Easy Russian @easyrussianforall Telegramチャンネル

Easy Russian

Easy Russian
Easy Russian is an easy start to learn the language. The channel will gradually teach you Cyrillic alphabet, common Russian words, collocations and expressions. You are welcome to ask questions or start a conversation in the comments.
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Easy Russian: A Simple Guide to Learning the Language

Learning a new language can be an enriching experience, opening doors to new cultures and opportunities. Among the many languages spoken around the world, Russian stands out due to its rich literary tradition, vast geography, and significant political influence. As one of the top languages in the world by the number of native speakers, Russian is not only a means of communication but also a key to understanding the history and culture of Eastern Europe and Central Asia. For those looking to venture into this complex yet beautiful language, the 'Easy Russian' channel presents an excellent starting point. This platform aims to demystify the Russian language by introducing learners to the Cyrillic alphabet, essential vocabulary, and commonly used expressions in a gradual and engaging manner. The channel encourages interaction, inviting viewers to ask questions and participate in conversations, which fosters a supportive learning environment for all.

What is the Cyrillic alphabet and why is it essential for learning Russian?

The Cyrillic alphabet is a writing system used for various languages across Eastern Europe and Central Asia, including Russian. It consists of 33 letters, some of which may look similar to the Latin alphabet but have different pronunciations. Understanding the Cyrillic alphabet is crucial for learning Russian because it is the foundational tool for reading and writing in the language. Mastery of the alphabet allows learners to transition from recognizing letters to forming words and sentences effectively.

Learning the Cyrillic alphabet is not only about memorizing letters; it also involves grasping the sounds associated with each letter. This foundational knowledge is essential for pronunciation, aiding learners in correctly articulating words as they progress. It can initially seem daunting, but with consistent practice and resources like the 'Easy Russian' channel, learners can gain confidence in their ability to read and write in Russian.

What common words and phrases should beginners focus on when learning Russian?

For beginners, focusing on common greetings and basic expressions is a great starting point. Words like 'Здравствуйте' (Hello), 'Спасибо' (Thank you), and 'Привет' (Hi) are fundamental for everyday communication. Additionally, expressions such as 'Как дела?' (How are you?) and 'Пожалуйста' (Please) serve as essential building blocks for interacting with native speakers and are crucial for developing conversational skills.

Moreover, beginners should also learn essential vocabulary related to daily life, such as numbers, colors, food items, and common verbs. The 'Easy Russian' channel often emphasizes these foundational words, helping learners to build a robust vocabulary that they can use in various contexts, thus enhancing their overall language proficiency.

How can engaging with the community enhance the language learning experience?

Engaging with a community of learners can significantly enhance the language learning experience by providing support, motivation, and opportunities for practice. Platforms like the 'Easy Russian' channel encourage viewers to ask questions and start conversations in the comments, creating a collaborative environment. Interacting with peers allows learners to share insights and learn from each other's experiences, which can lead to a deeper understanding of the language.

Additionally, community engagement can help learners practice their skills in a low-pressure environment. Receiving feedback from fellow learners or even native speakers can boost confidence and accelerate the learning process. This communal approach not only builds a sense of camaraderie but also fosters a culture of continuous learning and improvement.

What role do collocations play in mastering the Russian language?

Collocations are combinations of words that frequently appear together and sound natural to native speakers. Understanding collocations is particularly important in mastering Russian, as they help learners know which words commonly go together and how to construct sentences more naturally. For instance, knowing that 'заболеть' (to get sick) is often used with 'грипп' (flu) allows for more nuanced communication.

Learning collocations can also enhance vocabulary retention. When words are learned together in phrases or common contexts, they are easier to remember and recall. The 'Easy Russian' channel often provides examples of collocations within its lessons, ensuring that learners can understand and utilize these natural pairings in their speech and writing.

What resources are available for learning Russian online?

In addition to the 'Easy Russian' channel, there are numerous online resources available for learning Russian. Websites like Duolingo and Babbel offer structured courses that cover vocabulary, grammar, and pronunciation, making them excellent choices for beginners. Meanwhile, platforms like YouTube provide a plethora of tutorials and lessons that cater to different learning styles, allowing users to absorb the material at their own pace.

Furthermore, language exchange platforms like Tandem and HelloTalk connect learners with native speakers, facilitating real-life practice and conversational skills development. Engaging with various resources can provide a well-rounded approach to language acquisition, enabling learners to reinforce their skills through diverse methods.

Easy Russian テレグラムチャンネル

Are you looking to learn Russian in a fun and easy way? Look no further than 'Easy Russian'! This Telegram channel, with the username @easyrussianforall, is the perfect place for beginners to start their Russian language journey. 'Easy Russian' is designed to make learning the language accessible and enjoyable for everyone. Whether you are just starting out or looking to brush up on your skills, this channel will gradually teach you the Cyrillic alphabet, common Russian words, collocations, and expressions. One of the best features of 'Easy Russian' is the interactive nature of the channel. You are encouraged to ask questions, share your progress, and even start conversations in the comments section. This creates a supportive and engaging community of language learners who can help each other along the way. So why wait? Join 'Easy Russian' today and take the first step towards mastering the beautiful Russian language. With the help of this channel, learning Russian has never been easier or more enjoyable. Don't miss out on this fantastic opportunity to expand your language skills and connect with others who share your passion for Russian culture. Start your language learning journey with 'Easy Russian' now!

Easy Russian の最新投稿

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Ёжик в тумане

🇬🇧 It’s time! 🙂

Soviet cult film: The Hedgehog in the Fog (with Russian subtitles)

The Hedgehog in the Fog is considered one of the most outstanding gems in the history of animated film. In 2003, this remarkable film was awarded the title of the best animated film of all time by 140 international film critics at the prestigious Laputa Festival in Tokyo.

This Soviet animated film, distinguished by its unique narrative style and visual poetry, remains a timeless masterpiece that has inspired generations of filmmakers.

The famous Japanese director Hayao Miyazaki, known for masterpieces such as Spirited Away and My Neighbor Totoro, has called The Hedgehog in the Fog his favorite film. He emphasized that this film had a significant influence on his own creative work.

A philosophical animated film that is difficult to understand with the mind and must be perceived with the senses.

(And here you can watch it with English and German subtitles).

🇩🇪 Es ist Zeit! 🙂

Sowjetischer Kultfilm: Der Igel im Nebel (mit russischen Untertiteln)

Der Igel im Nebel gilt als eine der herausragendsten Perlen der Animationsfilmgeschichte. Im Jahr 2003 wurde dieser bemerkenswerte Film von 140 internationalen Filmkritikern auf dem renommierten Laputa Festival in Tokio zum besten Animationsfilm aller Zeiten gekürt.

Dieser sowjetische Animationsfilm, der durch seine einzigartige Erzählweise und visuelle Poesie besticht, bleibt ein zeitloses Meisterwerk, das Generationen von Filmemachern inspiriert hat.

Der berühmte japanische Regisseur Hayao Miyazaki, bekannt für Meisterwerke wie Chihiros Reise ins Zauberland und Mein Nachbar Totoro, hat Der Igel im Nebel als seinen Lieblingsfilm bezeichnet. Er betonte, dass dieser Film einen erheblichen Einfluss auf seine eigene kreative Arbeit hatte.

Ein philosophischer Animationsfilm, der mit dem Kopf schwer zu verstehen ist und mit den Sinnen wahrgenommen werden muss.

(Und hier können Sie ihn mit englischen und deutschen Untertiteln ansehen).

08 Dec, 12:29
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Insert the following numbers one by one into the sentences: 5, 15, 72, 345, 888.
Setzen Sie die folgenden Zahlen nacheinander in die Sätze ein: 5, 15, 72, 345, 888.

1. У меня ___ карандашей.
2. У меня не было ___ карандашей.
3. Я очень обрадовался ___ карандашам.
4. Я купил ___ карандашей.
5. Я рисую всеми ___ карандашами.
6. Теперь вы знаете о моих ___ карандашах.

For example:
Zum Beispiel:

1. У меня ПЯТЬ карандашей.
— I have FIVE pencils.
— Ich habe FÜNF Bleistifte.

2. У меня не было ПЯТИ карандашей.
— I didn't have FIVE pencils.
— Ich hatte keine FÜNF Bleistifte.

3. Я очень обрадовался ПЯТИ карандашам.
— I was very happy about FIVE pencils.
— Ich habe mich über die FÜNF Bleistifte sehr gefreut.

4. Я купил ПЯТЬ карандашей.
— I bought FIVE pencils.
— Ich habe FÜNF Bleistifte gekauft.

5. Я рисую всеми ПЯТЬЮ карандашами.
— I draw with all FIVE pencils.
— Ich zeichne mit allen FÜNF Bleistiften.

6. Теперь вы знаете о моих ПЯТИ карандашах.
— Now you know about my FIVE pencils.
— Jetzt wissen Sie über meine FÜNF Bleistifte.


05 Dec, 13:29
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The numeral is a part of speech that denotes the quantity or order of objects, people, or phenomena.

In the Russian language, they are divided into four categories:

Cardinal numbers answer the question "how many?" and can express:
— the quantity of objects (три карандаша - three pencils, два друга - two friends, десять кустов - ten bushes);
— an abstract number (два - two, пятнадцать - fifteen, полтора - one and a half, двести - two hundred).

Collective numbers denote quantities as wholes and are represented in Russian by only eleven words:
двое - two (e.g.: two of us = двое из нас), трое - three, четверо - four, пятеро - five, шестеро - six, семеро - seven, восьмеро - eight, девятеро - nine, десятеро - ten, оба - both (m, n), обе - both (f).

Ordinal numbers answer the question "which?" and denote the order of objects when counting:
первый - first, двадцатый - twentieth, сотый - hundredth.

Fractional numbers denote fractional values and quantities:
две пятые - two fifths, три целых и одна десятая - three point one (literally: three whole and one tenth); одна третья пирога - one third of a pie.

Simple, complex, and compound numerals

Simple numerals are words with a single root: четыре - four, второй - second, сто - hundred.
Complex numerals are words with multiple roots: семьдесят (семь/десят) - seventy, одиннадцать (один/на/дцать) - eleven, трёхсотый (трёх/сотый) - three hundredth.
Compound numerals consist of two or more words, both simple and complex: тридцать три - thirty-three; шестьдесят второй - sixty-second, сто двадцать девять - one hundred twenty-nine.

Declension of compound numerals

In the declension of cardinal numbers, all words and all parts of complex words change:
шестьсот шестнадцать (nominative) - six hundred and sixteen —> шестьюстами шестнадцатью (instrumental).
In the declension of ordinal numbers, only the last word changes: шестьсот шестнадцать (nominative) — шестьсот шестнадцатого (genitive).

Zero (ноль or нуль)
There are two spellings for zero: ноль and нуль.
How to use them:
— When counting or comparing, the form ноль is more commonly used: ноль меньше трёх - zero is less than three, ноль целых и одна десятая - zero point one.
— In technical terms, the form нуль is more commonly used: сумма равняется нулю - the sum equals zero, уличная температура держится на нуле - the outside temperature is at zero.
— In fixed expressions, both forms occur: ноль внимания - zero attention, счет ноль-ноль - score zero-zero, свести к нулю - reduce to zero.

Полтора (1.5) and полтораста (150)
These words are interesting not only because they fall outside the decimal system but also due to their declension features. Each has only two forms, and it is not the ending of the word that changes but the middle:
Полтора (nominative and accusative) — полутора (other cases).
Полтораста (nominative and accusative) — полутораста (other cases).

There are words that pose as numerals but are not actually numerals. For example: тройка (trio), десяток (dozen) - nouns, and трижды (three times), дважды (twice) - adverbs.
Interestingly, дважды два (2x2) is an adverb and a numeral, while пятью пять (5x5) consists of two numerals.

02 Dec, 19:21
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Das Zahlwort ist eine Wortart, die die Menge oder Reihenfolge von Gegenständen, Personen oder Phänomenen bezeichnet.

In der russischen Sprache werden sie in vier Kategorien eingeteilt:

Kardinalzahlen beantworten die Frage „wie viele?“ und können ausdrücken:
— die Menge der Gegenstände (три карандаша - drei Bleistifte, два друга - zwei Freunde, десять кустов - zehn Büsche);
— eine abstrakte Zahl (два - zwei, пятнадцать - fünfzehn, полтора - anderthalb, двести - zweihundert).

Sammelzahlen bezeichnen Mengen als Ganzes und sind im Russischen nur durch elf Wörter vertreten:
двое - zwei (z.B.: es waren ihrer zwei = их было двое), трое - drei, четверо - vier, пятеро - fünf, шестеро - sechs, семеро - sieben, восьмеро - acht, девятеро - neun, десятеро - zehn, оба - beide (m, n), обе - beide (f).

Ordnungszahlen beantworten die Frage „welcher?“ und bezeichnen die Reihenfolge der Gegenstände beim Zählen:
первый - erste, двадцатый - zwanzigste, сотый - hundertste.

Bruchzahlen bezeichnen Bruchwerte und Bruchmengen:
две пятые - zwei Fünftel, три целых и одна десятая - drei Komma eins (wörtl: drei ganze und ein Zehntel); одна третья пирога - ein Drittel eines Kuchens.

Einfache, komplexe und zusammengesetzte Zahlwörter

Einfache Zahlwörter sind Wörter mit einem Stamm: четыре - vier, второй - zweite, сто - hundert.
Komplexe Zahlwörter sind Wörter mit mehreren Stämmen: семьдесят (семь/десят) - siebzig, одиннадцать (один/на/дцать) - elf, трёхсотый (трёх/сотый) - dreihundertste.
Zusammengesetzte Zahlwörter bestehen aus zwei oder mehr Wörtern, sowohl einfachen als auch komplexen: тридцать три - dreiunddreißig; шестьдесят второй - zweiundsechzigste, сто двадцать девять - einhundertneunundzwanzig.

Deklination zusammengesetzter Zahlwörter
Bei der Deklination von Kardinalzahlen ändern sich alle Wörter und alle Teile komplexer Wörter:
шестьсот шестнадцать (nom.) - sechshundertsechzehn —> шестьюстами шестнадцатью (instr.).
Bei der Deklination von Ordnungszahlen ändert sich nur das letzte Wort: шестьсот шестнадцать (nom.) — шестьсот шестнадцатого (gen.).

Null (ноль oder нуль)

Es gibt zwei Schreibweisen für Null: ноль und нуль.
Wie man sie verwendet:
— Beim Zählen, Vergleichen wird häufiger die Form ноль verwendet: ноль меньше трёх - null ist kleiner als drei, ноль целых и одна десятая - null Komma eins.
— In Fachbegriffen wird häufiger die Form нуль verwendet: сумма равняется нулю - die Summe beträgt null, уличная температура держится на нуле - die Außentemperatur liegt bei null.
— In festen Ausdrücken kommen beide Formen vor: ноль внимания - null Aufmerksamkeit, счет ноль-ноль - Spielstand null-null, свести к нулю - auf null reduzieren.

Полтора (1,5) und полтораста (150)
Diese Wörter sind nicht nur interessant, weil sie aus dem dezimalen System herausfallen, sondern auch wegen ihrer Deklinationsmerkmale. Jedes von ihnen hat nur zwei Formen und es ändert sich nicht das Ende des Wortes, sondern die Mitte:
Полтора (Nominativ und Akkusativ) — полутора (andere Fälle).
Полтораста (Nominativ und Akkusativ) — полутораста (andere Fälle).

Es gibt Wörter, die sich als Zahlwörter ausgeben, aber in Wirklichkeit keine sind. Zum Beispiel: тройка (Dreier), десяток (Dutzend) - Substantive, und трижды (dreimal), дважды (zweimal) - Adverbien.
Interessant ist, dass дважды два (2x2) ein Adverb und ein Zahlwort ist, während пятью пять (5x5) zwei Zahlwörter sind.

02 Dec, 19:20