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پست‌های تلگرام 🔥Embers from Ash🌻

🔥Embers from Ash🌻
Poetry • Prose • Art • Random sparks in the dark 🔥🌻💫
Owned and operated by Ash aka @ashtruthwarrior

Channel formerly called The Warrior Mom - this is a new chapter.
2,546 مشترک
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2,597 ویدیو
آخرین به‌روزرسانی 06.03.2025 13:29

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آخرین محتوای به اشتراک گذاشته شده توسط 🔥Embers from Ash🌻 در تلگرام

🔥Embers from Ash🌻

04 Dec, 11:40


Here's a secret:

That "who" only cares about you to the extent that they can control, manipulate and direct you.

Once they've lost that control, they also lose interest.

Once they know you don't give AF what they think, they stop trying to shove it down your throat.

They only keep giving it because you keep taking it.

Stop taking it.

Enough is enough.
🔥Embers from Ash🌻

04 Dec, 11:20


I radiate love, joy, and happiness.

I choose to love. I choose to wear a smile. I choose to make someone's day brighter.

It's a great day to exist. I am love. Today I choose to share that gift with the world. ❤️
🔥Embers from Ash🌻

04 Dec, 10:38


Happy Wednesday! Guess what I did last night?

I painted.

It wasn't the first time I painted since February...but it was the first time I chose to because I wanted to, for me - to stop "doing" and to just BE me.

Now time to write ... 💖💖 Oh and look what Lori has decided to share 😍👇🏼. I'll give some time for responses before sharing the answers she has already posted in the chat.

Hope you make a beautiful day for yourself today.🌻🌻
🔥Embers from Ash🌻

04 Dec, 10:38


Pick-a-Card reading starter
Refelect on the image and pick the card(s) that connect with you
🔥Embers from Ash🌻

04 Dec, 02:04


Being ignorant in this time of the information it's a matter of choice.
🔥Embers from Ash🌻

21 Oct, 22:31


America is about to recieve a massive activation within her original codex and design of bravery, strength, courage, liberty, faith, freedom, trust, family, and union as designed originally and intended originally by our mother and father the alpha and omega. America will have to rely on God now, and this was always God's plan. Everyone is playing their roles perfectly..even the "bad guys"
Remember that you will be witnessing a movie during this next chapter entitled
"The Return to God"
🔥Embers from Ash🌻

21 Oct, 22:31


We got a few of those heart expansion codes coming up in the next 72 hours. Don't get nervous if you get a few flutters and a few sensations. Just breath through it, ground as best you can and let it pass through. I personally find swimming really helps to move the energy and be in warm water. If you don't have a pool run a bath with lavender oil and a little Epsom Salt. Much Love.
🔥Embers from Ash🌻

21 Oct, 22:31


Sometimes war is God's plan to answer our prayers. Sometimes God's way is not our way. Understand that everything that is about to occur is 100% God's plan..but it is going to shock many who will not understand this, and will also believe that God has turned his back on America. This is the farthest thing from the truth...We must stay very close to God right now, and ask to see all that is happening through God's lenz. God is bringing America back to her original point and intention of creation..and this process is not pretty, nor easy..but it will cause a maturation throughout the collective that is necessary to get to the other side, and to return home to the Christed light. God is not abandoning us, God is allowing all that is about to occur in order to rescue and to awaken those sleeping, but also to grow and expand and evolve all of us in amazing ways. Tap into your indigo star fire and violet rays for grounded guidance and support. The Galactic Angelics when called upon will also help u to see your role, and your direction at this time. For some, this may look like a huge role change, for others this will look like the very thing you've been preparing for since 2020. It is go time, and we must remain focused on God in the storm, rather then the storm that will be blowing loudly and harshly around us. In times of darkness God's light shines and shows the brightest.
Trust God, and turn to your altar within for guidance and reassurance. We came for a time such as this.
America is returning to her Divine roots.
Everything belongs to our creator first, and our creator intends to take back all that is attempting to be stolen from him. The alpha and the omega are seated in their thrones and they are in control of everything that is being allowed to happen, and everything that is about to happen. Trust that u are exactly where u are meant to be, and trust God's grace to carry you through what is to come. Stay in your lane and let everyone else stay in theirs, without judging their placement as wrong...for it truly can't be any other way...and yet all eventually will return home. This is God's way of taking as many as possible home at once, and every soul has pre designed to go through the upcoming storm exactly as it will play out for them..even in the war storm, you can be living the life of your dreams come true...because God's path for you always exists above the world's matrix.
In the next couple of months ..beginning now you will witness the activation and codex and Christed rays of patriotism , return to Divine warrior, Divine Union, courage, bravery, faith and long suffering ..which is the faith in God's word in your heart, as u traverse through the journey of the storm.
