Últimas publicaciones de 🔥Embers from Ash🌻 (@embersfromash) en Telegram

Publicaciones de Telegram de 🔥Embers from Ash🌻

🔥Embers from Ash🌻
Poetry • Prose • Art • Random sparks in the dark 🔥🌻💫
Owned and operated by Ash aka @ashtruthwarrior

Channel formerly called The Warrior Mom - this is a new chapter.
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Última Actualización 06.03.2025 13:29

El contenido más reciente compartido por 🔥Embers from Ash🌻 en Telegram

🔥Embers from Ash🌻

06 Mar, 12:25


I found this motivational speaker when I was a professional coach and I used one of his videos (I'll drop it in the comments) with every single person I coached from then on.

I cannot tell you how excited I am to go to a live event he's speaking at this year. I am actually crying because of how happy it makes me and how excited I am.🥹🥹

Coming from an incredibly "stuck" family, he and everyone I worked with poured love and life into me for years and years.

I wouldn't be who I am today if I hadn't worked with those people specifically, and without his mind hacks. I wouldn't have the life I have. My husband. Kids. I likely wouldn't even be here anymore.

That is how powerful mindset is.

And that is why mental health and stability is my #1 priority.

It matters how we handle difficult situations.
It matters how we handle our emotions.

My kids are always watching and I am determined to provide them better examples and models than what I had.

🔥Embers from Ash🌻

06 Mar, 12:16


Oh and Happy Thursday! 🌻🌻
🔥Embers from Ash🌻

06 Mar, 12:15


You are free to choose...but you are not free from the consequences of those choices.
🔥Embers from Ash🌻

06 Mar, 03:27


My tea bag said the same thing
🔥Embers from Ash🌻

06 Mar, 02:21


Posted on X @ 17:05 (5:05) EST 3/5/25

Wow. He’s not mincing any words.

🔥Embers from Ash🌻

06 Mar, 02:18


🔥Embers from Ash🌻

06 Mar, 02:18


Where the above post came from.. I always put the violet flame after the divine white light opps
🔥Embers from Ash🌻

06 Mar, 02:18


I love this violet flame meditation by Rachel that I’ve had for awhile
🔥Embers from Ash🌻

06 Mar, 02:14


Remember when I was mad about everyone telling us all to get therapy after my brother died? Wanna guess where I got those set of beliefs from 🙃🙃. Hard to stand up to a narcissistic mom with healthy tools and professionals who know her tactics. Watching my sister in law make my nieces go through therapy this last year has transformed my whole perspective. I am SO happy that you are taking care of yourself Margie 🥰🥰🥰🥰
🔥Embers from Ash🌻

06 Mar, 02:14


Just got done with my first therapy session since November of last year. Felt great! Gonna try the EDR? Lights! Same therapist. That makes it so easy.