هل تبحث عن مكان لتبوح بمشاعرك وأفكارك وتجد من يستمع لك بفهم وتعاطف؟ إذا كانت إجابتك نعم، فقناة 'زوجتي الحبيبة' على تطبيق تيليجرام هي المكان المثالي لك.
'زوجتي الحبيبة' هي قناة متخصصة في تقديم الدعم النفسي والاستشارات العاطفية، بقيادة الدكتورة ياسمينا، زوجتك الحبيبة وأم أطفالك، والتي ستكون لك رفيقة ومستمعة مخلصة.
يمكنك التواصل مع الدكتورة ياسمينا للحصول على استشارات شخصية عبر تطبيق واتساب على الرقم +9720567100228.
سواء كنت تبحث عن نصيحة في علاقتك الزوجية أو تحتاج إلى دعم نفسي في مشاكلك اليومية، 'زوجتي الحبيبة' ستكون معك في كل خطوة على طريق الراحة والاستقرار النفسي. انضم اليوم واحصل على الدعم الذي تحتاجه لتحقيق سعادة وتوازن في حياتك العاطفية.
07 Jan, 20:01
12 Jul, 22:17
will fill our days together with love and laughter
. 03 Jul, 18:58
Fresh flowers due to her daily care: She touches it, inspects it, smells it, runs on her cheeks and puts it behind her ears many times.
I became sure that everything in existence loves her closeness, so everything she touches lives joyfully; Here I'm the biggest spoiler
26 Jun, 21:14
Every year and you are my love
My pulse
My insatiable desire And my everlasting joy
07 May, 12:05
There is nothing left in me that has not been filled with your love
You have completely owned me
03 Apr, 17:05
02 Apr, 14:40
28 Mar, 08:45
Do I break my fast with a date, or with your mouth?
24 Mar, 11:58
renew my pledge during the blessed Ramada
nTo fear God in you
To remind you of supplications during my prostration
I appreciate your toil for us
To remain affectionate and faithful to your heart
God is witness to my words
🤍 24 Mar, 01:40
Open your velvet mouth with my hands, i will break your fast
I will feed you dates
23 Mar, 10:40
Lord bless my household,
help me to make them happy and bring peace to our hearts
Increase contentment, faith and wellness for us
Oh, Lord.
13 Mar, 15:37
Her mouth smiles from the right side
(half a smile), so
the right cleft of the globe is illuminated!
"Be affectionate on the other side",
my tormentor
! 10 Mar, 21:51
say "goodnight love"
but love is your heart itself?!
How i say"evening roses" And your cheeks overflow with the flowers of the world?! or "evening honey" And your voice is dripping from it?!
or "good evening" And your indication is the source of all kindness?!
I was confused by what greeting to meet you
05 Mar, 11:45
Her anklets herald the arrival of ecstasy
05 Feb, 21:00
28 Jan, 13:15
From your love, I walk among people as if I were a songbird
24 Jan, 12:29
I would like to invite you to my eyes..
You are Flicker in it And tell her all you want,
And I am satisfied and quenched from your face
19 Jan, 21:07