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England & USA
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अंतिम अपडेट 11.03.2025 07:37

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England & USA द्वारा टेलीग्राम पर साझा की गई नवीनतम सामग्री

England & USA

23 Feb, 06:11



"Seeking knowledge is an obligation upon every Muslim."
(Sunan Ibn Majah, Hadith 224)

Tarjimasi: "Ilm izlash har bir musulmon uchun farzdir."

💎👉🏻 @ENGLAND_USA is the best
England & USA

04 Feb, 16:57


Ertaga demo dars uchun kanalga link tashlayman.Ana shu yerda batafsil bilib olasizlar
England & USA

25 Jan, 16:03



Til o'rganuvchilarni 2 toifaga ajratamiz:

1-toifa => Shunchaki tilni o'z maqsadlariga erishish vositasi sifatida yondoshadi.Va hayotida unchalik katta ro'l o'ynamaydi.
Tilni o'rganadi ammo butun xayoti va rejalari u bilan bog'liq emas.
2-toifa => Tilni orqasidan tirikchilik qilish va butun xayotini aynan til o'rganishga sarflaydigan insonlar.
Bunday insonlar uchun til xayotining asosiy rejasi va maqsadi hisoblanadi.

Siz qaysi toifadasiz bilmadim,muhimi esa maqsadga erishishda til o'rganish borligi.
Shunday ekan hech qachon maqsadlarni o'zgartirmang shunchaki maqsadga yetishadigan yo'lni o'zgartiring!

💎👉🏻 @ENGLAND_USA is the best
England & USA

25 Jan, 14:25


Qiziqarli Content qilamiz In shaa Alloh bugundan chyotki - chyotki narsalar tashab boraman guys😁

N1 kanal bo'lamiz nasib qilsa bugun 21:00 da ajoyib post chiqadi kutinglar😎
England & USA

25 Jan, 10:10



10 Synonyms for “Creative”

1. Innovative
2. Imaginative
3. Artistic
4. Original
5. Resourceful
6. Inventive
7. Visionary
8. Inspired
9. Clever
10. Imagery

Synonyms for “Scary”

1️⃣ Frightening
2️⃣ Terrifying
3️⃣ Spine-chilling
4️⃣ Hair-raising
5️⃣ Creepy
6️⃣ Horrifying
7️⃣ Eerie
8️⃣ Petrifying
9️⃣ Bone-chilling
🔟 Startling

💎👉🏻 @ENGLAND_USA is the best
England & USA

05 Jan, 11:34


ADVANCED C1-C2 Irregular Plural Nouns with a QUIZ!

Super Lesson for Advanced students

💎👉🏻 @ENGLAND_USA is the best
England & USA

26 Dec, 06:32


English Teaching Methodologies (with Gabriel Clark)

Yaxshi podcast bo'libdi ancha foydali bo'sh vaqtingiz bo'lsa ko'rib chiqing.

💎👉🏻 @ENGLAND_USA is the best
England & USA

24 Dec, 16:24



Top 7 Idioms for Speaking

1. A blessing in disguise

Something that seems bad at first but turns out to be good.

Example: Losing that job was a blessing in disguise; it allowed me to find a better opportunity.

2. Burn the midnight oil

To work late into the night.

Example: She had to burn the midnight oil to finish her thesis on time.

3. The ball is in your court

It's your decision or responsibility to take action next.

Example: I’ve done everything I can; now the ball is in your court.

4. Bite the bullet

To force yourself to do something difficult or unpleasant.

Example: He decided to bite the bullet and confront his boss about the issue.

5. A penny for your thoughts

Asking someone to share what they are thinking.

Example: You’ve been quiet for a while. A penny for your thoughts?

6. Break the ice

To make people feel more relaxed in a social setting.

Example: Telling a joke is a great way to break the ice at parties.

7. Jump on the bandwagon

To join others in doing something trendy or popular.

Example: She decided to jump on the bandwagon and start her own blog.

💎👉🏻 @ENGLAND_USA is the best
England & USA

23 Dec, 15:13



C1-C2 Vocabulary for Writing Task 2

* Extraterrestrials => aliens
* Claim => think
* Insight => important information
* Share => give to use
* Justify the effort => are the reason to do it

🔥👉🏻 @Formal_Vocabulary
England & USA

19 Dec, 14:36


Here are five collocations about friends, along with their meanings:

1. Close friends

Meaning: Friends you share a strong bond with and trust deeply.

Example: She confides in her close friends whenever she faces challenges.

2. Make friends

Meaning: To form new friendships or relationships.

Example: Moving to a new city gave him the chance to make friends from different cultures.

3. Lifelong friends

Meaning: Friends who remain close throughout your life.

Example: Despite living far apart, they stayed lifelong friends.

4. Fall out with a friend

Meaning: To have a disagreement or argument that damages the friendship.

Example: They fell out over a misunderstanding but reconciled later.

5. A shoulder to cry on

Meaning: A friend who offers emotional support during tough times.

Example: After the breakup, she was glad to have a shoulder to cry on.

💎👉🏻 @ENGLAND_USA is the best