Dr. Muhammad Mosleh Uddin @dr_mosleh Telegramチャンネル

Dr. Muhammad Mosleh Uddin

Dr. Muhammad Mosleh Uddin
Dr. Muhammad Mosleh Uddin
MBBS (CMC), FCPS part-2 (Cardiology)
Chittagong Medical College & Hospital

Social links:
FB page: https://www.facebook.com/Mosleh.cmc59
Youtube: https://youtube.com/@Dr.Mosleh
Telegram: https:/
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Dr. Muhammad Mosleh Uddin: A Prominent Cardiologist

Dr. Muhammad Mosleh Uddin is a distinguished cardiologist based at Chittagong Medical College & Hospital in Bangladesh. His expertise in cardiology is backed by a robust educational background, including an MBBS degree from Chittagong Medical College and further specialization as evidenced by his FCPS part-2 in Cardiology. As heart diseases continue to pose a significant health challenge worldwide, Dr. Uddin has dedicated his career to advancing cardiovascular health and improving patient outcomes. Through his clinical practice, he not only diagnoses and treats heart conditions but also engages in community outreach and health education, emphasizing the importance of preventive measures in cardiac health. Dr. Uddin is also an active content creator and utilizes social media platforms to share valuable health information, thus extending his reach beyond traditional patient care to educate a wider audience.

What are the primary responsibilities of a cardiologist?

Cardiologists play a crucial role in diagnosing and treating heart-related conditions. They perform a wide range of functions, including conducting patient examinations, interpreting diagnostic tests such as echocardiograms and stress tests, and developing treatment plans tailored to individual patient needs. Furthermore, they aim to prevent heart disease through education on risk factors and lifestyle changes.

In addition to these responsibilities, cardiologists often collaborate with other healthcare professionals, such as primary care physicians and nurses, to provide comprehensive care. They may also be involved in clinical research and education, contributing to advancements in cardiac care and training the next generation of medical professionals.

How does Dr. Muhammad Mosleh Uddin engage with the community?

Dr. Muhammad Mosleh Uddin actively engages with the community through various outreach initiatives. By leveraging his social media platforms, such as Facebook and YouTube, he shares informative content that promotes awareness about cardiovascular health. His posts often include tips on maintaining a healthy lifestyle, understanding heart disease risk factors, and recognizing symptoms that require medical attention.

Additionally, Dr. Uddin participates in public health seminars and workshops, where he discusses heart health issues and answers questions from the audience. This direct engagement helps demystify cardiac care and encourages individuals to take proactive steps in managing their heart health.

What conditions does a cardiologist typically treat?

Cardiologists treat a wide array of conditions related to the heart and blood vessels. Some of the most common conditions include coronary artery disease, heart attacks, arrhythmias (irregular heartbeats), valvular heart diseases, and heart failure. They also manage risk factors such as hypertension, high cholesterol, and diabetes that can contribute to cardiovascular diseases.

Furthermore, cardiologists are involved in treating congenital heart defects and providing care for patients recovering from cardiac surgeries. Their expertise allows them to tailor treatments based on individual patient profiles and the complexity of the cardiovascular condition.

What is the significance of preventive cardiology?

Preventive cardiology focuses on reducing the risk of heart disease before it develops. This aspect of cardiology is vital as it emphasizes lifestyle modifications, such as diet and exercise, to manage risk factors like obesity, hypertension, and high cholesterol. Preventive strategies can help avoid costly and complex treatments later in life, leading to better health outcomes overall.

Through awareness campaigns and community education, as demonstrated by Dr. Uddin's initiatives, preventive cardiology aims to foster a more health-conscious society. By educating individuals on the signs and symptoms of heart disease, it empowers them to seek timely medical care, thereby potentially saving lives.

How can patients benefit from following Dr. Uddin on social media?

Patients and the general public can gain significant benefits from following Dr. Muhammad Mosleh Uddin on social media platforms. His content is designed to provide valuable insights into heart health, making complex medical concepts more accessible and understandable. By engaging with his posts, followers can learn about new research, effective prevention strategies, and the latest treatment options available in cardiology.

Additionally, social media serves as a platform for Dr. Uddin to answer questions and interact with his audience, providing a direct line of communication. This interaction fosters a sense of community among those interested in cardiovascular health, potentially encouraging individuals to adopt healthier lifestyles and seek necessary medical advice.

Dr. Muhammad Mosleh Uddin テレグラムチャンネル

Are you looking for reliable medical advice from a qualified cardiologist? Look no further than Dr. Muhammad Mosleh Uddin's Telegram channel! Dr. Mosleh, who holds an MBBS from Chittagong Medical College and is currently pursuing FCPS part-2 in Cardiology, is dedicated to providing valuable insights and information about heart health.

On his channel, you can find updates on the latest advancements in cardiology, tips for maintaining a healthy heart, and answers to commonly asked questions about heart-related issues. Dr. Mosleh's expertise and experience make him a trusted source of information for anyone looking to improve their heart health.

In addition to his medical knowledge, Dr. Mosleh is also active on social media. You can connect with him on Facebook (https://www.facebook.com/Mosleh.cmc59) and YouTube (https://youtube.com/@Dr.Mosleh) to stay updated on his latest videos and posts.

Don't miss out on the opportunity to learn from a seasoned cardiologist. Join Dr. Muhammad Mosleh Uddin's Telegram channel today and take the first step towards better heart health!

Dr. Muhammad Mosleh Uddin の最新投稿

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In aortic regurgitation (AR) 3 types of murmurs are found.

📌 Early diastolic murmur
📌 Mid diastolic murmur
📌 Systolic flow murmur

📘 Explanation
At first we have to know the normal sequences of events of diastole for left ventricle.
📌 Step-1: at first aortic valve closes.
📌 Step-2: then LV begins to dilate.
📌 Step-3: then mitral valve opens
📌 Step-4: then blood enters into LV from LA
Nornally this is not happened. Because aortic valve tightly closes at the starting of diastole of LV.

❇️ Early diastolic murmur
In case of AR, aortic valve can not close tightly during starting of LV diastole. Thats why some blood backwardly enters into LV from aorta at this time. This blood flow produces early diasyolic murmur. As the event occurs in early stage of LV diastole that's why the murmur is early diastolic.

❇️ Mid diastolic murmur
We know that, during LV diastole at first aortic valve closes. Then mitral valve begins to open. But as in AR, aortic valve doesn’t close completely thats why some blood backwardly enters into LV. Due to this jet of blood, mitral valve can not open completely. Thats why another murmur is produced. As this event occurs at mid stage of LV diastole, thats why the murmur is mid diastolic.

❇️ Systolic flow mumur
In case of AR, during diastole of LV an extra amount of blood backwardly enters into LV from aorta. So, EDV end diastolic volume) becomes more than usual. So, stroke volume becomes more than usual. As an extra volume of blood ejects out from LV through aortic valve that's why a flow murmur occurs. As this event occurs during LV systole that's why it is called systolic flow murmur.

08 Mar, 18:01
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CLD তে usually clubbing থাকে না।
যদি Hepatopulmonary syndrome develop করে তাহলে clubbing হবে।

Reference : Davidson's 24th e, 880
📌Feel the MEDICINE course

08 Mar, 09:09
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Portal HTN এ NO production বাড়ে কেন?

08 Mar, 08:55
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Feel the MEDICINE/Davidson's 120 disease দুটো course এর যেকোন একটি নিলেই আপনার 5th year এর Medicine এর একটা complete preparation হয়ে যাবে ইনশা আল্লাহ।
এখানে আমরা Davidson's এর important cases & topics গুলো একদম root level থেকে basic conception সহ পড়ানোর চেষ্টা করি আলহামদুলিল্লাহ।
Medicine final prof এর written+VIVA+Short case+ Long case+ Pediatrics সব ইনশা আল্লাহ cover হবে এই দুটো course এ।
এখানে আমরা আপনাকে Full Davidson's পড়াবোনা। কারণ FCPS এর preparation pattern আর Final প্রফ এর preparation pattern সম্পূর্ণ আলাদা।
তবে important cases + Topics যেগুলো থেকে frequently Prof এ question করা হয়, এবং clinically commonly ward এ যেসকল case আমরা পাই,সেগুলো আমরা on details পড়াবো ইনশা আল্লাহ।  এতে করে Davidson's এর প্রায় 70% শেষ হয়ে যাবে plus আপনার basic conception এর একটা strong base তৈরি হবে ইনশা আল্লাহ। 

পরবর্তীতে আপনি যখন intern life এ FCPS এর preparation নিবেন, আপনার সেই journey টা অনেক smooth হবে ইনশা আল্লাহ।  কারণ ভেতরের সব basic আপনার already আলহামদুলিল্লাহ।  FCPS preparation এর সময় আপনাকে কেউ basic পড়াবেনা, কারণ ঐ সময়টা পাওয়া যায় না।
কয়েকটা example দেই।

🔴 ধরুণ, একটা question করি, Asthma তে first line drug কোনটি? আর COPD তে কোনটি?
উত্তর হলো, Asthma তে steroid আর COPD তে Bronchodilator.কিন্তু এর পেছনের কারণ/conception টা আপনাকে শিখতে হবে এই 5th year এই ইনশা আল্লাহ। 

🔴 Pneumothorax কিসে বেশি হয়? Emphysema তে নাকি Chronic bronchitis এ?
উত্তর হলো, Emphysema তে। এর পেছনের কারণ/conception টা আপনাকে শিখতে হবে এই 5th year এই ইনশা আল্লাহ। 

🔴TB তে কোন lobe এ collapse বেশি হয়?
উত্তর হলো Right middle lobe এ। এর পেছনের কারণ/conception টা আপনাকে শিখতে হবে এই 5th year এই ইনশা আল্লাহ। 

🔴 Pulmonary HTN কোনটাতে হয়? Acute left heart failure নাকি Chronic heart failure এ?
উত্তর হলো, Chronic heart failure এ।
এর পেছনের কারণ/conception টা আপনাকে শিখতে হবে এই 5th year এই ইনশা আল্লাহ। 

🔴 Deep vein thrombosis এ Pulmpnary embolism হয় আর Mitral stenosis এর ক্ষেত্রে Systemic embolism হয়।
এর পেছনের কারণ/conception টা আপনাকে শিখতে হবে এই 5th year এই ইনশা আল্লাহ। 

🔴 CLD তে esophageal variceal bleeding prevent করার জন্যে আমরা কোন drug টা prophylactic হিসেবে use করি?
উত্তর হলো, Propranolol. এর পেছনের কারণ/conception টা আপনাকে শিখতে হবে এই 5th year এই ইনশা আল্লাহ। 

🔴 CLD তে দুটো important syndrome হয়। একটা হলো Hepatopulmonary syndrome আরেকটা Hepatorenal syndrome. কেন হয়? কিভাবে হয়?
এর পেছনের কারণ/conception টা আপনাকে শিখতে হবে এই 5th year এই ইনশা আল্লাহ। 

🔴 IBD তে body তে দুইধরণের stone হওয়ার ঝুঁকি বেড়ে যায়। কি কি?
উত্তর হলো, Renal stone & Gallstone.
এর পেছনের কারণ/conception টা আপনাকে শিখতে হবে এই 5th year এই ইনশা আল্লাহ। 

মনে রাখবেন, FCPS এর preparation সময় শুধু "কী" এর উত্তর জানতে জানতেই আপনার সময় শেষ হয়ে যাবে।
"কেন" এর উত্তর আর জানার সুযোগ  পাওয়া যায়না। আর তাই পড়াগুলো আমাদের মনেও থাকেনা।

আমরা আলহামদুলিল্লাহ,  ঠিক এই জায়গাটাতে কাজ করতে চাই ইনশা আল্লাহ। এই conception টা শুধু 5th year, final prof কিংবা FCPS part-1 exam এ না, এটা আপনার সারা জীবনের একটা achievement ইনশা আল্লাহ।  আল্লাহ তায়ালা আমাদের পথ সহজ করুক, আমাদেরকে উপকারি জ্ঞান দান করুক, আমীন।

🔴 Davidson's 120 diseases এর mentor আমাদের প্রিয় Dr.M R Sifat ভাইয়া।
For details: https://mediversebd.com/courses/65843ef946d5a9b196300b60
🔴 Feel the MEDICINE এর mentor আমি, Dr.Muhammad Mosleh Uddin, আলহামদুলিল্লাহ। 
For course details: https://mediversebd.com/courses/66b7327039f7019ae38afba0
Demo classes:

দুটো course এ শুধু একটাই difference, সেটা হলো mentor. আপনার কাছে যেই mentor এর পড়ানোর style ভালো লাগে আপনি সেটাই enrol করতে পারেন ইনশা আল্লাহ।  যেকোন একটা course enrol করলেই হবে ইনশা আল্লাহ। 

🔴 দুটো course এই 25% discount চলছে 10th February পর্যন্ত ইনশা আল্লাহ। 
So,Let's confirm your registration as soon as possible ইনশা আল্লাহ।

08 Mar, 05:57