各国代购 亲自出发 亲自飞 @emilyhouseglobaldaigou Channel on Telegram

各国代购 亲自出发 亲自飞


各国代购 亲自出发 亲自飞 (Mandarin Chinese)

各国代购 亲自出发 亲自飞 is a Telegram channel dedicated to providing top-notch personal shopping services from around the world. With a team of expert personal shoppers who travel to various countries to handpick the best products, this channel ensures that you have access to exclusive items that are not easily available in your local market. Whether you're looking for luxury fashion pieces, unique home decor, or specialty foods, emilyhouseglobaldaigou has got you covered. nnWho is emilyhouseglobaldaigou? Emilyhouseglobaldaigou is a group of seasoned personal shoppers who are passionate about bringing the world's finest products directly to your doorstep. With years of experience in the industry and a keen eye for quality, they curate a selection of items that meet the highest standards of excellence.nnWhat is emilyhouseglobaldaigou? emilyhouseglobaldaigou is your go-to destination for all your personal shopping needs. By leveraging their network of connections in different countries, they are able to source the most sought-after products and deliver them to you with the utmost care and attention to detail. Say goodbye to the limits of local shopping and explore a world of possibilities with emilyhouseglobaldaigou. Join the channel today and let the team take you on a global shopping adventure!

各国代购 亲自出发 亲自飞

21 Nov, 03:19

这次的香港货物箱子封到超好也有90%箱子裂开,所有货物检查后会开始跟大家对单 预计这两天就能处理完毕 谢谢大家

各国代购 亲自出发 亲自飞

20 Nov, 02:43


香港货物遇上台风&印尼火山爆发导致货物迟到 目前已经到了马国

如有任何更改发货时间会信息通知大家 谢谢

各国代购 亲自出发 亲自飞

09 Nov, 12:32




ADIDAS 男女同款渔夫帽



马国时间 10点截单

各国代购 亲自出发 亲自飞

09 Nov, 11:03


11月很多顾客下单海参 鲍鱼

🎀大连干鲍鱼🎀 发出来真的超大超美的

干鲍鱼无论煲汤 焖都超好吃的




各国代购 亲自出发 亲自飞

09 Nov, 11:03



老的鸭肾才能叫陈肾 越老越香啊

煲汤 煲粥 炒等等 非常好吃

各国代购 亲自出发 亲自飞

09 Nov, 11:02


花菇&冬菇小知识 有兴趣可以看影片

日本🇯🇵海龙牌 特厚天白花菇
这花菇最厚最香 我家吃的就是这个
花菇口感 滑 吃下去sut sut声

咬下去满满的香味 真的无敌好吃😋 ⭐️花菇小知识花菇是越厚越香 需要浸发10小时 才能够发挥香菇香味

(可以一次性浸发,发好收在冰箱里 想煮的时候随时能煮)

#日本海龙牌冬菇 口感非常滑

冬菇够香够厚 必须推荐

日本海龙牌花菇🔥一斤 RM498🉐(600克) 口感爽口

日本海龙牌冬菇 🔥一斤 RM398🉐口感滑

各国代购 亲自出发 亲自飞

09 Nov, 11:02


香港老字号 🎀海玉竹 🎀

用了好几年的 海玉竹
超美无敌美 够厚 够大片

海玉竹煲汤真的好喝 超甜 喜欢海玉竹的你不要错过

