English Grammar Vocabulary ™ @english_by_neetu_mam_kd_campus Channel on Telegram

English Grammar Vocabulary ™


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English Grammar Vocabulary ™ (English)

Are you looking to improve your English language skills for exams such as SSC, BANK, RAILWAY, IELTS, and more? Look no further than the 'English Grammar Vocabulary ™' Telegram channel! This channel is dedicated to providing valuable English notes and resources to help you succeed in your exams. Whether you need help with grammar rules, vocabulary building, or general language tips, this channel has got you covered

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English Grammar Vocabulary

17 Jan, 03:28


1.Bedrock (N)-basic principles or facts. मूल सिद्धान्त

2.Underscores (V)-to emphasize the importance something.

3.Bottlenecks (N)-a problem that delays a process or stops it from continuing. मार्गावरोध

4.Containment (N)-the action of keeping something harmful under control or within limits. रोकथाम

5.Malnutrition (N)-a severe shortage of food.

6.Lactating (Adj)-producing or secreting milk.

7.Innovatively (Adv)-using new methods or ideas.

8.Pest (N)-an insect or small animal that is harmful or damages crops. विनाशकारी कीट

9.Locust (N)-a large insect found in hot areas that flies in large groups and destroys plants and crops. टिड्डी

10.Degradation (N)-the process by which something is made worse, esp. the quality of land. घटना

11.Agroecology (N)-agriculture that is based on protecting and preserving the environment. कृषि-पारिस्थितिकी

12.Precipitated (V)-to make something happen suddenly or sooner than expected. अवक्षेपित

13.Solidarity (N)-agreement between and support for the members of a group, especially a political group.

14.Inexplicably (Adv)-in a manner differing from the usual or expected. बिना किसी स्पष्टीकरण के

15.Cess (N)-a form of tax charged/levied over and above the base tax liability of a taxpayer. कर

16.Recompense (V)-to compensate for loss or damage.

17.Shortfall (N)-a deficit of something required or expected. कमी होना

18.Coffers (N)-the financial accounts of a government or an organization. कोष, ख़ज़ाना

19.Dry Up (Phrasal Verb)-(of a resource) to come to an end.

20.Cooled Off (Phrasal Verb)-become quiet or calm, especially after a state of agitation.

21.Imperative (N)-an essential or urgent thing. अनिवार्य

22.Hubris (N)-excessive pride or self-confidence. अभिमान, घमंड

23.Stunting (N)-impaired growth and development that children experience from poor nutrition, repeated infection, and inadequate psychosocial stimulation.

24.Unedifying (Adj)-unpleasant and without any useful or positive features.

25.Inferior (Adj)-lower in rank, status, or quality. निम्न, अपकृष्ट

26.Flawed (Adj)-wrong or faulty. त्रुटिपूर्ण, दोषपूर्ण

27.Determinants (N)-a factor which decisively affects the nature or outcome of something. निर्धारक तत्व

28.Appetite (N)-a strong desire or liking for something. इच्छा, प्रवृत्ति

29.Diverse (Adj)-different in kind. विभिन्न, विविध

30.Deprivation (N)-the damaging lack of material benefits considered to be basic necessities in a society.

31.Underscored (V)-to emphasize the importance something.

32.Tidings (N)-news or information. समाचार, खबर

33.Extinguish (V)-terminate, end, or take out. समाप्त होना

34.Scrupulous (Adj)-(of a person or process) careful, thorough, and extremely attentive to details.

35.Caveat (N)-a warning against certain acts. चेतावनी

36.Mutations (N)-a change or alteration in form or qualities. परिवर्तन, तबदीली

37.Containment (N)-the action of keeping something harmful under control or within limits. रोकथाम

38.Suffice (V)-be enough or adequate. पर्याप्त हॉना, काफ़ी

39.Outbreaks (N)-a sudden occurrence of something unwelcome, such as war or disease. प्रकोप

40.Peer-Review (N)-evaluation of scientific, academic, or professional work by others working in the same field. सहकर्मी समीक्षा

41.Quotidian (Adj)-occurring every day.  प्रतिदिन होनेवाला, साधारण

42.Common Denominator (N)-an attribute that is common to all members of a category.

43.Catering (V)-to supply what is required or desired.

44.Avowedly (Adv)-As has been asserted, admitted, or stated publicly; openly. स्पष्ट रूप से

45.Pedagogies (N)-the activities of educating or instructing. शिक्षण

46.Overarching (Adj)-including all or everything. व्यापक

47.Endeavour (V)-try hard to do or achieve something. प्रयास

48.Yawning Gap (N)-a very large difference between two groups, things, or people.

49.Exorbitantly (Adv)-(of prices and demands) much too large.

50. Warped (Adj)-strange and unpleasant.

English Grammar Vocabulary

16 Jan, 06:47

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English Grammar Vocabulary

15 Jan, 16:53


1.Remission (N)-the cancellation of a debt, charge, or penalty. माफ़ी

2.Assassination (N)-murder of a public figure by surprise attack. हत्या

3.Clemency (N)-the act of forgiving or the state of being forgiven. राज्यक्षमा

4.Tenable (Adj)-able to be maintained or defended against attack or objection. तर्कसंगत

5.Ramifications (N)-a complex or unwelcome consequence of an action or event. प्रभाव

6.Incarceration (N)-the state of being kept in confinement. कैद

7.Humanitarian (Adj)-concerned with or seeking to promote human welfare. मानवतावादी

8.Hackles (N)-a feeling of anger and animosity.

9.Left No Stone Unturned (Phrase)-try every possible course of action in order to achieve something.

10.Whopping (Adj)-unusually large in size, extent, or degree.  

11.Constellation (N)-a group of associated or similar people or things.

12.Triumphed (V)-to win a great victory, or to have a great success.

13.Burnish (V)-To improve or make more impressive.

14.Ruffle A Few Feathers (Phrase)-to make someone feel worried or annoyed.

15. Disengagement: the action or process of withdrawing from involvement in an activity, situation, or group.

16. Moratorium : A moratorium is a delay or suspension of an activity or a law.

17. Armoured:  steel-plated, bulletproof, bombproof.

18. Patrolled: keep watch over (an area) by regularly walking or travelling around it.

19. Artillery: a military detachment or branch of the armed forces that uses large-calibre guns.

20. hard nut to crack(phrase) :A difficult problem.

21. stand-off (Noun) : a situation in which agreement in an argument does not seem possible.

22. predates : exist or occur at a date earlier than (something)

23. Condemnation(N):the expression of very strong disapproval; censure.तिरस्कार

24. Ostensibly(प्रकट रूप से): apparently

25.Laundered(Adj.):(of money) obtained illegally and processed secretly, typically by transfers involving foreign banks or legitimate businesses.

26.Brush aside(Phrasal verb):to treat (something) as not important : to ignore or dismiss.

27.Relentless(adj.):persistent, continuing.

28.Grievances(N):complaint, criticism, objection.

29.Behoves(v):it is right for someone to do something.

20.Dissenters:objector, protester.


1.Cling On To (Phrasal Verb)-to be unwilling to lose something or try very hard to keep something.

2.Mounting (Adj)-increasing, often in a manner that causes or expresses worry. बढ़ता हुआ

3.Crackdown (N)-a series of severe measures to restrict undesirable or illegal people or behaviour. कार्रवाई

4.Dictator (N)-a ruler with total power over a country, typically one who has obtained control by force. तानाशाह

5.Crack Down (Phrasal Verb)-to take strong action to stop something. कड़ी कार्यवाही करना

6.Coercive (Adj)-relating to or using force or threats. बलपूर्वक, अनिवार्य

7.Rigged (Adj)-to influence something such as an election in a dishonest way in order to produce a particular result.

8.Thrown Their Weight (Phrase)-To use one's influence or power to support or promote someone or something.

9.Beleaguered (Adj)-experiencing a lot of criticism and difficulties. परेशान

10.Tide Over (Phrasal Verb)-to help somebody during a difficult period by providing what they need.

11.Woes (N)-great sorrow or distress. संकट

12.Die Down (Phrasal Verb)- to gradually become less strong.

13.Wreak Havoc (Idiom)-to cause a lot of damage or problems.

14.Propping Up (Phrasal Verb)-to give help, encouragement, or support to (someone).

15. Daunting (Adj)-seeming difficult to deal with in prospect; intimidating. कठिन, चुनौतीपूर्ण

16..Quest (N)-a long or arduous search for something. खोज

17.Inoculated (V)-treat with a vaccine to produce immunity against a disease; vaccinate. टीका

18.Laudable (Adj)-(of an action, idea, or aim) deserving praise and commendation. प्रशंसनीय

19.Paucity (N)-the condition of having very little or not enough of something. कमी

20.Stringent (Adj)-(of regulations, requirements, or conditions) strict, precise, and exacting. सख्त

English Grammar Vocabulary

15 Jan, 12:25

हम तैयार हैं, क्या आप भी तैयार हैं?


जी हाँ, प्यारे विद्यार्थियों, उत्कर्ष लेकर आ रहा है "संकल्प💥"
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English Grammar Vocabulary

15 Jan, 05:27


1.Brushed Aside (Phrasal Verb)-bar from attention or consideration. नज़रअंदाज़ करना

2.Atrocity (N)-a cruel and violent act. क्रूरता

3.Excreta (N)-waste matter discharged from the body, especially faeces and urine.

4.Disenfranchisement (N)-the state of being deprived of a right or privilege, especially the right to vote. मताधिकार

5.Intangible (Adj)-incapable of being touched or seen. अस्पृश्य

6.Entitlements (N)-the fact of having a right to something. अधिकार

7.Oblique (Adj)-indirect or evasive. अप्रत्यक्ष

8.Perennial (Adj)-lasting a very long time, or happening repeatedly or all the time.

9.Unbearable (Adj)-not able to be endured or tolerated. असहनीय

10.Cremate (V)-dispose of (a dead person's body) by burning it to ashes. शव जलाना

11.Revulsion (N)-violent feeling of disgust. घृणा

12.Foment (V)-instigate or stir up (an undesirable or violent sentiment or course of action). भड़काना

13.Unequivocally (Adv)-in a way that leaves no doubt. स्पष्ट

14.Inflation (N)-a general increase in prices and fall in the purchasing value of money. मुद्रास्फीति

15.Mitigate (V)-to make something less harmful, unpleasant, or bad. कम करना

16.Downplaying (V)-make (something) appear less important than it really is.

17.Dissent (V)-to disagree with other people about something. असहमति

18.Glean (V)-to accumulate or collect.

19.Leeway (N)-freedom to act within certain limits. छूट

20.Tame (V)-to bring under control.

21.Went To Great Lengths (Phrase)-to try very hard to achieve something.

22.Transient (Adj)-lasting for a short time only. क्षणिक

23.Return To Its Feet (Phrase)-well or successful again after being ill or having problems.

24.Bottlenecks (N)-a problem that delays progress. बाधाओं

24.Fraternity (N)-a feeling of friendship and support. भाईचारा

25.Abolition (N)-the official end to a law, system, practice etc. उन्मूलन

26.Staving Off (Phrasal Verb)-to stop something bad from happening.

27.Civil Strife (N)-violent activity such as rioting or fighting in public places, especially involving many people.

28.Amphibious (Adj)-relating to, living in, or suited for both land and water.

29.Undernourishment (N)-not having enough food to develop or function normally. अल्पपोषित

30.Strife-Ridden (Adj)-divided by violent conflict or dissent.

31.Festering (Adj)-intended to cause hurt or distress.

32.Conspicuous (Adj)-obvious, marked, clear, undeniable, discernible. सुस्पष्ट

33.Salutary (Adj)-beneficial, useful, valuable, helpful, profitable. लाभदायक, हितकर

34.Accustomed (Adj)-familiar with something. अभ्यस्त

35.Embracing (V)-to accept something enthusiastically.

36.Endure (V)-to experience and bear something difficult, painful, or unpleasant. सहन करना

37.Retractable Roof (N)-a roof system designed to roll back the roof on tracks so that the interior of the facility is open to the outdoors.

38.Fore (N)-the most important or successful position.

39.Spruced Up (Phrasal Verb)-to make (someone or something) look cleaner, neater, or more attractive.

40.Slump (N)-a period of poor or losing play by a team or individual.

41.Culmination (N)-the highest point of achievement or excellence. पराकाष्ठा

42.Fortnight (N)-a period of two weeks.

43.Astute (Adj)-able to understand a situation quickly and see how to take advantage of it. चतुर

English Grammar Vocabulary

14 Jan, 16:03

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English Grammar Vocabulary

12 Jan, 03:40


1.Intemperate (Adj)-having or showing a lack of self-control. असंयमी

2.Jibe (N)-an insulting or mocking remark.

3.Secularism (N)-a doctrine that rejects religion and religious considerations. धर्मनिरपेक्षता

4.Tenet (N)one of the principles on which a belief or theory is based. सिद्धांत

5.Purportedly (Adv)-as appears or is stated to be true, though not necessarily so. कथित रूप से, अनुमानतः

6.Scorn (N)-a feeling and expression of contempt or disdain for someone or something. घृणा

7.Derision (N)-contemptuous ridicule or mockery. उपहास

8.Warped (Adj)-strange and unpleasant.

9.Fealties (N)-loyalty or dedication to a person, cause, or belief. निष्‍ठा

10.Wade Into (Phrasal Verb)-to enter a fight, a discussion or an argument in an aggressive or not very sensitive way.

11.Intemperate (Adj)-having or showing a lack of self-control. असंयमी

12.Jibe (N)-an insulting or mocking remark.

13.Secularism (N)-a doctrine that rejects religion and religious considerations. धर्मनिरपेक्षता

14.Tenet (N)one of the principles on which a belief or theory is based. सिद्धांत

15.Purportedly (Adv)-as appears or is stated to be true, though not necessarily so. कथित रूप से, अनुमानतः

16.Scorn (N)-a feeling and expression of contempt or disdain for someone or something. घृणा

17.Derision (N)-contemptuous ridicule or mockery. उपहास

18.Warped (Adj)-strange and unpleasant.

19.Fealties (N)-loyalty or dedication to a person, cause, or belief. निष्‍ठा

20.Wade Into (Phrasal Verb)-to enter a fight, a discussion or an argument in an aggressive or not very sensitive way.

English Grammar Vocabulary

03 Jan, 13:45


1. DWINDLE (VERB): (क्षीण होना):  diminish
Synonyms: decrease, reduce
Antonyms: increase
Example Sentence:
The majorities behind the government dwindled and grew.

2. DELIBERATE (ADJECTIVE): (सविचार):  careful
Synonyms: cautious, unhurried
Antonyms: hasty
Example Sentence:
I have always been a conscientious and deliberate worker.

3. REPRESSIVE (ADJECTIVE): (दमनकारी):  oppressive
Synonyms: authoritarian, despotic
Antonyms: democratic
Example Sentence:
It was clear that he could not continue the repressive tactics of his predecessor.

4. OVERWEENING (ADJECTIVE): (आत्माभिमानी):  overconfident
Synonyms: conceited, cocksure
Antonyms: modest
Example Sentence:
His modesty is nothing but a cover for his overweening conceit.

5. DETRIMENT (NOUN): (हानि):  harm
Synonyms: damage, injury
Antonyms: benefit
Example Sentence:
Hurried tests are a detriment to good education.

6. PROVOCATIVE (ADJECTIVE): (उत्तेजक):  annoying
Synonyms: irritating, exasperating
Antonyms: soothing
Example Sentence:
He got offended by a provocative article.

7. PRESUMPTUOUS (ADJECTIVE):  (अक्खड़): brazen
Synonyms: overconfident, arrogant
Antonyms: timid
Example Sentence:
The man seemed too presumptuous to be a humble leader for the nation.

8. UNDERLIE (VERB): (नींव रखना):  fundamental
Synonyms: basic, basal
Antonyms: subordinate
Example Sentence:
We discussed the principles that underlay their methods.

9. MARGINAL (ADJECTIVE): (मामूली):  slight
Synonyms: small, tiny
Antonyms: vast
Example Sentence:
It made only a marginal difference.

10. MACABRE (ADJECTIVE): (भयंकर):  gruesome
Synonyms: grisly grim
Antonyms: pleasant
Example Sentence:
A macabre series of murders shocked us.

English Grammar Vocabulary

03 Jan, 12:47

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English Grammar Vocabulary

03 Jan, 12:42

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English Grammar Vocabulary

03 Jan, 07:43


1. DWINDLE (VERB): (क्षीण होना):  diminish
Synonyms: decrease, reduce
Antonyms: increase
Example Sentence:
The majorities behind the government dwindled and grew.

2. DELIBERATE (ADJECTIVE): (सविचार):  careful
Synonyms: cautious, unhurried
Antonyms: hasty
Example Sentence:
I have always been a conscientious and deliberate worker.

3. REPRESSIVE (ADJECTIVE): (दमनकारी):  oppressive
Synonyms: authoritarian, despotic
Antonyms: democratic
Example Sentence:
It was clear that he could not continue the repressive tactics of his predecessor.

4. OVERWEENING (ADJECTIVE): (आत्माभिमानी):  overconfident
Synonyms: conceited, cocksure
Antonyms: modest
Example Sentence:
His modesty is nothing but a cover for his overweening conceit.

5. DETRIMENT (NOUN): (हानि):  harm
Synonyms: damage, injury
Antonyms: benefit
Example Sentence:
Hurried tests are a detriment to good education.

6. PROVOCATIVE (ADJECTIVE): (उत्तेजक):  annoying
Synonyms: irritating, exasperating
Antonyms: soothing
Example Sentence:
He got offended by a provocative article.

7. PRESUMPTUOUS (ADJECTIVE):  (अक्खड़): brazen
Synonyms: overconfident, arrogant
Antonyms: timid
Example Sentence:
The man seemed too presumptuous to be a humble leader for the nation.

8. UNDERLIE (VERB): (नींव रखना):  fundamental
Synonyms: basic, basal
Antonyms: subordinate
Example Sentence:
We discussed the principles that underlay their methods.

9. MARGINAL (ADJECTIVE): (मामूली):  slight
Synonyms: small, tiny
Antonyms: vast
Example Sentence:
It made only a marginal difference.

10. MACABRE (ADJECTIVE): (भयंकर):  gruesome
Synonyms: grisly grim
Antonyms: pleasant
Example Sentence:
A macabre series of murders shocked us.

English Grammar Vocabulary

02 Jan, 10:35

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जी हाँ, आप सभी विद्यार्थियों की बेहद मांग पर उत्कर्ष एप के सभी 𝗢𝗻𝗹𝗶𝗻𝗲 𝗖𝗼𝘂𝗿𝘀𝗲𝘀 पर मिल रहा है:
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English Grammar Vocabulary

02 Jan, 10:35


1.Remission (N)-the cancellation of a debt, charge, or penalty. माफ़ी

2.Assassination (N)-murder of a public figure by surprise attack. हत्या

3.Clemency (N)-the act of forgiving or the state of being forgiven. राज्यक्षमा

4.Tenable (Adj)-able to be maintained or defended against attack or objection. तर्कसंगत

5.Ramifications (N)-a complex or unwelcome consequence of an action or event. प्रभाव

6.Incarceration (N)-the state of being kept in confinement. कैद

7.Humanitarian (Adj)-concerned with or seeking to promote human welfare. मानवतावादी

8.Hackles (N)-a feeling of anger and animosity.

9.Left No Stone Unturned (Phrase)-try every possible course of action in order to achieve something.

10.Whopping (Adj)-unusually large in size, extent, or degree.  

11.Constellation (N)-a group of associated or similar people or things.

12.Triumphed (V)-to win a great victory, or to have a great success.

13.Burnish (V)-To improve or make more impressive.

14.Ruffle A Few Feathers (Phrase)-to make someone feel worried or annoyed.

15. Disengagement: the action or process of withdrawing from involvement in an activity, situation, or group.

16. Moratorium : A moratorium is a delay or suspension of an activity or a law.

17. Armoured:  steel-plated, bulletproof, bombproof.

18. Patrolled: keep watch over (an area) by regularly walking or travelling around it.

19. Artillery: a military detachment or branch of the armed forces that uses large-calibre guns.

20. hard nut to crack(phrase) :A difficult problem.

21. stand-off (Noun) : a situation in which agreement in an argument does not seem possible.

22. predates : exist or occur at a date earlier than (something)

23. Condemnation(N):the expression of very strong disapproval; censure.तिरस्कार

24. Ostensibly(प्रकट रूप से): apparently

25.Laundered(Adj.):(of money) obtained illegally and processed secretly, typically by transfers involving foreign banks or legitimate businesses.

26.Brush aside(Phrasal verb):to treat (something) as not important : to ignore or dismiss.

27.Relentless(adj.):persistent, continuing.

28.Grievances(N):complaint, criticism, objection.

29.Behoves(v):it is right for someone to do something.

20.Dissenters:objector, protester.


1.Cling On To (Phrasal Verb)-to be unwilling to lose something or try very hard to keep something.

2.Mounting (Adj)-increasing, often in a manner that causes or expresses worry. बढ़ता हुआ

3.Crackdown (N)-a series of severe measures to restrict undesirable or illegal people or behaviour. कार्रवाई

4.Dictator (N)-a ruler with total power over a country, typically one who has obtained control by force. तानाशाह

5.Crack Down (Phrasal Verb)-to take strong action to stop something. कड़ी कार्यवाही करना

6.Coercive (Adj)-relating to or using force or threats. बलपूर्वक, अनिवार्य

7.Rigged (Adj)-to influence something such as an election in a dishonest way in order to produce a particular result.

8.Thrown Their Weight (Phrase)-To use one's influence or power to support or promote someone or something.

9.Beleaguered (Adj)-experiencing a lot of criticism and difficulties. परेशान

10.Tide Over (Phrasal Verb)-to help somebody during a difficult period by providing what they need.

11.Woes (N)-great sorrow or distress. संकट

12.Die Down (Phrasal Verb)- to gradually become less strong.

13.Wreak Havoc (Idiom)-to cause a lot of damage or problems.

14.Propping Up (Phrasal Verb)-to give help, encouragement, or support to (someone).

15. Daunting (Adj)-seeming difficult to deal with in prospect; intimidating. कठिन, चुनौतीपूर्ण

16..Quest (N)-a long or arduous search for something. खोज

17.Inoculated (V)-treat with a vaccine to produce immunity against a disease; vaccinate. टीका

18.Laudable (Adj)-(of an action, idea, or aim) deserving praise and commendation. प्रशंसनीय

19.Paucity (N)-the condition of having very little or not enough of something. कमी

20.Stringent (Adj)-(of regulations, requirements, or conditions) strict, precise, and exacting. सख्त

English Grammar Vocabulary

01 Jan, 13:23

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English Grammar Vocabulary

01 Jan, 12:51

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English Grammar Vocabulary

01 Jan, 12:51

Daily The Hindu Vocabulary | 1.1.2025

1. EQUITABLE (ADJECTIVE): (न्यायसंगत): fair
Synonyms: just, impartial
Antonyms: unfair
Example Sentence:The competition was very equitable since both teams were at same skill level.

2. PLENARY (ADJECTIVE): (अशर्त): unconditional
Synonyms: unlimited, unrestricted
Antonyms: conditional
Example Sentence:Crusaders were offered a plenary indulgence by the Pope.

3. LETHAL (ADJECTIVE): (घातक): fatal
Synonyms: deadly, mortal
Antonyms: harmless
Example Sentence:In addition, no antibiotic therapy was administered, as it was a lethal model.

4. INGENIOUS (ADJECTIVE): (रचनात्मक): inventive
Synonyms: creative, imaginative
Antonyms: unimaginative
Example Sentence:He was ingenious enough to overcome the limited budget.

5. UNPRECEDENTED (ADJECTIVE): (अभूतपूर्व): unparalleled
Synonyms: unequalled, unmatched
Antonyms: normal, common
Example Sentence:The preparations were made on an unprecedented scale.

6. NURTURE (VERB): (पालन​-पोषण करना): bring up
Synonyms: take care of, look after
Antonyms: neglect
Example Sentence:I was nurtured by his parents in a close-knit family.

7. MAGNIFICENCE (NOUN): (भव्यता): splendour
Synonyms: grandeur, greatness
Antonyms: cheapness
Example Sentence:The magnificence of the surrounding countryside captured everyone's attention.

8. RUDDY (ADJECTIVE): (लाल): reddish
Synonyms: red, rosy
Antonyms: pale
Example Sentence:The ruddy evening light was just perfect.

9 CONTEMPT (NOUN): (तिरस्कार): scorn
Synonyms: disdain, disrespect
Antonyms: respect
Example Sentence:He stared at me with total contempt.

10. LAX (ADJECTIVE): (सुस्त): slack
Synonyms: slipshod, negligent
Antonyms: stern
Example Sentence:Never be lax with your security.

English Grammar Vocabulary

01 Jan, 09:51

जश्न के साथ करें दमदार तैयारी की शुरुआत!


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English Grammar Vocabulary

01 Jan, 04:22


1. DWINDLE (VERB): (क्षीण होना):  diminish
Synonyms: decrease, reduce
Antonyms: increase
Example Sentence:
The majorities behind the government dwindled and grew.

2. DELIBERATE (ADJECTIVE): (सविचार):  careful
Synonyms: cautious, unhurried
Antonyms: hasty
Example Sentence:
I have always been a conscientious and deliberate worker.

3. REPRESSIVE (ADJECTIVE): (दमनकारी):  oppressive
Synonyms: authoritarian, despotic
Antonyms: democratic
Example Sentence:
It was clear that he could not continue the repressive tactics of his predecessor.

4. OVERWEENING (ADJECTIVE): (आत्माभिमानी):  overconfident
Synonyms: conceited, cocksure
Antonyms: modest
Example Sentence:
His modesty is nothing but a cover for his overweening conceit.

5. DETRIMENT (NOUN): (हानि):  harm
Synonyms: damage, injury
Antonyms: benefit
Example Sentence:
Hurried tests are a detriment to good education.

6. PROVOCATIVE (ADJECTIVE): (उत्तेजक):  annoying
Synonyms: irritating, exasperating
Antonyms: soothing
Example Sentence:
He got offended by a provocative article.

7. PRESUMPTUOUS (ADJECTIVE):  (अक्खड़): brazen
Synonyms: overconfident, arrogant
Antonyms: timid
Example Sentence:
The man seemed too presumptuous to be a humble leader for the nation.

8. UNDERLIE (VERB): (नींव रखना):  fundamental
Synonyms: basic, basal
Antonyms: subordinate
Example Sentence:
We discussed the principles that underlay their methods.

9. MARGINAL (ADJECTIVE): (मामूली):  slight
Synonyms: small, tiny
Antonyms: vast
Example Sentence:
It made only a marginal difference.

10. MACABRE (ADJECTIVE): (भयंकर):  gruesome
Synonyms: grisly grim
Antonyms: pleasant
Example Sentence:
A macabre series of murders shocked us.

English Grammar Vocabulary

31 Dec, 08:31

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English Grammar Vocabulary

31 Dec, 08:31


1.Remission (N)-the cancellation of a debt, charge, or penalty. माफ़ी

2.Assassination (N)-murder of a public figure by surprise attack. हत्या

3.Clemency (N)-the act of forgiving or the state of being forgiven. राज्यक्षमा

4.Tenable (Adj)-able to be maintained or defended against attack or objection. तर्कसंगत

5.Ramifications (N)-a complex or unwelcome consequence of an action or event. प्रभाव

6.Incarceration (N)-the state of being kept in confinement. कैद

7.Humanitarian (Adj)-concerned with or seeking to promote human welfare. मानवतावादी

8.Hackles (N)-a feeling of anger and animosity.

9.Left No Stone Unturned (Phrase)-try every possible course of action in order to achieve something.

10.Whopping (Adj)-unusually large in size, extent, or degree.  

11.Constellation (N)-a group of associated or similar people or things.

12.Triumphed (V)-to win a great victory, or to have a great success.

13.Burnish (V)-To improve or make more impressive.

14.Ruffle A Few Feathers (Phrase)-to make someone feel worried or annoyed.

15. Disengagement: the action or process of withdrawing from involvement in an activity, situation, or group.

16. Moratorium : A moratorium is a delay or suspension of an activity or a law.

17. Armoured:  steel-plated, bulletproof, bombproof.

18. Patrolled: keep watch over (an area) by regularly walking or travelling around it.

19. Artillery: a military detachment or branch of the armed forces that uses large-calibre guns.

20. hard nut to crack(phrase) :A difficult problem.

21. stand-off (Noun) : a situation in which agreement in an argument does not seem possible.

22. predates : exist or occur at a date earlier than (something)

23. Condemnation(N):the expression of very strong disapproval; censure.तिरस्कार

24. Ostensibly(प्रकट रूप से): apparently

25.Laundered(Adj.):(of money) obtained illegally and processed secretly, typically by transfers involving foreign banks or legitimate businesses.

26.Brush aside(Phrasal verb):to treat (something) as not important : to ignore or dismiss.

27.Relentless(adj.):persistent, continuing.

28.Grievances(N):complaint, criticism, objection.

29.Behoves(v):it is right for someone to do something.

20.Dissenters:objector, protester.


1.Cling On To (Phrasal Verb)-to be unwilling to lose something or try very hard to keep something.

2.Mounting (Adj)-increasing, often in a manner that causes or expresses worry. बढ़ता हुआ

3.Crackdown (N)-a series of severe measures to restrict undesirable or illegal people or behaviour. कार्रवाई

4.Dictator (N)-a ruler with total power over a country, typically one who has obtained control by force. तानाशाह

5.Crack Down (Phrasal Verb)-to take strong action to stop something. कड़ी कार्यवाही करना

6.Coercive (Adj)-relating to or using force or threats. बलपूर्वक, अनिवार्य

7.Rigged (Adj)-to influence something such as an election in a dishonest way in order to produce a particular result.

8.Thrown Their Weight (Phrase)-To use one's influence or power to support or promote someone or something.

9.Beleaguered (Adj)-experiencing a lot of criticism and difficulties. परेशान

10.Tide Over (Phrasal Verb)-to help somebody during a difficult period by providing what they need.

11.Woes (N)-great sorrow or distress. संकट

12.Die Down (Phrasal Verb)- to gradually become less strong.

13.Wreak Havoc (Idiom)-to cause a lot of damage or problems.

14.Propping Up (Phrasal Verb)-to give help, encouragement, or support to (someone).

15. Daunting (Adj)-seeming difficult to deal with in prospect; intimidating. कठिन, चुनौतीपूर्ण

16..Quest (N)-a long or arduous search for something. खोज

17.Inoculated (V)-treat with a vaccine to produce immunity against a disease; vaccinate. टीका

18.Laudable (Adj)-(of an action, idea, or aim) deserving praise and commendation. प्रशंसनीय

19.Paucity (N)-the condition of having very little or not enough of something. कमी

20.Stringent (Adj)-(of regulations, requirements, or conditions) strict, precise, and exacting. सख्त

English Grammar Vocabulary

30 Dec, 17:55

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English Grammar Vocabulary

30 Dec, 10:47

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English Grammar Vocabulary

29 Dec, 16:36


1.Brushed Aside (Phrasal Verb)-bar from attention or consideration. नज़रअंदाज़ करना

2.Atrocity (N)-a cruel and violent act. क्रूरता

3.Excreta (N)-waste matter discharged from the body, especially faeces and urine.

4.Disenfranchisement (N)-the state of being deprived of a right or privilege, especially the right to vote. मताधिकार

5.Intangible (Adj)-incapable of being touched or seen. अस्पृश्य

6.Entitlements (N)-the fact of having a right to something. अधिकार

7.Oblique (Adj)-indirect or evasive. अप्रत्यक्ष

8.Perennial (Adj)-lasting a very long time, or happening repeatedly or all the time.

9.Unbearable (Adj)-not able to be endured or tolerated. असहनीय

10.Cremate (V)-dispose of (a dead person's body) by burning it to ashes. शव जलाना

11.Revulsion (N)-violent feeling of disgust. घृणा

12.Foment (V)-instigate or stir up (an undesirable or violent sentiment or course of action). भड़काना

13.Unequivocally (Adv)-in a way that leaves no doubt. स्पष्ट

14.Inflation (N)-a general increase in prices and fall in the purchasing value of money. मुद्रास्फीति

15.Mitigate (V)-to make something less harmful, unpleasant, or bad. कम करना

16.Downplaying (V)-make (something) appear less important than it really is.

17.Dissent (V)-to disagree with other people about something. असहमति

18.Glean (V)-to accumulate or collect.

19.Leeway (N)-freedom to act within certain limits. छूट

20.Tame (V)-to bring under control.

21.Went To Great Lengths (Phrase)-to try very hard to achieve something.

22.Transient (Adj)-lasting for a short time only. क्षणिक

23.Return To Its Feet (Phrase)-well or successful again after being ill or having problems.

24.Bottlenecks (N)-a problem that delays progress. बाधाओं

24.Fraternity (N)-a feeling of friendship and support. भाईचारा

25.Abolition (N)-the official end to a law, system, practice etc. उन्मूलन

26.Staving Off (Phrasal Verb)-to stop something bad from happening.

27.Civil Strife (N)-violent activity such as rioting or fighting in public places, especially involving many people.

28.Amphibious (Adj)-relating to, living in, or suited for both land and water.

29.Undernourishment (N)-not having enough food to develop or function normally. अल्पपोषित

30.Strife-Ridden (Adj)-divided by violent conflict or dissent.

31.Festering (Adj)-intended to cause hurt or distress.

32.Conspicuous (Adj)-obvious, marked, clear, undeniable, discernible. सुस्पष्ट

33.Salutary (Adj)-beneficial, useful, valuable, helpful, profitable. लाभदायक, हितकर

34.Accustomed (Adj)-familiar with something. अभ्यस्त

35.Embracing (V)-to accept something enthusiastically.

36.Endure (V)-to experience and bear something difficult, painful, or unpleasant. सहन करना

37.Retractable Roof (N)-a roof system designed to roll back the roof on tracks so that the interior of the facility is open to the outdoors.

38.Fore (N)-the most important or successful position.

39.Spruced Up (Phrasal Verb)-to make (someone or something) look cleaner, neater, or more attractive.

40.Slump (N)-a period of poor or losing play by a team or individual.

41.Culmination (N)-the highest point of achievement or excellence. पराकाष्ठा

42.Fortnight (N)-a period of two weeks.

43.Astute (Adj)-able to understand a situation quickly and see how to take advantage of it. चतुर

English Grammar Vocabulary

29 Dec, 13:17

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English Grammar Vocabulary

29 Dec, 12:51

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English Grammar Vocabulary

28 Dec, 18:48


1.Intemperate (Adj)-having or showing a lack of self-control. असंयमी

2.Jibe (N)-an insulting or mocking remark.

3.Secularism (N)-a doctrine that rejects religion and religious considerations. धर्मनिरपेक्षता

4.Tenet (N)one of the principles on which a belief or theory is based. सिद्धांत

5.Purportedly (Adv)-as appears or is stated to be true, though not necessarily so. कथित रूप से, अनुमानतः

6.Scorn (N)-a feeling and expression of contempt or disdain for someone or something. घृणा

7.Derision (N)-contemptuous ridicule or mockery. उपहास

8.Warped (Adj)-strange and unpleasant.

9.Fealties (N)-loyalty or dedication to a person, cause, or belief. निष्‍ठा

10.Wade Into (Phrasal Verb)-to enter a fight, a discussion or an argument in an aggressive or not very sensitive way.

11.Intemperate (Adj)-having or showing a lack of self-control. असंयमी

12.Jibe (N)-an insulting or mocking remark.

13.Secularism (N)-a doctrine that rejects religion and religious considerations. धर्मनिरपेक्षता

14.Tenet (N)one of the principles on which a belief or theory is based. सिद्धांत

15.Purportedly (Adv)-as appears or is stated to be true, though not necessarily so. कथित रूप से, अनुमानतः

16.Scorn (N)-a feeling and expression of contempt or disdain for someone or something. घृणा

17.Derision (N)-contemptuous ridicule or mockery. उपहास

18.Warped (Adj)-strange and unpleasant.

19.Fealties (N)-loyalty or dedication to a person, cause, or belief. निष्‍ठा

20.Wade Into (Phrasal Verb)-to enter a fight, a discussion or an argument in an aggressive or not very sensitive way.

English Grammar Vocabulary

28 Dec, 14:08

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English Grammar Vocabulary

07 Dec, 16:25


1.Intemperate (Adj)-having or showing a lack of self-control. असंयमी

2.Jibe (N)-an insulting or mocking remark.

3.Secularism (N)-a doctrine that rejects religion and religious considerations. धर्मनिरपेक्षता

4.Tenet (N)one of the principles on which a belief or theory is based. सिद्धांत

5.Purportedly (Adv)-as appears or is stated to be true, though not necessarily so. कथित रूप से, अनुमानतः

6.Scorn (N)-a feeling and expression of contempt or disdain for someone or something. घृणा

7.Derision (N)-contemptuous ridicule or mockery. उपहास

8.Warped (Adj)-strange and unpleasant.

9.Fealties (N)-loyalty or dedication to a person, cause, or belief. निष्‍ठा

10.Wade Into (Phrasal Verb)-to enter a fight, a discussion or an argument in an aggressive or not very sensitive way.

11.Intemperate (Adj)-having or showing a lack of self-control. असंयमी

12.Jibe (N)-an insulting or mocking remark.

13.Secularism (N)-a doctrine that rejects religion and religious considerations. धर्मनिरपेक्षता

14.Tenet (N)one of the principles on which a belief or theory is based. सिद्धांत

15.Purportedly (Adv)-as appears or is stated to be true, though not necessarily so. कथित रूप से, अनुमानतः

16.Scorn (N)-a feeling and expression of contempt or disdain for someone or something. घृणा

17.Derision (N)-contemptuous ridicule or mockery. उपहास

18.Warped (Adj)-strange and unpleasant.

19.Fealties (N)-loyalty or dedication to a person, cause, or belief. निष्‍ठा

20.Wade Into (Phrasal Verb)-to enter a fight, a discussion or an argument in an aggressive or not very sensitive way.

English Grammar Vocabulary

07 Dec, 13:13

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English Grammar Vocabulary

30 Nov, 13:34


1.Remission (N)-the cancellation of a debt, charge, or penalty. माफ़ी

2.Assassination (N)-murder of a public figure by surprise attack. हत्या

3.Clemency (N)-the act of forgiving or the state of being forgiven. राज्यक्षमा

4.Tenable (Adj)-able to be maintained or defended against attack or objection. तर्कसंगत

5.Ramifications (N)-a complex or unwelcome consequence of an action or event. प्रभाव

6.Incarceration (N)-the state of being kept in confinement. कैद

7.Humanitarian (Adj)-concerned with or seeking to promote human welfare. मानवतावादी

8.Hackles (N)-a feeling of anger and animosity.

9.Left No Stone Unturned (Phrase)-try every possible course of action in order to achieve something.

10.Whopping (Adj)-unusually large in size, extent, or degree.  

11.Constellation (N)-a group of associated or similar people or things.

12.Triumphed (V)-to win a great victory, or to have a great success.

13.Burnish (V)-To improve or make more impressive.

14.Ruffle A Few Feathers (Phrase)-to make someone feel worried or annoyed.

15. Disengagement: the action or process of withdrawing from involvement in an activity, situation, or group.

16. Moratorium : A moratorium is a delay or suspension of an activity or a law.

17. Armoured:  steel-plated, bulletproof, bombproof.

18. Patrolled: keep watch over (an area) by regularly walking or travelling around it.

19. Artillery: a military detachment or branch of the armed forces that uses large-calibre guns.

20. hard nut to crack(phrase) :A difficult problem.

21. stand-off (Noun) : a situation in which agreement in an argument does not seem possible.

22. predates : exist or occur at a date earlier than (something)

23. Condemnation(N):the expression of very strong disapproval; censure.तिरस्कार

24. Ostensibly(प्रकट रूप से): apparently

25.Laundered(Adj.):(of money) obtained illegally and processed secretly, typically by transfers involving foreign banks or legitimate businesses.

26.Brush aside(Phrasal verb):to treat (something) as not important : to ignore or dismiss.

27.Relentless(adj.):persistent, continuing.

28.Grievances(N):complaint, criticism, objection.

29.Behoves(v):it is right for someone to do something.

20.Dissenters:objector, protester.


1.Cling On To (Phrasal Verb)-to be unwilling to lose something or try very hard to keep something.

2.Mounting (Adj)-increasing, often in a manner that causes or expresses worry. बढ़ता हुआ

3.Crackdown (N)-a series of severe measures to restrict undesirable or illegal people or behaviour. कार्रवाई

4.Dictator (N)-a ruler with total power over a country, typically one who has obtained control by force. तानाशाह

5.Crack Down (Phrasal Verb)-to take strong action to stop something. कड़ी कार्यवाही करना

6.Coercive (Adj)-relating to or using force or threats. बलपूर्वक, अनिवार्य

7.Rigged (Adj)-to influence something such as an election in a dishonest way in order to produce a particular result.

8.Thrown Their Weight (Phrase)-To use one's influence or power to support or promote someone or something.

9.Beleaguered (Adj)-experiencing a lot of criticism and difficulties. परेशान

10.Tide Over (Phrasal Verb)-to help somebody during a difficult period by providing what they need.

11.Woes (N)-great sorrow or distress. संकट

12.Die Down (Phrasal Verb)- to gradually become less strong.

13.Wreak Havoc (Idiom)-to cause a lot of damage or problems.

14.Propping Up (Phrasal Verb)-to give help, encouragement, or support to (someone).

15. Daunting (Adj)-seeming difficult to deal with in prospect; intimidating. कठिन, चुनौतीपूर्ण

16..Quest (N)-a long or arduous search for something. खोज

17.Inoculated (V)-treat with a vaccine to produce immunity against a disease; vaccinate. टीका

18.Laudable (Adj)-(of an action, idea, or aim) deserving praise and commendation. प्रशंसनीय

19.Paucity (N)-the condition of having very little or not enough of something. कमी

20.Stringent (Adj)-(of regulations, requirements, or conditions) strict, precise, and exacting. सख्त

English Grammar Vocabulary

30 Nov, 08:50

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English Grammar Vocabulary

19 Nov, 09:07


1.Mouthpiece (N)-a person or publication expressing the views of an organization.

2.Alliance (N)-the state of being joined or associated. गठबंधन

3.Forfeited (V)-to admit defeat or failure.

4.Banking On (Phrasal Verb)-base one's hopes or confidence on something. आशा करना, भरोसा रखना

5.Ditch (V)-to end association with.

6.Ambitious (Adj)-having a strong desire for success. महत्त्वाकांक्षी

7.Intervention (N)-interference by a state in another's affairs. हस्तक्षेप

8.Abeyance (N)-a state of temporary disuse or suspension. रुकाव

9.Obnoxious (Adj)-very unpleasant or rude. अप्रिय

10.Unbridled (Adj)-not restrained or controlled. बेलगाम, अनियंत्रित

11.Disseminating (V)-spread (something, especially information) widely. प्रसार

12.Take Heed Of (Idiom)-to pay attention to.

13.Draconian (Adj)-(of laws or their application) excessively harsh and severe. कठोर

14.Promulgated (V)-put (a law or decree) into effect by official proclamation. लागू करना

15.Repugnant (Adj)-extremely distasteful; unacceptable. प्रतिकूल

16.Defamatory (Adj)-likely to harm someone's reputation.

17.Struck Down (Phrasal Verb)-to declare (a law) illegal and unenforceable.

18.Menacing (Adj)-intended to threaten or frighten someone. खतरनाक

19.Take Cognisance Of (Idiom)-to notice or give attention to (something).

20.Docket (N)-a list of the cases that are waiting to be considered in a court of law. फैसलों की सूची

English Grammar Vocabulary

18 Nov, 13:39

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English Grammar Vocabulary

18 Nov, 13:00

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English Grammar Vocabulary

14 Nov, 13:45


1.Take Up (Phrasal Verb)-to adopt the study, practice, or activity of. शुरू करना

2.Staggered (Adj)-very shocked or surprised.

3.Revitalised (V)-to put new life or energy into something.

4.Sinews (N)-a part of a structure or system that provides support and holds it together.

5.Lax (Adj)-without much care, attention, or control. लापरवाह

6.Unwavering (Adj)-strong and steady despite opposition or other problems.

7.Elicited (V)-to bring about (a response or reaction).

8.Kitty (N)-an amount of money that has been collected by a person or organization for a particular purpose.

9.Contraction (N)-reduction, cut, decrease, weakening, deduction. सिकुड़न

10.Scaled Up (Phrasal Verb)-to increase the size, amount, or importance of something.

11.Cess (N)-a tax, assessment, or lien. कर

12.Pent-Up (Adj)-characterized by or showing the suppression of impulses or emotions. नियंत्रित किया हुआ

13.Brewing (V)-to devise or plan.

14.Fabled (Adj)-Famous and well-known.

15.Doomsday (N)-a time or event of crisis or great danger.

16.In Tandem (Phrase)-alongside each other.

17.Somersault (N)-a sudden change from one policy or opinion to another very different one. उलट-फेर

18.Dissipated (V)-to spend or use wastefully or extravagantly.

19.Unrelenting (Adj)-without stopping. निरन्तर

20.Struck A Chord (Idiom)-to strongly impress (someone).

21.On The Mat (Phrase)-In a position to face a reprimand from someone.

22.Banked On (Phrase)-base one's hopes or confidence on something. आशा करना, भरोसा रखना

23.Foment (V)-Instigate or stir up (an undesirable or violent sentiment or course of action). भड़काना

24.Astounding (Adj)-very surprising or shocking.

25.Reek (V)-be suggestive of something unpleasant or undesirable.

26.Patriarchy (N)-a society, system, or organization in which men have all or most of the power and influence.

27.Propounded (V)-to suggest a theory, belief, or opinion for other people to consider. प्रतिपादित

28.Detestable (Adj)-deserving intense dislike. तिरस्करणीय

29.Legitimising (V)-to make something legal or acceptable. वैध करना

30.Slur (N)-a disparaging remark. उपेक्षा

31.Ostensible (Adj)-stated or appearing to be true, but not necessarily so. तथाकथित

32.Zealous (Adj)-extremely eager or enthusiastic. उत्साही

33.Flaws (N)-an imperfection or blemish. त्रुटि

34.Go Out On A Limb (Phrase)-do or say something that is different from most other people.

35.Frowned Upon (Phrasal Verb)-to disapprove of (something).

English Grammar Vocabulary

14 Nov, 12:42

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English Grammar Vocabulary

13 Nov, 11:54

Today's Quiz: Fixed Prepositions

English Grammar Vocabulary

24 Oct, 17:40


1.Brushed Aside (Phrasal Verb)-bar from attention or consideration. नज़रअंदाज़ करना

2.Atrocity (N)-a cruel and violent act. क्रूरता

3.Excreta (N)-waste matter discharged from the body, especially faeces and urine.

4.Disenfranchisement (N)-the state of being deprived of a right or privilege, especially the right to vote. मताधिकार

5.Intangible (Adj)-incapable of being touched or seen. अस्पृश्य

6.Entitlements (N)-the fact of having a right to something. अधिकार

7.Oblique (Adj)-indirect or evasive. अप्रत्यक्ष

8.Perennial (Adj)-lasting a very long time, or happening repeatedly or all the time.

9.Unbearable (Adj)-not able to be endured or tolerated. असहनीय

10.Cremate (V)-dispose of (a dead person's body) by burning it to ashes. शव जलाना

11.Revulsion (N)-violent feeling of disgust. घृणा

12.Foment (V)-instigate or stir up (an undesirable or violent sentiment or course of action). भड़काना

13.Unequivocally (Adv)-in a way that leaves no doubt. स्पष्ट

14.Inflation (N)-a general increase in prices and fall in the purchasing value of money. मुद्रास्फीति

15.Mitigate (V)-to make something less harmful, unpleasant, or bad. कम करना

16.Downplaying (V)-make (something) appear less important than it really is.

17.Dissent (V)-to disagree with other people about something. असहमति

18.Glean (V)-to accumulate or collect.

19.Leeway (N)-freedom to act within certain limits. छूट

20.Tame (V)-to bring under control.

21.Went To Great Lengths (Phrase)-to try very hard to achieve something.

22.Transient (Adj)-lasting for a short time only. क्षणिक

23.Return To Its Feet (Phrase)-well or successful again after being ill or having problems.

24.Bottlenecks (N)-a problem that delays progress. बाधाओं

24.Fraternity (N)-a feeling of friendship and support. भाईचारा

25.Abolition (N)-the official end to a law, system, practice etc. उन्मूलन

26.Staving Off (Phrasal Verb)-to stop something bad from happening.

27.Civil Strife (N)-violent activity such as rioting or fighting in public places, especially involving many people.

28.Amphibious (Adj)-relating to, living in, or suited for both land and water.

29.Undernourishment (N)-not having enough food to develop or function normally. अल्पपोषित

30.Strife-Ridden (Adj)-divided by violent conflict or dissent.

31.Festering (Adj)-intended to cause hurt or distress.

32.Conspicuous (Adj)-obvious, marked, clear, undeniable, discernible. सुस्पष्ट

33.Salutary (Adj)-beneficial, useful, valuable, helpful, profitable. लाभदायक, हितकर

34.Accustomed (Adj)-familiar with something. अभ्यस्त

35.Embracing (V)-to accept something enthusiastically.

36.Endure (V)-to experience and bear something difficult, painful, or unpleasant. सहन करना

37.Retractable Roof (N)-a roof system designed to roll back the roof on tracks so that the interior of the facility is open to the outdoors.

38.Fore (N)-the most important or successful position.

39.Spruced Up (Phrasal Verb)-to make (someone or something) look cleaner, neater, or more attractive.

40.Slump (N)-a period of poor or losing play by a team or individual.

41.Culmination (N)-the highest point of achievement or excellence. पराकाष्ठा

42.Fortnight (N)-a period of two weeks.

43.Astute (Adj)-able to understand a situation quickly and see how to take advantage of it. चतुर

English Grammar Vocabulary

24 Oct, 16:19

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English Grammar Vocabulary

24 Oct, 10:31

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English Grammar Vocabulary

24 Oct, 10:09

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English Grammar Vocabulary

22 Oct, 19:32


1.Uncalled-For (Adj)-not suitable and therefore unnecessary. अनावश्यक

2.Anticipated (V)-regard as probable; expect or predict. प्रत्याशित, अपेक्षित

3.Trepidation (N)-a feeling of fear or anxiety about something that may happen.

4.Light-Touch (N)-a friendly, relaxed, or humourous way of doing something.

5.Appetite (N)-a strong desire or liking for something. रुचि

6.Satire (N)-a literary work holding up human vices and follies to ridicule or scorn.

7.Stifle (V)-to prevent something from happening.

8.Palatable (Adj)-(of an action or proposal) acceptable or satisfactory. रुचिकर

9.Out Of The Woods (Phrase)-Out of difficulties, danger or trouble.

10.Pent-Up (Adj)- confined, restrained, not vented or expressed, curbed.

11.Transient (Adj)-Lasting only for a short time. क्षणिक

12.Taken Its Eye Off The Ball (Phrase)-to become distracted and stop focusing.

13.Purveying (V)-supply with provisions.

14.Resuscitate (V)-make (something) active or vigorous again.

15.Bodes Well (Phrase)-to be a sign of good things to come. शुभ लक्षण सूचित

16.Spate Of (Phrase)-a large number of similar things that happen in a short period of time, especially bad things.

17.Play Out (Phrasal Verb)-develop in a particular way.

18.Diktat (N)-an order that must be obeyed. आदेश

English Grammar Vocabulary

22 Oct, 14:14

Webinar for MPPSC🎯

यदि आप कर रहे हैं आगामी MPPSC परीक्षा की तैयारी ! तो,उत्कर्ष आपके लिए आयोजित करने जा रहा है एक Special Live Webinar; जहाँ सिविल परीक्षा के बेहद अनुभवी विशेषज्ञ आयुष सर से आप जान पाएँगे परीक्षा संबंधी कई महत्त्वपूर्ण जानकारियाँ और साथ ही परीक्षा में अव्वल प्रदर्शन करने की सटीक रणनीति के बारे में।💥

Date : 27 October @ 7 PM

नोट : वेबिनार से जुड़ने के लिए आप उत्कर्ष एप द्वारा रजिस्ट्रेशन करवा सकते हैं।

Download the Utkarsh App & Register Now👇
Link: http://link.utkarsh.com/MPPSCFoundationWEBexTG

इस वेबिनार की मुख्य विशेषताएँ:👇
परीक्षा में सफलता के लिए जरूरी हर बारीक जानकारियों पर चर्चा
टॉपर्स रणनीति के बारे में ज्ञानवर्धन
प्रीलिम्स में कट-ऑफ पार करने पर मार्गदर्शन
मुख्य परीक्षा में उत्तर लेखन की सफल रणनीति
सभी चरणों पर विशेष परिचर्चा

तो, आज ही इस Special Live Webinar में रजिस्ट्रेशन करवाएँ और तैयारी को सार्थक मोड़ दें।⌛️💯 http://link.utkarsh.com/MPPSCFoundationWEBexTG

English Grammar Vocabulary

20 Oct, 15:51


1.Stipulations (N)-a rule that must be followed or something that must be done. शर्तों

2.Deteriorating (Adj)-becoming progressively worse. बिगड़ जाना

3.Firecrackers (N)-a kind of firework that makes a lot of loud noises when it explodes. पटाखों

4.Precautionary (Adj)-intended to prevent something unpleasant or dangerous from happening. सावधानतापूर्ण

5.Surge (N)-a sudden and great increase. बढ़ना

6.Resolutely (Adv)-in an admirably purposeful, determined, and unwavering manner. सख्ती

7.Stubble (N)-the ends of plants that are left above ground after a farmer cuts a crop such as wheat or barley.

8.Demonstrably (Adv)-in an obvious and provable manner. प्रमाण्य रूप से

9.New Dawn (N)-A rebirth or revival.

10.Reached Out To (Phrasal Verb)-to make an effort to communicate with people.

11.Purged (V)-to remove people or things that are not wanted. हटाना

12.Broke Out (Phrasal Verb)-to begin or arise suddenly.

13.Cut Their Teeth (Phrase)-acquire initial practice or experience of a particular sphere of activity.

14.Junta (N)-a military or political group that rules a country after taking power by force. सत्ताधारी सेना, शासकगुट

15.Ethnicities (N)-the fact or state of belonging to a social group that has a common national or cultural tradition. जातियों

English Grammar Vocabulary

20 Oct, 12:49

MPPSC Prelims - 2025 के लिए आपकी तैयारी को एक बेहतरीन दिशा देने के लिए उत्कर्ष लेकर आया है 'प्रारंभ बैच'। जी हाँ, इस ऑनलाइन (Live From Studio) बैच के माध्यम से आप पाएँगे बेहद वाज़िब शुल्क में सिविल सेवा परीक्षाओं के जाने-माने Expert Teachers का सटीक मार्गदर्शन और साथ ही दमदार स्टडी मेटेरियल।

Batch Starting From : 4th November, 2024
Batch Mode : Online (Live From Studio)

ENGLISH MEDIUM Link :http://link.utkarsh.com/MPPSCPrarambh2025EMexTG

➤Focus on MPPSC Prelims 2025
➤Live and Recorded Lectures From Studio
➤ Access for 8 Months
➤ Number of Hours : 700 Hours
➤ Regular Classroom Test

तो, प्रशासनिक अधिकारी बनने के अपने सपने को दें सार्थक दिशा उत्कर्ष के साथ।

Enroll Now👇
HINDI MEDIUM Link :http://link.utkarsh.com/MPPSCPrarambh2025HMexTG

English Grammar Vocabulary

18 Oct, 14:27


1.Intemperate (Adj)-having or showing a lack of self-control. असंयमी

2.Jibe (N)-an insulting or mocking remark.

3.Secularism (N)-a doctrine that rejects religion and religious considerations. धर्मनिरपेक्षता

4.Tenet (N)one of the principles on which a belief or theory is based. सिद्धांत

5.Purportedly (Adv)-as appears or is stated to be true, though not necessarily so. कथित रूप से, अनुमानतः

6.Scorn (N)-a feeling and expression of contempt or disdain for someone or something. घृणा

7.Derision (N)-contemptuous ridicule or mockery. उपहास

8.Warped (Adj)-strange and unpleasant.

9.Fealties (N)-loyalty or dedication to a person, cause, or belief. निष्‍ठा

10.Wade Into (Phrasal Verb)-to enter a fight, a discussion or an argument in an aggressive or not very sensitive way.

11.Intemperate (Adj)-having or showing a lack of self-control. असंयमी

12.Jibe (N)-an insulting or mocking remark.

13.Secularism (N)-a doctrine that rejects religion and religious considerations. धर्मनिरपेक्षता

14.Tenet (N)one of the principles on which a belief or theory is based. सिद्धांत

15.Purportedly (Adv)-as appears or is stated to be true, though not necessarily so. कथित रूप से, अनुमानतः

16.Scorn (N)-a feeling and expression of contempt or disdain for someone or something. घृणा

17.Derision (N)-contemptuous ridicule or mockery. उपहास

18.Warped (Adj)-strange and unpleasant.

19.Fealties (N)-loyalty or dedication to a person, cause, or belief. निष्‍ठा

20.Wade Into (Phrasal Verb)-to enter a fight, a discussion or an argument in an aggressive or not very sensitive way.

English Grammar Vocabulary

18 Oct, 12:09

MPPSC Prelims - 2025 के लिए आपकी तैयारी को एक बेहतरीन दिशा देने के लिए उत्कर्ष लेकर आया है 'प्रारंभ बैच'। जी हाँ, इस ऑनलाइन (Live From Studio) बैच के माध्यम से आप पाएँगे बेहद वाज़िब शुल्क में सिविल सेवा परीक्षाओं के जाने-माने Expert Teachers का सटीक मार्गदर्शन और साथ ही दमदार स्टडी मेटेरियल।

Batch Starting From : 4th November, 2024
Batch Mode : Online (Live From Studio)

ENGLISH MEDIUM Link :http://link.utkarsh.com/MPPSCPrarambh2025EMexTG

➤Focus on MPPSC Prelims 2025
➤Live and Recorded Lectures From Studio
➤ Access for 8 Months
➤ Number of Hours : 700 Hours
➤ Regular Classroom Test

तो, प्रशासनिक अधिकारी बनने के अपने सपने को दें सार्थक दिशा उत्कर्ष के साथ।

Enroll Now👇
HINDI MEDIUM Link :http://link.utkarsh.com/MPPSCPrarambh2025HMexTG