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Publications du canal Synonyms Everyday

Synonyms Everyday
Let's learn some words by their synonyms everyday.
Synonyms are obtained from Princeton WordNet database:
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Dernière mise à jour 06.03.2025 16:09

Le dernier contenu partagé par Synonyms Everyday sur Telegram

Synonyms Everyday

29 Apr, 17:53


💎 Synonyms: 💎
☑️ small
☑️ little

❗️ Part of Speech: ADJ

🎓 Definition: 🎓
limited or below average in number or quantity or magnitude or extent

💎 Examples: 💎
🌀 a little dining room
🌀 a little house
🌀 a small car
🌀 a little (or small) group
Synonyms Everyday

29 Apr, 13:53


💎 Synonyms: 💎
☑️ feel
☑️ experience

❗️ Part of Speech: V

🎓 Definition: 🎓
undergo an emotional sensation or be in a particular state of mind

💎 Examples: 💎
🌀 She felt resentful
🌀 He felt regret
Synonyms Everyday

29 Apr, 09:53


💎 Synonyms: 💎
☑️ training
☑️ preparation
☑️ grooming

❗️ Part of Speech: N

🎓 Definition: 🎓
activity leading to skilled behavior

💎 Examples: 💎
Synonyms Everyday

29 Apr, 05:53


💎 Synonyms: 💎
☑️ nothing
☑️ zero
☑️ naught
☑️ nil
☑️ nix
☑️ nada
☑️ null
☑️ aught
☑️ cipher
☑️ cypher

❗️ Part of Speech: N

🎓 Definition: 🎓
a quantity of no importance

💎 Examples: 💎
🌀 it looked like nothing I had ever seen before
🌀 reduced to nil all the work we had done
🌀 we racked up a pathetic goose egg
🌀 it was all for naught
🌀 I didn't hear zilch about it
Synonyms Everyday

29 Apr, 01:53


💎 Synonyms: 💎
☑️ fundamental
☑️ rudimentary
☑️ underlying

❗️ Part of Speech: ADJ

🎓 Definition: 🎓
being or involving basic facts or principles

💎 Examples: 💎
🌀 the fundamental laws of the universe
🌀 a fundamental incomatibility between them
🌀 these rudimentary truths
🌀 underlying principles
Synonyms Everyday

28 Apr, 21:53


💎 Synonyms: 💎
☑️ appoint
☑️ name
☑️ constitute
☑️ nominate

❗️ Part of Speech: V

🎓 Definition: 🎓
create and charge with a task or function

💎 Examples: 💎
🌀 nominate a committee
Synonyms Everyday

28 Apr, 17:53


💎 Synonyms: 💎
☑️ blame
☑️ fault

❗️ Part of Speech: V

🎓 Definition: 🎓
put or pin the blame on

💎 Examples: 💎
Synonyms Everyday

28 Apr, 13:53


💎 Synonyms: 💎
☑️ hazy
☑️ misty
☑️ brumous
☑️ foggy

❗️ Part of Speech: ADJ

🎓 Definition: 🎓
filled or abounding with fog or mist

💎 Examples: 💎
🌀 a brumous October morning
Synonyms Everyday

28 Apr, 09:53


💎 Synonyms: 💎
☑️ organization
☑️ organisation

❗️ Part of Speech: N

🎓 Definition: 🎓
a group of people who work together

💎 Examples: 💎
Synonyms Everyday

28 Apr, 05:53


💎 Synonyms: 💎
☑️ glance
☑️ glimpse

❗️ Part of Speech: N

🎓 Definition: 🎓
a quick look

💎 Examples: 💎