The transparency of it all combined with the use of “surplus”, along with the timely functionality will lead to growth… pun intended.

Community suggested and voted “projects” related to regeneration and freedom, will be funded with the “surplus”, to build Food Forests in prisons, schools and parks… Among other things!

A powerful group of influencers have come together and are in full support… Of course you are invited!


We build a new model that makes this current shit obsolete. And we follow Dr. Martin Luther King‘s advice, “those who love peace, must learn to organize as effectively as those who love war” We are organizing around the idea whose time has come stronger than all of the armies of the world. We heal trauma, which is the root cause of all human suffering, and we stand together with faith and courage, being the change that we want to see in the world…

On the front page of OR, we will display humanity’s LIFECLOCK, and the influential community will document and share the results, learnings and opportunities as they arise… imagine Food Forest in prisons, parks and schools (-:

Voluntaryism meets regenerative agriculture/Permaculture… And the details are so inspiring… Everybody wins!

WE ARE a dedicated and skilled team, intent on winning this war…

Inspiring and empowering America and the world to be healthy again!