Complete the following sentences with an appropriate spoken expression:
❶ Local residents were furious about the newly proposed changes, and [……………………].
❷ Ahmed was driving his brother's car on that day, if [……………………].
⚠️ معنى العبارات المطلوبة:
❶ المعنى: وهم على حق في ذلك
❷ المعنى: إن لم تخنِّي ذاكرتي
❶ Local residents were furious about the newly proposed changes, and [……………………].
❷ Ahmed was driving his brother's car on that day, if [……………………].
⚠️ معنى العبارات المطلوبة:
❶ المعنى: وهم على حق في ذلك
❷ المعنى: إن لم تخنِّي ذاكرتي