If you’ve redeemed FXRP or used SGB as collateral, you may qualify for rewards!
How to claim ↴
1. Connect with Bifrost Wallet on portal.flare.network and select the Flare network.
2. Click the “Emissions” tab and choose “Songbird FAssets.”
Find out how rewards are calculated: https://flare.network/incentives-for-fassets-on-songbird
🔖 How rFLR works: rFLR can be earned simultaneously with monthly FlareDrops. rFLR vests linearly over 12 months, with 1/12 claimable and withdrawable as WFLR monthly from the Portal. Early withdrawal of unvested rewards incurs a 50% penalty. For maximum returns, wait for full vesting.
☀️ New to FAssets? It’s not too late to join the fun!
• http://fasset.oracle-daemon.com
• https://fassets.au.cc