Welcome to our Telegram channel 'کتاب و جزوه درسی'! This channel, managed by user @drfizic, is your go-to destination for all things related to books, study notes, and exam preparation materials. Whether you are a student preparing for entrance exams or simply someone who loves to read and learn, this channel has something for everyone. We provide first-hand access to all entrance exam materials from various institutions, ensuring that you are well-equipped to succeed
Our commitment to quality is unwavering, and in the rare case that a publisher is dissatisfied with the content shared, we promptly remove it to maintain our standards. For additional study resources, we recommend checking out our affiliated channels such as @KOMPANI_DARSI
Stay connected with us through our communication channel @AmirKabirDigi for any inquiries or feedback. Join us today and take your study and exam preparation to the next level with 'کتاب و جزوه درسی'!
25 Oct, 14:38
23 Oct, 05:05
23 Oct, 05:01
22 Oct, 05:39
22 Oct, 05:26
20 Oct, 18:00
19 Oct, 10:57
19 Oct, 10:49
19 Oct, 10:47
18 Oct, 11:42
17 Oct, 07:38
16 Oct, 18:46
16 Oct, 18:06
15 Oct, 12:15
15 Oct, 11:30
15 Oct, 11:26
15 Oct, 11:23
15 Oct, 11:22
15 Oct, 11:20
13 Oct, 08:24
12 Oct, 21:55