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ФИҚҺ ДӘРІСТЕРІ Telegram channel is a platform dedicated to sharing knowledge and insights about Islamic jurisprudence in the Kazakh language. This channel provides valuable information on various aspects of Islamic law, offering followers a deeper understanding of religious principles and teachings. Whether you are a student of theology, a practicing Muslim, or simply curious about Islamic culture, this channel is a valuable resource for anyone looking to expand their knowledge. The content shared on ФИҚҺ ДӘРІСТЕРІ covers a wide range of topics, including fiqh (jurisprudence), Islamic ethics, and principles of Islamic governance. By following this channel, you can stay informed about the latest developments in Islamic jurisprudence and gain a better understanding of how these principles are applied in everyday life. Join the growing community of followers on ФИҚҺ ДӘРІСТЕРІ and deepen your knowledge of Islamic law and ethics today!
26 Jan, 17:06
23 Jan, 15:45
22 Jan, 08:54
19 Jan, 17:01
18 Jan, 13:01
17 Jan, 16:00
17 Jan, 14:55
17 Jan, 13:44
13 Jan, 18:36
08 Jan, 14:58
05 Jan, 10:40
01 Jan, 13:44
29 Dec, 16:03
27 Dec, 15:37
23 Dec, 09:30
19 Dec, 14:35
14 Dec, 18:53
09 Dec, 13:29
03 Dec, 14:34
03 Dec, 10:19
26 Nov, 13:11
22 Nov, 16:11
18 Nov, 10:12
12 Nov, 16:17
07 Nov, 15:01
06 Nov, 21:09
31 Oct, 05:45
27 Oct, 12:49
25 Oct, 16:42
21 Oct, 12:57
15 Oct, 14:36
13 Oct, 14:19
09 Oct, 17:33
13 Sep, 16:28
08 Sep, 16:46
04 Sep, 10:04
29 Aug, 16:24
20 Aug, 16:10
10 Aug, 15:36
07 Aug, 16:23
03 Aug, 18:14
31 Jul, 15:35
23 Jul, 16:52
15 Jul, 15:30
10 Jul, 16:54
07 Jul, 08:18