English for beginners


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English for beginners

20 Sep, 15:08

📹 Quiz | 20 English Words You'll Use Every Day - Basic Vocabulary

Learn new words!

English for beginners

20 Sep, 11:01

📹 English pronunciation lesson

📌Videoda bir-biriga o'xshash so'zlarning talaffuzdagi farqini o'rganamiz.

Sharing is caring!

English for beginners

20 Sep, 07:02

📌Ponder - think deeply about something
🔺Meaning: biror narsa haqida chuqur o'ylab ko'rmoq

🖇Example: Lucy pondered whether to quit her job.
🔹Lyusi ishni tashlab ketish yoki tashlamaslik haqida o'ylardi.


English for beginners

20 Sep, 07:00

Are you ready to learn new information?

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English for beginners

19 Sep, 13:09

📹 Can you pronounce these SUPER hard words ending in -ly?


English for beginners

19 Sep, 08:19

Otnicka - Where are you(lyrics)| Peaky blinders


English for beginners

19 Sep, 04:18


Fake (imitation, artificial) - soxta
Tangible (concrete, definite) - aniq
Taut (tense, tight, stiff) - tarang
Raise (hoist, elevate) - ko'tarmoq
Help (aid, assist) - yordam bermoq
Give (donate, present, offer) - bermoq
Glad (happy, pleased, delighted) - xursand
Gloomy (dismal, depressing) - tushkun
High (elevated, lofty) - yuqori
Hold (grasp, grip, retain) - ushlamoq


English for beginners

19 Sep, 04:16

Good day, my dears🤗

Learn English with our channel🫴

English for beginners

18 Sep, 15:27

Other ways to say "Tasty"😋


Example: The food I cook is always delicious😋😁

📌Rasmda 28 ta varinati berilgan. Yaxshilab yod olib, amalda qo'llashga harakat qiling!
🔖O'z misollaringizni tuzib, shu post kommentiga yuboring!

Your best channel || @English_for_beginnersN1

English for beginners

18 Sep, 11:23

#Greetings (Salomlashuvda ishlatiladigan iboralar)

●How are you today?
●How are things?
●How is life?
●How are you doing?
●How is it going?
●What's up?
●What's new?
●Long time no see!
●It's been ages!

@English_for_beginnersN1 – Develop with us!

English for beginners

18 Sep, 07:21

📹 Words you might pronounce incorrectly! BRITISH ENGLISH PRONUNCIATION

The best channel | @English_for_beginnersN1

English for beginners

18 Sep, 02:35

From time to time

From time to time I still think of her.

Ba'zan haligacha ham u haqida o'ylayman.


English for beginners

18 Sep, 02:15

Happy new day🥳

Stay here and learn English with us |

English for beginners

17 Sep, 15:12

My teacher in his birthday 🎂🤡🤡


English for beginners

17 Sep, 12:12

7 ways to say "Happy birthday!"

📌Have a fabulous birthday!
📌May your birthday be filled with laughter!
📌I hope you have a fantastic day.
📌All the best on your special day!
📌Many happy returns of the day!
📌I wish you a wonderful day!
📌Have a great day!

Stay here and learn English with us😉

English for beginners

17 Sep, 04:22


Eng oson usulda tushuntirib qo'yibdi👌

English for beginners

17 Sep, 03:29

Good daaay my dear subscribers🤗
How are you feeling?

Thanks to everyone who continues to follow us. Have a nice day☺️

Your favourite channel | @English_for_beginnersN1

English for beginners

22 May, 15:00

📹 I Wanna Be Yours - Arctic Monkeys ( Lyrics )
🎧Qo'shiq tinglab, ingliz tilini rivojlantiramiz.


English for beginners

22 May, 11:47

Hi, my dears👋
How are you feeling today?

Stay here and learn useful information about the English language with us!