The Provision of the Hereafter-Enlightenment into Islam Center-Women's Committee (@enlightcenterkwt)の最新投稿

The Provision of the Hereafter-Enlightenment into Islam Center-Women's Committee のテレグラム投稿

The Provision of the Hereafter-Enlightenment into Islam Center-Women's Committee
This is the official Channel of Enlightenment into Islam Center.For any queries,email us at [email protected].
1,115 人の購読者
359 枚の写真
113 本の動画
最終更新日 06.03.2025 23:26

The Provision of the Hereafter-Enlightenment into Islam Center-Women's Committee によってTelegramで共有された最新のコンテンツ

The Provision of the Hereafter-Enlightenment into Islam Center-Women's Committee

05 Dec, 15:15


Studying the Joined Names of Allah in Surah An-Nisaa - Part 3

From Dec 8, 2024

Every Sunday @ 05:00 P.M (Mecca Time)

Offline at the Center

Only for Sisters
The Provision of the Hereafter-Enlightenment into Islam Center-Women's Committee

05 Dec, 13:24


Guide Others and Become Guided Yourself
The Provision of the Hereafter-Enlightenment into Islam Center-Women's Committee

03 Dec, 16:49


📖Our Bi-Monthly Magazine in flipbook format - Updated Copy📖
The Provision of the Hereafter-Enlightenment into Islam Center-Women's Committee

03 Dec, 16:32


Our Bi-Monthly Magazine - Updated Version

Al-Muhajiroon 28-3 Jumada Al Oula - Jumada Al Aakhirah 1446 A.H
The Provision of the Hereafter-Enlightenment into Islam Center-Women's Committee

30 Nov, 20:45


Center will remain closed on Sunday (1/12/2024) and no lectures will be conducted both onsite & online.
The Provision of the Hereafter-Enlightenment into Islam Center-Women's Committee

23 Nov, 15:48


'Da'wah (the Call), of every Messenger was only Tawheed'

Tawheed Flyers in 6 different Languages
The Provision of the Hereafter-Enlightenment into Islam Center-Women's Committee

09 Nov, 20:48


📖Our Bi-Monthly Magazine in flipbook format📖
The Provision of the Hereafter-Enlightenment into Islam Center-Women's Committee

09 Nov, 20:34


Our Bi-Monthly Magazine

Al-Muhajiroon 28-3 Jumada Al Oula - Jumada Al Aakhirah 1446 A.H
The Provision of the Hereafter-Enlightenment into Islam Center-Women's Committee

09 Nov, 17:22


The 23rd Annual Quiz, 2024


'Explanation of the book of Aqeedatu Ahlus Sunnati wal Jama'ah - Part 2'

Registration Form - 23rd Annual Quiz

Note: The course starts tomorrow. Those who are yet to register, please register at the earliest.
The Provision of the Hereafter-Enlightenment into Islam Center-Women's Committee

08 Nov, 05:47


Staying up late at Night - A Calamity!