

எளிய தமிழில் ஆங்கிலம்


04 Aug, 14:01

இந்த விஷயம் நமக்குள்ளேயே இருக்கட்டும் யாருக்கும் தெரிய வேண்டாம்.

Let's keep this matter between us; no one else needs to know.

Let's keep this under wraps; no one else needs to know.

This stays between us, okay? No need to spill the beans.

Let's keep this on the down-low; don't let it slip to anyone.

Keep this hush-hush; it's just between us.

Let's keep this to ourselves; mum's the word.


08 Jul, 12:56

The police held me up.

He is really moody, stubborn and bossy.

It's exhausting and makes me always feel anxious.

Someone tried to break in last night

Your t-shirt is inside out and backwards.

Everything is upside down .

I'm on the bed.
I'm in bed.

I can't eat anymore
I'm so full
I'm stuffed
I have a food baby
I'm in a food coma


09 Jan, 16:59

1. Exuded warmth:
Showed kindness and friendliness.

2. In a bun:
Hair tied neatly in a rounded shape.

3. Composed demeanor:
Stayed calm and in control.

4. Disciplined yet approachable nature:
Balanced order with friendliness.

5. Blend of patience and attentiveness:
Combined being patient and paying close attention.

6. Fostering:
Encouraging growth or development.

7. Resonated:
Created a strong and positive connection.

8. Set apart:
Stood out or was distinctive.

9. Personalized approach:
Customized methods for individual needs.

10. Tailoring her teaching to address individual needs:
Adjusting teaching for each student's specific requirements.

11. Confined:
Limited within certain boundaries.

12. Unwavering support:
Consistent and steadfast assistance.

13. It was a calling:
Felt a deep and meaningful purpose.

14. Passion for education:
Strong enthusiasm for teaching and learning.

15. Indelible mark:
Lasting and significant impression.

16. Instilling a love:
Nurturing a strong affection or enthusiasm.

17. Inclusive community:
A community that includes everyone, regardless of differences.

18. A Mentor:
Someone experienced and trusted, providing support and guidance.


07 Oct, 12:21

மிகவும் உறுதியோடும் பொறுமையாகவும்

Tough as nails

Steadfast as a rock


"Even in the face of criticism, she remained tough as nails and stayed true to her beliefs."

"John's commitment to his work is steadfast as a rock; he never wavers, no matter the obstacles."


07 Oct, 07:26


மிகவும் பொறுமையாக இரு

Go the extra mile

Stand your ground

Stay the course

Keep your chin up


26 Sep, 15:14

Just keep at it, and you'll eventually hit the jackpot

முயற்சி செய்துகொண்டே இருங்கள் வெற்றி கிடைக்கும்


26 Sep, 15:13

What can/should I do if they're talking the talk but not walking the walk ?

(அவர்கள்) சொல்வது ஒன்று செய்வது வேறொன்றாக இருந்தால் நான் என்ன செய்வது


26 Sep, 03:42



23 Sep, 09:24

Wantonly in need of sport
வேண்டுமென்றே விளையாட்டுக்கு

In sport


23 Sep, 06:57

He's dead set on saying he'll whoop his butt.

தான் அவனுக்கு அடிப்பேன் என்று ஒற்றை காலில் நிற்கிறார்


23 Sep, 06:54

Hey, when's that bus that just took off gonna swing by again?

இப்போது போன பேருந்து மீண்டும் எப்போது திரும்பி வரும்?

May I inquire about the anticipated return time of the bus that recently departed?


23 Sep, 06:53

Yo, when's the next train heading to Batticaloa?

மட்டக்களப்புக்கு போகும் அடுத்த புகையிரதம் எத்தனை மணிக்கு உண்டு?


23 Sep, 06:51

Everybody knew that if anyone started talking, he'd be out of the job real quick.

யாராவது வாய் திறந்தால் உடனே அவரின் வேலை பறிபோகும் என அனைவருக்கும் தெரியும்


23 Sep, 06:48

The folks who couldn't handle his temper just kept their mouths shut, never tried explaining anything to him.

அவரது கோபத்தை சமாளிக்க முடியாத எல்லோரும் வாய்மூடி இருந்தனர். யாரும் எதையும் விளக்க முயலவில்லை


23 Sep, 06:46

He also threw all the English swear words he knew right at them.

தனக்கு தெரிந்த அனைத்து ஆங்கில கெட்ட வார்த்தைகளாலும் அவர்களை விளாசினார்


23 Sep, 06:41

his face was redder than a ripe cherry!

அவனது முகம் செர்ரி பழத்தை விடவும் சிவந்திருந்தது


23 Sep, 06:40

Just keep going straight without making any turns.

எங்குமே திரும்பாமல் நெடுகிலும் போகவும்

Proceed in a linear direction without making any deviations along the way.


20 Sep, 00:28

விசாரணைக்கு ஆஜராகு
Appear for hearing


20 Sep, 00:20

Take a peek (at )
கொஞ்சம் எட்டிப் பார்


28 Feb, 08:15

கொஞ்சம் கொஞ்சமாக
சிறிது சிறிதாக
Bit by bit
Little by little

கட்டம் கட்டமாக
Step by step