EFF Women's @ethiopiawf Channel on Telegram

EFF Women's


Welcome to the official @EthiopiaFF1 Women's football channel, the home of women's football related news in Ethiopia.

EFF Women's (English)

Welcome to the official EFF Women's football channel, brought to you by EthiopiaFF1. This channel is dedicated to providing the latest news and updates on women's football in Ethiopia. If you are a fan of the sport or simply interested in learning more about the talented female athletes in Ethiopia, this channel is the perfect place for you. Stay up to date with match results, player profiles, upcoming events, and more. Whether you are a die-hard fan or new to the world of women's football, you will find valuable information and engaging content on this channel. Join our community of like-minded individuals who share a passion for women's football and support the talented players in Ethiopia. Don't miss out on any exciting news or developments in the world of women's football - join EFF Women's channel today!

EFF Women's

18 Oct, 12:25

የካፍ ሴቶች ቻምፒየንስ ሊግ የምድብ ድልድል ይፋ ሲሆን የሴካፋ ቻምፒዮኑ ኢትዮጵያ ንግድ ባንክ ከደቡብ አፍሪካው ማሜሎዲ ሰንዳውንስ፣ ከግብፁ ቱታንካሀሞን እና ከናይጄርያው ኢዲኦ ክዊንስ ጋር በምድብ ለ ተደልድሏል።

EFF Women's

20 Sep, 12:57

የኢትዮጵያ ሴቶች ፕሪምየር ሊግ የ2017 የውድድር ዘመን ጥቅምት 24/2017 እንደሚጀምር የውድድር ዳይሬክቶሬት አስታውቋል።

EFF Women's

04 Aug, 19:13

የ2016 የውድድር ዘመን የኢትዮጵያ ሴቶች እግር ኳስ ሽልማት

EFF Women's

03 Aug, 13:58

የኢትዮጵያ ሴቶች እግር ኳስ ሽልማት በዛሬው ዕለት በጁፒተር ሆቴል ተከናወነ

የአሸናፊዎች ዝርዝር እና ተጨማሪ ምስሎች - https://www.facebook.com/share/p/zb8QgASnt2xNcZMs/

EFF Women's

30 Jul, 16:37

ሐምሌ 27 በሚደረገው "የኢትዮጵያ ሴቶች እግር ኳስ ሽልማት" የ2016 ኢትዮጵያ ሴቶች ፕሪምየር ሊግ ኮከቦች ሽልማት እጩዎች

EFF Women's

30 Jul, 16:19

ሐምሌ 27 በሚደረገው "የኢትዮጵያ ሴቶች እግር ኳስ ሽልማት" የ2016 ኢትዮጵያ ሴቶች ከፍተኛ ሊግ ኮከቦች ሽልማት እጩዎች

EFF Women's

30 Jul, 14:08

የ2016 ዓም የኢትዮጵያ ሴቶች እግር ኳስ ሽልማት ሐምሌ 27 ይካሄዳል

ለሐምሌ 25 ተይዞ የነበረው የ2016 የኢትዮጵያ ሴቶች ፕሪምየር ሊግ እና የኢትዮጵያ ሴቶች ከፍተኛ ሊግ የኮከቦች የዕውቅና መርሐ ግብር "የኢትዮጵያ ሴቶች እግር ኳስ ሽልማት - 2016" በሁለት ቀናት ተራዝሞ ቅዳሜ ሐምሌ 27/2016 ካዛንቺስ በሚገኘው ጁፒተር ሆቴል ይካሄዳል።





