$ टेलीग्राम पोस्ट

1,382 सदस्य
492 तस्वीरें
164 वीडियो
अंतिम अपडेट 09.03.2025 05:47
समान चैनल

3,414 सदस्य

2,865 सदस्य

1,553 सदस्य
$ द्वारा टेलीग्राम पर साझा की गई नवीनतम सामग्री
Useful vocabulary
✅ Absolutely delighted – to be very happy about something( juda xursand bo'lish)
Toni was absolutely delighted with her wedding gift!
✅ Absolutely vital – extremely important (juda muhim)
It’s absolutely vital that you read the instructions carefully before you start your exam!
✅ Bubbly personality – someone with a bubbly personality is positive, lively and talkative
I prefer people with bubbly personalities – they are so easy to talk to.
✅ Complete disaster – describes a situation that has gone very wrong (yomon holatni tasvirlashda ishlatiladi)
The shopping trip was a complete disaster! It rained all day.
Toni was absolutely delighted with her wedding gift!
It’s absolutely vital that you read the instructions carefully before you start your exam!
I prefer people with bubbly personalities – they are so easy to talk to.
The shopping trip was a complete disaster! It rained all day.
Marafon tugagandan keyin videolarni o'chiraman, vaqtida ko'rib o'rganib oling 🙂