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Вивчати англійську легко 🤩

Мій Інстаграм : Tkach.Kseni
Моя анти-школа: @fundone_school
Для зв‘язку: @englishksusupport

English | начнем сначала

19 Oct, 05:57

SIMPLE vs ADVANCED verbs #businessenglish

🌱 grow | 📈 expand
🗓️ plan | 🤔 strategize
👥 meet | 🏛️ convene
🚀 lead | 🎼 orchestrate
🔻 reduce | ⬇️ minimize
💪 improve | enhance
🔄 change | 🦋 transform
🔺 increase | ⬆️ augment
📋 manage | 🛠️ administer

English | начнем сначала

17 Oct, 07:17

I'm sorry

😨My bad
😨It's my fault
😨I apologize
😨Pardon me
😨My apologies
😨Please forgive me
😨Please, don't be angry
😨I hope you can forgive me
😨Please, accept my apologies

English | начнем сначала

25 Sep, 08:03


⌨️NP | no problem
⌨️IDK | I don't know
⌨️BTW | by the way
⌨️N/A | not available
⌨️OMG | Oh My God
⌨️BRB | be right back
⌨️PM | private message
⌨️FYI | for your information
⌨️FAQ | frequently asked questions

English | начнем сначала

25 Sep, 07:38


🧊solid | 💨gas
☀️bright | 🌚dim
🐠alive | 💀dead
🍺bitter | 🍭sweet
☀️clear | ☁️cloudy
🍡artificial | 🍌natural
👍agree | 👎disagree
🤝 united | 💔divided
🔒locked | 🔓unlocked
📎📎apart | 🖇together
🍎cheap | 🚘expensive
📈increase | 📉decrease

English | начнем сначала

20 Sep, 07:39

Поповнюємо багаж знань 🇺🇸

Фраза дня:

Put in a good word for you : замовити за тебе слівце. ( сказати щось хороше про тебе )

В яких випадках будемо використовувати ?

English | начнем сначала

20 Sep, 07:34


🚗the car
📅the 90s
📅the future
❄️the winter
🏢an elevator
🌅the morning

English | начнем сначала

11 Sep, 08:04

🔹 violence B2: actions or words that are intended to hurt people жорстокість
🔹contribute to : help to cause an event or situation вклад
🔹wound B2: injury поранення
🔹will : intention
🔹be worth aiming: be important or useful to wish

English | начнем сначала

10 Sep, 08:22

🔹imitate C1: to behave in a similar way to some
🔹deed: action
🔹contagious:spreads quickly among people заразний, інфекційний
🔹permission B1: if someone is given a permission to do something they are allowed to do it дозвіл
🔹step out : leave a place for a short time
🔹set a good example: put/ fix / establish подавати гарний приклад
🔹fallow suit : fallow case ( example)
🔹lead B2: show the way

English | начнем сначала

09 Sep, 06:51

🔹failure B2: the fact of someone or something not succeeding невдача/ провал
🔹oftentimes : on many occasions часто
🔹end up B1: to finally be in a particular place or situation
🔹secure B2: confident впевнений
🔹alter B2: change змінювати
🔹fall into place C2: to become well organised in a way that makes success likely встати на свої місця

English | начнем сначала

06 Sep, 08:02


🔹be doomed : curtain to fail, die or be destroyed приречені
🔹filled with : full with заповнений
🔹opportunity B1: occasion or situation that makes it possible to do something that you want to do можливості
🔹career path A2 : track between one place to another дорога/ шлях
🔹reach out to: to communicate with someone звʼязатись
🔹unexpected b1: not expected неочікуване

English | начнем сначала

05 Sep, 18:15

🔹worthy C1: deserving respect, admiration,or support вартий, гідний

🔹devalue : not value не цінувати/ недооцінювати

🔹remind B1: to make someone think of something they have forgotten нагадувати

🔹the way you are : manner те яка ти є





